The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-06-13 22:57:12
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Kilij will likely be alchemy, and will hopefully be at least somewhat bearable to skill up on... tbh I don't see why else they added it aside from making something for crafter skillups. It's a really odd weapon and is added at a rather odd time.

There does seem to be at least one new item that each of the different crafts can make.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: AkiKrylon
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By Quetzalcoatl.Krylon 2012-06-14 07:16:27
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Thanks for the responses Pro/everyone else...

On another note:

Enif Cosciales
DEF:49 HP+40 MP+40
Accuracy+6 Attack+6
Enhances "Fast Cast" effect

Thaumas Kecks > Enif Cosciales > Mavi Tayt +2 for TP set?

Wondering if I should shoot for these while I wait for me and my buddies to put together a decent Neo-Nyzul group.
Server: Cerberus
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user: kvazz
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By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-06-14 07:30:45
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Athos legs + feet for tp set if you don't have Thaumas I think
Server: Leviathan
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user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-06-16 01:49:56
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Awesome new pieces, Chelona gear!

Server: Ramuh
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user: Rocketpop
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By Ramuh.Laffter 2012-06-16 02:07:39
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Best hat for Sanguine Blade :o
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Seha
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By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-06-16 03:57:18
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Blu got quite a bit of good stuff in this update :c *jelly*
Server: Leviathan
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user: Empyreon
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By Leviathan.Empyreon 2012-06-16 04:09:20
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Chelona looking sexy. ^^
Server: Leviathan
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user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-06-16 04:37:16
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lol they posted it on last page, shows how much I look through stuff.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cantontai
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By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-06-17 04:40:33
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Until I can get Thaumas Gloves, are Ocelot Gloves an acceptable sub or are Dusk Gloves +1 way ahead? I am not sure where I can find the precise haste values for my gear (TPing in Mavi Mintan+2, O Gloves, Athos Boots, Mavi Tayt +2, NQ Ocelomeh Hat, Twilight for haste currently) so I'm not sure if the dusk gloves are a must-spend-gil vs something like Tjukurrpa Medal for QC or Rancor Collar.
Posts: 235
By amadis 2012-06-17 07:04:38
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Firstly i would just like to say thank you for a very helpfull guide.
Last night i obtained Transitory Abjuration: Legs and i am wondering if Kheper Kecks/Khepri Kecks are very good for CDC.

Kheper kecks
DEF:48 STR+9 DEX+9 Attack+7 Evasion+2 "Subtle Blow"+5

Khepri kecks
DEF:49 STR+12 DEX+12 Attack+10 Evasion+5 "Subtle Blow"+8

This is what i currently use

I have not been able to commit to a NN static because i have been doing a assault static with my LS. I have been making shout partys to obtain Athos's legs and hands but had no luck (i only have boots so far ; ;) My aim was to get Athos's hands and legs for CDC and keep Kacura +1 boots.
I realise at this stage getting the -1 of hexed kecks is going to be near imposible so i will have to settle for Kheper kecks. It seems these will definaly beat tumbler trunks that i am useing atm but will they be beaten by Athos's hands/legs combo as i was planning? or would it be best to use kecks + Athos hands & feet? or should I just not bother with this abjuration and wait untill i can get Thaumas gear?
Posts: 17
By Yozo 2012-06-17 09:24:34
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Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
Until I can get Thaumas Gloves, are Ocelot Gloves an acceptable sub or are Dusk Gloves +1 way ahead? I am not sure where I can find the precise haste values for my gear (TPing in Mavi Mintan+2, O Gloves, Athos Boots, Mavi Tayt +2, NQ Ocelomeh Hat, Twilight for haste currently) so I'm not sure if the dusk gloves are a must-spend-gil vs something like Tjukurrpa Medal for QC or Rancor Collar.

You should be at Haste cap at 26% gear haste, if that's what you're worried about. At this point Dusk+1 wouldn't necessarily be must-spend unless you end up switching gear around; I'd go ahead and buy that Rancor Collar since the dps boost is huge if you're not worried about getting one-shot and is so versatile.

@Amadis: Pre-NN, I think the optimal setup was Athos's Hands/Legs/Kacura+1 feet. But the numbers for comparison:

Athos's Gloves + Tights + Kacura+1 Leggings:
+13 STR
+17 DEX
+5% Crit Rate
+4% Increased Critical Hit Damage

Athos's Gloves + Boots, Kheper Kecks
+16 STR
+19 DEX
+10 Attack
+5 Accuracy
+3% Crit Rate

It's close, and I'm lazy atm. My gut says option A would be fine for now unless you score HQ. Anyone want to math it out?!
Server: Sylph
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user: Staleyx
Posts: 269
By Sylph.Staleyx 2012-06-17 09:47:28
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Amadis, never settle for NQ'n any abjuration. Unless you can get the same abj over and over, or with little effort.
Posts: 235
By amadis 2012-06-17 13:57:31
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I would never settle for any abjuration of the cursed gear but hexed abjurations on my server are hard to come by. Hexed kecks have only ever been in the AH once, that was over a month ago and they sold for 2mil. I had a quick look at the materials used to make them and it seems they would cost over 2.5mil to make with the price of Penelope's Cloth. If i wanted to make the kecks I would definatly need to find a crafter to make them and i wouldent be prepared to pay for materials and pay a crafter over and over again in hope of getting -1 as the HQ rate is probably low until the synergy cap is raised again.
Server: Hades
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user: Sirseiko
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By Hades.Triet 2012-06-18 00:14:46
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I have a couple questions. Is it worth it to +2 BLU AF2 head for the extra +2 Blue Magic Skill and the +5 STR? If so, what would it really be used for?
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-06-18 00:24:27
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The NQ kecks aren't worth the money. Hold onto the abjuration.

