Random Question Thread (FFXI Related)

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By Dodik 2025-01-21 06:47:48
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Make two windower/ashita aliases, one for clearing inventory of stuff you don't want to drop into case/sack/satchel, one for getting all meds/food you will need into inventory.

Drop everything else via treasury.


That said, I wish someone would make an 'auto-sort all bags' addon so don't have to mechanically option click-auto-sort-yes every 5sec in every bag.
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-21 06:53:52
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Has anyone figured out if this is obtainable yet? it's in the game files and has been for ages.

By Shichishito 2025-01-21 07:17:26
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If you haven't noticed this game hasn't got much besides reskinned content since adoulin released and even with that they are frugal. Costs of this game can't be significantly higher than electricity.
Price for standard subscription maybe didn't go up but workload for sure didn't either.
I'd get you coming from if it wasn't a multi million (or is it billion?) stock company we are talking about.

I'd stick a mithra tail on my hat too but they have a mind of their own, don't think they are for sale.

Kaffy said: »
What is in your safe/safe2/storage/locker?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: newaable
Posts: 14
By Odin.Aable 2025-01-21 07:37:33
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Has anyone tested how/if items that enhance Holy Water /cursna stack? Nicander's Necklace, Purity Ring, etc.

Basically, would you just wear the highest value one like phantom roll or does it all add up like damage taken?
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-21 07:38:56
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Shichishito said: »
If you haven't noticed this game hasn't got much besides reskinned content since adoulin released and even with that they are frugal. Costs of this game can't be significantly higher than electricity.
Price for standard subscription maybe didn't go up but workload for sure didn't either.
I'd get you coming from if it wasn't a multi million (or is it billion?) stock company we are talking about.

Additions are irrelevant (even thought they are adding adding stuff), the costs involved in upkeep are enough to justify increases due to inflation. You're not really paying more than you did 15 years ago if you get wardrobes, you're paying the same amount with a bigger number. If you don't have any, you're paying much less.

90+% of the cost of every video game is spent on wages, when a company says they spend 100 million making a game that almost all went on wages.

Wages = developers, server staff, customer support, GM staff etc (even if you think they suck, they still have to exist in those roles for the game to run and still have to be paid, and SE pay above the norm across the company) Plus they need staff for each region the game runs in, Japan, EU, NA.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-21 08:13:18
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Shichishito said: »
I don't know about others but my main inventory is always at around 70-72. Now add seals for another 4 slots, holding a odyssey pop and maybe something in bazaar for sale and it only needs 1-2 crystals or geodes and inventory is full.
If you have room to "put stuff that clogs inventory like seals in another bag", then you are going into the field with sack/satch/case nowhere near full. Perhaps you should take Thorny's advice and learn how to make use of organizer? That way your sack/satch/case are 80/80 and your inventory is 50/80.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-21 09:10:56
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Odin.Aable said: »
Has anyone tested how/if items that enhance Holy Water /cursna stack? Nicander's Necklace, Purity Ring, etc.

Basically, would you just wear the highest value one like phantom roll or does it all add up like damage taken?

It stacks additively. Wear it all when using holy water
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-21 09:14:31
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Shichishito said: »
Price for standard subscription maybe didn't go up but workload for sure didn't either.

Wages have.

Shichishito said: »
I'd get you coming from if it wasn't a multi million (or is it billion?) stock company we are talking about.

Regardless of the size or value of the company, they all have the same goals: to make money. No company of any size is going to say "well, we have enough money, time to start making decisions that cost us money and return less money, to help our customers out because they deserve it"
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2025-01-22 22:58:17
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What's the total cost in Zeni look like starting from scratch to get the Mythic items from Tinnin, Sarameya, and Tyger?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-22 23:13:38
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Total 66k~70k depending on if you're the only one doing it to the prices don't raise.
(if they still even go up... I haven't made a mythic in a decade...)
Posts: 1189
By DaneBlood 2025-01-23 00:19:59
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Total 66k~70k depending on if you're the only one doing it to the prices don't raise.
(if they still even go up... I haven't made a mythic in a decade...)

just adding in a multibox tip.
id you click on the item on all your mules at the same item. you will all get the low prices in the chatbox (since nothing was sold yet) at this point the price is locked.
then you just accept the buy on all mules and they all get the cheap price with no raise.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-23 01:01:50
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DaneBlood said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Total 66k~70k depending on if you're the only one doing it to the prices don't raise.
(if they still even go up... I haven't made a mythic in a decade...)

just adding in a multibox tip.
id you click on the item on all your mules at the same item. you will all get the low prices in the chatbox (since nothing was sold yet) at this point the price is locked.
then you just accept the buy on all mules and they all get the cheap price with no raise.

Big +1 to this, I do it every time I do ZNM and it saves a ton of zeni. You do need to either use a variety of mobs though, since you can only do this trick once per NM.

9x T1 (9k)
9x T2 (18k)
9x T3 (27k)
3x T4 (12k)
Total: 66k for all 3, or 22k each. This assumes you either use all 3 unique T1/T2, or that you do the trick above to get three of the same at the minimal cost. Note this also requires you to pool all the rewards on the same character (to get to T2/T3).

I typically get about 65~70k from a set of pictures too, which is kinda nice, now that I think about it...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-23 01:05:01
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Did people not know that? Or did that knowledge get forgotten to time over the years?

