The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Server: Cerberus
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user: bitchtits
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By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2022-02-18 14:47:20
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Shichishito said: »
where else would the voracious resurgence storyline lead to? they've been teasing something big coming for 20th anniversary for a while.

Escha-Abyssea with higher level versions of the same crap, new light mechanics and Empyrean armor upgrades?

A cute cutscene with all your favorite FFXI characters explaining that it's not about the winning, but the friends you made along the way?

An announcement that they're launching Final Fantasy 16 online in a year and if you sign up now, you can trnsfer your character name (and that's it) to the new platform?

Free chocobo NFTs for everyone?

who knows...
By 2022-02-22 02:32:48
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By SimonSes 2022-02-22 02:40:10
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Are there any improvements I can make to my Reaving Wind set for Mboze V20? Tiz is R15, Cape is Macc/Fast Cast, Carmine Path D. Im hitting 17s recast which I think might be the cap but would like to get it lower if at all possible, macc seems ok with threnody on.

Using Marine Stewpot also.

ItemSet 383802

18sec is recast cap (You see 17sec, because it goes to 17s99ms immediately)

I guess you could try to use Quick Magic.
Like Impatiens and Witful belt and Weatherspoon Ring if you have it.
By 2022-02-22 02:46:44
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By SimonSes 2022-02-22 02:53:09
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KujahFoxfire said: »
18sec is recast cap (You see 17sec, because it goes to 17s99ms immediately)

Thanks for confirming. Do we have any updated/accurate numbers for how much TP reaving/feather remove these days?

Most spells wasnt retested. You should use Feather Tickle too ofc.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-02-22 03:20:21
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Doesn't need to be retested, those are the numbers that they reduce TP by. Feather Tickle can be either really good or completely useless because it's random but it's not like you have anything better to cast
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Mapoosi 2022-02-24 10:28:01
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whats the BiS set for Magic Fruit? Also anyone having problem learning wind? went to go pull down the Flying Dragon in Xarc S.. but he would never come out the sky... spent over 20 mins just running around and everything.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-02-24 11:07:45
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Try resting under Amphipteres, maybe you’re too high to aggro them? If that don’t work, Turul will always come down. There’s also a couple in legion you could try. Or brew (lol) Erinys
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Mapoosi 2022-02-24 11:44:48
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appreciate it.. didnt know if it was a bug.. I got the one in Glacier to come down so idk y the ones in Xarc isn't..
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-02-24 11:46:29
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Asura.Mapoosi said: »
appreciate it.. didnt know if it was a bug.. I got the one in Glacier to come down so idk y the ones in Xarc isn't..

I could never get the one in Xarc to drop either. May be a glitch
Posts: 252
By Weeew 2022-03-04 06:36:53
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New BCNM Drop

Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-03-04 06:46:26
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I really hope that Augment Burst affinity will let us do multiple Burst with one ability use!!
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-03-04 06:53:48
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Weeew said: »
New BCNM Drop

I love you lmao
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-03-04 06:55:18
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Asura.Mapoosi said: »
appreciate it.. didnt know if it was a bug.. I got the one in Glacier to come down so idk y the ones in Xarc isn't..

The Amphitere(s) in Xarcabard [S] are likely bugged and have been for a few years now. Probably some weird side effect of the Dev's making them ignore the campaign area years ago. But the NM one in the North does still agro.

Also, there is the VW Jeuno Path (Rol. Fields [S]) Amphitere that you can spawn as much as you want.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-04 08:45:36
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Weeew said: »
New BCNM Drop

Wth is this, where did you get that lol
By Shichishito 2022-03-04 08:57:48
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SimonSes said: »

I really hope that Augment Burst affinity will let us do multiple Burst with one ability use!!
would you really want that on a weapon? much rather would see such buffs on a piece that doesn't drop tp on swap.
By Draylo 2022-03-04 09:04:10
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Should have added blue magic potency or duration boost, might have got me
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-04 09:15:43
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Ahh yeah Weeew is evil again, might feel the spring coming
Server: Bismarck
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user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-03-04 09:36:49
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There’s 3 amphitere pops in Xarc, one around the Campaign that moves near the Flux, one around the valley towards Castle Zvahl, and 1 that flies around the Flux that never touches down. There’s also the NM Zirnitra that loves to spam Reaving Wind.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-19 07:54:55
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To anyone that use Selindrile gearswap, mine doesnt switch to sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Healing when im using magic fruit, but goes into fast recast set instead, i cant figure why.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Toralin 2022-03-19 08:20:18
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Carbuncle.Yiazmaat said: »
To anyone that use Selindrile gearswap, mine doesnt switch to sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Healing when im using magic fruit, but goes into fast recast set instead, i cant figure why.

Check blu.lua

should be mapped
-- Healing spells
blue_magic_maps.Healing = S{
'Exuviation','Healing Breeze','Magic Fruit','Plenilune Embrace',
'Pollen','Restoral','White Wind','Wild Carrot'
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-19 08:40:19
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Its written correctly, i didnt change anything in both blu luas exept gears
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2022-03-19 09:04:23
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Check if the problem applies to Wild Carrot, and if it does not apply to Plenilune Embrace
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-19 10:50:13
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I will do as soon as i get the spells
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-03-19 12:24:25
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Shichishito said: »
SimonSes said: »

I really hope that Augment Burst affinity will let us do multiple Burst with one ability use!!
would you really want that on a weapon? much rather would see such buffs on a piece that doesn't drop tp on swap.

Ideally not on the weapon, but it wouldn't be that bad if it's only for BA activation. Assuming you would want to take real advantage of those bursts, you will change weapons to nuke anyway and I would also use SU5 path C on BA activation to lower it's cooldown.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-19 18:13:02
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Check if the problem applies to Wild Carrot, and if it does not apply to Plenilune Embrace
Found the problem, i didnt update the self healing sets and i had to remove the stuff from the nonelementalcure sets.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-27 11:53:10
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Is it possible for blu to have acc 6 in trait w/o 1200 jp but /drg (acc 1 from sub) ?
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2022-03-27 11:59:50
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No, spell combo traits do not stack with subbed traits, you'll need to set all the trait spells if you want t6
Server: Asura
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Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2022-03-28 07:46:09
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I don't know if this has been asked, but is there any use for un-augmented gleti's gear. for blue mage.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Rudra
Posts: 193
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-03-28 09:50:27
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The front page as them for MDT and CDC, not sure whats better about adhemar att path or gleti r0 for cdc, but i use gleti for inv space and money saving.
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