The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Bahamut
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user: blacksoul
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By Bahamut.Darksouls 2016-08-09 01:00:20
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No problem!Thanks for the great input! I didn't play COR until recently and really love how versatile it is.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
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By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-08-10 17:03:09
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I've looked back about 10 pages and only found Afania's sets but I was just wondering if anyone has sets to use for COR. I'm gearing up my mule, can assume it has access to everything except RME (will have fomalhaut) and HQ abjuration stuff.

Most interested in:

Melee TP DW (I assume it looks a lot like every other light job)
Melee TP single hand
Savage Blade
Leaden Salute
Last Stand
Quick Draw
Phantom Roll
By Afania 2016-08-10 17:17:33
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Fenrir.Ramzus said: »
I've looked back about 10 pages and only found Afania's sets but I was just wondering if anyone has sets to use for COR. I'm gearing up my mule, can assume it has access to everything except RME (will have fomalhaut) and HQ abjuration stuff.

Most interested in:

Melee TP DW (I assume it looks a lot like every other light job)
Melee TP single hand
Savage Blade
Leaden Salute
Last Stand
Quick Draw
Phantom Roll

My item set under my profile has every set you list above. Asides from 8 pieces of hq, woc earring and super herc augment, I believe my DD sets are 85% complete and quite close to top tier.

I tried to spreadsheet melee DW sets but keep getting varied result depending on ws used, other slots of gears, and targets. In other words I've yet to find a by all end all DW tp set that wins in every situation... yet. For example I found that DW two oat weapon could pull ahead for leaden, and favors stp a bit more than DA accessories. Once I use stp accessories in certain slot it favors DA earring... the list goes on.

I took a break from FFXI, so it's unlikely to update new sets in near future. But my item sets should at least provide some general guidelines to anyone gearing up and looking for directions, even though it's not absolute BiS everything.

Edit: oh and btw, if you want to help with spreadsheet updating volunteers you are welcomed Ramzus!

Edit2:WF set should have higher priority than evi imo.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-08-10 17:23:44
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I already had sets made for a couple of those so posting them here:

Quick Draw:
ItemSet 341796

If you're not doing QD for your own damage, then Blood Mask and Mirke Wardecors with QD Delay- augments are better.

ItemSet 342723

High Mab and WSD on herc

Last Stand:
ItemSet 344409

AGI, ratk, wsd on herc

ItemSet 342725

+2 gloves are 1 second better than ilvl 119 gloves.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-08-10 20:08:55
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Thanks guys. Any idea on what the best combination for melee weapons was? I was thinking either 2x Blurred Knife +1, Demersal +1/Blurred +1, or Demersal +1/Demersal. I think I like sword main hand for Savage Blade access when Last Stand isn't viable
By Afania 2016-08-10 20:57:48
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Fenrir.Ramzus said: »
Thanks guys. Any idea on what the best combination for melee weapons was? I was thinking either 2x Blurred Knife +1, Demersal +1/Blurred +1, or Demersal +1/Demersal. I think I like sword main hand for Savage Blade access when Last Stand isn't viable

Since you want sword mainhand, just checked spreadsheet, capped acc and old pdif cap(I don't know how to change that). Sub NIN and capped haste. Everything NQ abj, herc has same amount of WSD augment as the set I'm using(I think any higher would be not so realistic to get...)

Fettering/Blurred +1:

Tp set:

WS set:

Degen +1/blurred +1:

Tp set(Changed brutal to stp earring due to higher dps):

Ws set:

Seems like fettering/OAT build is still better than degen main hand, unless I'm missing some stp gear that allows degen main hand build to pull ahead.

Edit: Or unless you're doing both savage+ last stand for SC without changing weapon, in that case maybe degen mainhand would win.

Edit2: If only using last stand then blurred+1/Blurred +1 if using DW sub.
By Afania 2016-08-10 21:59:41
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Nocki said: »
If you're not doing QD for your own damage, then Blood Mask and Mirke Wardecors with QD Delay- augments are better.

Just want to chime in and say always QD in recast- gears unless doing chain QD with random deal/WC/super revit.

Decided to look into the QD DD gear choice a bit more. Unless SE change something I think the recast is still 35 sec max if I remember correctly?

Body is often more ideal choice to keep because often it's easier to get more mab from herc head+ mirke combo, harder to get higher mab from blood mask+ carmine or herc body combo.

Assuming 275 MAB, doomsday+ Animikii(720 base dmg), 20% day+ weather bonus, neutral target mdb.

720x3.75x1.2=3240, with 35 recast it's 92 dmg/sec 27450 dmg in 5 min.

