The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 68
By Bahamut.Navius 2023-05-15 10:02:00
Also didn't see KOH burst at all, had to pull out Shantotto II. I was very inefficient with this strat to start out, need more practice to make it better. Took me 15 minutes futzing around figuring out how to do the magic kills as a /drg.
Sorry, I forgot to address this. I'm not sure what it's up with KoH, he's typically very consistent with bursting for me. I usually do Black Halo > Realmrazer (Light), he bursts Firaga, and then I finish with another Black Halo to kill (this is on skeletons). I think a couple times I've had him run out of MP, but I just used Burst Affinity and Azure Lore to finish up. As for Shantotto II, I've used her before too, she's also very consistent with bursting, but I already have KoH out and Shantotto interrupts my skillchains much more often, so I typically don't use her. However if that works better for you, then go for it.
As an aside, you can reverse the skillchain order, Realmrazer > Black Halo (Light), for quick kills if you're trying to get that blue chest on C.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Quetzalcoatl.Enz 2023-05-15 12:53:55
Oh you switched to club, that might be why! I was doing svg > expiacion. That makes more sense tho, thanks! Also I assume that you do your sortie magic set first and then switch to sortie dd magic set and keep it for the rest of the time?
I don't have nyame r20 yet, but I do have a good ws set. I'll give it another shot.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 68
By Bahamut.Navius 2023-05-15 18:01:11
Oops, yeah, forgot to mention that. I switch to Maxentius / Thibron for Light skillchains when doing the C objectives because skeles are weak to blunt damage (and light).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2023-05-20 10:05:38
Wanted to make a single set that was an easy all in one set for spamming Reaving Wind/Feather Tickle. Spell focus is only casting these 2 spells & stacking defense. Feedback is appreciated.
70% True Fast Cast with Spell Set
80% Recast with Spell Set
High Magic Accuracy
High Meva & High Def
Over capped DT & MDT
-TP spell every ~8s
Spell cast time ~1s
ItemSet 391310
Blue Spell Set:
-TP: Reaving Wind, Feather Tickle.
Set Points 7
Dual Wield: Molting Plumage.
Set Points 8
Magic Accuracy: Tenebral Crush.
Set Points 8
Magic Evasion: Blinding Fulgor.
Set Points 8
Magic Defense: Scouring Spate, Rending Deluge.
Set Points 14
Defense Bonus: Entomb, Atra. Libations.
Set Points 14
Fast Cast: Erratic Flutter, Wind Breath, Auroral Drape, Sub-zero Smash, Bad Breath.
Set Points 21
Total Set Points: 80 (edited)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Ragnarok.Primex 2023-05-21 10:24:04
Keep losing my saved Azure sets whenever I log off.
I saved them. confirmed they are there. recalled them. equiped. everything kosher and gravy. log on, all sets gone. confirmed by checking list of saved sets.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-05-21 11:25:04
Keep losing my saved Azure sets whenever I log off.
I saved them. confirmed they are there. recalled them. equiped. everything kosher and gravy. log on, all sets gone. confirmed by checking list of saved sets.
Data file / folder set to read only?
Game running as admin?
By Blazed1979 2023-05-21 11:55:47
oh snap. i'll check. do I manually run windower as admin each time?
XI installed on my Nvme.2 woudn't be the issue would it?
By Tathamet 2023-05-21 17:10:10
Blue Spell Set:
-TP: Reaving Wind, Feather Tickle.
Set Points 7
Dual Wield: Molting Plumage.
Set Points 8
Magic Accuracy: Tenebral Crush.
Set Points 8
Magic Evasion: Blinding Fulgor.
Set Points 8
Magic Defense: Scouring Spate, Rending Deluge.
Set Points 14
Defense Bonus: Entomb, Atra. Libations.
Set Points 14
Fast Cast: Erratic Flutter, Wind Breath, Auroral Drape, Sub-zero Smash, Bad Breath.
