Best stardiver set
By Ophannus 2014-08-17 18:25:35
Rhongomiant aftermath doesn't work on WS, all it has is the +VIT which is pretty meh, considering other 119 lances have higher base dmg.
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By Bismarck.Osaia 2014-08-17 18:36:21
Anyone have any good augments on the new alluvion skirmish polearm?
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By Asura.Reichleiu 2014-08-19 15:51:40
Anyone have any good augments on the new alluvion skirmish polearm?
Pet Def. +10
Fast Cast +2
Beat That ;)
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By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-08-20 10:06:52
Assuming i've got the formula right (post a few months back on BG by Mont), new skirmish polearm has a base return of 146 TP. So to 5hit, if you WS in 27 stp (rajas/miki feet/delve earrings) and land 2/4 hits, you'd have to TP in 38 stp
WS 27 stp assuming 2/4 hits land = 197 tp return
TP in 38 stp = 201 TP/hit
obviously more stp ws means less needed in tp set, but as i haven't kept up on modern drg gear I'm not sure what the go to pieces are anymore and what an optimal stardiver set looks like.
I figure....
rajas - 5
K'ayres ring - 5
miki feet - 5
brutal/tripudio - 6
Ginsen - 3
lets you use aug'd otomi instead of yoa head, which should help reaching haste cap with windbuffet on. I'm mostly ignorant of skirmish gear. If you went otomi head/miki feet/xaddi/xaddi/xaddi it would put you at a heartbreaking 25% haste. But someone must have better sets than i can come up with, would love to see them!
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By Phoenix.Phaeon 2014-08-20 10:31:20
If you went otomi head/miki feet/xaddi/xaddi/xaddi it would put you at a heartbreaking 25% haste. But someone must have better sets than i can come up with, would love to see them! I'm pretty certain that's 26% haste, actually
Otomi Helm (auged) 10
Xaddi Mail 3
Xaddi Gauntlets 4
Xaddi Cuisses 5
Mikinaak Greaves 4
Are you including any Xaddi STP augments in your count?
Also, I haven't played my DRG in a depressingly long time, but I'd look into those skirmish armors; many of them are really nice with good augments.
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By Siren.Kyte 2014-08-20 10:43:42
I think all the newer items actually give a little more haste than what's listed, so I don't think you even need to hit 26% anymore to truly cap.
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By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-08-20 10:48:13
I haven't played drg in forever either, mostly why i posted. And i forgot xaddi gets stp augs, which should make a 5 hit almost effortless. and yeah you're right, i thought otomi had 7% before augs, but its 8, bringing it up to 10 after aug and 26% haste.
I remember not too far back people were saying to break away from the 5 hit sets and go 6 hit focusing on multi hit, which made me want to dust off drg even less because 5 hitting was so much fun with jumps at your disposal. If Olyndicus means the return of the 5 hit, i might consider it....
By Ophannus 2014-08-21 00:46:38
5 hitting isn't necessarily the best option anymore and that's what spreadsheets are for. These days tp overflow is pretty good to be honest, with WS updates, stardiver is significantly stronger at 200 or 300% than at 100%(actually it's a total 7.8fTP ws at 300%). That being said, at high haste situations, even when spamming ws macros as capped haste, you're still going to be WSing quite often at like 120-130%TP from being hit by aoes, multihitting, lag/server/JA delay, that 5hitting isnt that spectacular.
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By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-08-21 07:16:53
So you're saying its not worth working 23 STP into you're TP set? with a 492 delay the stp burden is high and i can see why the 6hit/multi hit theme wins on the spreadsheet, but working 23 stp into you're gear isn't really that hard.