If removing mirke for perfect herc body(50 mab) for 321 mab total:
720x4.21x1.2=3637, with 40 recast it's 90 dmg/sec, 27277 dmg in 5 min.

Seems like even with 50 mab aug herc gears, recast gear still wins.

Also decided to look into 2/5 119 AF3 QD set for set bonus in high mab buff situations when using 119 AF3 feet to boost BLM nuke dmg, since QD in AF3 feet for BLM is already sacrificing QD dmg from losing mab feet slot, may as well remove mab legs gear slot for a chance to proc triple dmg.

In the end I found that 2/5 AF3 QD set needs 4% proc rate to beat 1/5 AF3 QD set with my current herc augment. Since I don't think 2/5 AF3 set bonus proc rate hits 4%(does it? XD), gonna stick with 1/5 instead.

But 2/5 AF3 is probably worth look into for those without high end MAB herc augment when pt with BLMs.

Edit: Managed to add even more buff and better gun ammo choice, and push QD avg to 15.5~16.5k, 2/5 AF3 ended up beating 1/5 with 3% proc rate.

Guess higher buff or using low end herc aug both favors 2/5 AF3 in QD set more.
Posts: 3
By kc090 2016-08-10 23:26:53
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Does someone have a decent COR GS laying around? I've looked around but mostly what I've found hasn't been updated in a long while, or missing stuff like cycle modes. Don't mind a barebones, no sets build so long as the basics of the rules are written out, I'm not too good at that with gs ~_~
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2016-08-11 00:21:02
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You can give mine a shot: COR Lua

- based off mote's includes,
- qd cycler with main/alt shot selection,
- auto haste/dw states,
- updated gear.
Posts: 10
By Fuuki 2016-08-11 03:15:41
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Camulus's Mantle for Leaden Salute I currently have: AGI / Mag. Acc /Mag. Dmg 20 / Weaponskill damage +10%.

For the Dye augment, should I go for more AGI, Magic Dmg or Macc?
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-08-11 03:24:27
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-08-11 03:24:28
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Fuuki said: »
Camulus's Mantle for Leaden Salute I currently have: AGI / Mag. Acc /Mag. Dmg 20 / Weaponskill damage +10%.

For the Dye augment, should I go for more AGI, Magic Dmg or Macc?

Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2016-08-11 08:49:31
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Brand new COR here. Trying to clear up some misconceptions I have. Looked all through this thread and Reddit but a few things are not clear cut for me:

1. Why AGI over MAB or INT for LS? From what I understand MAC is not needed because magic weaponskills have near capped accuracy for anything I would attempt and its damage is based on magic attack. If this is the case why would the modifier be AGI over MAB (and subsequently INT)? I think I even read in this thread that some weren't sure it was a modifier. Little confused on this.

2. What's the deal with Savage Blade and why is such an old school WS showing up in builds? Especially one with stat modifiers that relate nothing to a CORs natural stats. Also, if it is so powerful why wouldn't I use it on RDM too instead of CDC? I am well geared but can't bust off anything near the numbers I have seen with CORs and SB on YouTube.

3. On the lines of SB why would I be using this on any relevant content over a ranged approach? I feel like COR would have much more and easier access to RAC and rapid shot (or whatever the haste stat is) over ACC, DW, and STP. But maybe I'm wrong. And isn't most endgame content suited for a ranged approach? Would my dmg be that much more significantly higher (and worth the risk of taking more damage) up close with a high melee SB build over a ranged LS build? Or is SB just for easier content like Ambuscade and Zitah?

Hopefully this can be cleared up for me so I know what gear to focus on as a fresh 99.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-11 08:56:41
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Weapon skills have specific modifiers. For Leaden it's agi and as it's magical in nature mab increases its damage too. Int does absolutely nothing for a ws that doesn't have an int mod itself.

Leaving strats alone(I'm not going to comment on those so just adapt to what your group does), in general melee has a higher dmg output than ranged if it's safe to be close. Plus you can also use a melee tp build and then use Leaden/Last stand/Wf as ws(you don't really lose anything since you're unlikely to be at sweet spot even when shooting..)
Savage it's become a very good ws ever since it was updated a couple years ago.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-08-11 09:10:30
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an important part of savage's return to prominence is it's strong ftp scaling, since the magian TP bonus equipment is character-wide, you can use a trial 2658+ anarchy and a moonshade earring to have 1250 tp bonus on your melee ws
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2016-08-11 10:01:06
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jobs with access to CDC use it because they can get similar numbers at 1k tp and it self SC light, savage blade is very powerful if you get more TP or use tp bonus gear. I can't remember where it is but IIRC rAnged magic WSs not only are modified by agi but they use the agi check like melee Magic WSs use the Int check. Magic acc is important because high lvl NMs have high magic evasion (same reason we use get for them).

also, last stand usualy underperformes savage blade and meleeing for tp allows you to utilize DA TA QA for increase tp flow where as ranged only have triple shot for 3 mins every 5 mins.