Set Points 21
Total Set Points: 80 (edited)[/spoiler]
If it makes a difference- that's only 78 points. Molting is 6, not 8. Add in cocoon maybe? Not sure what would be most efficient.
By Jetackuu 2023-05-21 17:21:36
Keep losing my saved Azure sets whenever I log off.
I saved them. confirmed they are there. recalled them. equiped. everything kosher and gravy. log on, all sets gone. confirmed by checking list of saved sets.
Data file / folder set to read only?
Game running as admin? Shouldn't be doing this. Fix your folder permissions...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2023-05-21 22:25:25
Blue Spell Set:
-TP: Reaving Wind, Feather Tickle.
Set Points 7
Dual Wield: Molting Plumage.
Set Points 8
Magic Accuracy: Tenebral Crush.
Set Points 8
Magic Evasion: Blinding Fulgor.
Set Points 8
Magic Defense: Scouring Spate, Rending Deluge.
Set Points 14
Defense Bonus: Entomb, Atra. Libations.
Set Points 14
Fast Cast: Erratic Flutter, Wind Breath, Auroral Drape, Sub-zero Smash, Bad Breath.
Set Points 21
Total Set Points: 80 (edited)[/spoiler]
If it makes a difference- that's only 78 points. Molting is 6, not 8. Add in cocoon maybe? Not sure what would be most efficient.
Aye, Cocoon, Metallic Body? Trying to think of another 1 pointer worth it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Ragnarok.Primex 2023-05-22 08:27:30
Keep losing my saved Azure sets whenever I log off.
I saved them. confirmed they are there. recalled them. equiped. everything kosher and gravy. log on, all sets gone. confirmed by checking list of saved sets.
Data file / folder set to read only?
Game running as admin? Shouldn't be doing this. Fix your folder permissions... Behold, this cyber peasant, naught but a fledgling in the vast land of Windows, shall boldly endeavor to rise above his digital innocence ignorance, armed with nothing but sheer will and a questionable search history!
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-05-25 16:24:02
So I'm not going to add TVR rings to any sets since everyone will choose different ones and it'd be pointless. Instead I've added a small section at the bottom of the armor section talking about each of them. As I mentioned in there you really shouldn't pick a ring based on a single job but if you want to pick one for BLU in particular I'd personally order them like this:
Ephramad = Lehko > Medada > Cornelia >>> Fickblix >>>> Gurebu-Orebu=Ragelise
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10293
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-25 16:31:11
Speaking of which, have you tested how Cornelia compares to other options for stuff like Sanguine Blade and Savage Blade?
Cornelia+Archon for Sanguine I guess?
Cornelia+MetamorphR15 for Savage?
I'm getting Epaminonda slightly above Meta on the Spreadsheet but I'm unconvinced by this result.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-05-25 16:34:37
Nah I haven't done any full math on those kinds of things. Epa beating metamorph+1 for savage wouldn't be surpising but the difference isn't going to be big.
What I'd say with confidence is that Ephramad is a good enough ring to use on Expiacion with or without capped attack. 20atk 10str 10dex is big for a ring on a job that can't already use Regal.
All of these "best" choices (besides arguably Medada) are just minor bonuses that only truly matter if you are min maxing to a degree that I don't think is worthwhile. It's one of the reasons I say that you shouldn't choose a ring based on one single job. I chose based on which ring benefits all of my jobs the most (and tbh I might switch to Medada anyway).
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2023-08-27 15:59:58
Are the spells: Reaving Wind and Feather Tickle considered magic damage type (+INT for bonus) or magic debuff type (+MND for bonus)?
Unsure which will perform better for this specific cape.
By fillerbunny9 2023-08-27 16:10:18
Are the spells: Reaving Wind and Feather Tickle considered magic damage type (+INT for bonus) or magic debuff type (+MND for bonus)?