3/5 xaddi gets you 9
ginsen 3
rajas 5
delve earrings 2
miki feet 5
can keep mala and windbuffet on, don't need bloodrain strap or tripudio earring
By Ophannus 2014-08-21 07:42:37
I didn't say drop down to the minimum stp possible, I said spreadsheet it out. Before delve2 came out, there was a tp set that gave like 19.8TP per hit that was beating a true 5hit where each hit gave 20.3 or so per hit, but it was just that the 6 hit had alot more DA and TA and it was before the ws adjustment. Also it really depends on the weapon you're using, if you are using a higher delay polearm, you can probably drop crappy old mikinaak feet for xaddi greaves
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-08-26 18:34:49
Assuming i've got the formula right (post a few months back on BG by Mont), new skirmish polearm has a base return of 146 TP. So to 5hit, if you WS in 27 stp (rajas/miki feet/delve earrings) and land 2/4 hits, you'd have to TP in 38 stp
WS 27 stp assuming 2/4 hits land = 197 tp return
TP in 38 stp = 201 TP/hit
obviously more stp ws means less needed in tp set, but as i haven't kept up on modern drg gear I'm not sure what the go to pieces are anymore and what an optimal stardiver set looks like.
I figure....
rajas - 5
K'ayres ring - 5
miki feet - 5
brutal/tripudio - 6
Ginsen - 3
lets you use aug'd otomi instead of yoa head, which should help reaching haste cap with windbuffet on. I'm mostly ignorant of skirmish gear. If you went otomi head/miki feet/xaddi/xaddi/xaddi it would put you at a heartbreaking 25% haste. But someone must have better sets than i can come up with, would love to see them!
Would this include the haste bonus granted from Ionis? This is assuming samurai sub yeah? With the new bonus we're going to get, subbing warrior may not be a horrible idea due to basically having our own native hasso finally. Curious; has anyone thought of any sets for 5 hitting with warrior sub since the new Alluvion lance is of higher delay? Haven't even thought to check it against Upukirex since it just flat out has a lot higher damage and what I assume to be quite decent augments going by the bow pictures floating around. Obviously Ryunohige would still beat this out, but I'm guessing this is going to be above Upukirex now.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-09-02 10:53:51
Bismarck.Ranthozyk said: »Assuming i've got the formula right (post a few months back on BG by Mont), new skirmish polearm has a base return of 146 TP. So to 5hit, if you WS in 27 stp (rajas/miki feet/delve earrings) and land 2/4 hits, you'd have to TP in 38 stp
WS 27 stp assuming 2/4 hits land = 197 tp return
TP in 38 stp = 201 TP/hit
obviously more stp ws means less needed in tp set, but as i haven't kept up on modern drg gear I'm not sure what the go to pieces are anymore and what an optimal stardiver set looks like.
I figure....
rajas - 5
K'ayres ring - 5
miki feet - 5
brutal/tripudio - 6
Ginsen - 3
lets you use aug'd otomi instead of yoa head, which should help reaching haste cap with windbuffet on. I'm mostly ignorant of skirmish gear. If you went otomi head/miki feet/xaddi/xaddi/xaddi it would put you at a heartbreaking 25% haste. But someone must have better sets than i can come up with, would love to see them!
Would this include the haste bonus granted from Ionis? This is assuming samurai sub yeah? With the new bonus we're going to get, subbing warrior may not be a horrible idea due to basically having our own native hasso finally. Curious; has anyone thought of any sets for 5 hitting with warrior sub since the new Alluvion lance is of higher delay? Haven't even thought to check it against Upukirex since it just flat out has a lot higher damage and what I assume to be quite decent augments going by the bow pictures floating around. Obviously Ryunohige would still beat this out, but I'm guessing this is going to be above Upukirex now.
while it will have to be spread sheeted, I'm guessing /war 6 hit will be best on any 492 delay after the update (6hit was winning anyway but I think /sam was still better). Even with multihit 6hit sets winning the loss of haste used to hurt too much going /war, and overflow TP (from extra STP) was a good thing with how TP scales now.
With berserk up you're looking at +10% DA, +45% attack, -5% def, +10% ja haste, as well as aggressor for anything you weren't acc capped on. iirc, under capped magic/gear haste, you end up something like 1.5% away from total delay reduction cap with 10% ja haste, so hasso would only get you that 1.5% and a little str, and between multi hit oriented gear choices instead of stp and the 10% DA, I can honestly say I don't mind giving up the 5 hit at all. /war +45% attack, seriously.
for Olyndicus it might be closer although I suspect that /war 6hit will still win. Packing 37 stp into your tp set and 27 into your WS will require significant sacrifices without the 15 stp from /sam. That could easily change if/when we get 119 empy body. For now go with /war and enjoy a massive attack boost, significant DA increase, and having to whine less to bring drg to an endgame event.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Skeero 2014-09-02 11:30:27
/War should be the go to sub now, /drk will have its uses in some situations. /Drk might be better for mythic users though, will have to spreadsheet/test it though. Assuming you dont need the acc from aggressor. THen war would def win.
