The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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By Draylo 2019-12-04 15:30:14
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Subjugating slash is a hate reset so just voke her after. Otherwise, turn from charm and dispel the spikes with geist wall. You could set saline coat and magic barrier to help if youre struggling. Also bring panacea because if you get hit by moonlight veil that magic def down is deadly.
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2019-12-04 16:52:14
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Draylo said: »
Subjugating Slash is a hate reset so just Provoke her after. Otherwise, turn from Charm, and Dispel the spikes with Geist Wall. You could set Saline Coat and Magic Barrier to help if you're struggling. Also bring Panacea because if you get hit by Moonlight Veil that Magic Defense Down is deadly.
I may try this in a bit. Can she be magic nuked down or just beat the brakes off her like she owes you money? Finally found a way around Knockback without resorting to Anchor so now I'm looking forward to fighting her. :)
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Traxus 2019-12-04 17:32:02
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Could just set winds to dispel mdb down. If you are having trouble I would also recommend pulling her out of the gyre bubbles (meva down) she spawns, or at least standing out of range of the aura if a trust has hate. You should be able to resist her debuffs and partially resist her auto-attacks/impact damage most of the time outside of it.

You can also freely use berserk/last resort to increase kill speed, afaik all of her damage is magic besides the amnesia whip move (very weak) and subjugating slash (% based so defense doesn't matter).
By Draylo 2019-12-04 17:56:13
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She places a lot of debuffs, including Impact. So while winds would be nice to remove it, Panacea removes them all at once. Sometimes you'll be trying to remove the magic def down and have Impact stuff on and you'll die.
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By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-12-04 18:50:47
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I went


Fulltime your DT set so that you're not caught off guard by Dread Spikes or anything else. Set both Winds of Promy and White Wind so that you can heal yourself and your trusts up. Ygnas, King, and Yoran together will spam erase on you so that, along with your own Winds of Promy, will clear off debuffs very quickly. The suckiest part of the fight is honestly just trying to position AAEV at the start of the fight so that Subjugating doesn't hit your entire trust team when she uses it. Other than that, stick to Expiacion instead of trying to self-SC and stay unlocked so that you can react quickly to Dark Thorn and Fatal Allure. When I first started, I just turned after every attack round which is definitely something I recommend until you get used to her animations at the very least. You should also set Geist Wall to remove Dread Spikes though you could swap out King for another RDM who will remove it for you if you would rather do that.
Posts: 15
By keokothelesser 2019-12-05 06:52:46
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Thanks for the advice, the item to remove debuffs is great.

Im full MDT but normal DD spells + TH. Seems to be working great now :)
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-12-05 07:24:23
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I just wanted to promote SimonSes's strategy that he suggested to me in the THF thread.
You can go /DRK for absorbTP or you can use the BLU spells to reset the opponent's TP (Reaving Wind and I forget the others), granted they have pretty long cooldowns.

No tank trust.
Melee Lilith until she pops a Gyve, then TP on the gyve and position yourself so Lilith is in front of you while TPing the Gyve, that way you can WS on Lilith and avoid feeding her TP.
Her only TP source will be from the melee hits she lands on you, which you can absorb with /DRK or reset with one of the BLU spells mentioned above.
In a Hybrid build (and as soon as you get a couple of Malignance items) you won't really have to worry about the single aura debuff that Gyves give on Easy (Magic Evasion down) and trust will keep you healed up.
Keep spamming CDC for those self lights.
Or you could spam Expiacion with R15 Tizona and Thibron OH, supposing you can get enough accuracy. For E I think you can, with the right trusts.
Not sure what would prove the highest DPS, Expiacion spam or CDC with lights?
Light SC does reduced damage on Lilith, but it's still additional damage so it's good.