Unsure which will perform better for this specific cape.
if you use Aurist's Cape, I would think it should perform better than Rosmerta's - M.Acc +33, INT/MND +33 vs M.Acc +20, INT or MND +30
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2023-08-27 16:13:05
Are the spells: Reaving Wind and Feather Tickle considered magic damage type (+INT for bonus) or magic debuff type (+MND for bonus)?
Unsure which will perform better for this specific cape.
if you use Aurist's Cape, I would think it should perform better than Rosmerta's - M.Acc +33, INT/MND +33 vs M.Acc +20, INT or MND +30
The Goal is to have 80% Fast Cast in miscast for max recast timer of 2715 secs; while maintaining capped DT and high defensive stats with as much magic accuracy as possible. The cape fill in voids allowing better gear choice.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-08-27 17:30:18
There's no reasonable way of knowing. I just use my normal mnd Macc fast cast cape for them. It's possible that tp erase doesn't even have a dSTAT, or it's an unconventional one like AGI.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2023-09-05 11:57:23
Been thinking, and sorry if it's a dumb question, still don't play blu as much as I used to so definitely not familiar with things.
Did the empy +2 specifically change anything in solo ody farm a/b? (since I have 0 startstones and another 2 jobs before blu for +3 priority can't consider +3).
I ask cause my ody static died, I don't like going into pugs, not found another static yet and I was entertaining the idea of going blu aoe something for some gil since I hate THF keying chests but I recall it used to be cruel joke not nuking. Could you reasonably aoe things down with empy +2 or is still cruel joke and that's it?
Is it even worth upgrading to +2 just for this purpose? It it even worth it do go cruel joke things if this idea isn't any good compared to alternatives that are not pugging with people on asura?
By Pantafernando 2023-09-05 12:19:30
I would say its worth upgrading the empy for the defensive stats alone, given +2 isnt that better than amalric+1, minus head obviously. Head and body being 2 pieces there is no discussion to upgrade.
For a while i thought crueleaving as an alternative, but its too cumbersome imo. Mobs there hits like a truck even on tanks, leave alone a BLU. You gonna spend most of your time buffing prepull. And one interrupt, then you go straight to the floor.
In odyssey segments must be prioritized imo, unless youre capped on everything, so forming a proper party, then you are clearing one camp just slightly longer than crueleaving,
About money, There should be better ways to earn money like cleaving omen, dyna, sparks on mule, maybe conquest points from locus mobs. Ive not hearing much about this, but considering like 70% my shell are near full time in KRT, i guess they are making some money there.
By Taint 2023-09-05 12:59:05
I'd updated it for a serious blue, even at +2 the defensive stats really help with big pulls.
Once its +3 you can just leave it on for most every nuke.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3016
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-09-05 13:00:13
but considering like 70% my shell are near full time in KRT, i guess they are making some money there.
That's some cargo cult ***if I've ever seen it. Your LS are botting master levels, they're not making gil.
You can't cleave the mobs in Ody, they take -99% damage from aoe. You can still CJ them, and if you're in C it will probably be faster/more segs than meleeing them. In a group I ran with for a while, we had a BLU who would pull 2 packs at a time, sleep them, then CJ them. This was generally with 1 Mambo, however, so YMMV if you're truly solo. Bringing a BRD or COR mule will help quite a bit with efficiency.
BLU can absolutely tank the ***out of these mobs with a good evasion set, spell set, and food. Occultation is your friend, plus all the other buffs.
You might find it easier to just go in and melee stuff though. It will certainly be a lot less complicated. CJ also depends on luck, because if you get the wrong packs, or mobs in the wrong place, your efficiency can drop quite a bit. Still, with good luck and execution, I think he said he could solo around 5-7k segments in C solo (he did this when we weren't able to run)
By Endlesscc 2023-09-05 13:58:58
Sorry if I asked a questions that have been asked a million time but in 2023, is Tizona still worth it for a blu with Alamce/Naegling? I enjoy soloing harder content but I was told Rdm would be better off in 2023?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2023-09-05 14:02:41
Tizona is always worth it and is the best sword for BLU to have because it allows you to avoid MP issues and allows you to actually use your spells. I'd say that Almace isn't worth it and Naegling is only good if you're spamming SB for some reason.