Theres no mention of it on bg wiki nor ffxiclopedia, so perhaps that wasnt as common knowledge as I thought.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: detlef
Posts: 482
By Valefor.Philemon 2025-01-23 01:14:20
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I think it's definitely common knowledge amongst the multi-boxers.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-23 03:22:46
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Unfortunately a lot of FFXI's systems aren't that well-documented, and there's a lot of "institutional knowledge" in the community. I had a newer player in my static for a while and was consistently amazed by the things he didn't know because he never asked and we never thought to tell him.

Every chance we get to point out stuff like this we should, because there will always be a new player who's never heard the tip before and it's really hard to ask "what don't I know about this?"
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-01-23 05:25:04
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I could've swore I tested it in the very early days (I multiboxed before ZNM was first released) and it still took the higher amount of zeni despite the menu having indicated otherwise. Given the amount of time that's elapsed, I'm assuming either I remembered wrong or it's been altered. So, I guess I fall into the group who's never heard it before and wasn't benefitting from it. [Edit: It does work today, not denying it.]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2025-01-23 05:29:12
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Can't deny it would be quite funny now if it turns out Thorny is right, after all these "pfffff everybody knew it" posts xD

Personally I didn't know about it but then again I don't multibox so even if I knew it I couldn't really make anything out of it anyway.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-01-23 05:31:05
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I went out and looked. It does work, but I have a specific memory of trying it unsuccessfully with 3 characters while farming Vulpangue to merc the headpiece.
By Shichishito 2025-01-23 06:58:48
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So why did they add new currency to besieged and added those overpirced weapons that only work for besieged? Afaik you get full points as soon as you touch a mob. Are they going to expand the reward list in the future?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-23 07:15:09
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"eventually" yes
By Shichishito 2025-01-23 12:03:34
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New rema type besieged weapons confirmed.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-23 12:08:06
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Seems likely that we'd get an Ambuscade / Su5 tiered weapon from besieged.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-23 13:54:37
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If you start the adoulin story and get warped to the middle of ceizak, but leave without getting any waypoints/hp

There's no possible way back to adoulin zones. (you could nexus back into ceizak)

If you touch the waypoint in jueno will it drop you back at the same spot, as if the scene played? Will it replay the scene? Always wanted to know.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15963
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-23 15:01:05
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So is it true that for WAR after level 90 both Berserk and Defender jump to 35% bonuses with only 25% penalties, and then if that is the case, when you need to play defensively but don't need the full value is it better to turn both on?

Cause I'd been operating in the old mindset of just leaving Berserk off if a monster hits too hard but I don't need Defender to live, and not just using Defender.

But if I can roll with +10% to both atk and def with no real downside, that's a game changer.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-23 15:27:48
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You can test it yourself :) (checkparam, equipment screen)

Idk if it's exactly 10% bonus, but it's an increase to both attack and defense to use both Berserk and Defender. Someone else probably knows the calculation, or perhaps it is taking into account pre-Job Point or gift/ML values or something else.

attack 1985, defense 1539

attack 2199, defense 1755

Keep in mind that Berserk will wear off before defender will by around a minute or so with all the +duration gear, unless for some reason you have 5 Berserk merits and can bring the timer down to 4:10.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15963
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-23 16:20:25
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Neat. Are all the cool kids 5/5ing Warcry recast now or something?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-23 16:25:37
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It's the single most busted normal JA in the game that benefits the entire party via Savagery bonus. Clear cut #1 option. DA Rate can be scrapped if you want since there's so much DA in gear already, but I keep mine 5/5 because I can build around it in favor of other stats.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-23 22:00:15
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
I could've swore I tested it in the very early days (I multiboxed before ZNM was first released) and it still took the higher amount of zeni despite the menu having indicated otherwise. Given the amount of time that's elapsed, I'm assuming either I remembered wrong or it's been altered. So, I guess I fall into the group who's never heard it before and wasn't benefitting from it. [Edit: It does work today, not denying it.]
As someone whos always peeking into packets, does the confirmation packet change depending on zeni cost? I wonder how that works server side. The value has to be sent to the client, but the client must send that number back to the server.

Alex and Billy go select a NM's pop item to buy, server says it costs 1000. If its stored server side, the moment Alex picks his up, the variable server side changes. Billy's should cost 1100, but it doesnt, it only costs 1000. But if a third person shows up before the next game day, that sane NM it will cost them 1200.

I dont know enough about how to read packets to look at this myself.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-01-24 05:50:30
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
As someone whos always peeking into packets, does the confirmation packet change depending on zeni cost? I wonder how that works server side. The value has to be sent to the client, but the client must send that number back to the server.

Nah, it doesn't. In it's current state, the server likely stores a local variable for the player's interaction, so both players lock in the local variable and can buy at that price.

I don't want to rule out human error on my part, especially since we're talking about ~15 years in the past. But, one potential theory is that because it can be done with vanilla client, they might have failed to validate going negative at some point. Some dude tries to buy at 1000 but has less than 1100, his ls mate buys before he does, it takes 1100 and puts him negative. Someone notices, both things get fixed at the same time. The only reason I'd consider this likely is because they also failed to validate going negative on other things in the same era (salvage permit npc, eyepatch npc).
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