By Ophannus 2014-09-02 13:23:25
LR+Wyvern will give us 25% JA haste for 3 minutes(other 2 min we'll have 10%), compared to /SAM which will give 20% JA haste full time. Souleater is a wash(probably not worth the risk of losing 800ish HP for an extra 400 damage. Think /WAR would be better(also can give our Wyvern DA and Berserk which at their current hit rate/base DMG, should be pretty decent dot on their part).
With the higher TP we get now from 492 delay, we don't need STP as much(anyone know how much STP we actually even need now, post delay:tp update?
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-09-02 13:53:35
LR+Wyvern will give us 25% JA haste for 3 minutes(other 2 min we'll have 10%), compared to /SAM which will give 20% JA haste full time. Souleater is a wash(probably not worth the risk of losing 800ish HP for an extra 400 damage. Think /WAR would be better(also can give our Wyvern DA and Berserk which at their current hit rate/base DMG, should be pretty decent dot on their part).
With the higher TP we get now from 492 delay, we don't need STP as much(anyone know how much STP we actually even need now, post delay:tp update?
under the old formula, you got 13.3/hit which ended up needing ~52 stp in your tp set.
under the new formula you get 137 tp/hit, a fairly small increase, which translates into ~46 stp, obviously dependant on ws set tp, but thats a ballpark
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Skeero 2014-09-02 15:22:48
Last resort will still give same attack as berserk plus a little haste. And souleater will be a nice quick boost in dmg, If you have a good whm (Which my ls has an amazing whm). Plus you get a couple emergency stuns. War I dont doubt will be top dog for subjob, but with a mythic that 10% da isnt all that great. Plus wyvern gets the oat/trice also from mythic.
By Highwynd 2014-09-02 15:33:49
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Last Resort only +15% Attack as DRK sub, without merits?
Sucks Wyverns don't benefit from Fencer, would have been a decent crit bonus and breath bonus.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Skeero 2014-09-02 15:35:46
Yes, my bad you are correct.
By Highwynd 2014-09-02 15:39:48
I'm just imagining how fast I'll die with capped Haste, AM3 up and fuc*ing souleater lol. You know it procs on Jumps, so bam Soul Jump for 4k but drop from 2.1k HP to like 300 HP then die on next auto-attack lol....
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By Odin.Skeero 2014-09-02 15:45:06
But for those 10 seconds or less, it will be very fun to see lol
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-09-03 16:29:00
while it will have to be spread sheeted, I'm guessing /war 6 hit will be best on any 492 delay after the update (6hit was winning anyway but I think /sam was still better). Even with multihit 6hit sets winning the loss of haste used to hurt too much going /war, and overflow TP (from extra STP) was a good thing with how TP scales now.
With berserk up you're looking at +10% DA, +45% attack, -5% def, +10% ja haste, as well as aggressor for anything you weren't acc capped on. iirc, under capped magic/gear haste, you end up something like 1.5% away from total delay reduction cap with 10% ja haste, so hasso would only get you that 1.5% and a little str, and between multi hit oriented gear choices instead of stp and the 10% DA, I can honestly say I don't mind giving up the 5 hit at all. /war +45% attack, seriously.
for Olyndicus it might be closer although I suspect that /war 6hit will still win. Packing 37 stp into your tp set and 27 into your WS will require significant sacrifices without the 15 stp from /sam. That could easily change if/when we get 119 empy body. For now go with /war and enjoy a massive attack boost, significant DA increase, and having to whine less to bring drg to an endgame event.
I think that /war will become the new norm as well. The 1.5% given by Hasso can't really compete with berserk, aggressor, and native DA. 37/27 stp seems quite difficult without gimping your damage though, so it's going to be rough going until empyrean armor 119 I guess if you want to use Olyndicus. I have personally gotten store tp+1 on mine, but have seen it go higher on others. Maybe this could bridge the gap a bit more? Trying to piece something together that isn't garbage that has those STP values.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 158
By Phoenix.Gerrott 2014-09-04 00:32:02
I have been using the set below to massively overflow TP for Stardiver spam with fantastic results. Now that we are moving to /WAR Monday night, I was curious to see if it would still 5hit. Easily accomplishes this with almost no store TP in WS Set without relying on full hits from Diver/Drakes. Really excited for update so I can see how it fares /WAR.
