The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-04-16 05:14:13
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Dont forget verve, thats a 11~ hit aquaveil, and id use that over MG to be honest if you're AoEing more than meleeing, joachim will cap your magic haste anyway once marches go up. But can go /rdm and pack the usual SS/phalanx to drop dmg lower. As for just raw dmg aspect 20 additional spell points to work with, allowing more trait combos, 35 mab in gifts, 40 mdmg from the BA gift, all go a good way in bumping up your firepower.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-16 05:23:32
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Master JP is a pretty big deal, all the passive defensive/offensive stats alone, as well as more spell freedom/higher traits do make a pretty huge difference for blu.

My blu is pretty basic, more so back when I would solo omen on it, outside of nuke gear which is fairly good. No rema weapons, didn't set magic hammer and didn't use occulation, no phalanx gear and I would /thf due to lack of enough TH gear.

Verve is required, at most you'll have to cast it two times a run. Defensive buffs were trust protect, cocoon and sometimes barrier tusk over trust phalanx, Def food as well I found to be a big help.

Trusts were august, whm, king, joa, qultada most of the time, occas swapping qultada to shantotto2/dancer trust when i was doing objectives on transcendent mobs. I didn't have refresh+ gear at the time but I imagine battery charge with proper gear would be as suitable as king's refresh2.

My strategy was to aggro the stragglers along the outside of the biggest cluster of mobs per pull, and run them into the rest of the pack so everything was in range of dream flower, Doing this let me sleep the whole pull without actually having to aggro everything a lot of the time, as lot of the mobs have sight based aggro.

Entomb > Spectral floe would kill if no resists, follow up with a subduction and move out of melee range just incase you get resists, I would always keep the trans mobs as my initial target just incase my initial target were to die and other mobs were still alive, this lets me just cast the next spell without the risk of having to retarget something.

Once all the lesser mobs are dead I would just dream flower the trans mobs and kill them one by one melee with trusts, letting trusts buff me, waste too much MP nuking them down and CDC spam is fast enough.

Casting dream flower in as close to cap PDT as you can is ideal, at least for a master blu you really dont need much magic acc to not get resisted, midcast is where all the risk is cleaving omen.

Its pretty much required to not have a huge chance of wiping on the mandrogora pull, they hit insanely hard.

I didn't nuke down the fairies, as aggro pulling them when they are spread out can cause some problems, entomb > burst floe can kill them though if you are geared enough. or you can entomb > kill them one by one with melee, and just cast entomb before it wears off.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-04-16 05:47:55
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I can tell you from my own experience, that I can simply kill everything but trans with single BA Crush (without any memento mori or other boosts) and that's with having almost regular melee setup spells being used (so I can easily finish trans after AoE). That was before I got Ambu clubs too. When you can do something like that, then it probably let you save a lot of MP. That being said I'm not even using BLU, because I got far better results (not in speed, but in Swart per run and probably Swart per time) with THF main. You could also pimp THF to the point where you could easily do the run below 30 min too I think, but that's a theory and I don't want to spread false information.

EDIT: Oh I never AoEd fairies and undead-sperm minions. Just killed them melee, but like I said, I had almost regular melee build on me all the time and I have Tizona/Thibron, so it was almost as fast as trying to gather them for AoE. Also one group of a mobs required additional nuke (subduction) sometimes (pigs maybe?) because they were slightly resistant to dark? or magic in general?
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-04-16 06:04:29
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SimonSes said: »
You could also pimp THF to the point where you could easily do the run below 30 min too I think, but that's a theory and I don't want to spread false information.

That the AE idea? Tried it a few times and its fairly effective but trusts make it very unreliable in my experience trying
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-04-16 06:15:25
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Nariont said: »
SimonSes said: »
You could also pimp THF to the point where you could easily do the run below 30 min too I think, but that's a theory and I don't want to spread false information.

That the AE idea? Tried it a few times and its fairly effective but trusts make it very unreliable in my experience trying

Yeah it's based on AE, but that wasnt hard to guess, as it's only strong AoE on THF :) If I ever push my THF that far and will try to check it in practice I will report it here ( or rather in thf thread :P )
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-16 06:52:29
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Nariont said: »
Dont forget verve, thats a 11~ hit aquaveil, and id use that over MG to be honest if you're AoEing more than meleeing
I'm 189/196 spells atm and Cacharian Verve is one of the spells I'm missing alas ;_; Or I'd be using that.
0/5 on that atm. Without the campaign the repop on WKR is like 3hrs and on Asura good luck finding it up.

