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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-06 18:25:28
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Peach Power is not a difficult fight, just can be prolonged based on the damage you have. PLD can pretty much tank it indefinitely, I assume Fealty just blocks the Charm/Animated effect. Anyways, most of the time you bring a RDM/BLM to Stymie+Saboteur+Sleepga II, then just kill one by one. This takes them out faster, have less chances to get Animated and an overall faster fight. COR does well here, Leaden Salute. Rolls can depend on how many COR you have (I've gone with 3 before): Miser/Tact/Sam/Wizard/Warlock/Fighters or some combination of those. SCH can SCH things, RDM enspell, Sanguine or Seraph works well. I imagine any magical DD could work in place, but AE wakes up adds so you might not want to go that route. Really simple fight, not much else to it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2025-01-06 18:42:03
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I assume Fealty just blocks the Charm/Animated effect.
It does not. Fortunately, Animated doesn't make you lose hate like charm does, so you can continue to tank as long as you've spiked hate high enough before getting animated. Annoying as hell though.
By Shichishito 2025-01-06 19:48:42
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
lot's of Peach Power questions

General things to look out for:
- No buffs that boost physical DMG, samurai role is fair game cause they don't WS but for instance honor march is a big nono since it boosts att. Whether you want haste or not depends on your tank but I suppse they could always cancel it to make sure flans don't steal it while the rest keeps it.

- Don't cast shell or cancel it if you have it active, flans don't deal magic DMG but will steal it and reduce your parties DMG output significantly.

- Have popper and tank position in a corner of the room befor poping to make it easier for tank to gather mobs infront of them.

- Styme sleepga is nice to have cause it helps killing the first 1-2 flans without getting animated most of the time (call out a party member name for /assist and hold on AoE magic and WS till they wake), but sleepga is not necessary.

If you don't have sleepga plan accordingly. Debuffs like bio I-III, attack down and slow I-II can take a lot of pressure from the tank early on and multiple jobs can provide some or all of them, for instance RDM or BLM, BLU even has AoE versions.

- For Regen heal you preferably want a SCH (Regen V + embrava) but if you have a strong tank WHM can work too, in particular if you suplement WHM regen with Companion's Roll Dancer's Roll (regen) and Tactician's Roll (regain) from a second COR or indi-regen from GEO.

- if you notice your DDs hitting for 0 (no TP gain) due to stolen phalanx or something spamming some form of dispel can help for instance BLU geist wall, rending deluge or droning whirlwind, RDM or most mages on Daybreak...

I've taken a SAM once who claimed he had a set for jinpu but it didn't do well so hybrids aren't very effective, iirc that also counts for ifrits flaming crush. we had him switch to kagero or koki which did a bit better but not sure if he had a set for it.

Never took a BRD to PP, while I suppose you could since they also get access to elemental WS like sanguine blade and aeolian edge you want to avoid physical buffs like minutes as the flans will absorb them.

Any pet jobs are at a bit of a disadvantage as their pets will frequently despawn. However, afaik with the right sub job even PUP can get access to flash nova or aeolian edge, as long as they built a set for it they could probably join.
BST has primal rend and cloudsplitter which do decent magic dmg afaik and SMN got garland of bliss which does pretty good magic DMG.

For GEO I'm not sure if bubble nerf is in effect but I assume (not sure) the flans can't steal bubble buffs. Geo- acumen or malaise, entrust barrier on someone other than the tank just in case they can steal entrust buffs. Depending on how strong your tank is you can also consider indi- regen or haste (cancel regular haste, again assuming they can't steal it to decrease pressure on tank during animated). AGI bubble instead of regen is also a option if you have multiple COR in party for leaden salute.

