The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
By Autocast 2019-02-06 08:32:56
I've farmed 456 crystals on the blu char atm, there have been runs where I've gotten 5-6 (usually when I die early or just unlucky) but the runs I get over 8 are far more often then the ones I get under.
I don't have any hard recorded data on drops per run though so I cant say absolutely, and obviously my sample size is smaller, but I check how many I get every run, and and has been pretty consistent on 8~/run.
I've also done less runs on my rune fencer character farming cards, with TH3 from gear and I almost always get 7-8 on that char as well, it's what I've come to expect (very common for me to forget to TH tag a few mobs on rune runs)
Again nothing compared to your sample size but this is what I've come to expect since starting to farm it regularly.
One thing I'll note is I always end with more crystals on the blu/thf than the rune character after a session of runs (tend to save tags up and do 3-4 back to back) I attribute this to forgetting to TH tag things sometimes but also more than likely just poor sample size, but I cant remember a single time(when I didn't wipe early on a run with blu) where my rune ended with more crystals than my blu/thf.
By zaxtiss 2019-02-06 10:24:23
hey everyone,
have any blue's here had a chance to test R15 almace and SU5 to see how it compares?
By Ricon 2019-02-06 12:25:16
SU5 is hot garbage compared to the 3 REMA options.
Almace Rank 15 is somewhere in the ball park of 500 dps lower than sequence/thib and sequence/thib was somewhere around 1500 dps lower than Tiz/Thib.
In the age of augmented REMA there is no debate anymore Tizona is leaps and bounds ahead of every option.
By zaxtiss 2019-02-06 14:42:36
SU5 is hot garbage compared to the 3 REMA options.
Almace Rank 15 is somewhere in the ball park of 500 dps lower than sequence/thib and sequence/thib was somewhere around 1500 dps lower than Tiz/Thib.
In the age of augmented REMA there is no debate anymore Tizona is leaps and bounds ahead of every option. alright what is thib?
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By Asura.Chiaia 2019-02-06 14:51:26
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By Ragnarok.Tdizzle 2019-02-06 15:32:37
How is the accuracy with that sword on content that matters? You're losing what 260 or so sword skill and the accuracy/attack that goes along with that since it isn't an ilevel sword right?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 100
By Ragnarok.Tdizzle 2019-02-06 15:35:33
SU5 is hot garbage compared to the 3 REMA options.
Almace Rank 15 is somewhere in the ball park of 500 dps lower than sequence/thib and sequence/thib was somewhere around 1500 dps lower than Tiz/Thib.
In the age of augmented REMA there is no debate anymore Tizona is leaps and bounds ahead of every option.
Just wondering about what I should do. I have Almace and Sequence and will eventually get a Tizona in the not too distant future. What does it look like without the tp bonus sword as far as hierarchy. I've gotten rather close to my almace after all the things we've poked together. And really iffy about giving up Almace completely for a tp bonus sword, not to mention the poor sequence...
By SimonSes 2019-02-06 15:38:58
How is the accuracy with that sword on content that matters? You're losing what 260 or so sword skill and the accuracy/attack that goes along with that since it isn't an ilevel sword right?
It was kinda told several times in previous several pages, but..
TL;DR. You can get up to 1100+ accuracy (before food and buffs and you can push it higher with few accuracy swaps), but it requires top gear. Mainly R15 Tizona, +2 neck and +1 Adhemar. That accuracy is enough to make most endgame, but not everything (wave 3 fomors for example). So Almace as main hand or offhand will still be used for those very few instances when you need accuracy (or you try to solo high lvl stuff underbuffed)
By tyalangan 2019-02-06 16:19:21
I thought skill didn’t matter for sub weapon? So you wouldn’t be gaining acc or atk from skill. So, no detriment to thibruns level? What am I missing?
By Avamoon 2019-02-06 16:32:40
So, I don't know if this was answered before, I went 10 pages back and kinda gave up.
Can BLU learn the Vagary Boss spells in the new, Boss only Vagary fights? Or does it have to be done in the normal Vagary runs?
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By Siren.Kyte 2019-02-06 16:45:00
I thought skill didn’t matter for sub weapon? So you wouldn’t be gaining acc or atk from skill. So, no detriment to thibruns level? What am I missing?
it matters for that hand
By tyalangan 2019-02-06 16:55:36
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Neyochimaru 2019-02-07 04:39:00
Tdizzle, I was in exactly your position a few months ago. Sequence becomes invo -1 pretty much. Almace becomes sub weapon. Tizona becomes Main. I'm still bitter about having to reduce my almace to off hand, but it is what it is. . . -cries uncontrolably like a ***-
By Ricon 2019-02-07 10:21:03
How is the accuracy with that sword on content that matters? You're losing what 260 or so sword skill and the accuracy/attack that goes along with that since it isn't an ilevel sword right?