I think next time I wanna try /RDM instead of /THF.
That would be "only" TH3 instead of TH4 but I think it might still be worth it for me.
I've died more than once because I couldn't complete that Dream Flower after the pull.

JP wise as I said I'm really low, I have like ~65 Job Points and 10-11 additional BLU points in the related JP category.

Do you guys think Macc plays a big role against Omen targets? With my gear being, I dunno, it's not BiS but it's allright. For the magic set it's mostly Jhakri+2 and Omen/Escha accessories.
Using Kaja Club MH and Vampirism OH atm.
Could swap Vampirism for Kaja sword for less mab but more Macc (and Mdmg, but I don't feel like that's very relevant)

As for food, in my silly attempts so far I was using Miso Ramen +1, but I've considered moving to Crepe for more Macc if it turns out that's one of my weak points, I haven't looked very closely at the chatlog and Omen is very laggy so I didn't really pay too much attention to that.

I can say though that Entomb > BA Spectral Floe doesn't kill everything for me. Sometimes, more often than not it doesn't.
I need to use another spell usually.
This should hint that I'm getting partial resists and, hence, macc could help me?

Also for the Fairies I know they resist Dream Flower, but they should be susceptible to light based sleeps like Sheep Song or Yawn?
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-04-16 07:09:35
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Idk I just think you need to take BLU much more serious and push it much further to have a good results with it. It wont magically surpass much better equipped jobs, only because it's good in theory.

You can take many jobs to the point where they would be amazing for aoe farming Omen, but it requires investments and experience. Take Afania for example. She has enough experience and gear on COR to AoE burn Omen with great success. You could take pimp DRK and probably farm omen even faster than BLU. BLU has easier time to reach that point, but it still requires some work. You should make 2100JP, get some gear (Kaja rod/Nibiru Club maybe and amalric +1, relic legs+1 etc)

Like I said, on my BLU I can just one shot most of the mobs in Omen with single BA Cursh, while having melee build spells, so I can finish off trans in few sec. I can kill fairies and undead-sparm minions with melee, faster than I would probably take them with AoE.

Having almost bis nuke set, 2100JP, very good melee sets, SIRD set etc. all adds up.

One tip that I cna give you, if you struggle. Pull mobs by hitting them with Subduction. The huge gravity effect will let you kite them VERY easily and cast dream flower with no mobs being in range to even attack you. Pulling will be slower, but way safer and you will also deal some initial damage, so you will ahve easier time finishing them off with big nukes.
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-04-16 07:13:10
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can always do the delve shark, zones not too bad, its very worth the time to get, pretty much vital for any serious AoE pulling on blu.

I can only speak from a nearly mastered perspective but macc was never really a problem for me on omen trash, i typically just ran with tacos or used mab food/no food at all. Spell loadout is also a factor

battery charge
magic hammer
sound blast
barbed crescent/delta for DW, or molting if i happen to be short on spell slots for whatever reason

is my go to baseline for AoEing, with gifts thats mab 6 and macc3, with wiggle room to add some other stuff if needed

Really though, you should just take some time to get atleast 1200 on blu, 20 spell points and 2 additional trait tiers goes a long way for everything you do on the job, aswell as the usual gifts along the way
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-16 07:25:54
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Nariont said: »
can always do the delve shark
That's true but you can't enter solo ^^'
I don't feel like going PUG for that and sure I could've asked some friends but so far I didn't bother. I admit I was being more optimist on the learning rate, that 0/5 was kinda unexpected =/

Really though, you should just take some time to get atleast 1200 on blu, 20 spell points and 2 additional trait tiers goes a long way for everything you do on the job, aswell as the usual gifts along the way
Yeah, I kinda underestimated the impact of that.
Or rather I underestimated Omen trash because I'm so used fighting them on 2100+ jobs, I guess.
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2019-04-16 07:28:59
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Its always the annoying spells that you dont go 1/1 on man, I know entering solo isnt an option, but can just grab 2 people for entry, the place is soloable though the craklaw/uraginite can be a bit of a pain if i remember the zone right.

But yeah, blu is just one of those jobs that benefits a ton from both its categories and its gifts
Server: Siren
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user: Dilandu
Posts: 306
By Siren.Dilandu 2019-04-16 21:58:13
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You can cleave omen in under 20 min easily with 500 JP. I've done enough runs to 2100 JP a few mules from 500+ JP. Reason why you want 500 JP is to get 80 spell points and pinga su3 gear for fastcast.