By Nariont 2023-09-05 14:13:21
I enjoy soloing harder content but I was told Rdm would be better off in 2023?
Depends on the content really, sudden lunge is one of the most broken spells in the game when it works and id take that over just about anything rdm can provide. Otherwise they're good in different areas with rdm having some better survivability natively but blu can match/over take depending on the spells available
By Endlesscc 2023-09-05 14:21:19
Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »Tizona is always worth it and is the best sword for BLU to have because it allows you to avoid MP issues and allows you to actually use your spells. I'd say that Almace isn't worth it and Naegling is only good if you're spamming SB for some reason.
Ah good to know it is still the best.
I am guessing it is something that need to bring all the way to R15 and is Tizona pair well with Thibron? I have like 4000 alex before i quit before and I guess the upcoming NNI campaign would be decent for both Alex and also some mysterious item? (how how high of ilevel would tbe mysterious item goes?)
Thank you
By SimonSes 2023-09-05 15:56:00
Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »Tizona is always worth it and is the best sword for BLU to have because it allows you to avoid MP issues and allows you to actually use your spells. I'd say that Almace isn't worth it and Naegling is only good if you're spamming SB for some reason.
Ah good to know it is still the best.
I am guessing it is something that need to bring all the way to R15 and is Tizona pair well with Thibron? I have like 4000 alex before i quit before and I guess the upcoming NNI campaign would be decent for both Alex and also some mysterious item? (how how high of ilevel would tbe mysterious item goes?)
Thank you
Tizona/Thibron is both bis utility provided by Tizona and bis DPS with AM3 (not counting self skillchain scenario, because then Prime could maybe win)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2023-09-05 17:28:05
Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »Tizona is always worth it and is the best sword for BLU to have because it allows you to avoid MP issues and allows you to actually use your spells. I'd say that Almace isn't worth it and Naegling is only good if you're spamming SB for some reason.
Ah good to know it is still the best.
I am guessing it is something that need to bring all the way to R15 and is Tizona pair well with Thibron? I have like 4000 alex before i quit before and I guess the upcoming NNI campaign would be decent for both Alex and also some mysterious item? (how how high of ilevel would tbe mysterious item goes?)
Thank you
IMO, if you're making Tizona you should plan to afterglow and R15 it. Thib offhand really hurts ACC on higher tier content but the TP bonus is worth it. When I take BLU to dynamis, I hover around 89% ACC on wave 3, which includes hunters roll and madrigal. I think Sheol C floor 4 is similar.
By Endlesscc 2023-09-05 19:20:12
Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »Tizona is always worth it and is the best sword for BLU to have because it allows you to avoid MP issues and allows you to actually use your spells. I'd say that Almace isn't worth it and Naegling is only good if you're spamming SB for some reason.
Ah good to know it is still the best.
I am guessing it is something that need to bring all the way to R15 and is Tizona pair well with Thibron? I have like 4000 alex before i quit before and I guess the upcoming NNI campaign would be decent for both Alex and also some mysterious item? (how how high of ilevel would tbe mysterious item goes?)
Thank you
IMO, if you're making Tizona you should plan to afterglow and R15 it. Thib offhand really hurts ACC on higher tier content but the TP bonus is worth it. When I take BLU to dynamis, I hover around 89% ACC on wave 3, which includes hunters roll and madrigal. I think Sheol C floor 4 is similar.
How much would it cost to AG Tizona and R15 these days? When i did my Almace AG it was around 120million. After I done Idris before my last quit k only have like 40million to my name lol. I guess I can farm the left over 26k alexandrite that should cut the cost down drastically.
While doing High level content would the gleti or Odin sword be a better offhand if one is having accuracy issue?