Magic WSs are not effected by distance modifier so meleeing for tp and WF or Salute is a good way to DD.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2016-08-11 10:38:00
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Ranged WS also got kinda dicked on the recent ratio changes, which puts them farther behind.

2. What's the deal with Savage Blade and why is such an old school WS showing up in builds? Especially one with stat modifiers that relate nothing to a CORs natural stats.

That's not really a thing. The percentage difference in +damage from WSCs for jobs that can wear the same gear has never been smaller.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tyalangan
Posts: 17
By Cerberus.Lemuel 2016-08-11 11:55:51
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Great feedback all! Thanks for the responses.
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Weapon skills have specific modifiers. For Leaden it's agi and as it's magical in nature mab increases its damage too. Int does absolutely nothing for a ws that doesn't have an int mod itself.

Okay, so I guess even though INT normally increases magic damage it only does so with spells (unless there is a WS modifier)?

Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
an important part of savage's return to prominence is it's strong ftp scaling, since the magian TP bonus equipment is character-wide, you can use a trial 2658+ anarchy and a moonshade earring to have 1250 tp bonus on your melee ws

So, with savage blade finishing WotG is a must, I assume?

Shiva.Eightball said: »
Magic WSs are not effected by distance modifier so meleeing for tp and WF or Salute is a good way to DD.

Okay, yes I think I recall reading this. So, depending on the mob I can just melee tp and decide from there if I want to SB or LS/WF?

This all brings up another question for ranged weaponskills. Is it a good rule of thumb to default to LS then decide based on mob weakness if you should use LS or WF(darkness or fire weakness)? Or does self SCing with WF darkness surpass the lack of self SC with LS? (Since I am brand new to COR there could be some fallacies in my logic as Kyte pointed out)
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-11 11:59:32
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Leaden is superior to WF. Really you only want to use wf if the mob is specifically weak to fire and resistant to darkness, otherwise it's not good enough compared to both Leaden and physical ws.

TP bonus Moonshade is a great equipment piece for nearly anyone, I'd recommend it anyway. You can use it on Leaden too.
By Afania 2016-08-11 12:01:26
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tyalangan said: »
3. On the lines of SB why would I be using this on any relevant content over a ranged approach? I feel like COR would have much more and easier access to RAC and rapid shot (or whatever the haste stat is) over ACC, DW, and STP. But maybe I'm wrong. And isn't most endgame content suited for a ranged approach? Would my dmg be that much more significantly higher (and worth the risk of taking more damage) up close with a high melee SB build over a ranged LS build? Or is SB just for easier content like Ambuscade and Zitah?

COR does have access to higher racc than Melee acc. Whether you should melee or ranged depending on the nature of NM though. Some NM are more suitable for melee some does not. NM with terrible aoe= ranged strat usually.

Melee generally TP faster, and doesn't have to rely on triple shot proc to make SC. Haste is usually not an issue if you invite jobs that can haste you. However you are correct that ranged strat is better on T3+ because of aoe and evasion. I haven't play since NM evasion reduction though, so I'm not sure how viable for cor to melee on reisen T3 though.

You mentioned something about COR having higher AGI stat, but SB has 2 mod(STR and MND) thus you probably get more wsc for SB thanks to stat vomit on gears. If I remember correctly my SB set has 100+(or 150?)more WSC than last stand set because most of my gears has both STR and MND and they add up. Thus COR natural AGI stat is irrelevant because stat from gears > all.

Pure ws avg wise, my SB often avg higher than last stand by roughly 4k+ on T1 with similar buffs. But SB set is a bit better with 8% more wsd aug. However last stand generates light by itself and can be multi step into radiance with Fomalhaut. While SB can't self light with TP bonus magian(due to the lack of racc to open SC) and use any other gun drops SB avg significantly. Thus I only use it when NM doesn't take good sc dmg or if someone else opens SC.

To sum up, last stand dmg suck compare with SB especially if you don't have high attack buffs. Skill chain, distance safety, piercing bonus are the only situation that it becomes preferred physical ws. In FFXI everything is situational, there are no by all end all best ws or playstyle in all situations. Understand the NM property and plan out the most effective way to DPS is, IMHO, key to play DD COR really well. And that's what seperates good DD cor with bad ones, IMO.