I'll post a video tomorrow cleaving on blu/thf. Usually have 2 other chars leeching run for cards and still able to clear in under 15 min.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-16 23:33:16
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Why pinga? To cap fc with less slots and equip what in the remaining ones? DT? SIRD?
Server: Shiva
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user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-04-17 00:41:27
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For trusts, if you're strictly sticking to cleaving, I actually recommend: Star Sibyl, Moogle, Sakura, WHM (I use Yoran), and KingofHearts (for Phalanx II). I suppose gifts aren't too essential to cleaving though they would obviously help. The most important aspect is making sure you have a good DT set and the proper spells (you may want to swap DT gear into your Dream Flower and/or Entomb sets at the beginning to give you more room for error). Here is what I have set for my cleaving runs as a BLU/THF.

Delta Thrust
Barbed Crescent

Dream Flower
Erratic Flutter
Battery Charge (You could swap this out for Barrier Tusk I suppose)

Magic Hammer
Blinding Fulgor
Anvil Lightning
Tenebral Crush
Spectral Floe

I would recommend prebuffing outside before you enter just to get a free MP refill for the first floor. It's far from needed but there really isn't any reason not to do it. Once you're in, summon up all of the trusts, cast cocoon, swap to your DT set, and aggro the floor. Dream Flower or Entomb as they surround you and then target one of the Transcended mobs and engage them so that your Trusts can start buffing and healing you. After that, if your gear is strong enough, Burst Affinty + Tenebral Crush the entire wave. Otherwise, you can just use the Nukes with crowd control back to back to clear out the wave. The Sweetwater mobs shouldn't take more than two, maybe three nukes but the Transcended ones will take four to six depending on your gear.

Once you're done you can rebuff and go up to the next floor and repeat the strategy. I'd recommend sleeping or petrifying the T Beetle and finishing off the Leech so that you can buff up again and Magic Hammer the Beetle to restore your mana before you go up again.

On the third floor, I usually pull two families at at time but, if you're inexperienced or your sets aren't as strong, just stick to one family at a time and cycle back to the fairies if you need mana. Careful with the mandagora and the ladybugs as they can hit really hard and the ladybugs can triple attack. Ladybugs won't aggro in the nighttime so you'll probably want to Subduction to aggro them all before you sleep or Entomb.

Personally, I cleave the panopts and the fairies as well but that can be pretty dangerous so you may want to just melee them, especially the fairies. If you do plan on cleaving them, pull the fairies to the panopts as the former only have single target spells and you can recast Occultation by the time they gather around you. They're pretty much immune to dark based sleep so you have to Entomb them, which can be risky if you're not careful.

You should make sure to recast Carcharian Verve whenever it's up and, if it is down, swap to Subduction instead of trying to pull everything to you. You can get mana from Fairies, Panopts, and Porxie so if you're low on mana, you can skip ahead to one of those families to Magic Hammer them. Here's a video of me doing a run just so you can see it firsthand. I'd assume if you're clearing one family at a time on the last floor, it will probably take 20-25 minutes but as your get more comfortable with it (and your gearsets improve), 15 minute runs should be the norm.

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Siren
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user: Dilandu
Posts: 306
By Siren.Dilandu 2019-04-17 00:45:15
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Why pinga? To cap fc with less slots and equip what in the remaining ones? DT? SIRD?

My goal is to have a high mp pool paired with max FC so I don't end up losing lots of mp when I'm changing to my FC gear. For instance I magic hammer a mob and get back full mp. I don't want to lose couple hundred mp because I switched to my FC gear when casting stuff like flutter, occultation, etc. DT is secondary in area's I don't gain much MP. My cape has -10 phy and 10 FC.

ring1 "Defending Ring"1
ammo "Staunch Tathlum +1"1
head "Amalric Coif +1"2
neck "Sanctity Necklace"2
ear1 "Etiolation Earring"4
ear2 "Loquac. Earring"2
body "Pinga Tunic +1"2
hands "Leyline Gloves"2
waist "Tempus Fugit"3
back "Rosmerta's Cape"0
legs "Pinga Pants +1"2
feet "Amalric Nails +1"2
ring2 "Prolix Ring"2
Server: Odin
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user: Vikter
Posts: 45
By Odin.Vikter 2019-04-17 01:07:05
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What’s that add on that shows the aoe distance of a spell?
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-17 02:02:13
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It's an in-game option.

config > Misc3 > Area Display: On and Target Expressions: On
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-04-17 06:21:50
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Why pinga? To cap fc with less slots and equip what in the remaining ones? DT? SIRD?

Probably dropping to like 75-80% hp without optimizing
Server: Siren
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user: Dilandu
Posts: 306
By Siren.Dilandu 2019-04-18 06:05:36
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Video looked ok until I uploaded and checked. Looks like it's running on a PS2. I use dream flower sometimes when it's not needed but to tag the mobs with TH4.

