Random Question Thread (FFXI Related)

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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
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Posts: 91
By Moonlightagb 2024-10-03 06:41:49
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Anyone make a crafting shield on their main? Do you regret making it there instead of making it on a mule? On a mule you can dedicate inventory space without having to clean up/put mats away, and also pick the adoulin crafting ring instead of other combat related ring options. I'm interested in starting one for completion but the min/maxer in me is making me doubt doing it on my main
Posts: 661
By Kaffy 2024-10-03 07:57:14
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Confectioner's ring is basically Orvail ring minus the material loss which it hard to measure, so that shouldn't be the reason you pick an alt over your main. Other than that, really depends how organized you are and how much free space you have (are you a hoarder?) without craft ingredients.
By Dodik 2024-10-03 09:02:48
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Kaffy said: »
are you a hoarder?

I feel personally insulted.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3015
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-03 10:17:22
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Kaffy said: »
Confectioner's ring is basically Orvail ring minus the material loss which it hard to measure, so that shouldn't be the reason you pick an alt over your main. Other than that, really depends how organized you are and how much free space you have (are you a hoarder?) without craft ingredients.

There are two ring slots. You wear confectioner's AND orvail+1. Orvail competes with craft master's, so picking it gives success rate (probably not important) and material retention.

I have crafting ring on both my mains. I used to feel worse about it, but these days the other adoulin rings are much less impressive so it's not much, if any, sacrifice to take orvail
Server: Shiva
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user: Rairin
Posts: 3003
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-10-03 10:35:07
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Would also consider if you have other active accounts [not same-account mules]. There is some aesthetic pride in having the shield on your main with all your other nice things. If you want to synth for friends, signing with your main's name is cool. You could create a $1 mule on an alt to hold your materials, and then simply clear enough space to craft and park that mule next to you when you feel like crafting. Best of both worlds. As MT said, adoulin ring should not be a dealbreaker either way.

If you only pay for one sub, the same-account mule as a craft shield is much more appealing.
Posts: 72
By paladinepsot 2024-10-03 19:52:38
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Anyone know the def of sortie bosses?
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2024-10-04 03:20:03
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There are japanese blogs that mapped those attributes for Sortie bosses.

Im not sure if its the long horned reference, but check it in the FF wiki references (I would post the link but its Twitter and here we still have this shitty block).
Posts: 72
By paladinepsot 2024-10-04 03:27:43
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Yeah, not having great luck finding those. I was hoping someone had the numbers or something they could point to where I could find them. Google's not great and I don't see citations in bg-wiki. I did find a longhorned post but it had everything except defense for Gartell.
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2024-10-04 03:37:09
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Only his defense or everyone else defense?

If its only his defense, maybe you can make an educated guess by considering the average defense for the level and for the job a mob have.
Posts: 72
By paladinepsot 2024-10-05 01:00:17
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every boss. A lot of the mobs in there have defense listed, but all 9 sortie bosses have zero defense listed, which is why I asked this thread because if anyone does have that it would be fantastic and a huge timesaver over the amount of trial and error required to calculate it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-10 01:41:05
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Does anybody remember what F7 and F9 are assigned to in FFXI, by default?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: NoScrying
Posts: 70
By Bahamut.Noscrying 2024-10-10 02:05:59
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Does anybody remember what F7 and F9 are assigned to in FFXI, by default?
Target your character [F7]
Target an NPC [F8]
Target a PC [F9]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-10 03:26:17
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Bismarck.Radec said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Enhancing Skill 567 (if I recall) and in one hour casting random spells on other characters I haven't seen a single 0.1 skillup.
Is that normal?
I think I remember Byrth posting about a similar problem on his WHM some years ago.

Am I supposed to use the 3 enhancing magic skillup items and using the best food to have a chance to skillup past a certain point or what?
I don't seem to have this issue with all other skills (well except healing becuase I simply don't know, I haven't tried yet).
Everything else is perfectly capped without even tryin for it.

I had the same issue with RDM. Soon as I hit the skill cap at ML44, no further natural skillups over the next 4 months of occasionally levelling. Once I hit 50/would have a new tier of temper, I just used books for the rest.


Never got around to making a bug report.

So of course, like people before me, I had to resort using books to cap Enhancing Skill.
Used around 9 stacks to cap. That's ~108 books, let's say 100.
Each of those book uses has been exactly 0.1 more skill.
I tried for fun like 30ish books for Healing Skill, and the values were in line with what is written in the relevant BGwiki page.