ItemSet 327920
(Cizin has Crit Augment.
Miki/Xaddi both Path A)
Without Ionis I swap my feet to 115WKR feet to maintain haste, which should still 5hit, just requires 3/4 WS hits to land. With AM3 up, would be very rare not to achieve this.
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-04 01:26:25
If you have a haste aug on your Ejekamal boots, disregard. But since you didn't state an augment, I'll throw this out there.
According to this post by Prothescar, Ejekamal boots are mislabeled, and only have 4% haste.
I'm surprised none of the wikis/AH page got updated with this. Perhaps it got patched? But that'd be rather atypical of SE. Usually they just change the text to match the actual stat.
We just need 119 empyrean body already. 3% haste on lancer body and we'll be set for haste in nearly any build. Hurry up SE!
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Gerrott 2014-09-04 01:46:12
Wow great to know about the Ejekamal Boots, fortunately been using them with Haste Augment so haven't unintentionally been gimping myself. Hadn't seen that information anywhere, thanks.
Yeah man, Dragoon body is what I've been looking forward to most out of any of the eventual Empy Reforge.
By Highwynd 2014-09-04 02:06:38
Rancorous Mantle eh? I just use Updraft during AM3 since it's the only good cape that doesn't have DA% on it(20 acc/20att is sweet) wonder if the 5% crit is better considering we don't have any crit traits and your set doesn't have Lancer Cuissots or Huginn Feet.
Also goodluck finding that belt, i have never seen the HQ on sale.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-04 02:18:43
Huginn Gambieras are rarely worth TP'ing in anymore(sadly.) You'd have to be fighting complete fodder, or be in abyssea for them to win. And I don't think Lancer cuissots have ever been worthwhile as a TP piece. <,<
Rancorous is the highest DPS TP option during AM3, assuming you don't need acc. Once you start to need acc, Updraft will quickly pull ahead.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Gerrott 2014-09-04 02:25:20
Yeah belt is rare, luckily good friend in LS had an enormous stockpile of Sealord Leather so could have one made. Problem is, outside of this particular set, I couldn't really think up a use for it for other jobs, so I can see why not many are crafted.
I would use Rancorous until Accuracy is needed or if the +10% damage is just too dangerous for the situation.
(Edited to 10% due to lapse in memory)
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-04 02:45:38
Yeah belt is rare, luckily good friend in LS had an enormous stockpile of Sealord Leather so could have one made. Problem is, outside of this particular set, I couldn't really think up a use for it for other jobs, so I can see why not many are crafted.
I would use Rancorous until Accuracy is needed or if the +5% damage is just too dangerous for the situation. assuming tonberry hate is capped, the damage taken+ is +10%.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Gerrott 2014-09-04 02:48:29
Thanks, use back and neck all the time for various jobs, should have remembered 10%. Only really notice when its enough for cripple moves to become deadly. (Death Gnash etc)
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-09-08 08:05:44
getting it ready, looking for any obvious improvements
tp 24 - STP
xaddi(A)/xaddi(A vs C)/rajas/K'yres
atheling/windbuffet/xaddi(A)/xaddi (C)
ws - 11 STP
xaddi(A)/xaddi(A vs C)/ifrits/ifrits
no tripudio yet, otomi is str/haste aug. To maintain a 6 hit with 11 stp in ws set, assuming 3/4 hits, you need 22 stp in tp set. If you put rajas in WS set, you can drop down to 20 in tp
also are there better hands options out there? xaddi hands comes down to attack path (15 attack) vs DA path (5 acc/2 DA). Both paths have stp/acc.
I feel like i have too few swaps between ws and tp, but with such lackluster reforged gear there doesn't seem to be a lot of options
So I have most of these my mekira is NQ though and I might buy a Pyro soon point is would this be the best set for Stardiver? Are ogiers the best for anyone who can wear them since it's stats +3% WS dmg.