The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Server: Cerberus
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user: Stalk
Posts: 61
By Cerberus.Bongsolo 2022-05-16 19:36:27
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Seems there where sets on 423, but gone now. Mboze v20, some how I get stuck on blu. "17's" was said what items are worth changing? I don't use blu outside of einherjar or nyzul. So +2neck and +3af is not reasonable. Seems im getting 29sec recast.
ItemSet 384642

<slot01>magnetite cloud</slot01>
<slot03>saline coat</slot03>
<slot04>delta thrust</slot04>
<slot05>magic fruit</slot05>
<slot06>glutinous dart</slot06>
<slot07>battery charge</slot07>
<slot08>reaving wind</slot08>
<slot09>wind breath</slot09>
<slot10>palling salvo</slot10>
<slot11>retinal glare</slot11>
<slot12>feather tickle</slot12>
<slot13>tenebral crush</slot13>
<slot14>barrier tusk</slot14>
<slot15>winds of promy.</slot15>
<slot16>auroral drape</slot16>
<slot17>erratic flutter</slot17>
<slot18>barbed crescent</slot18>
<slot19>sub-zero smash</slot19>
<slot20>bad breath</slot20>
Posts: 179
By Ranoutofspace 2022-05-17 05:15:45
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Drop the Acuity Belt because you're nowhere close to gear haste cap. I count 17% in your current set. Swap Maxentius to Sakapata's Sword for an additional 10% Fast Cast.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-17 06:00:44
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Are Hashishin Bazubands +1 a solid option or not worth the loss of macc?
How does the BLU spell recast stat synergizes with Haste and FC?
How vital is Macc for Feather Tickle/Reaving Wind on stuff like Mboze?

I've never used those spells so far, but when I prepared my sets in advance a long time ago, I focused more on Haste/FC/BLUrecast than macc.
Because of that I now probably have excess Haste/FC and nowhere near enough macc. My "recast" midcast set is almost the same as my precast set, basically.
Feels like I should be updating my set.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-05-17 08:43:34
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Macc is very vital for landing FT/RW, I would prioritize that second, after Haste.

For Mboze, the Corsair can Warlock's and Caster's Roll the backline to account for some Magic Accuracy and Fast Cast, so you don't necessarily have to prioritize capping it in spells/gear. BLU is already given 15% FC if you're setting Erratic Flutter (you should) with the 1200 JP gift,so you're given quite a bit of leeway with Caster's Roll.

I think BLU spell recast stat from gear contributes to the FC recast cap the same as normal FC gear, just not for casting speed. I never bothered using it, but I'm sure you could squeeze it in. I was more interested in fitting Malignance/AF+3 on all 5 of the major slots that I could, and then used the accessories to fill the other stats. Even if you don't achieve max recast on both spells, the way you're supposed to stagger using the spells (instead of one directly right after another) should help cut a few seconds off so you're never too long without having access to either FT/RW.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Radec
Posts: 151
By Bismarck.Radec 2022-05-17 10:55:38
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Max recast delay caps at 80% reduction, same as haste/melee delay.

To cap,
(1-gearhaste-magichaste) * (1-fastcast/2) = 0.2
fastcast = 2 * (1 - (0.2 / (1 - 256/1024 - 448/1024)))
fastcast = 2 * (1 - (0.2 / 0.3125))
fastcast = 2 * (1 - 0.64)
fastcast = 0.72

72 FC or spell recast from gear/traits/rolls to hit recast cap and get 17 seconds showing on the timers. Without caster's roll this isn't trival to do, but you can keep a lot of MACC on still.

The best set I can see (capping spell recast, then maximizing MAcc) is here:

Considered all AF, Relic, Empyrean, Malig, Carmine, and reasonable options anywhere else.

Cape is always 30MAcc/10FC, Tizona, Acuity, Metamorph are R15, Neck is R25, Carmine Head is Path D. FC3 trait from Flutter, no other FC Spells set.

ItemSet 384568

If you have caster's, even an unlucky roll at +7 w/ empy feet legs, you can change in about +55MAcc

ItemSet 384647

If you allow for exactly 25% gear haste to be capped, you can swap relic feet for Malig in the second set for 2 more MAcc.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-05-17 14:13:36
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It's the empyrean legs, not the feet, but yeah, I wasn't even accounting for that extra 10%. So even better with casters
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-17 14:16:35
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Reaving Wind and Feather Tickle fall under the Magic Accuracy check only, right?
They don't have double physical/magical check like Sudden Lunge, corect?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-17 14:34:28
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Yeah ok so in my original set I had:
91% FC
33% Haste
119 Macc (excluding MH and OH)

I ended up with this atm:
41% FC
32% Haste
301 Macc (excluding MH and OH)

Could be better, but it's something at least.
My set ended up being pretty similar to this of yours Radec

ItemSet 384568

Ammo => Sapience Orb (trading 8macc for 2% FC, hmmm...)
Body => Malignance
Hands => Leyline (trading 20 macc for 8% FC basically)
Ring1 => Kishar
Ring2 => Weatherspoon +1
Back => Aurist+1 R15
Waist => Witful

Ambu cape with FC10 and macc would be BiS I guess but I don't really want the inv+1, likewise for the Relic+3 body.