It was kinda told several times in previous several pages, but..
TL;DR. You can get up to 1100+ accuracy (before food and buffs and you can push it higher with few accuracy swaps), but it requires top gear. Mainly R15 Tizona, +2 neck and +1 Adhemar. That accuracy is enough to make most endgame, but not everything (wave 3 fomors for example). So Almace as main hand or offhand will still be used for those very few instances when you need accuracy (or you try to solo high lvl stuff underbuffed)
This isn’t 100% accurate, the boost to expiacions dmg is so high that even with floored acc in the offhand it’s still better. I have right at 1100 acc OH 1319 mainhand, no food or buffs. I do wave 3 dynamis against bis war, drk, Sam, mnk, drg and consistently parse 1st or second. 38k-40k ws avg on wave 3 boss. Overall acc around 91%.
Edit: Tdizzle I over looked your other question about not using tp bonus. Excluding it as an option Tizona/Almace is around 6300 dps, Almace/sequence is about 5900 dps. To put this into perspective Tiz/Thib is in the area of 7700-8k dps on 140 content. We have used months of farming wave 3 bosses to get the data that we have right now, currently Tizona is just overwhelming everything and almace can’t keep up.
By SimonSes 2019-02-07 14:21:54
There is a reason i said wave 3 fomors, not wave 3 boss. Wave 3 boss is killed with bolster and SV songs and your accuracy should be capped there, but fomors is different thing. If you are parsing 1st on fomors with floored accuracy than your competition is weak. BIS sam will throw Fudos in almost the same range as your Expiacions, but will have higher white damage and ws frequency. Tje only reason you can win with sam is just being much better on engaging etc. Dynamis parses are the worst parses. I for example usually have 4 time less WSs total than other dds, because im from EU and they are from NA and my character takes 5 sec to engage and mobs are usually dead before i can do anything and my gearswap refuse to swap me back to tp set after most WS, so i need to manually swap to it with chat command. So sometimes I parse 50% of first person. Now when we do zerg in no lag scenario, I parse around the same or sometimes higher than the same person who beats me x2 in dynamis. Dynamis lag is what forced me to triobox dynamis at least once per week. I couldnt stand that *** 2 times a week.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2019-02-07 14:27:58
Even without bolster etc. The wave 3 bosses have way less evasion.
By Takisan 2019-02-07 20:08:29
There is a reason i said wave 3 fomors, not wave 3 boss. Wave 3 boss is killed with bolster and SV songs and your accuracy should be capped there, but fomors is different thing. If you are parsing 1st on fomors with floored accuracy than your competition is weak. BIS sam will throw Fudos in almost the same range as your Expiacions, but will have higher white damage and ws frequency. Tje only reason you can win with sam is just being much better on engaging etc. Dynamis parses are the worst parses. I for example usually have 4 time less WSs total than other dds, because im from EU and they are from NA and my character takes 5 sec to engage and mobs are usually dead before i can do anything and my gearswap refuse to swap me back to tp set after most WS, so i need to manually swap to it with chat command. So sometimes I parse 50% of first person. Now when we do zerg in no lag scenario, I parse around the same or sometimes higher than the same person who beats me x2 in dynamis. Dynamis lag is what forced me to triobox dynamis at least once per week. I couldnt stand that *** 2 times a week.
Lol ya. Im in the U.S. and have mobs appear dead while the game stalls me still trying to engage the dead mob. I sadly stopped coming to dynamis on blu and just went geo. Throw up bubbles and follow someone. You don't really get to play DD and have fun when you weapon skill like once per 4 mobs u pull out swords for. Old dyn wasn't this bad I dont think. Would be nice if SE did something about it.
By Ricon 2019-02-08 08:47:31
There is a reason i said wave 3 fomors, not wave 3 boss. Wave 3 boss is killed with bolster and SV songs and your accuracy should be capped there, but fomors is different thing. If you are parsing 1st on fomors with floored accuracy than your competition is weak. BIS sam will throw Fudos in almost the same range as your Expiacions, but will have higher white damage and ws frequency. Tje only reason you can win with sam is just being much better on engaging etc. Dynamis parses are the worst parses. I for example usually have 4 time less WSs total than other dds, because im from EU and they are from NA and my character takes 5 sec to engage and mobs are usually dead before i can do anything and my gearswap refuse to swap me back to tp set after most WS, so i need to manually swap to it with chat command. So sometimes I parse 50% of first person. Now when we do zerg in no lag scenario, I parse around the same or sometimes higher than the same person who beats me x2 in dynamis. Dynamis lag is what forced me to triobox dynamis at least once per week. I couldnt stand that *** 2 times a week.
1) the wave 3 boss is a 10-20 minute fight so you don’t have those buffs the fight.
