Best stardiver set
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 128
By Asura.Starstress 2013-05-27 21:22:20
/War is fine lol, again its whatever does best for you, /war can help alot
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-05-27 21:36:25
No, /war is not fine. Nothing in the game works like that.
By Ophannus 2013-05-27 21:36:57
With my atmacite of deluge or whatever i was able to maintain a 5 hit as /war pretty easily and with all the regain and tp wing spam, im basically WSing 80% of the time, so figured the /WAR would help more for these <3min fights.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-05-27 22:21:50
Why the hell are you using tp wings? The JA delay is detrimental usually.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-27 22:44:41
Berserk is virtually never helping you more than 10% JA haste would
Also what Dramatica said about TP wings-- just say no
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-27 22:45:18
/War is fine lol, again its whatever does best for you, /war can help alot
Also what is this
I don't know what bothers me more: that you're wrong and giving terrible advice; that your comma placement is atrocious; that you didn't use the proper "it's"; that you seem to think that the power of thought in any way impacts the outcome of an algorithm; or that you used "alot"
tl;dr stahp
Server: Asura
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Posts: 128
By Asura.Starstress 2013-05-27 23:08:10
And ye' are? besides a annoying person criticizing someones grammar one a gaming thread. Dun ya feel su kewl? Btw just in general it's not wrong and terrible advice FYI, you must also be one of those "I dun dew da mage sub" either. Anyways, like said test the subs on own and just use whatever works for you ^^
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-05-27 23:12:07
...you're wrong and giving terrible advice...
The laws that govern this game are not subjective. What doesn't work for me doesn't work for anyone else, and /WAR does not work for me(or anyone else)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 128
By Asura.Starstress 2013-05-27 23:18:51
lmao Laws, gonna end dis reight nao before you quit and go back to Wow and youre" million other games. Must be nice to be such an ***,act like know it all just because you have no life and can spend youre' dayz readin forums and tryin to put pplz down! Enjoy subbing anything you want and making it work for you, since obviously you onry uze /rdm,nin, woops I mean /sam! Peace^^~
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Sanriku 2013-06-24 01:53:45
Back on topic...
Been working hard on my drg, but stardiver still seems to fall short of what I expect its output to be. This is the set I currently use, and feel like something is wrong. Any improvements that I'm overlooking? Anything that is just down right wrong? I have quite a few pieces at my disposal, but missing a lot of high end gear.
ItemSet 305401
Also, should I be more focused on drakes than stardiver or is drakes only useful with ryu or inside abyssea?
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 148
By Phoenix.Radatz 2013-06-24 02:06:25
/WAR isn't ok for VW, either wtf kind of terrible VW runs have you been in? Because the ones i was in you just macro /Item "Daedelus Wing" <me> (among other Items) And Spam WS. sure hasso gives an attack bonus, but during a GOOD VW run you just pop pots and Zerg, if u isnt doin ur ws liek urry 2 secenz ur doin it wrong!
tl/dr? ignore this person, they get off on being a *** socket.
By Azurea 2013-06-24 02:11:55
Quetzalcoatl.Sanriku said: »Back on topic...
Been working hard on my drg, but stardiver still seems to fall short of what I expect its output to be. This is the set I currently use, and feel like something is wrong. Any improvements that I'm overlooking? Anything that is just down right wrong? I have quite a few pieces at my disposal, but missing a lot of high end gear.
ItemSet 305401
Also, should I be more focused on drakes than stardiver or is drakes only useful with ryu or inside abyssea?
I'm pretty sure, at least last I checked, you should be using elemental gorget/belt for stardiver. Obligatory Mekira-oto +1, etc.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 406
By Lakshmi.Vlorsutes 2013-06-24 02:53:51
/WAR isn't ok for VW, either wtf kind of terrible VW runs have you been in? Because the ones i was in you just macro /Item "Daedelus Wing" <me> (among other Items) And Spam WS. sure hasso gives an attack bonus, but during a GOOD VW run you just pop pots and Zerg, if u isnt doin ur ws liek urry 2 secenz ur doin it wrong!
tl/dr? ignore this person, they get off on being a *** socket.
If you've got the proper buffs (Hasso being one of them) you should be attacking fast enough (and therefore weaponskilling often enough) that the time you take to pop a Daedalus Wing during a fight is just going to lower your overall damage.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2013-06-24 03:19:05
I've been playing around with dragoon recently for linkshell. I'm missing polearm for the moment but I've been using this with Ophidian.
ItemSet 304185
By Ophannus 2013-06-25 09:25:46
I've been playing around with dragoon recently for linkshell. I'm missing polearm for the moment but I've been using this with Ophidian.
ItemSet 304185
-Mekira+1 on proper days
-Still need Rajas and Hagneia to keep a 5 hit build most likely.
-TP Bonus Moonshade.
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Server: Odin
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Posts: 63
By Odin.Shuinam 2013-07-29 12:20:39
I've heard that a fully upgraded Mikinaak Breastplate is better than Phorcys Korazin. In situations where you dont need accuracy (when you use phorcys mitts) I assume the Set bonus would overcome this? How do R15 Path A Mikinaak Greaves compare to whirlpool greaves post update? I assume they would fall behind them with the boost to STR and obv advantages to accuracy from Whirlpool.