Edit: Also since you asked about why RDM isn't using Savage I may as well reply here, out of all jobs that can use Savage blade, only WAR and COR has access to enough tp bonus to make Savage worth using unless I'm missing something on other jobs.
By Afania 2016-08-11 12:10:28
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Cerberus.Lemuel said: »

Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
an important part of savage's return to prominence is it's strong ftp scaling, since the magian TP bonus equipment is character-wide, you can use a trial 2658+ anarchy and a moonshade earring to have 1250 tp bonus on your melee ws

So, with savage blade finishing WotG is a must, I assume?

Shiva.Eightball said: »
Magic WSs are not effected by distance modifier so meleeing for tp and WF or Salute is a good way to DD.

Okay, yes I think I recall reading this. So, depending on the mob I can just melee tp and decide from there if I want to SB or LS/WF?

This all brings up another question for ranged weaponskills. Is it a good rule of thumb to default to LS then decide based on mob weakness if you should use LS or WF(darkness or fire weakness)? Or does self SCing with WF darkness surpass the lack of self SC with LS? (Since I am brand new to COR there could be some fallacies in my logic as Kyte pointed out)

I did math pages ago, assuming no special resistance on both, yes self dark SC with WF does generate more dmg than leaden spam at 1000 tp and no SC IF you use a SJ with sc bonus such as dnc, AND used fireshot for extra 25% boost, with my sets at least. Thus it's technically possible to do that.

But in reality it really depend on what gear you have. If arma III or doomsday is your only weapon then I can see it's possible to boost dps higher when fire shot up and use wf wf to close big fat darkness instead, then switch to leaden when fire shot is down.

But if you have dp then using dp for wf is pretty much dps lose thus it's probably still more ideal to spam leaden.

Obviously it works better if your wf set is way stronger than leaden set.

Again, everything is situational, no by all end all most optimal way to dps in FFXI 2016 XD.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2016-08-11 12:15:10
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while Salute can't make a SC with itself it can close darkness from some WSs and more importantly from a Distortion SC, having a sch or samurai open distortions for you to close with high tp Salute is often a devastating combination, I used this strategy for CPing on cor, PLD GEO SAM BLM BLM COR in this particular pt the blms fell asleep because 45 mins or so strait of not nuking because Salute +SC killed the mob( would lose flow evey now and then because my Salute got a resist >< ).
By Afania 2016-08-11 12:27:54
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
while Salute can't make a SC with itself it can close darkness from some WSs and more importantly from a Distortion SC, having a sch or samurai open distortions for you to close with high tp Salute is often a devastating combination, I used this strategy for CPing on cor, PLD GEO SAM BLM BLM COR in this particular pt the blms fell asleep because 45 mins or so strait of not nuking because Salute +SC killed the mob( would lose flow evey now and then because my Salute got a resist >< ).

Also just FYI to those new to endgame, this strat can kill many NM including high lv ones like Neak, in less than a min. 2 3k tp leaden darkness kills it with 4 to 5 ppl in pt.
Posts: 229
By Bahadir 2016-08-11 13:00:26
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How do Light/Dark Shot work to enhance elemental dmg exactly? I know the shot "has to land" for the added dmg. But does it mean for Dark Shot for example that the dispel has to land or is it enough to enhance a spell, say Bio?
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-11 13:10:16
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If you get the message "miss" the effect of the boots landed even though sleep/dispel didn't. If you get "no effect" then nothing happened.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-08-11 13:12:57
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they meant for enhancing dark damage(death) with af3 boots

does a miss that enhances bio trigger it, or not

pretty sure it doesn't, but i haven't personally tested
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-11 13:14:58
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Sorry I have no idea about how Death works.
Posts: 229
By Bahadir 2016-08-11 13:18:40
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
If you get the message "miss" the effect of the boots landed even though sleep/dispel didn't. If you get "no effect" then nothing happened.

So you could /Rdm, cast bio and then dark shot to enhance Leaden?
By Afania 2016-08-11 14:11:50
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Bahadir said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
If you get the message "miss" the effect of the boots landed even though sleep/dispel didn't. If you get "no effect" then nothing happened.

So you could /Rdm, cast bio and then dark shot to enhance Leaden?

No, NM needs to have dispelable buff to get dark dmg boost from dark shot. If NM has no buffs to dispel you cant boost leaden and death.

No idea if you can get bio 4 without landing dispel though, never test that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Chroph
Posts: 17
By Asura.Faloun 2016-08-13 13:24:10
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You can't dispel bio, it's a debuff not a buff
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