The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2025-02-09 02:37:18
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Godfry said: »
I just wanna say I am glad SimonSes is back...

"Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej" :P
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1823
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-09 12:05:48
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Shichishito said: »
Wonder how BLU would do on a Triboulex route since BLU has some decent light based spells to rotate and I read light spells reduce setting the stage damage.

In order to live through it, you pretty much have to have a dedicated person spam dia the entire 3 minutes. At least that's what happened the 1 time we attempted it and succeeded. And you have to keep doing it every time he does the move. So I don't think G is solo friendly.
Posts: 142
By Ovalidal 2025-02-16 06:58:32
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Does anyone know much about the player, Saltion? I may have the wrong player name, but it's the JP player in Shonut's group who apparently gets some crazy things out of BLU.

From a broken conversation I had with a JP player over g-translate, it sounded like Saltion does for BLU what Papesse does for SMN. Can anyone confirm or debunk this?
By Shichishito 2025-02-16 12:42:00
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Never heard of him.

Ovalidal said: »
it sounded like Saltion does for BLU what Papesse does for SMN.
Like what? Pedicuring Cerberus nails?
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