Maybe something like this?
ItemSet 309511
If your using a true 5-hit build (@40STP) then you can drop Hagneia Stone on your WS set for Potestas Bomblet
By Ophannus 2013-07-29 12:41:29
What you have above is the best set currently I believe.
But I'd keep in mind these adjustments:
-Mekira Oto+1 on appropriate days
-Might still need a bit more stp for a 5 hit in case of a 3 hit stardiver depending on your TP gear. If so Mikinaak Greaves path A ftw. Path A Mikinaak right now gives STR+10/Attack+25/Accuracy+10. But after the August patch, it'll give STR+16/DEX+3/Atack+25/Accuracy+10. This makes it a bit better closer to Whirlpool(Whirlpool will have 1 less STR but have like 14 more DEX over it but it lacks the 5STP). Switching to Mikinaak Greaves will make you lose some Acc(Whirlpool=17DEX, Mikinaak=3DEX post patch) but since the STR/ATT favors Mikinaak, you could use those. Not only that, but the +5STP from Mikinaak means you could drop Hagneia for Potestas Bomblet which is 15 attack gain.
The set you posted gives 20.4 TP on a 4 hit Stardiver. If you miss a hit, it's 19.4TP for your WS phase. Does your TP set net you more than 20.2 TP per hit? If it does, you're all set.
By Ophannus 2013-08-01 23:13:36
Does the extra acc/att/str from Mikinaak beta the 2% DA from Phorcys?
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kvazz 2013-08-02 01:05:27
Does the extra acc/att/str from Mikinaak beta the 2% DA from Phorcys?
By Ophannus 2013-08-05 14:54:23
Stat increases from the update are insane.
WS set before:after
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[339 days between previous and next post]
By honeycomb 2014-07-10 18:59:42
Was wondering if there any new gear as of 7/10/14 to be used for Stardiver set? What should I be using atm for the ws?
By honeycomb 2014-07-10 21:37:51
any where I can check like a up to date forum or guide for drg weapon skill?
Server: Odin
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Posts: 228
By Odin.Skeero 2014-07-10 21:39:18
Ugh. This update was extremely annoying from a Ryu DRG point of view... -.-
Massive WS buffs all around... and not a single change for drakes bane. $#*%!
Now that Drakes is dethroned, Claymore grip loses its lead. Duplus would be the best for AM3 down, but it's near useless with AM3 up. And I try to minimize AM3 down time. So that leaves Bloodrain as the new grip.
Augments: Otomi Str/Haste. all Xaddi R15 A. Cizin hands:+1 Crit.All Mikinaak R15 A.
ItemSet 281397
ItemSet 204963
Seems like Stardiver spam time, mostly. DMG gets ridiculous at higher TP values. TP overflow is quite useful. Thus my AM3 TP set having tons of STP over a 5 hit.
ItemSet 252361
And Camlann's is now, oddly enough, kinda good. DMG isn't as High as Stardiver unless atk(and TP) is low, but with how damaging skillchains are now, the Light property can get you a decent bit of extra dmg. ItemSet 256187
Poor drakes. Fix it SE, fix it! ; ;
These are up to date
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-07-10 22:01:29
Well, they're up to date in the sense that they're what I'm using. But there are those 8/9 str rings now. But since those are my sets rather than Ideal sets, the rings stay as is till I get the new ones.
Also, keep in mind that those are all low acc sets(i.e., for use when acc is capped.) They also assume uncapped atk. If the conditions change, what's best will as well.
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[36 days between previous and next post]
By honeycomb 2014-08-15 12:16:00
Was wondering what people avg with a non relic but 119 weapon dmg?
I no on birds and mobs weak to piercing can do mega dmg 7k to 9k what I avg and sometimes toss angon 10k dmg. Mainly wondering what you guys avg dmg is on other type mobs to me 3k to 5k avg weak or I could just be wrong lol on other sorts of mobs. Anyways post your avg dmg what see if other non relic 119 doing the same :).
By Anjou 2014-08-15 12:53:17
I usually do 3-6k on stardiver on fodder mobs at 100 tp and anywhere from 8k+ with 200-300tp. I'm getting more consistent damage with camlann's torment at 100 tp and since it makes light with itself and all of the other popular ws (fudo, smite, etc) I'm usually spamming that.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 168
By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-08-15 13:55:33
between the changes to how TP gain is calculated and the higher delay on the skirmish lance, what are the stp requirements to 5 hit it?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Osaia 2014-08-16 08:27:20
Since camlann torment is actually a pretty good ws now, is it worth it to 119 the emp weapon now?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 367
By Bismarck.Osaia 2014-08-16 08:30:50
Nvm. Just remembered that the weapon Occ deals 2xdmg. Thought it was Occ attk twice.
So I have most of these my mekira is NQ though and I might buy a Pyro soon point is would this be the best set for Stardiver? Are ogiers the best for anyone who can wear them since it's stats +3% WS dmg.