Okay, sorry for the delay was still doing something on the game and trying to do this.
Now, your macro
I have brought about a decent Fastcast/Healing Casting time set now for WHM but I have problems using the following macro:
/sc set WHMfastcast
/ma "Cure V" <stal> <wait .5>
/sc set WHMcureV <wait .5>
/equip Sub "Curatio Grip" <wait 5>
/sc set WHMidle
I really, really don't like this. Change it just to this:
/ma "Cure V" <stal> or <stpc>
for your XML I'm going to suggest this:
Code xml
<if Spell="Cure*">
<if Spell="Cure IV">
<equip when="precast" set="CurePrecast" />
<if advanced='"%DayElement"="Light" OR "%WeatherElement"="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure4">
<back>Twilight Cape</back>
<waist>Korin Obi</waist>
<if advanced='"%DayElement"!="Light" AND "%WeatherElement"!="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure" />
<equip when="aftercast" set="Idle" />
</return />
<if NotSpell="Cure IV">
<equip when="precast" set="CurePrecast" />
<if advanced='"%DayElement"="Light" OR "%WeatherElement"="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure">
<back>Twilight Cape</back>
<waist>Korin Obi</waist>
<if advanced='"%DayElement"!="Light" AND "%WeatherElement"!="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure4" />
<equip when="aftercast" set="Idle" />
</return />
The advanced rule is just checking to see if it's lightsday or light weather, I suggest you get a Korin Obi and a Twilight Cape, but for now I'm marking them as a note. Just remove the <!-- and --> parts when you get one of them.
At the moment there are no delays added to your precast or midcast, I would like for you to try those out and to see what needs to be done from there before adding on delays.
Here is the xml you need to copy over yours.
Code xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<spellcast xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
ShowSpellInfo="False" />
<group Name="White Mage" default="yes">
<set name="Idle">
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade Earring</rear>
<body>Orison Bliaud +2</body>
<hands>Serpentes Cuffs</hands>
<lring>Sheltered ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Siegel Sash</waist>
<legs>Tatsumaki Sitagoromo</legs>
<feet>Serpentes sabots</feet>
<sub>Genbu's Shield</sub>
<set name="Resting">
<set name="FastCast">
<main>Winged Wand</main>
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Orison locket</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade Earring</rear>
<body>Royal Redingote</body>
<hands>Serpentes Cuffs</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Siegel Sash</waist>
<legs>Nebula Slops +1</legs>
<feet>Rostrum pumps</feet>
<sub>Genbu's Shield</sub>
<set name="Stoneskin">
<main>Capricorn Staff</main>
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Zelus Tiara</head>
<neck>Stone Gorget</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
<body>Royal Redingote</body>
<hands>Carapacho Cuffs</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Aquasoul ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Siegel Sash</waist>
<legs>Haven Hose</legs>
<feet>Rostrum pumps</feet>
<set name="Haste">
<main>Capricorn Staff</main>
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Zelus Tiara</head>
<neck>Orison Locket</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
<body>Royal Redingote</body>
<hands>Blessed Mitts</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Siegel Sash</waist>
<legs>Blessed trousers</legs>
<feet>Rostrum pumps</feet>
<set name="Regen">
<main>Capricorn Staff</main>
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Zelus Tiara</head>
<neck>Orison Locket</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
<body>Cleric's Briault +2</body>
<hands>Orison Mitts +2</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Witful Belt</waist>
<legs>Blessed trousers</legs>
<feet>Rostrum pumps</feet>
<set name="BoostSpells">
