The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Server: Carbuncle
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user: nokioki
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By Carbuncle.Hakubo 2019-06-14 05:52:16
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Isn't Naegling/Thibron the second best option, in terms of pure DPS, for BLU? Right after Tizona/Thibron?
I thought it was

1) Tizona/Thibron
2) Naegling/Thibron
3) Almace/forgot
4) Everything else

Please correct me if I'm wrong °-°

...forgot there's also Maxentius/Thibron, and that's pretty good, maybe on 2nd place, better than Naegling I dunno.

Without trawling through 100's of pages to find out, which Thibron path are you referring to? 10% WSD or TP Bonus? Thanks :)
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2019-06-14 06:01:34
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TP bonus. It applies offhand.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: nokioki
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By Carbuncle.Hakubo 2019-06-14 06:28:49
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Thanks, after typing that I saw the much shorter thread about Best Sword Combos. I'll build the Thib and try it out.
By Afania 2019-06-14 19:08:53
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Pretty sure they meant af/relic stuff. Even there COR made it way better than BLU. Also, the difference being, a lot of that stuff for COR is BiS. Where say Naegling for BLU is what? 3rd/4th best?

This is a whole different issue. Most of the BiS cor gears(rostam A/B, su5 neck, r15 DP, relic body/feet) recently added are more of magic dmg gears, AND the hardest endgame boss are made to be (very very) weak against leaden salute.

You complained about blu wsd jse gears has no attack, cor is in the same situation. The difference being cor wsd gear has no attack but big chunk of mab. So the magical dps side of the job sky rocks.

Basically they super boosted one aspect of the job and make endgame boss extremely weak against that 1 aspect of the job. So the job is now god tier as DD in that specific content.

Blu gear somewhat suffered from both sides got spread too thin: they get some melee upgrades such as r15 Tiz, some mage upgrades, but not really focusing on one side. And even if they do current endgame content doesnt demand either aspect that heavily anyways.

I recognize this issue exist. But then the argument shouldnt be focusing on blu not getting any gears, lack of endgame invite nor blus running out of content to do. Thats missing the point.

The argument should be focusing on providing suggestions to SE on what type of gears blu really needs.

Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Cor is pretty top tier just with melee/savage blade too.

If you take away leaden salute pretty sure that isnt the case. Savage cor should be slightly behind maxentius/TP bonus rdm with good DM wsd set and capped temper2 set, and even further behind blu using same maxentius or naegling build, 2h big 3 DD, r15 Tiz blu, and basically most if not all physical melee DD in game. Gap gets bigger if attack/acc uncapped.

It just seems that naegling cor is "top tier" because its easisr for most player to reach cor savage build dps ceiling. Other job pretty much needs r15 rema to get higher than that.
Server: Valefor
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user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 06:43:24
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Slight side-track question:

Up until now I've been taking my THF in to solo Omen for Detritus. Using Mote's lua to auto-TH all targets one by one would usually take 30 minutes but net 16-21 Detritus per run.

LS Mates strongly recommended BLU Cleave for the sheer speed of it. So went BLU/THF for free TH2 Coupled with Chaac Belt locked in full time so that should have me at TH3/4 (TH4 is Cap for Non-THFs)

Cleared the whole thing in something like 10 minutes first go but only got literally 5 Detritus...

Was careful to tag all targets with Subduction first so that I didnt risk any "1-hit kill, no proc 4 u" business and still only got steaming hot ***for drops.

I know that bad luck is always a factor but DAMN...

So what did I do wrong? Is THF sub with an extra TH here and there the wrong approach? Is TH4 a MAJOR impact? What's up?
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-15 07:20:41
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1 run wont tell you much, ive had 5 swart runs on thf, and 11 on drk solo with th2, happens. Far as what to do i just put my th set into my subduction set for omen, tag, sleep, ba floe and its usually done.