With this setup you could use
2x Healer trusts (Apururu, Yoran Oran, Ygnas, whatever you like)
Qultada (Chaos and Evoker's)
Joachim or Ulmia to cap haste
GEO trusts (Moogle for more refresh, Brygid for more MDB, Kuyin Hathdenna for some physical acc)

You'll be fine without a tank if you fulltime a hybrid build, trust me.
Server: Asura
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user: Xavierr
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By Asura.Zidaner 2019-12-05 07:50:21
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ygnas ajido qultada sylvie and koru. Killed over 300 rounds on E and got all drops(not bragging just saying) and never lost a round. Stayed in -50% DT all the time and just spammed expi on her.

BLU/THF with 2 pieces of extra TH gear for TH4 btw.
Server: Valefor
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user: Yandaime
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By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-12-05 08:24:26
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Quick reminder in response to Sech’s post just now, BLU Caps magic haste by itself with Flutter + Mighty Guard unless there’s something specific that you wish to use Unbridled Learning on other than MG.

So if using Ulmia only for that can probably swap out for something else
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-12-05 08:42:21
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I was just reporting SimonSes's strategy that is an alternative way to handle Lilith without actually meleeing on her. This makes her TP moves close to zero, if you're really good with the timing of your Absorb/Reaving/Etc virtually zero but hey, human error etc.
I usually still get a few TP moves here and there during my attempts on THF main.

I found Simon's strategy really compelling, wanted to share it for people looking for alternative ways to approach Lilith compared to the canonic "melee her to death in DT gear while turning around for Dread Spikes and Charm" xD xD xD
Server: Asura
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user: Tyrael
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By Asura.Pusheen 2019-12-12 07:11:28
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So I have been reading the last 10 or so pages and there seems to be a non consensus, consensus on sword hierarchy.

Looking for advice/recommendations for Dynamis Wave3 MHOH, swords I have are:

R0 Almace
R0 Sequence

I have the ability to get Zantetsuken or any other non rema sword. Making Tizona is not an option atm. Thanks.

(From what I gather its Naegling/Thibron)
Server: Asura
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user: Xavierr
Posts: 172
By Asura.Zidaner 2019-12-12 07:22:16
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(From what I gather its Naegling/Thibron)

Is what I was going to say. Spam savage blade is probably your best option
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2019-12-12 08:26:58
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Asura.Pusheen said: »
(From what I gather its Naegling/Thibron)
Only if you have enough acc.
Server: Asura
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user: Tyrael
Posts: 120
By Asura.Pusheen 2019-12-16 16:31:24
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geigei said: »
Asura.Pusheen said: »
(From what I gather its Naegling/Thibron)
Only if you have enough acc.

Im trying to gauge the threshold on ACC with Thibron OH on wave2 dynamis. Before any buffs at all, anyone know what i should be aiming for.

Typically party with BLU gets madx2 precision (sometimes not precision)


Edit: Wave3
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
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By Bismarck.Sterk 2019-12-16 17:42:31
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In Jeuno I'm capped acc on wave 2 with 1088 acc on my offhand and getting Honor March and Bream Sushi for acc buffs.

Asura.Pusheen said: »
Edit: Wave3
By Draylo 2019-12-16 22:53:32
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I was just reporting SimonSes's strategy that is an alternative way to handle Lilith without actually meleeing on her. This makes her TP moves close to zero, if you're really good with the timing of your Absorb/Reaving/Etc virtually zero but hey, human error etc.
I usually still get a few TP moves here and there during my attempts on THF main.

I found Simon's strategy really compelling, wanted to share it for people looking for alternative ways to approach Lilith compared to the canonic "melee her to death in DT gear while turning around for Dread Spikes and Charm" xD xD xD

That sounds a bit over complicated for E. How long is your clear time doing that? Most seem to hover around 2~3m clears.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2019-12-16 23:43:54
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I'm around 3 mins clear on my shitty thf, from engage. I've had faster runs then that but I'm giving you the average.

