Three Word Story...

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Three word story...
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By richwood 2010-12-02 14:04:21
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Que Zelda Music.
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By Alexander.Luwu 2010-12-02 14:04:22
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killed his friend
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By richwood 2010-12-02 14:21:22
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For stealing Cake.
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By Mirvana 2010-12-02 16:40:50
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which his girlfriend
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By Asura.Angelswrath 2010-12-06 21:08:51
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Made out with
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By Bismarck.Drakelth 2010-12-06 21:15:15
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a martian named
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By ararita 2010-12-06 21:18:07
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By Asura.Angelswrath 2010-12-06 21:18:53
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Who smelled awfully
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By Pandemonium.Scrumpet 2010-12-06 21:20:10
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but did not
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By Asura.Angelswrath 2010-12-06 21:31:19
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tolerate anal bleeding
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [126 days between previous and next post]
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By Phoenix.Amael 2011-04-12 09:46:50
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{The first 10 pages of FFXIAH's three word story. Bolds are exceeded the Three Word Rule. A lot of points and commas were made to try and make some sense.}

This one time at band camp five flamboyant galkas who looked like the village people started to sing. It sounded like Britney Spears and N'sync. But one of the galkas sprained his ankle while giving himself cookies and milk only to find several singing tarus who was doing the can-can dance and scared humes. Penis Vagina T-Bag!!! is the name of those Tarus. Why Are you? Until the fat Galka Shaved off all the chigoes fried in butter. "Do what Now?" said the angry Flying Sexy Mithra giving the Shocker while she was dancing in the "This is Sparta?". Wondering why she only had C-cups.

Fluffy soft pillows were not available due to maintenance. Updates happening in "Not Understanding Sharp". Crystal was not Shiny like a lighting bolt in your mom's face, when the rain hit the floor I was like "Fo'shizzle, really?" Well go and jump into bed for a Sex Marathon!

A contest Started that happened to to surprise all, except that elvaan, suddenly spoke spanish! "Soy muy feo, me voy para" which translated to "Taco Taco Taco, ***, I'm wasted ???? This ????"

So the Galkas ate the tarus, were sexually confused and everybody had really started humping, until they got ran over by a reindeer coming all over the house on christmas, slipped and fell down the hill and broke a lost baby seal's back and neck.

Bacon and eggs with butten on top of old faithful while watching House, which had green shutters. I think Hugh Laurie is mysteriously hot and has balls down the shin of Dynamis lord, but then again I'm on acid.

The Elvaan chick with a stick and a brick engage in combat with none other Medusa the ***, wearing nothing but a thong that makes her *** smell like cheese. That turns on the big galka, causing Zazarg to use boost and question his sexuality. After his pants become tighter than Cobra Unit Subligar. Chafes the skin after fisting his own rectum. So he HP'ed and called his buddy to get aloe and some whisky and suddenly began, and a mithra thus his hand.

"Better than one? the mithra said who danced around. "Come and feel my baby chocobo egg you sexy stud" And the galka without male genitals ran crying only to find he stepped on smelly doggy poop but really it was taru oatmeal cream pies. He took his hands and refisted is loosed rectum, then went to school and played [] while practiving jewish midget bowling with Gay Tony, who just finished <Master> <Bait>ing to. Sounds of moans made by Galkas in Bastok mines riding on their double headed *** with big pink bowls of silk and a giant fuzzy three inch platinum high *** heels covered in serveral patches of glitter and cow dung. Now to put on a dress to cover my pale white *** and giant hog, thats so bright it makes babies.

That King Arthro fuzzy bouncy balls makes no sense. Porkchop and applesauce. "I gotta pee" is what galkas love to eat after the bang pregnant Mithras danced until the moonlit and sumo wrestled their *** off. Big Butts and little waists are complicating the process of installing the penis in vagina.

Chicken, rice and how they came into the chicken? Poisoned the poor tarutaru so he could take over. Shrimp fried world, the whole world, then he died. He had AIDS.

Doggy's post count aids. It was so he decided to commit suicide but failed when the rope broke and he landed on top of his hairy nuts.

"Chicken pot Pie, post count +1"

Hennesy he drank while eating watermelon.

"Post Count Fail, This is true: Excesspain is a fat lady falling? Really just gay."