But yes th matters a great deal for swarts so thf will generally net you more a run, just comes down to do you shorter runs for less swarts or longer for more

Oh and as for sub, all my herc jobs got th4 so i just sub rdm for phalanx/ss/etc
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-06-15 07:26:57
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Cleared the whole thing in something like 10 minutes

You didn't clear it in ten minutes but nice try.
Server: Valefor
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user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 08:19:48
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It was fast, I dont remember lol. Took WHM and GEO mules with me so all AoEs were boosted. So.. what? 15 minutes? I dont remember lol. Faster than 30 on THF 1 by 1 killing, certainly.
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-15 08:27:22
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If you have your own support can probably AE cleave without much issue on thf

Geo/blm, gather em up, sleepga, slap a malaise, go to town
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 08:35:52
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Nariont said: »
If you have your own support can probably AE cleave without much issue on thf

Geo/blm, gather em up, sleepga, slap a malaise, go to town

Hmmm I'll do some testing and play around with it. Never tried optimizing for Damage on it before.

Thanks though. I was just trying to see if I was doing something wrong. TH Augments are DM only so gotta wait til next event before trying that out.
Server: Shiva
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user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-06-15 08:38:43
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I don't think you're actually taking note of your average on THF and are eyeballing it if you think you're averaging 16-21. My sample pool isn't the largest, but I actually wrote it down for myself on THF vs BLU and I was averaging around 9~10 on BLU and 13 on THF given 30 runs each. Now I suppose it's possible I just got severely unlucky on the THF runs, but I don't think that was it. Anyway it really just comes down to whether a couple more swarts per run is worth the extra time it takes to clear it as a THF solo which is ultimately just a personal question.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
You didn't clear it in ten minutes but nice try.

Meh, takes me anywhere from 10-15 minutes depending on the monster layout so I don't doubt them. We have two farming videos some pages back showing other peoples times. I'm sure they were just low balling it.
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-15 08:49:53
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Never tried optimizing for Damage on it before.

With my mostly thrown together lunge/leaden set i was able to hit round 8k iirc with just trusts, 3 ws' usually did it and i could do a lot to improve it, tp bonus off-hand being the big one possibly aswell as actual mage buffs. Thf/rdm with support should have lil trouble
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 08:52:34
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yeah, idk where Buuuki came with that one lol that's not a hard bench mark to clear if you get aggressive with it. Strong/Near-BiS BLU nuke set is mostly Ambuscade so that's not hard to get. If you really wanted to, can possibly clear in less than 10 minutes if you wanted to try for a speed run or.. something..

PLD/WAR/RUN/Something with a High HP, full PDT set PUlls tons of mobs and holds them there.
(BLU can do this on it's own with Verve but safer with a Tank and you can pull much more per go)

WHM/RDM/SCH/Something that can heal keeps the Puller alive

GEO does GEO stuff

BLU Exodia's the whole group of mobs.

In a concentrated effort, I think <10 minute clears are quite possible.

WHY Anyone would want to do this? Idk, if Omen tags didnt take 20 hours to recharge I'd be all over that ***but.. They do so.. meh lol

Anyways, thanks, Ill improve on things and try it again. I was just floored at getting stone-walled with 5 was all. Out of all The mobs in Omen, I only got 5.. like.. Seriously? lol
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-15 08:57:28
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Again it happens, my "avg" for th2 jobs is 5~ my th4 jobs get ~7 while thf will get 9~10
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-06-15 09:21:09
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I'm almost positive you're just eyeballing and guesstimating the clear time the same you are with the drops. It's going to take you about fifteen minutes solid to pull, sleep/tag/round up the mobs and repeat. On the longer end if you don't replenish MP and aren't using tako, or if you're doing one group at a time. The trans take a few extra nukes, though irrelevant if you're bringing a geo for malaise's. Ambuscade gear isn't close to BIS nuke set for blue though.

Blue is for speed, Thf is for drops. Change the whitemage to paladin and convert to an AE build with malaise, if you're concerned about clearing faster with higher drop rates
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-15 09:28:17
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Dont even need to change to pld, think any job with some level of phakanx kit and an aoe can cleave trash without much trouble, pdt/hybrid set+ /rdm phalanx usually cuts trash dmg a ton up til panopts/pixies cause theyre awful
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-06-15 09:32:23
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Mandies and tigers hit like a truck. AFTER capped dt/phalanx
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-15 09:35:32
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Tigers can, ill give you, specially if they pull off a lucky 2x crit, mandies never had issues with though, mnk mobs in general you make the most out of dt/phalanx as the per hit dmg is generally lower.