YouTube Video Placeholder

I would recommend using Amchuchu or August, Joachim, Apururu, Star Sybil, and Brygid

First floor usually best to run in and dream flower a cluster. Then gather the rest. Engage a trnscended mob entomb burst affinity spectral floe or tenebral crush anvil lightning entomb and spectral floe usually finishes them off.

Second Floor do the same. Engage the trsnscended beetle and magic hammer to get back full mp starting. Entomb burst affinity spectral floe or tenebral crush entomb redo buffs and entomb in between buffs. Magic hammer back full mp and finish off both trnnscended mobs.

Thrid Floor I go clockwise and round up all the rabbits and sleep. Then pull the transcended mandragora into the group of rabbits. Start with entomb burst affinity spectral floe or tenebral crush anvil lightning and back to entomb and spectral floe to finish them off. Then round up all the mandragora entomb and spectral floe.

I run down to the fairy and magic hammer for mp and flee to the lizards. Cast occulation once you're near and round them up. Sleep the lizards and then entomb the fairy. Run and pull the transcended bird and sleep. Then entomb and redo carcharian verve. Magic hammer the fairy and engage the transcended bird burst affinity and spectral floe entomb tenebral crush and subduction or two to finish them off.

If it is daytime I will round up the ladybugs and run near the porxies and sleep them and occultation and heal back up and pull the porxies. Magic hammer entomb, burst affinity spectral floe anvil lightning and repeat. If it's night I will run past the ladybugs and bring the trnscended porxie back to the ladybugs. Glutinous dart any of the ones i missed sleeping. The panopts are dangerous to gather sometimes because they can cast stonega 3 that wipes your occulation. If you see one casting either sleep them or get ready to recast occulation. Once you sleep them all grab the transcended unseele and bring it to the panopt group and entomb. Engage and burst affinity spectral floe to kill all the adds. Magic hammer then cycle through anvil lightning, entomb, spectral floe
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-04-18 10:27:57
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This is actually a funny challange. Make fastest solo omen farm.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2019-04-19 07:41:35
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nvm found it on previous page
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-19 11:39:38
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Soooo I went back and farmed some JP (not much, slightly under 500 atm) and created new sets with /RDM aaaand... I'm afraid I might have overdid it lol

Did 2 runs, best run was 25 mins, and I still have a loooot of space for improvement.

Some things that I feel made a difference:
1) Used Qultada instead of Brygid and fought Trascendent mobs "normally". Qultada qould use Chaos and Evoker's. That Evokers basically solved my MP problems (in conjunction with Refresh and Moogle trust). I didn't even have the need to use Convert or Magic Hammer.

2) Aquaveil from /RDM, wow, didn't get interrupted not even once, even with 2 groups on me. NOMNOMNOM

Still trying to decide if I like empowered Phalanx or Barrier tusk more, dunno. Was using Saline Coat on Eyes and Pixies, not sure it's necessary tho.

I'm totally gonna go back to /THF once I get Cacharian Verve, and will use that in place of Mighty Guard.
Server: Shiva
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user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-04-19 11:58:58
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/RDM without Phalanx gear is probably going to be around 14-18 damage reduction depending on your enhancing gear so barrier tusk will be stronger if you are getting hit for less than around 250 damage and have full -PDT gear on. If you use King, his Phalanx II will be more potent than Barrier Tusk regardless of whether or not you are in DT gear for less than around 300 damage based off of how Barrier Tusk works.

Definitely skip Saline Coat.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2019-04-19 12:05:01
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All I noticed from that video is that he is Usain Bolt
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-19 22:30:35
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Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
If you use King
Koru-Moru will use Phalanx II too. But on these first 2 tries I didn't use a RDM.
I was using:
Star Sibyl => I'll probably skip her once I get a few more job points / MAB gifts
Moogle => 3mp/tic help
Qultada => Chaos roll is nice to have but doesn't make a difference, Evoker changes a lot
Apururu => mostly for Prot5/Shell5 and occasional but rare cures.
Joachim => Victory March

Definitely skip Saline Coat.
Yeah, didn't feel necessary =/ Gonna remove it.
And I confirmed that Yawn (or Sheep song) isn't really necessary to sleep Fairies in place of Dream Flower.
I just Entomb them then Spectral Floe and BAAM, bye bye fairies.

These are the spells I'm using atm, open for suggestions but keep in mind I'm still slightly below 500 total JPs.