Dread Spikes early on can slow down the run a lot, if it happens before the Gyve is out.
After that who cares, not like you're meleeing so wether Dread Spikes is up or not it's irrelevant.
And, as I said, if you pay close attention she will never use TP moves.

I suck so she uses 1-2 per run usually.

Kinda OT in the BLU thread but I normally alternate Shark Bite and Mandalic Stab to make Light SC. Lilith takes reduced damage from light but it's still nice additional free damage.
Shark Bite and Mandalic Stab, with my gear and with the buffs I get in that BC, do pretty similar damage to Rudra, which I can't spam because a dark SC would fully heal Lilith.

For fun I've also tried to activate Aeonic Aftermath Lv2, then Mandalic Stab, Shark Bite (light) > Exenterator for Radiance.
Totally not worth it though. Wish Exenterator wasn't so bad.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-12-17 02:14:58
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Draylo said: »
That sounds a bit over complicated for E. How long is your clear time doing that? Most seem to hover around 2~3m clears.

This strategy is meant to be the safest not the fastest (it still can be fast tho) and mainly for people who want to do it on thf for higher TH. Obviously for top tier equipped ppl (especialy those already having most malignance pieces) and on different jobs you can do it faster with different approach.
Server: Asura
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user: Tyrael
Posts: 120
By Asura.Pusheen 2019-12-17 07:23:18
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I'm around 3 mins clear on my shitty thf, from engage. I've had faster runs then that but I'm giving you the average.

Dread Spikes early on can slow down the run a lot, if it happens before the Gyve is out.
After that who cares, not like you're meleeing so wether Dread Spikes is up or not it's irrelevant.
And, as I said, if you pay close attention she will never use TP moves.

I suck so she uses 1-2 per run usually.

Kinda OT in the BLU thread but I normally alternate Shark Bite and Mandalic Stab to make Light SC. Lilith takes reduced damage from light but it's still nice additional free damage.
Shark Bite and Mandalic Stab, with my gear and with the buffs I get in that BC, do pretty similar damage to Rudra, which I can't spam because a dark SC would fully heal Lilith.

For fun I've also tried to activate Aeonic Aftermath Lv2, then Mandalic Stab, Shark Bite (light) > Exenterator for Radiance.
Totally not worth it though. Wish Exenterator wasn't so bad.

Evisceration > Shark Bite > Mandalic Stab with Tauret is pretty strong, I am sure Aeneas is also Very strong. Probably low enough to OH Centovente but I have been using Sandung
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2019-12-17 10:43:25
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I don't remember what I OH in that set but I think it's R1 Aeneas MH and Perfect Taming Sari OH?
My THF is pretty ***btw so I'm not sure we should be using that as a comparison for anything lol.

We're terribly off topic btw, sorry BLU guys xD
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Fallyn
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By Lakshmi.Aesyr 2019-12-20 10:30:01
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Hi guys, how current are the sets in the first post nowadays? Just come back to the game since return campaign, but between this thread and the spicyryan guide on bg-wiki there seems to be stuff missing.

If these are way off now, what would 'starter' sets look like now? (I am at T1 zitah NM stage, probably).
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2019-12-20 14:43:44
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Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
Hi guys, how current are the sets in the first post nowadays? Just come back to the game since return campaign, but between this thread and the spicyryan guide on bg-wiki there seems to be stuff missing.

If these are way off now, what would 'starter' sets look like now? (I am at T1 zitah NM stage, probably).

They are almost up-to-date. I think the only new stuff that isn't listed is the Ambuscade Weapons and new Domain Invasion accessories.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
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By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-12-20 16:04:57
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Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
Hi guys, how current are the sets in the first post nowadays? Just come back to the game since return campaign, but between this thread and the spicyryan guide on bg-wiki there seems to be stuff missing.

If these are way off now, what would 'starter' sets look like now? (I am at T1 zitah NM stage, probably).