I run def food when i do cleave though so maybe thats factoring in?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 09:59:47
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I'm almost positive you're just eyeballing and guesstimating the clear time the same you are with the drops. It's going to take you about fifteen minutes solid to pull, sleep/tag/round up the mobs and repeat. On the longer end if you don't replenish MP and aren't using tako, or if you're doing one group at a time. The trans take a few extra nukes, though irrelevant if you're bringing a geo for malaise's. Ambuscade gear isn't close to BIS nuke set for blue though.

Blue is for speed, Thf is for drops. Change the whitemage to paladin and convert to an AE build with malaise, if you're concerned about clearing faster with higher drop rates

I admitted that I wasn't fully paying attention to the clear time already but I most definitely was paying attention to the number of drops. I have several weapons to R15 so yeah.. who wouldn't pay close attention to that? xD

But you should know that BiS Nuke set for BLU vs Jhakri +2 isn't very much in actual damage. Also, the Jhakri set has a lot of Acc where Amalric +1 pieces sometimes lack so its pretty good against higher level content as well. Already stated that it's not best but it cannot be denied that it's close. If you desired a good Nuking set but didn't want to dedicate 100s of millions of gil, Jhakri +2 will not disappoint.

ANYWAY, we all know BLU's gearing options haven't increased very much except for Mandatory additions and w/e's useful from Trove (Epaminondas's Ring and.. something else?) so not gonna dig up what we were literally just talking about prior to my question.

Thanks for the help
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2019-06-15 14:38:34
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To get off topic a bit, has anyone done calculations for exactly how much acc for off-hand tp bonus sword is necessary/ideal for most content? (ignoring dyna wave 3 and reisen helms I guess)

I just don't want to go around willy nilly spending a ton of gil I don't have replacing my stp and multi-attack stuff with acc before I know exactly how much I need...

1000? 1050? 1100?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 14:52:21
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1100 in the Offhand is ideal. And you should be able to hit it with minimal Sacrifice to your gear and spell sets

Like literally JSE Neck, Chirich Rings, Set Anvil Lightning.. They add up quick.

There's a more detailed layout I think 10 pages back or so.
It's a pain but well worth the read.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2019-06-15 15:38:44
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Aye, I'll definitely have to invest in a +2 neck the next time someone I know takes an Asura trip. Thanks!
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-15 17:10:43
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Lakshmi.Avereith said: »
Aye, I'll definitely have to invest in a +2 neck the next time someone I know takes an Asura trip. Thanks!

Honestly, Meh on the +2 neck. Don't get me wrong, better is better but the +1 is only slightly behind the +2 and the difference in cost is huge.. It's 10m vs 80m... for 5 STR/DEX/Acc/MAcc 1STP 1 Crit Rate... Actually more if you purchase the Neck Items instead of RPing in Dyna.

Better to be sure but worth the extra 70m or more? In my opinion, no.
Can hit your Acc requirements without needing to go that far if you want to save some money.
Server: Shiva
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user: Hyriu
Posts: 167
By Shiva.Applesmash 2019-06-15 21:44:37
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »

ANYWAY, we all know BLU's gearing options haven't increased very much except for Mandatory additions and w/e's useful from Trove (Epaminondas's Ring and.. something else?)

Orpheus Sash
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-06-16 07:23:11
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Lakshmi.Avereith said: »
To get off topic a bit, has anyone done calculations for exactly how much acc for off-hand tp bonus sword is necessary/ideal for most content? (ignoring dyna wave 3 and reisen helms I guess)

I just don't want to go around willy nilly spending a ton of gil I don't have replacing my stp and multi-attack stuff with acc before I know exactly how much I need...

1000? 1050? 1100?