It has to be said my Carmine Mask+1 is the path A aug, I use it mostly for RUN precast and I need the HP+80 to keep my overall HP above a certain threshold.
Don't really want to get a second CarmineMask+1 for an additional FC+4 >_>

Could swap Macc swapping Malignance Body/Feet for Jhakri+2, trading 12 Macc and 7% haste to gain 2% FC.
Not sure it would be worth it and I'm not a huge fan of the lack of HP/defensive stats on Jhakri.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radec
Posts: 151
By Bismarck.Radec 2022-05-17 16:02:48
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You can also make up some of the difference with additional spells set into FC for another 5 or 10 FC. Looking at Mboze, CritDMG and SkillchainDMG traits are pretty meaningless even if you are also doing damage. If you're not expecting to melee adds/WS at all, all the STP traits can go too.

Watch your total fastcast as well - because of how the rounding works, you only gain recast in whole seconds. If you aren't going to cap at 72FC, you may be able to give up some more without losing anything.

Ceiling(90*(1-Hastes)*(1-FC/2)) = Recast

Assuming capped gear+magic haste, FC buckets are

15 FC: 27sec
16-22: 26sec
23-29: 25sec
30-36: 24sec
37-43: 23sec
44-50: 22sec
51-57: 21sec
58-64: 20sec
65-71: 19sec
72+: 18sec

(Take a Grain of salt here, this is from a table, not testing - x/1024 math or other rounding might throw these off by 1FC in either direction)

In your set with 15+41 = 56FC, you'd gain a whole second by adding the sapience orb, or lose nothing by giving up Kishar for Stikini or Metamorph.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Barrius89
Posts: 1
By Bahamut.Barrius 2022-05-26 10:34:09
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Does anyone have an updated Lua i could copy please. Thanks
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Tetsuiga
Posts: 40
By Kujata.Tetsuiga 2022-06-03 21:11:05
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Looking to maximize aoe farming damage, is cohort +1 worth the aug? Any other suggestions welcome

Weapons are Maxentius/Nageling. I have a kaja club as well not sure if nageling wins or not, looking to replace it with bunzi asap.

ammo="Ghastly Tathlum +1",
head="Jhakri Coronal +2",
body={ name="Amalric Doublet +1"
hands={ name="Amalric Gages +1"
legs={ name="Amalric Slops +1",
feet={ name="Amalric Nails +1",
neck="Sibyl Scarf",
ear1="Friomisi Earring",
ear2="Regal Earring",
ring1="Metamor. Ring +1",
ring2="Shiva Ring +1",
back={ name="Rosmerta's Cape", augments={'INT+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','INT+10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+10','Spell interruption rate down-10%',}},
waist="Orpheus's Sash",}
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-06-03 21:39:49
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Kujata.Tetsuiga said: »
is cohort +1 worth the aug

It is. Should be a straight upgrade. Your set looks solid otherwise.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tallica
Posts: 73
By Odin.Kingofthenorth 2022-06-03 23:28:19
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Speaking of Mboze, do you guys have issues landing spells when the aura is magic accuracy down? I have pretty much the same macc sets as above, no issues landing spells if it's not magic accuracy down, but if it is a majority of spells do not land. I also use tropical crepe.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-06-04 00:44:01
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Is Wind Threnody II on? I've found that makes the biggest difference. Pretty much whiff most spells without it. Have even whiffed several spells with it on and the aura up, so it certainly affects you a little bit. Never noticed it being unusually high miss rate with the aura up, though.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-06-04 14:18:15
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Is blu/drk à good option for dps as ml30 now ? Skiping Searing tempest for more stp or acc trait? With the addition of LR as an att buff
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2022-06-04 14:55:29
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blu/drg is still likely to be the better DD combo due to the wsd traits
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-06-04 15:39:04
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If you want an attack buff you should just be using /WAR. /DRK does very little for BLU, just the extra couple of attack bonus tiers and PDL tiers (which are rarely applicable outside of GEO friendly content) compared to 12% DA.

If you're set on equipping attack bonus, you can save 2 points by setting Embalming Earth instead. If you need the slot for something else then dropping the 2 extra attack bonus tiers isn't a big deal.

/DRG will be better if your attack is high enough to ensure that the 10% multiplier on final WS dmg is worth more than the difference in damage that you'd lose by not having that 25% attack boost from Berserk or if you need to rely on High Jump/Super Jump to not die.

