Zantetsuken has for goal to run through all new end game content and deplete everything that come from it....
We looking only for EndGame players. Full stuff , skill and experiment players.
Server: Ridill
guild: Zantetsuken
Leaders: Erwald Lionguard , Shae Lys , Leigh Fair ; Nairolf Ridill
Leader contact: http://zantetsuken.jimdo.com/contact/
Guild web site: http://zantetsuken.jimdo.com
Guild forum: http://zantetsuken.frbb.net/
Rules: http://zantetsuken.jimdo.com/recruitment/english-rules/
guild events: Endgame, Barbarian camp rush , Eikon fight , HNM , Dongeons ; speed run events.
More informations: http://zantetsuken.jimdo.com