It really depends. Too much variables with all the buffs and debuffs. The best way is to run scoreboard and check your hit rate during events you do and you will get the best answer for your question.
By Shichishito 2019-06-16 07:26:06
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SimonSes said: »
1) People discuss RDM, SCH etc. not being able to AoE heal as good as WHM, yet almost none mentions BLU here. White Wind is like 1400 aoe cure that can be spammed by front line BLU with Tizona. BLU can easily main cure whole DD party in most events

3) Speaking of magic accuracy. There are utility spells that are not really used, but are potentially very powerful for niche strategies. I haven't tested them on anything serious, so I have no idea how good they are. Light of Penance, Jettatura, Cold Wave, Voracious Trunk, Lowing, Osmosis, Absolute Terror, Foul Waters, Searing Tempest, Reaving Wind. Also Regurgigation could be fun as hateless nuke with pup tank. Subduction is also not only a very good low mp aoe nuke, but also probably the strongest gravity debuff in game

4) Pinga is not that bad. It has very high meva like most Su3 gear and meva sets are more important than most people think

1) white wind has smaller range, longer cast time and almost double recast than the curaga equivalents and generates absurd amounts of hate. to keep mana up with tizona you need high and consistant white damage, if your white damage suffers your mana will plumet very quickly.
if you start spamming white wind (or any magic) your white damage drops immediately cause of the long cast times of blu spells and the aftercast delays for magic in general. chances are you'll pull hate very quickly so you have to switch to -dt set, keep up defense spells like cocoon barrier tusk, saline coat, occultation... and your white damage is basically none existant. there is also a good chance of getting cought pants down midcast and getting oneshot. i don't see BLU main curing most D-VD content like ambu, HTMBs, geas fete past T3, omen or anything that was released afterwards.

3) most of the spells you listed look cute on paper but don't land, aren't potent enough or suffer from short durations/long recasts.

but most of the time there are simply better spells to spend your blu spell points on. imho limiting BLUs access to spells is just a hassle in 2019, we should have access to all of them at any time and let spells set only affect job traits.

something should also change with unbridled learning/diffusion and the spells locked behind it.
maybe reduce cooldown of unbridled learning/diffusion or make them last for 30 seconds instead of using them up on first cast. its not just the other spells competing with mighty guard but also them only lasting 60-90 seconds on a 5 and 10 minute cooldown ability. also make the buffs aoe and enhance buff/debuff duration considerably while under the effect of unbridled wisdom.

4) the complete absents of acc and haste make it only a option for short swaps. that makes it only a real option for react plugin users.
outside of that the combination of cure potency and -enmity could be handy if the -enmity is enough to avoid the mob turning on you when spamming white wind/winds of promyvion.
the extra cost and most importantly inventory space make it hard to justify this set.
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-06-16 08:48:49
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Shichishito said: »
Absolute Terror, Foul Waters, Searing Tempest, Reaving Wind.

to be fair those actually tend to land pretty well, and i wouldnt be suprised if you could get LoP to hit pretty reliably, the absorbs line had pretty awful macc in the past but overabundance of macc mighta covered that hole, tearing gust is another one in there aswell. But as you said it comes down to spell slots and in UL spell cases those vs the usual ones that get put up
By Shichishito 2019-06-16 09:22:52
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Nariont said: »
to be fair those actually tend to land pretty well, and i wouldnt be suprised if you could get LoP to hit pretty reliably, the absorbs line had pretty awful macc in the past but overabundance of macc mighta covered that hole, tearing gust is another one in there aswell. But as you said it comes down to spell slots in in UL spell cases those vs the usual ones that get put up

the newest spells tend to have a bit better accuracy than the older ones, thats true. but the perceived accuracy might be a bit overestimated cause most of the time you use them to farm fodder mobs, not endgame NMs.

reaving wind and a couple of other spells that reduce tp are either inaccurate and/or the effect is to small to make a real difference. the tp deleting strat only works with high spike damage and since mewing lullaby always seems to clear tp completely people want SMN for that scenario, not BLU.