I need to update the SJ section to reflect mlvl and current content metas.
Posts: 5
By balberry 2022-06-05 02:41:07
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New player starting BLU -- Is the guide in the first post in this thread up to date, or are updates scattered throughout the thread? Trying to start my journey toward end game. I saw the guide on bg-wiki as well, not sure which one is more current. This one seems great.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-06-05 15:22:36
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This guide is up to date, you can tell by the gear in the original post. Proth does a great job of keeping it up to date so it should be solid as a starting point
Posts: 5
By balberry 2022-06-05 16:46:32
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Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work prothescar. Still trying to take everything in as a brand new player, but this will be very helpful.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-06-05 17:58:12
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updated the sub job section since it was fast enough to do. still have other things I need to get to when I have the time
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2022-06-11 09:49:37
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Why isn't the Amalric Attire Set +1 in all 5 slots for dream tier nuke set? Is this guide up to date? The set gives an absurd amount of MAAB.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-06-11 09:59:19
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Slowforever said: »
Why isn't the Amalric Attire Set +1 in all 5 slots for dream tier nuke set? Is this guide up to date? The set gives an absurd amount of MAAB.

Have you done the math? For one, Amalric Coif +1 hs no native MAB.

You should really check the validity of your statement before questionins somoene who probably spent a LOT of time putting this together lol.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2022-06-11 10:06:07
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[/quote]You should really check the validity of your statement before questionins somoene who probably spent a LOT of time putting this together lol.[/quote]
Look at the set, comment right back at you :) Bis means bis for a reason. Not tanky bis, curious if I was missing something like a ceiling for maab or something making the set not so good because it surpasses a maab ceiling?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-06-11 10:07:51
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Slowforever said: »
You should really check the validity of your statement before questionins somoene who probably spent a LOT of time putting this together lol.[/quote]
Look at the set, comment right back at you :) Bis means bis for a reason. Not tanky bis[/quote]

I have done the math... and it's a lot bnetter than 5/5 Amalric +1... lol.

Just to be a little nicer, I think you are forgetting the augment on the cloak.


Edit: a lot better, because of INT, not a lot more MAB
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-06-11 10:09:03
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Slowforever said: »
You should really check the validity of your statement before questionins somoene who probably spent a LOT of time putting this together lol.[/quote]
Look at the set, comment right back at you :) Bis means bis for a reason. Not tanky bis, curious if I was missing something like a ceiling for maab or something making the set not so good because it surpasses a maab ceiling?[/quote]

Your name really checks out btw. =)
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2022-06-11 10:12:32
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298 maab with 5/5 Amalric set, nothing beats that, u give up some maac is all. But if you run with an igeo and cor like I do maac doesn't matter in 99% of content.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-06-11 10:34:25
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I don't know how to do a nice table on here, but let's break it down.

Amalric 5/5 (with max MAB/INT augment)
Head: Path A - 24 INT 20 MAB
Body: Path D - 38 INT 58 MAB
Hands: Path D - 36 INT 53 MAB
Legs: Path D - 40 INT 65 MAB
Feet: Path A/D - 21 INT 52 MAB
Bonus: 50 MAB
Total: 159 INT 298 MAB

Set in the Guide
Head: N/A - 0 INT 0 MAB
Body: N/A - 76 INT 100 MAB
Hands: Path D - 36 INT 53 MAB
Legs: N/A - 40 INT 57 MAB
Feet: Path A/D - 21 INT 52 MAB
Bonus: 20 MAB
Total: 173 INT 282 MAB

I will take the extra int and m.acc over the extra MAB anyday.

And I am sorry I don't have a pocket GEO/COR to run around with me all day lol. I don't think the guide assumes that either.

You also might miss another 12 INT from the hands if you went for MP path, which I personally do from back in the days when Death was still a thing.

For me, it's 26 INT and m.acc vs. 16 MAB.

Please point out any numbers I may have messed up, since it's all manual, and I do hope this clear things up.

One small thing, I think the new Sibyl Scarf might be better. It's 10INT 10MAB.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-06-11 10:34:49
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Odin.Karizo said: »
I don't know how to do a nice table on here, but let's break it down.

Amalric 5/5 (with max MAB/INT augment)
Head: Path A - 24 INT 20 MAB
Body: Path D - 38 INT 58 MAB
Hands: Path D - 36 INT 53 MAB
Legs: Path D - 40 INT 65 MAB
Feet: Path A/D - 21 INT 52 MAB
Bonus: 50 MAB
Total: 159 INT 298 MAB

Set in the Guide
Head: N/A - 0 INT 0 MAB
Body: N/A - 76 INT 100 MAB
Hands: Path D - 36 INT 53 MAB
Legs: N/A - 40 INT 57 MAB
Feet: Path A/D - 21 INT 52 MAB
Bonus: 20 MAB
Total: 173 INT 282 MAB

I will take the extra int and m.acc over the extra MAB anyday.

And I am sorry I don't have a pocket GEO/COR to run around with me all day lol. I don't think the guide assumes that either.

You also might miss another 12 INT from the hands if you went for MP path, which I personally do from back in the days when Death was still a thing.

For me, it's 26 INT and m.acc vs. 16 MAB.

Please point out any numbers I may have messed up, since it's all manual, and I do hope this clear things up.

One small thing, I think the new Sibyl Scarf might be better. It's 10INT 10MAB.

As expected it looks awful, lol.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2022-06-11 10:40:20
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Sibyls better for vast majority of the nukes youd use on blu, and only slightly weaker on the ones it aint from memory
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