The majority of sets listed here are are still largely current for what they're stated to be. Ambuscade weapons are probably the biggest across-the-board addition, but most of the sets given don't include weapons anyway. A fair number are maybe just missing a new accessory or two.

The other standout gear omission is Malignance armor, which can change up Hybrid/DT sets a fair bit, and adds the angle of MEVA that BLU really had few options for previously.

There'd also be shifts in playstyle that the guide doesn't really reflect. It was written when CdC spam was the common thing, not so much with the offhanded-Thibron pumped up Savage Blade/Expiacion style we see more of now.

I think the main thing that'd be a consideration for gearing up now is relative difficulty of obtaining the higher tier items. It's just not going to be worth putting much time into stopgap items if you can AFK in Domain Invasion for a few days and snag the abjuration you'd eventually want, etc.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Fallyn
Posts: 29
By Lakshmi.Aesyr 2019-12-20 21:15:21
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Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
Hi guys, how current are the sets in the first post nowadays? Just come back to the game since return campaign, but between this thread and the spicyryan guide on bg-wiki there seems to be stuff missing.

If these are way off now, what would 'starter' sets look like now? (I am at T1 zitah NM stage, probably).

The majority of sets listed here are are still largely current for what they're stated to be. Ambuscade weapons are probably the biggest across-the-board addition, but most of the sets given don't include weapons anyway. A fair number are maybe just missing a new accessory or two.

The other standout gear omission is Malignance armor, which can change up Hybrid/DT sets a fair bit, and adds the angle of MEVA that BLU really had few options for previously.

There'd also be shifts in playstyle that the guide doesn't really reflect. It was written when CdC spam was the common thing, not so much with the offhanded-Thibron pumped up Savage Blade/Expiacion style we see more of now.

I think the main thing that'd be a consideration for gearing up now is relative difficulty of obtaining the higher tier items. It's just not going to be worth putting much time into stopgap items if you can AFK in Domain Invasion for a few days and snag the abjuration you'd eventually want, etc.

Thanks for the replies guys - ambu wep was actually the main thing that I guess I was getting at, I didn't realise that naeg/thib+sb was the new thing to do, should I aim for these over most other stuff?

And yeah, been afking my 80di a day to try and catch up on gear slowly - again this is an area I'm not too familiar with. Unsure what to get first... Adhemar body?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-12-20 22:56:41
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Naegling and Maxentius (or just the Kaja versions) are well worth pursuing either way. They're solid melee weapons, our best overall nuking weapons, strong MACC options, etc. As they're similarly good for most other jobs that can use them, they're well worth the time to make.

Offhand Thibron is quite effective, but it does take a good amount of ACC to support, which may be difficult to manage if you're still gearing/Mastering the job. CdC spammage is still as good as it ever was, and works with lower gear levels. Not like it's hard to make the Magian sword to have as an option though.

DI is probably a matter of what you can otherwise get. Body abjurations are the least friendly to farm yourself, of those, but if you can get them otherwise saving up for the unique items is ideal.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-12-21 14:33:49
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What stats would a Realmrazer set prioritize? Looking into building one for a multi-step. I assume MND/high acc/hig att/WSD?, since MA is kind of worthless on a 7 hit ws. Perhaps relic +3 due to the high attack. Anyone have a set?
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-12-21 14:48:57
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Basically just used my req set for it.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
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By Bismarck.Sterk 2019-12-21 14:50:36
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Probably something like this, I guess. Jhakri Head/AF+3 feet mostly for the Skillchain Bonus since you mentioned using Realm for SCs.

ItemSet 370332
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-12-21 15:07:20
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Yeah doing Black Halo > True Strike > Black Halo > Black Halo > Realmrazer for lvl3 Light. Completely forgot about the skillchain bonus trait, that's nice. Don't think i'm going to buy another MND ring just for it so I'll use a Mujin Band instead.

Thanks Sterk!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-12-21 20:51:22
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Does anyone have/know where a good list for blu enfeebling magic is?
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