Spells for /RDM setup

Spells for /THF setup
Server: Bismarck
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user: Lothoro
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By Bismarck.Lothoro 2019-04-19 23:22:37
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I go BLU/THF with chaac belt locked for TH4, full clear in just under 14 minutes. Use Yoran, King of Hearts (for refresh II), August, Star Sibyl, Ulmia. Use occultation, round up a group of mobs and AoE.

Diffusion Carcharian Verve at the start of the run, usually lasts the whole run or occasionally I have to put it back up right before the end around porxies. For the last floor, I’ll kill clockwise starting with rabbits, ending with pixies. I do get a little low on MP by the time I reach the ladybugs, but luckily can magic hammer a nearby Porxie to solve that issue.

Can Entomb —> Spectral Floe to kill all NQs besides two groups: Porxies and Pixies. For Porxies, I’ll entomb —> BA Spectral Floe —> Tenebral Crush (while Porxies are stunned) to kill them. For Pixies, I’ll entomb -> Spectral Floe -> Searing Tempest.

My MAB gear is pretty good but not best in slot. Still missing relic legs +3 and I haven’t bothered getting any of the ambuscade weapons for the time being, still using Nibiru Cudgels x2.

Sechs I’d recommend white wind over magic fruit if you have a good set for it. Can AoE curaga >1000 hp with a good set with white wind. It does cost more MP, but it’s quite nice (especially for group content like Dynamis Divergence). I also don’t set cocoon, diamondhide, or battery charge so that I can use the points for a fourth AOE Spell (tenebral crush is really nice, high damage on porxies, only resisted pixies).

Dilandu and Xelltrix videos and strats above are very solid as well.

Another thing: once I entomb a group of mobs, I’ll engage the transcended mob with nibiru cudgels equipped and then Spectral Floe. Then, use tp to use Moonlight to recover MP when possible. Also by engaging, August will grab hate so you can bring the transcended mob along to the next group of NQs without it eating your occultation shadows.
Server: Siren
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user: Dilandu
Posts: 306
By Siren.Dilandu 2019-04-19 23:55:23
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Looking at your spellset on rdm sub. I would change out reactor cool and saline coat. Add eyes on me and retinal glare. That would still maintain your MAB tier6 trait and give you conserve mp with nothing lost. The 3 int you lose from reactor cool is gained back from retinal glare.

Also noticed you use perfect vampirism offhand. If you don't need the 7 fastcast from it, nibiru cudgel is better. Looking at 3 MAB more on vampirism vs 11 int, 16 magic damage, and 50mp on nibiru.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-20 06:17:08
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Thanks for the tips guys!
I was using Kaja Rod MH (Swapping to Sequence for Transcended, but honestly I might as well just build a Black Halo set, seems to be working real nice) and Vampirism previously, but on these 2 (finally succesful!) runs I kept Kaja Sword offhand.

That's following a discussion on the RDM thread. After you get past a certain threshold of Mab, then MDMG starts being much better than Mab, and Kaja Sword has really high Mdmg values compared to Perf Vampirism or pretty much anything else.
I do have a Nibiru Cudgel as well btw, it's on my mule atm, but Nibiru Cudgel is pretty much the same as Vampirism, slightly better, but still low Mdmg.

Btw I'm not claiming Kaja Offhand is better than Nibiru because of the ongoing discussion in the RDM thread.
It *might*, I dunno, was just testing things.
My Spectral Floe was hitting for ~16k damage. Considering I'm below 500 JP, I guess that's not a bad number, is it?
(no Burst affinity of course)
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2019-04-20 06:41:54
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I posted the results a little back Sechs between the clubs. Max/Kaja is the best nuking option for every spell except Spectral Floe. Where Nibiru offhand beats it by very little. But, the damage from all other spells + the added melee value makes it way better.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10272
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-20 08:10:08
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Steering the discussion away from that topic, I recently upgraded AF body to +3 and I'm wondering a couple of things that have probably been already discussed:

1) Should I be using Assimilator's Jubbah +3 over Abnoba Kaftan, for CDC? I'm aware WSD+10% would work on the first hit only, unlike the Crit stuff on Abnoba, but it also has much higher STR/DEX/Acc

2) In the set I'm currently using for hybrid spells (like Sudden Lunge) I have Ayanmo Corazza +2 and Lempo Earring. I was thinking to swap to Assimilator's Jubbah +3 and Regal Earring. Less mab, much more acc/stats.

Not sure if I should bother, thanks for any precious input!
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-04-20 11:05:09
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1) I would use adhemar+1
2) This combo has a lot of accuracy but not much magic accuracy. Only 15 from set bonus and 24 blue magic skill. I would keep using ayanmo. I use relic+3 I think.
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