In my experience tank and regen healer are the most important slots. If you have a good tank who knows how to hold AoE hate (PLD/BLU helps, seen PLD/RUN work too, PLD/WAR is imho risky - I'd only try if styme sleepga is available. Turms mittens +1 in case of RUN main help a lot I imagine), a SCH with a decent Regen set (SU5 is nice but SU4 is still more than enough) and a COR with solid leaden salute (I think it's double dark weather in there) you can pretty much take anything in slots 4-6 as long as they have a solid magic WS or nuke set and still win without too much trouble.

If you're trying to minmax the hell out of party slots 4-6 you imho do it wrong, this is primarily for exampler points with a nice bonus in form of armor drop. You can only do 1 per day anyway so it doesn't matter much if you finish within 5 minutes or 20.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-06 20:29:34
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Shichishito said: »
Companion's Roll

Companion's Roll is Regen/Regain for pets. If you want regen you want Dancer's Roll, regain is Tactician's.

Shichishito said: »
For GEO I'm not sure if bubble nerf is in effect but I assume (not sure) the flans can't steal bubble buffs. Geo- acumen or malaise, entrust barrier on someone other than the tank just in case they can steal entrust buffs. Depending on how strong your tank is you can also consider indi- regen or haste (cancel regular haste, again assuming they can't steal it to decrease pressure on tank during animated). AGI bubble instead of regen is also a option if you have multiple COR in party for leaden salute.

Bubbles can't be stolen by anything currently in the game. The Geo- bubbles do disappear every time you get animated though, so GEO is a bit weak in here, though it can still contribute via indi-
By Shichishito 2025-01-06 20:51:49
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Only a minor drawback for GEOs if you pick a offense GEO- bubble since animated most of the time hit's the entire party, at that point the only notable magic DMG is from en-spells and I'm not sure if bubbles do anything for them.

It's annoying having to recast them constantly though.

I sometimes see full resist from 1-2 random members while the rest gets animated, does anyone know what element this spell is aligned with to increase resist rate?
Posts: 188
By buttplug 2025-01-06 21:03:54
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Rudra's Storm > Leaden Salute
Leaden Salute > Rudra's Storm

RDM/SCH > Magic Burst Blizzard
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-06 21:07:51
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We generally just go with a shitload of CORs, as many as you can fit in. RDM is pretty good too, depending how often you're getting charmed it can out-do the CORs, plus Sleepga is absolutely huge.

As far as charm goes, IMO it's totally random whether you resist or not. I've had RUN get charmed repeatedly and had CORs not get charmed for 5 kills in a row. It seems like they can't charm while asleep which is helpful.

Despite my nitpicking on a couple things, the rest of Shichi's post is very accurate. You only need a couple useful characters, the rest can be *** around jobs.

Most importantly, don't give yourself unnecessary buffs that won't help do damage, but will help the flans if they steal them. If the tank (PLD) can get on the opposite side of the boat, they can avoid all the rolls, songs, etc. Don't use phalanx, shell, etc.

THF just seems like a worse BRD to me TBH, but you can bring whatever job you want EP on.
By Shichishito 2025-01-06 21:08:12
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I think animated whipes TP so I'd only aim for skillchains if sleepga lands.
By Shichishito 2025-01-06 21:47:37
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Out of curiousity:
let's say you wear Jhakri Robe +2 (4 refresh) while idle and switch to different bodies during pre and mid cast that also have somewhere between 2 or 3 refresh on them.
If you'd cast between tics would you still gain 2 or 3 refresh for that tic or none?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-06 21:54:32
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Refresh, Regen, Regain, DoTs, etc. are all determined at the time of the tic. You can wear whatever you want between tics and it won't affect the next tio. If you're still wearing that stuff when the tic hits though, you'll get the refresh/regen/regain/DoT of the gear you're wearing at that time.

It's not something you can realistically time while trying to properly play the rest of the game though, so if you are worried about the refresh you're getting during a midcast, you need to have the refresh gear in that midcast set.