Old man Jenkins, "such harsh words Butthurt Fruity Man"

Wow, thats awesome lol

"NOT THREE WORDS!!!" Shouted the crowd.

"Drink it up!"

"Megga Uppercut Flash!"


"TO the gigas"

"For the love of good God, Please Not Cerberus, but let it."

Denzel washington Said, "I love asian and I'm gay"

"You've taken the first step man, Well done!"

"I'm dying" and Korpg realized I hate you, that the world needed more gays to be killed after Ludoggy played with little Asiangirls. Lu and Korpg: Dominoes Pizza Deliver. And together they made man love with 5 women who were *** and then Lu killed himself because he was gay like Meeeeeep's sister who's non-existant, because Lu ate, because Korpg killed all the humans whi his breath.

In Bastok's Market with Rampaging Tarus chasing down Lud, equipped with burning poo sticks and hot Asian Vaginas.

"Stop this ***before we die" -Laugh out Loud.-

"I just came"

"Just Beat It! Beat your meat by the fire of Dead Elvaans with rotting corpse's while singing Pokemon: Caught them all"

"What the ***?" Said the tarutaru, getting raped by
the orcish grunts. o_o

Inscane Siamiesse mormoms, was like rampage with their ***. The Mithra ate like a Milkshake. :X

"This Thread should be called 'Let's spam!'"

Running down their hot silky smooth wyvern's cause they cat like paws, were very rough but good to little naughty mithras with long thick manes of shining polearms of steel.

Hungry Hungry hippos tend to be. They like spankings, hungry, very hungry for galka meat. But couldn't stop until it became A MOTHERFUCKING TARP, more like Lu Pissing over the whole Asura server.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2,982
By Phoenix.Amael 2011-04-16 10:33:18
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{FFXIAH's three word story 11-20. Bold are people who exceeded the three word rule. By this point i think the story centers on Ludoggy and Korpg. If previous was random, this one must win an award.}

Asura then got. . .

Mithra guy's are very angry with the elvaan men becuz we are so godman lanky. The Elvaan Women like tarus becuz they got big spam spam spam, they can fit heads and thats very god for the elvaan men to punch very small taru head's and be obsolete like the galka's who cannot reproduce jus like mithras. They have no way of knowing capture the mithra's with a fish inside their bed. I hope you where chigoes bite.

Sleep very well, catch SARS because know what your, like to like, which isn't right little boys and, unless your a serial rapest, like Korpg, Lu and Cel, goes walking his big toy down the street, when suddenly a in a taco lays the rest but not for of horny hotdogs.

Ludoggy Fails so he should die very slowly and Korpg raped in Lud's butt, so they both fail cuz they're gay.

"Hope you die from Swine Flu, while having sex. Origies and Condoms" Said the fat *** who eats fat peoples hair soaked in poison.

Mabrook smells like the beautiful flowers of dead people grown from Lu's vagina. While being garden of doom, dominated by galka, trapped in Lu's Pants. Du Du residue was left.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" Said the galkas to the child with bushy brows.


no you eat me"

Fixed: over 8000 times

Then it came,

"Jerk, you said you'd Stop"

"Oh yea sorry"

/stab /stab /stab

"Fixed :D"

"Fixed what?"

"Um this..."

"You suck balls"

From the Bushes which sucked balls, which Ludoggy likes to suck on, over and over until it would start to get swollen and sore.

"Cake Beats Pie!"


Then would pop and creamy liquid will ban thread.

"I'm sorry, I'm SUPERMAN ***!!"

Then he flew to the sun ate some pancakes. But suddenly he had very bad allergy so he took some pills that made his toes freeze over, he bought socks.

"No he didn't, because he is a Wuss"

Korpg chewed on and spit Lu.

"What to say. . ." which he replied "***Throwing Monkey!" and everyone hit until it died from testicular cancer.

Then went to whitegate to shout:
"Call Bdice Todd"

"He Blows you..."

"Heart Shaped Bubbles...with his vagina that has crabs like bubbly bernie"

They all decided too kill Tarutarus for special cookies but they were all too weak.

"Needz moar TARU!"

"Nipples fart cheese" Said the galka who then proceeded, taru on bottom o_O.

The Taru Screamed!

Gets the KY and rubs it.