@Triet: Whether it's worth it or not is up to you, relic armor isn't amazingly expensive to upgrade. It's an upgrade/a sidegrade for most physical blue magic spells.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cantontai
Posts: 1008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-06-20 15:34:21
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Which atmacite are good for Voidwatch procing, and which for DDing?
Server: Remora
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user: Arucaurd
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By Remora.Brain 2012-06-22 15:38:40
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I know this is a silly question, I'm just now being introduced to windower's "infinite macros" for gear swaps, but is there a lag on gear/spell/gear swaps?

For example If I macro:

/equip body "Mavi Mintan +2"
/ma "Heavy Strike" <t>
/equip **** "REal Gear"

Would I get the benefit of both or would there be a slight lag and I'd miss out on something?
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Seha
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By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-06-22 15:42:34
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You mean you want to benefit from the casting time from Mavi and the damage modifier from another body? In that case you'd have to put a wait if you don't use spellcast. Something like
/equip body "Mavi Mintan +2" <wait 0.5>
/equip body "Damage body"
/ma "Heavy strike" <t>
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-06-22 15:53:54
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Ramuh.Laffter said: »
Best hat for Sanguine Blade :o

Wouldn't Thaumas win out? STR is a modifier for Sanguine Blade.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Rocketpop
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By Ramuh.Laffter 2012-06-22 16:07:14
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Ramuh.Laffter said: »
Best hat for Sanguine Blade :o

Wouldn't Thaumas win out? STR is a modifier for Sanguine Blade.
INT has a huge impact despite not being an actual modifier. MND is also a modifier, as well as MAB.

Not sure if the -STR is a problem though, someone would have to test it (not me, I'm broke D:).

Went and looked at Thaumas Hat, I'm fairly certain the MND and INT will more than make up for the -STR on Chelona. I can say confidently that Chelona hat beats Thaumas.

30% STR / 50% MND
fINT is (Your INT-Target INT)*2 (Doubled and does not cap, unlike most Magical Weapon Skills)
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-06-22 16:28:32
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Chelona +1 wins by 3~5%
Posts: 657
By Gimp 2012-06-22 17:17:48
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Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
Which atmacite are good for Voidwatch procing, and which for DDing?

^ or has it been covered already?
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-06-22 17:25:24
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DD atmacite are good for proccing, Deluges + Coercion + Tropics, Deluges + Coercion + Valiant for uncapped hitrate.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: AkiKrylon
Posts: 232
By Quetzalcoatl.Krylon 2012-06-26 14:12:21
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(potentially) Noob question

Is there a reason why Mirage Hands + 2 aren't listed as possible swaps for CDC? The 8 DEX has to be good at least in a situation where Myrmex/Kacura +1 isn't available.

In the case of Kacura... 5Dex and 2 Crit Hit Rate > 8 DEX? I'd say (again, this is my assumption) that its got to be pretty close at least.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Rocketpop
Posts: 11972
By Ramuh.Laffter 2012-06-26 14:14:24
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Quetzalcoatl.Krylon said: »
(potentially) Noob question

Is there a reason why Mirage Hands + 2 aren't listed as possible swaps for CDC? The 8 DEX has to be good at least in a situation where Myrmex/Kacura +1 isn't available.

In the case of Kacura... 5Dex and 2 Crit Hit Rate > 8 DEX? I'd say (again, this is my assumption) that is got to be pretty close.
Crit rate is great for CdC, I would imagine it's worth more than the extra 3 DEX. But I agree that they are an alternative (I use them in my set).
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-06-28 21:02:36
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They're an alternative yes, however the 2% crit rate is pretty good since Mirage don't really offer anything else.
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2012-07-07 11:26:54
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So I'm in the middle of trying to condense my inventory to allow room for at least 2 defensive gear sets to be carried with me at all times (usually EVA+MDT or PDT+MDT) and was wondering, if only allowed to carry one, would Tjukurrpa Medal or Ire Torque +1 be better?

Edit: Thinking about it a little more, I'm pretty sure Ire Torque? <_<
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cantontai
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By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-07-07 23:40:18
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
So I'm in the middle of trying to condense my inventory to allow room for at least 2 defensive gear sets to be carried with me at all times (usually EVA+MDT or PDT+MDT) and was wondering, if only allowed to carry one, would Tjukurrpa Medal or Ire Torque +1 be better?

Edit: Thinking about it a little more, I'm pretty sure Ire Torque? <_<

Bump. Curious to know as well.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-07 23:47:30
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Medal makes a larger impact over time compared to ire +1 given the frequency that you'll be using STR/VIT spells and how relatively impotent 1STR is.
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