BLU has some interesting spells but for endgame there is always a different job whos spells/abilities do better. jack of all trades, master of none.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-06-16 16:01:11
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Shichishito said: »
1) white wind has smaller range, longer cast time and almost double recast than the curaga equivalents and generates absurd amounts of hate. to keep mana up with tizona you need high and consistant white damage, if your white damage suffers your mana will plumet very quickly.
if you start spamming white wind (or any magic) your white damage drops immediately cause of the long cast times of blu spells and the aftercast delays for magic in general. chances are you'll pull hate very quickly so you have to switch to -dt set, keep up defense spells like cocoon barrier tusk, saline coat, occultation... and your white damage is basically none existant. there is also a good chance of getting cought pants down midcast and getting oneshot. i don't see BLU main curing most D-VD content like ambu, HTMBs, geas fete past T3, omen or anything that was released afterwards.

Except everything you said is irrelevant in almost all cases.
White wind recast is 20sec base. BLU will have easily 60-70% haste and can use empy+1 hands if you really need that low recast, so the real recast will be around 4-7 sec. If you really need to cast white wind that frequently, then you probably zerging Omen boss or something like that. Then MP becomes irrelevant, because you wont run out before your target will die. Usually tho when lowmaning this stuff for efficiency, you won't need to use white wind that much.
Getting caught in White Wind set is actually safer than TP set lol. Most damage in current endgame is magic and my White Wind set has 3 Pinga pieces and 2 telchine pieces with meva augments, so the whole set has very high meva and 6%PDT and 9%MDT.

Getting hate is another irrelevant issue in most cases. In Omen trash mobs and midboss die to fast to get hate and BLU can also one shot almost all trash mobs. Getting hate on Omen boss is another non issue, because if you really do, you can easily just be a sub tank then. With meva set toggle, Omen bosses are a joke to tank. Now keeping spells like Occultation, Saline coat etc. is totally over the top for most content. Mighty Guard, Cocoon and Tusk is more than enough for almost any event you mentioned above and you dont need to cast them more than once per few minutes. The same is truth for other even. Only in some ambuscade pulling hate can be a problem, but I wouldnt even put Ambuscade in the same bracket, because it usually requires some very specific jobs for optimal setups.

Now DPS loss from casting few additional spells when main helaing is obvious, but you we are talking about replacing a healer, so its still a huge DPS increase.

Shichishito said: »
3) most of the spells you listed look cute on paper but don't land, aren't potent enough or suffer from short durations/long recasts.

but most of the time there are simply better spells to spend your blu spell points on.

Again the same attitude and logic. You are thinking about pure DPS on BLU and talking there is better spells to set. Obviously there are better sets to use for pure DPS, but I'm talking exactly about focusing on other things than DPS.

Shichishito said: »
4) the complete absents of acc and haste make it only a option for short swaps. that makes it only a real option for react plugin users.

Why lol? You mean clicking the meva toggle on time is impossible and you need react? I dont even know what to tell you here XD

Shichishito said: »
the extra cost and most importantly inventory space make it hard to justify this set.

This is very subjective and can be very relevant or very irrelevant for different people.
By Shichishito 2019-06-17 00:18:52
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SimonSes said: »
Why lol? You mean clicking the meva toggle on time is impossible and you need react? I dont even know what to tell you here XD

my point was BLU can be pretty busy and if you trying to catch a certain tp move for a swap it will demand all your focus just like stun duty.
besides that, depending on how far you are from the server i have experience others and myself struggling to react in time. the lamian ambuscade comes to mind for example and they aren't the only case.

SimonSes said: »
Except everything you said is irrelevant in almost all cases.
Now DPS loss from casting few additional spells when main helaing is obvious, but you we are talking about replacing a healer, so its still a huge DPS increase.

i've been in that situation a couple of times. ambuscade ranging from N-VD, omen mid boss (i think it was the tripod) and some omen caturae cause the tank or main heal died. none of them were zerg situations and i was forced to ride the white wind cooldown to prevent myself or another group member dieing from AoE spam.

do you still pull hate spamming white wind despite 3 pieces of pinga swaps?

SimonSes said: »
Again the same attitude and logic. You are thinking about pure DPS on BLU and talking there is better spells to set. Obviously there are better sets to use for pure DPS, but I'm talking exactly about focusing on other things than DPS.

you'll find certain spells usefull for very niche stuff but those rare occasions are usually mid tier content, not endgame.
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