What are the difference between the individual resist messages?
On the example of Slimy Proposal I've today seen:
"No effect on Name."
"Name evades."
And I also think I've seen messages with "resists." and "resists!" at the end.
Wouldn't mean the "Name evades." line that slimy proposal is a physical attack? It's listed as light elemental magical damage on bgwiki but is it like a BLU spell where it has to land both the physical and magical part in order for the magic resist check to trigger?
If that's the case would it be smart to also incorporate evasion or even focus on evasion over magic evasion, maybe coupled with specific "Resist Charm" equipment since evasion caps at 80%?
There are numerous magical attacks that can be 'evaded' in this sense. Mostly debuff only, non-damaging effects.
For AoEs in these cases the direct target gets a 'misses' message, while other targets say they evaded.
A few examples from my logs.
[14:45:10]The Transcended・Tiger uses Roar, but misses Martel.
[14:45:10]Zavera evades.
[15:32:06]The Transcended・Mandragora uses Scream, but misses Roskva.
[15:32:07]Martel evades.
[21:41:28]Arduwyn uses Random Deal, but misses Arduwyn.
[21:41:28]Martel evades.
[08:19:14]The Gorgimera uses Fossilizing Breath, but misses Arduwyn.
[08:19:14]Martel evades.
[08:19:14]The Luopan evades.
So, Slimy proposal is certainly not physical. The miss/evade message just does not indicate physical or magical in and of itself. Now, if an attack deals damage
and can miss,
then it has to at least be hybrid with a physical component, or entirely physical.
Although, there are a few.. veeery niche exceptions to this, like conditional attacks where it can deal dmg or only apply an effect. Think Tidal Guillotine, where it can either be damage, or death depending on current HP%. When it selects Death, resist Death gear can proc, resulting a 'miss'.
Regarding resisting Slimy Proposal. You'd gear for meva+, light ele resist, resist charm and resist all ailments.
"Resist"(without the !) is only used for spells. So magical attacks used by mobs will not generally say resist unless they actual cast a spell.
[21:50:40]Martel casts Jettatura.The Nostos・Korrigan resists the spell.
[21:50:40]The Nostos・Korrigan resists the effects of the spell!
[22:34:21]Martel casts Flash.Mboze resists the spell.
[13:14:32]The Orderly・Imp casts Poisonga II.Martel resists the spell.
[13:14:32]Arduwyn resists the effects of the spell!
Resist!(with a ! this time) at the beginning of a message, indicates a resist trait/gear proc was the reason that the spell/attack failed. This can display on both spells and debuff only mob ws. Although, if an attaack deals damage as well as a debuff, then you will never see the Resist! prefix, even if the debuff was prevented via a trait proc.
[07:57:38]The Colibri casts Poisonga.Martel resists the spell. <-- Normal resist
[07:57:38]Resist! Arduwyn resists the effects of the spell! <- trait proc resist
[00:03:49]The Beholder casts Sleep.Resist! Martel resists the spell.
Note that the logs for some of these messages put things on a single line that would display as 2 lines ingame. So the beholder sleep/resist message in the example would actually look like this ingame(assuming no battlemod)
The Beholder casts Sleep.
Resist! Martel resists the spell.
No effect is just as it says, the effect either wasnt able to overwrite itself, or was blocked by something i.e a higher priority haste blocking a slow effect
Slimy Proposal charms, but I wasn't charmed, what could be the debuff that has higher priority than charm?
So far as I'm aware no other debuff will prevent charm. I'm also uncertain if a Charm buffer vs slimy proposal would result in a miss message, or a No effect message.
Regarding the No Effect message, was that message on a player character? Or a trust/pet? A no effect message can also occur when the effect being applied is simply invalid for the target. Like charm vs Trusts or pets, which cannot be charmed. Example logs.
[19:33:16]The Esurient・Botulus uses Slimy Proposal, but misses Rejiin.
[19:33:16]Martel evades.
[19:33:16]No effect on the Luopan.
Luopan there getting the No effect message, since charm is invalid.