2) I never said my acc was floored, I said the spreadsheet still puts tp bonus ahead of almace OH even if acc is floored.
3) in wave 3 dynamis a bis Sam will not throw Fudo at the same dmg sorry, they avg around 28k at best I’m avging around 40k. I like how if a blu beat a Sam it’s cause of lag. Not because idk the whole job just recently changed it’s bis gear and spells.
4) ok so you lag, that doesn’t mean it’s miserable for all of us. Is it perfect nope, do the people parsing for the data have similar conditions, yea. We’re not stupid.
It doesnt matter, I was attempting to help the community with some info and you respond with some dumb ***post, ggwp.
By SimonSes 2019-02-08 09:04:48
Why you needed to add that last sentence is outside my logic..
1. If you kill boss in less than 11 min, then having sv songs whole time is perfectly possible and sv songs is what matters the most for accuracy.
2. Ok, misunderstood you.
3. There is something wrong if SAM has avg 28k fudo and you have 40k expiacions. SAM minimal fudo with bis set and 9verhelm is around 29k at 1000 tp and with all the buffs SAM will overtp a lot so avg will be much much higher. Ws frequency will be higher too.
Btw i dont play SAM and BLU is among ny mains and I was first peraon here spreading info about tizona/tp bonus, so if anything i would be biased towards blu, not sam, but I wont be blind to facts.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-08 09:21:09
the spreadsheet still puts tp bonus ahead of almace OH even if acc is floored.
I don't give a ***about BLU, but this is obviously some horse ***. The lost offhand swings are taking out at least half of the TP bonus on their own. Are you setting the spreadsheet to also floor Almace's accuracy? Do you have any paper math to back it up?
Most of the old spreadsheets are dreadfully inaccurate.
By SimonSes 2019-02-08 09:39:39
In theory your Tizona swings are probably at least 60% (and even more white damage) of your total swings, so getting floored on sub hand is drop to like 68% total accuracy, so it should drop 8000dps to like 5800?
By Ricon 2019-02-08 12:10:18
When I get home I’ll upload my spreadsheet, in the event it’s wrong it will be good to figure out where and why. If my sheet is correct it will be good for the community to have an updated sheet. Win-win.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-08 15:24:28
This probably goes without saying, but new sword with savage is going to be better than tanmo/colada/hepa cdcs/expiation for those without remas?
pretty sure it was already possibly better, but should be no contest now yeah?
By Afania 2019-02-08 15:39:30
This probably goes without saying, but new sword with savage is going to be better than tanmo/colada/hepa cdcs/expiation for those without remas?
pretty sure it was already possibly better, but should be no contest now yeah?
It should be if sc isnt considered, since blu can offhand tp bonus with minimal sacrifice and tp bonus isnt rema.
So I think ambu/tp bonus savage build is best dps style on none rema blu in a party with other dd.
By Afania 2019-02-08 15:48:00
1) the wave 3 boss is a 10-20 minute fight so you don’t have those buffs the fight.
I thought brd sv song last 10 min? Or do I remember incorrectly? 10 min is enough time to kill wave 3 boss if 6/6 of DD and COR are R15 HQ BiS, has malaise and no lag.
If wildcard successfully reset SP then the durarion doubles. 20 min is enough for most above avg group to get win.
By Ricon 2019-02-08 17:10:19
1) the wave 3 boss is a 10-20 minute fight so you don’t have those buffs the fight.
I thought brd sv song last 10 min? Or do I remember incorrectly? 10 min is enough time to kill wave 3 boss if 6/6 of DD and COR are R15 HQ BiS, has malaise and no lag.
If wildcard successfully reset SP then the durarion doubles. 20 min is enough for most above avg group to get win. You are correct, SV buffs will last, 13 min songs is no problem with Carn. Bolster will not last barring Cor reset and is a hefty boost to dmg.
This is the spreadsheet I am currently using, while I'm sure everything isn't 100% perfect I think it's within reason. If it's not maybe someone can fix it and I eat crow lol!
Edit: Take a look at the %melee vs %WS of the Tiz/Thib 8.15%/91.85% white dmg is basically not a thing.
By geigei 2019-02-09 03:19:53
Kaja rod new bis nuke toy?
By Autocast 2019-02-09 04:28:00
unless 115~ magic damage beats 11 INT and 13MAB, I doubt it, does have a lot of magic accuracy though
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2019-02-10 13:25:07
Kaja Rod would have to be a cool toy for blue mage doing Black Halo with a decent ws dmg set
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By Shiva.Flowen 2019-02-13 09:09:38
Kaja Rod would have to be a cool toy for blue mage doing Black Halo with a decent ws dmg set
Yeah Black Halo is a solid WS, BLU + Kaja might be one of the best sources of blunt damage in the game besides SMN (sorry MNK!)