"Sterling lets cyber" and he stared o.o

"Nuked the Galka's"

"That's Cockblocking Korpg"

"I should have looked at porn, instead of looking at this post because this fails like a DRK that spams emoeater then blames the pld or the healer"

"Needs moar VIT!" but the pld laughs at the silly drg fairy who satas rdms and does pretty /dance4s while the GM weilds BANHAMMER but he wiffs the blue squirrel.

"Fail skill +.2" said the Squirrel which turned into OPTIMUS PRIME said "AUTOBOT Move out"

"Hey, Megan Fox! Cata Failed Thread"

Which is why we started over. Galkaas are fugly, and like to make fun of ugly bald humes.

"Leave but the chocobo ate my blue haired baby"

The demon spawn who came from Sav and Das? /panic haha. the castlebailey's place. And there love was no where near enough until Korpg saves the princess but she was in another castle. Our hero nuked Mexico for because he hated Swine Flu. He liked the donkey thats named Dasva who became prince of the jackasses, Dating Princess Savannah of the jaclassess and lived happily inside my stomach, all warm and fuzzy. Minusseven likes being emo boy.

"Nah, he likes being emo boy"

Minusseven gives up, he couldn't last 2 minutes alone in this cruel home shopping network that sells some ffxi bots for awesome Tool songs which can even cONTROL YOUR MIND, making you crave my third eye.

You must understand, fungus coated toes i don't like it when you undercut nebimonites IS best song, like Ludoggy's makes me feel sick on Korpg's couch. His dirty couch that he defiles daily with help from horny Tarus who wack it with elemental staff and moko grass.

chanting "Eff y0 couch!, Off mah Couch!" All night long, while Doggy records the hot action.

"Savannah is crazy for chocolate pudding applied to skin by yours truly, Teh Crazed Kung."

"Unapplied by me"

"Then Reapplied some more by me cz she likes large black hands" and realizing this she cums hard.

"Could get locked" Savannah changes topic to asian girls. Hot asian girls.

"Death Metal Rock!"

"Strapping young lad, What the ***?"

"My hands hurt, Sav is lost in my house with no hope of ever escaping this mad house of cookie monsters eating their... peanuts"

Hate this Thread, everyone hates Ludoggy, cause no hot asian chickk pix.

"Ninja edit fail, but sadly true."

On that note, time for nachos with hot sauce and sour cream. Yummiliciousness cheesy nachos covered with head cheese and sour cream.

"Another thread Failure"

"Just a lilbit"

So now we go to sleep and have dreams. Isn't a story, your not astory.

"Ludoggy, Daylight {Do you need it?}"

"Your Face is"

Minusseven needs life, failure level rising.

"Fail skill +.4"

"You learned failga"

Thinks thats rich. Failga zomgbbqsauce forealz! Gobbie defeats Sav. Dasva meoters gobbie!!!
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [589 days between previous and next post]
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By 2012-11-25 20:36:14
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user: wyattdoc1
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By Asura.Wyattdoc 2012-11-25 20:37:30
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a man from
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By Bismarck.Misao 2012-11-25 20:39:03
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New South Alaska
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By 2012-11-25 20:40:01
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By Bahamut.Celesyna 2012-11-25 20:40:17
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to the store
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user: Escorian
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By Asura.Escorian 2012-11-25 20:40:57
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named bill nye
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By 2012-11-25 20:42:42
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Selennia
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By Bahamut.Celesyna 2012-11-25 20:55:40
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for his squirrel
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By Odin.Eikechi 2012-11-25 20:56:26
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who loved science!
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user: wyattdoc1
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By Asura.Wyattdoc 2012-11-25 20:58:30
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all to much
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user: Selennia
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By Bahamut.Celesyna 2012-11-25 20:59:36
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and didn't even
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user: misacat
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By Bismarck.Misao 2012-11-25 21:00:41
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know what it
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user: Selennia
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By Bahamut.Celesyna 2012-11-25 21:01:09
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wanted to eat
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user: misacat
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By Bismarck.Misao 2012-11-25 21:02:05
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but instead he
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user: feifei
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By Bahamut.Feisei 2012-11-25 21:13:15
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decided to ***
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By Carbuncle.Joeywheeler 2012-11-25 21:20:16
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Inside Pam Anderson
By volkom 2012-11-25 21:20:27
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Then a meteor
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