I think Conserve MP probably gives more bang for the buck though.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: detlef
Posts: 482
By Valefor.Philemon 2025-01-07 01:26:08
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I like having BRD to help cap magic haste and provide a madrigal. As I recall, the flans can be a little evasive.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2025-01-07 02:34:05
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Valefor.Philemon said: »
I like having BRD to help cap magic haste and provide a madrigal. As I recall, the flans can be a little evasive.
After they patched the fight yes, before that you could probably cap acc without any acc buffs.

Also I noticed nobody replied to Capuchin about his question on Hybrids.
I haven't personally tried Hybrids on them, but given how they are extremely (and I mean extremely!) resistant to physical damage, and given how the magic damage on hybrid is partially based on the damage of the physical part, I'd be leaning to say that Hybrids won't likely perform too well on them, but hey, glad to be proved wrong!

Most Magical WS perform insanely good on them btw.
I think initially a lot of strats were based on CORs because of Leaden Salute and because a lot of people believed that staying beyond a certain range could make you avoid Animation. Spoiler: you can't.
I mean you could say staying far gives you the benefit of the time it takes your char to walk to melee distance lol, but that's arguably a relevant difference if you ask me.

Capu things that I think make this fight much easier regardless of the setup you decide to follow:
1) Stay wary of buffs, especially Shell which I suggest to avoid entirely. They get absorbed, especially if placed on the tank.
2) Some buffs can't be absorbed, like entrusted Indi spells or Embrava (which is why SCH tends to be so nice for this). Regen5 also is nice imho. Sure it can be absorbed, but even 100hp/tic won't really change much compared to the amount of damage you deal, and if it doesn't get absorbed, it can save your DDs from potentially nasty situations where you're all animated and you can't heal.
3) RDM going /SCH or /BLM can Stymie Sleepga2, at that point you just decide on a main assist and attack one target at a time. In my opinion this makes fights sooooo much smoother. Stymie not necessary btw, but makes things so much easier and since you can't do this fight twice in a row, might as well use SPs, rite?
By Shichishito 2025-01-07 11:32:53
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Also I noticed nobody replied to Capuchin about his question on Hybrids.
I did:
Shichishito said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
lot's of Peach Power questions
I've taken a SAM once who claimed he had a set for jinpu but it didn't do well so hybrids aren't very effective, iirc that also counts for ifrits flaming crush. we had him switch to kagero or koki which did a bit better but not sure if he had a set for it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4561
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-07 16:54:52
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Can the Double Dmg / follow up attack of Path A/B dyna weapons proc on WS? I'd be leaning towards no, but would rather get a confirmed yes or no from someone else who knows.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-07 17:07:24
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Can the Double Dmg / follow up attack of Path A/B dyna weapons proc on WS? I'd be leaning towards no, but would rather get a confirmed yes or no from someone else who knows.

Absolutely not, in either case.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-07 19:04:45
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Can the Double Dmg / follow up attack of Path A/B dyna weapons proc on WS? I'd be leaning towards no, but would rather get a confirmed yes or no from someone else who knows.

Also, as a point of clarification (because I had a similar question about these last week) - this description on the wiki page can be slightly misleading from a certain point of view:

Note: All one handed weapon augments only work in the Mainhand.

The Store TP and Subtle Blow II bonus from Path A/B only activate when the weapon is worn in the main hand. The Store TP and Subtle Blow traits apply to every swing for your character, even offhand swings. One could read that line and think that the Store TP or Subtle Blow only works for swings with that weapon only, in the same way that Crocea Mors' Enspell bonus only applies to swings with the Crocea Mors.

I suppose this was already well-known to everyone who has one. I hope I explained this properly and it's not the opposite of what I said.
By Shichishito 2025-01-07 19:10:46
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Are there any jobs where the STP path makes sense?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-07 19:12:38
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Shichishito said: »
Are there any jobs where the STP path makes sense?

COR at least. Probably others
By LightningHelix 2025-01-10 01:36:59
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I don't speak any Japanese. How is the stupid "Sangy, the Viridian Aristocrat" thing done in Japanese? Is it still just Ygnas's name backwards?