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
<body>Orison Bliaud +2</body>
<hands>Augur's Gloves</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Cascade belt</waist>
<legs>Cleric's Pantaloons +2</legs>
<feet>Orison Duckbills +2</feet>
<set name="BarSpells">
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
<body>Orison Bliaud +2</body>
<hands>Orison Mitts +2</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Cascade belt</waist>
<legs>Cleric's Pantaloons +2</legs>
<feet>Orison Duckbills +2</feet>
<set name="CurePrecast">
<main>Terra's Staff</main>
<ammo>Incantor Stone</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Orison Locket</neck>
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
<body>Nefer Kalasiris</body>
<hands>Facio Gages</hands>
<lring>Prolix ring</lring>
<rring>Dark ring</rring>
<back>Errant Cape</back>
<waist>Cleric's Belt</waist>
<legs>Orison Pantaloons +2</legs>
<feet>Cure Clogs</feet>
<sub>Curatio Grip</sub>
<set name="Cure">
<main>Arka IV</main>
<ammo>Mana Ampulla</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Fylgja Torque</neck>
<lear>Healing Earring</lear>
<rear>Orison Earring</rear>
<body>Orison Bliaud +2</body>
<hands>Augur's Gloves</hands>
<lring>Sirona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Aquasoul ring</rring>
<back>Tempered Cape</back>
<waist>Cleric's belt</waist>
<legs>Tatsumaki Sitagoromo</legs>
<feet>Cleric's duckbills +2</feet>
<sub>Curatio Grip</sub>
<set name="Cure4">
<main>Arka IV</main>
<ammo>Mana Ampulla</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Fylgja Torque</neck>
<lear>Healing Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade Earring</rear>
<body>Nefer Kalasiris</body>
<hands>Orison Mitts +2</hands>
<lring>Sirona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Aquasoul ring</rring>
<back>Tempered Cape</back>
<waist>Cleric's belt</waist>
<legs>Orison Pantaloons +2</legs>
<feet>Cure Clogs</feet>
<sub>Curatio Grip</sub>
<set name="Curaga">
<main>Arka IV</main>
<ammo>Mana Ampulla</ammo>
<head>Orison Cap +2</head>
<neck>Fylgja Torque</neck>
<lear>Healing Earring</lear>
<rear>Moonshade Earring</rear>
<body>Nefer Kalasiris</body>
<hands>Augur's Gloves</hands>
<lring>Sirona's Ring</lring>
<rring>Aquasoul ring</rring>
<back>Tempered Cape</back>
<waist>Cleric's belt</waist>
<legs>Orison Pantaloons +2</legs>
<feet>Cleric's duckbills +2</feet>
<sub>Curatio Grip</sub>
<set name="Enfeeble">
<ammo>Mana Ampulla</ammo>
<head>Hyksos Khat</head>
<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck>
<lear>Incubus Earring +1</lear>
<rear>Enfeebling earring</rear>
<body>Healer's Briault</body>
<hands>Rubeus gloves</hands>
<lring>Irrwisch ring</lring>
<rring>Aquasoul ring</rring>
<back>Chela Cape</back>
<waist>Demonry Sash</waist>
<legs>Portent pants</legs>
<feet>Cleric's Duckbills +2</feet>
<if spell="autoset">
<if status="resting">
<equip When="Resting" Set="Resting" />
<elseif status="Idle">
<equip When="Idle" Set="Idle" />
<elseif status="Engaged">
<if Spell="Cure*">
<if Spell="Cure IV">
<equip when="precast" set="CurePrecast" />
<if advanced='"%DayElement"="Light" OR "%WeatherElement"="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure4">
<back>Twilight Cape</back>
<waist>Korin Obi</waist>
<if advanced='"%DayElement"!="Light" AND "%WeatherElement"!="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure" />
<equip when="aftercast" set="Idle" />
</return />
<if NotSpell="Cure IV">
<equip when="precast" set="CurePrecast" />
<if advanced='"%DayElement"="Light" OR "%WeatherElement"="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure">
<back>Twilight Cape</back>
<waist>Korin Obi</waist>
<if advanced='"%DayElement"!="Light" AND "%WeatherElement"!="Light"'>
<equip when="midcast" set="Cure4" />
<equip when="aftercast" set="Idle" />
</return />
Save it, then reload it from your console to try out cures.
That's it for cures, I can help with other spells after you try that out.