(second question, why did they not give him a pair of sunglasses or a fake santa beard or something, it would have been way funnier than an already hilarious-because-it's-so-stupid scene)
Posts: 90
By Moonlightagb 2025-01-11 05:45:04
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Is the sam reive cape Takaha Mantle (10stp 15acc/atk) + stp+3 zanshin+5 augments completely throw-away'able now with Null Shawl?

Was just keeping it for the 13 stp zanshin+5 when acc wasn't needed compared to an ambu cape with 10stp and all the acc/dex
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2025-01-11 05:58:04
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Didn't you already answer your question? Or am I missing something?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-11 18:04:32
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Is there anywhere (not abyssea) where plants and arcana exist in close proximity (not counting bombs in fields that only spawn in weather/night).

The most diametrically opposed species. Organic and Inorganic... they share no zone. Anywhere a bomb (all day) could be, there's no plants (ifrits, garliage, teriggan, ulegrand) Anywhere plants would be there's no inorganics (jungles, yorcia, ceizak, yahse, boyahda)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1871
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2025-01-11 18:12:17
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There are bombs in Ordelle's caves close to where Morbolger spawns. I think there are also saplings around but I'm not sure.

Edit: this might actually fit what you're getting at, as Morbolger could be considered a kind of mutated plant... possibly from the bomb radiation.. :P
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-11 18:18:20
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Just looking for somewhere I could score both ambu ki and started thinking there's nowhere they both exist at once.

There's a lot of spots with bombs but most of them are conditional spawn. And where they're up full time, there's no plants. Anywhere evil weapons are, no plants. Ironclads, no plants. Dolls, no plants. Pots, no plants.

Zitah has like 3 golems spread around the zone with funguars, not "close together" (and not high enough to give exp)
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15961
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-11 18:29:58
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Riverne Site B01 has Nitro Clusters and Lunantishee morbols almost all the time, though they probably too weak for ML chars.

Den of Rancor has Bombs and Korrigans.
Posts: 4880
By RadialArcana 2025-01-12 08:35:00
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If you have 6 instances of XI running but only one is onscreen and the other 5 are tabbed out, does is use the same amount of system resources as if all 6 are visible onscreen? ram, cpu etc
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-12 08:48:37
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All visible or all minimized makes no real difference

It's what they're rendering not whether you can see it or not.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2025-01-14 12:19:12
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Peach Power is a joke of a fight with very little danger, the only reason to bring a boatload of CORs is to clear the fight faster.

I've done it with some janky setups though and literally have never lost.

I think the slowest run I ever had was something like COR SCH BLM GEO SMN SMN. No tank, no Sleepga. Can't remember what we used ES on but this was before the sleeping strategy was commonplace so I guess it just didn't occur to us. Embrava got us through about 9 or 10 minutes, after that the BLM used Mana Wall to tank for a bit. After that it was just kinda chaos with several people permanently weakened, but we won. Took about 20 minutes.

Edit: Also if you have a RUN with a good parry-healing setup, they can tank this fight indefinitely with no healing. You can get something like 60% parry rate, they hit for around 60 damage and parry heals you for 100. So they could literally attack you all day and not kill you.
By Shichishito 2025-01-16 07:14:06
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Afaik if you use job abilities like provoke and lockstyle is off the equipment swapping causes you to blink so that you don't get frozen till the animation ended.

I want the same for Jigs, figured I'd simply make a macro like that:
/lockstyle off
/ja "Chocobo Jig" <me>
/wait 9
/Lockstyleset 001

and have a visble piece of armor in midcast for chocobo jig to make sure a swap get's triggered .

the macro enables and disables lockstyle like I want and gear get's swapped but I still have to watch the full animation.
Does this not work with jigs? Where is my mistake?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-01-16 07:31:27
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Jigs(and stratagems, waltzes, and sambas for that matter) have different animation handlers, you can't blink through them.
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