This despite me having equipped:
1) Tema body
2) Tema hands
3) Liminus Earring
4) Ionis up
5) BEW Pitaru

So I think from this it's safe to conclude two things:
1) Magic Skill Up gear/food/buffs have no impact at all on the skill up rate of Books
2) Since how fast you skillup a magic skill is a formula relative to how far you currently are from the supposed skill cap, I guess Enhancing Skill is "bugged" in that they forgot to update the field called "Cap", which is a number lower than it should, meaning that once you get past it the game formula make so you get absolutely zero skillups. Books work the same because you always get at least 0.1 no matter what, they don't use the "regular" skillup formula.

Anybody smarter than me wants to drop some thoughts on this?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6221
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2024-10-10 05:54:12
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It's just a bug. Feel free to report it on the OF.
Posts: 91
By Moonlightagb 2024-10-10 15:23:22
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I'm filling out an unused resin slot in an ambu cape and trying to decide between magic eva+15 and resist status ailments+10 for resisting status effects from nms. (Already capped on pdt/mdt/dt)

I'm a little confused at what would be more effective since the wiki says resist status gear gets cut in half against NMs so it'd be +5(?), but I also feel like the magic eva option could be floored and wouldn't do anything anyway unless I have enough other pieces?
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-10-10 15:29:32
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Meva is much easier to raise as gear has far more meva than it used to, barspells and carols exist, as does things that lower enemy macc like addle.

Resist+ is just going to garuntee you a 5% chance to resist on nms, which i guess is nice when floored but think mevas gonna take you further
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-10-10 15:54:20
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It's also worth noting that "resist all ailments"... doesn't actually work on All ailments. There's many status effects it's not applicable too. It mostly only works on things that have a status resist trait, or in some cases specific status resist gear. For example, there's not an actual resist Stun job trait, but there's resist stun gear, and resist all works on stun. That said, this is just a good general rule, not an absolute method to determine what's applicable.

It also doesn't work on things like atk/str/HP down, etc, at all. So, it's worth considering what specific statuses you're trying to resist with this.

A point towards meva is that it also applies to magic/breath attacks, with resists potentially massively reducing the damage taken. So it's multi-purpose.
Posts: 72
By paladinepsot 2024-10-11 01:07:37
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
It's just a bug. Feel free to report it on the OF.
TIL the SE dev team has an onlyfans
By Mavii 2024-10-11 16:50:51
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Need a refresher on recast mechanics. Am I correct in remembering that there is no actual difference between a calculated recast time of say, 18.0 and 18.xx seconds and thus no value in any additional recast reduction to achieve the former?
Posts: 3654
By Taint 2024-10-16 09:19:00
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Does SV double Dirges potency to -64 (capped)?

It reads that way on BGwiki but thats not always correct.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-16 09:28:01
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I think it does double it but because it's capped at -50 overall, you won't benefit from the whole potency lol.

I guess you would gain the full benefit if you had any other means of Enmity+, like Crusade, then probably you would get the full amount during SV.
Posts: 3654
By Taint 2024-10-16 09:32:32
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We are having hate issues on Kalunga v25 and just trying to minimize them.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-16 09:35:27
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Some things exceed the standard -50% Enmity- cap, like RNG empyrean+3 head for Double Shot. I think songs under SV just straight takes you to the cap. It's kind of like Carol IIs. They are believed to have a 40% cap on nullification, but with gear and skill, you can hit 24% nullification rate. Under SV, you should be at around 48%, but because of the cap, you don't get that extra 8%. Think it's a similar case with Dirge.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3015
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 09:39:49
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Taint said: »
We are having hate issues on Kalunga v25 and just trying to minimize them.

Unfortunately if your primary DD is doing too much of the damage (as a %) they will cap enmity before Kalunga V25 dies.

We solved this by having our other DDs (notably BRD) do more damage (as a %). This manifested by the BRD not re-casting songs on the PLD and instead focusing on damage instead. This was a major breakthrough for us and allowed us to win much more frequently.

We tried lots of other things (giving ballads for Schere Earring procs), but ultimately having the other DDs step up is what caused us to win more often.
Posts: 3654
By Taint 2024-10-16 10:08:16
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Taint said: »
We are having hate issues on Kalunga v25 and just trying to minimize them.

Unfortunately if your primary DD is doing too much of the damage (as a %) they will cap enmity before Kalunga V25 dies.

We solved this by having our other DDs (notably BRD) do more damage (as a %). This manifested by the BRD not re-casting songs on the PLD and instead focusing on damage instead. This was a major breakthrough for us and allowed us to win much more frequently.

We tried lots of other things (giving ballads for Schere Earring procs), but ultimately having the other DDs step up is what caused us to win more often.

We actually just swapped to DRK and SAM (plus COR and BRD) and its going smoother. Auras are have been horrible which isn't helping
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3015
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 10:13:40
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Taint said: »
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Taint said: »
We are having hate issues on Kalunga v25 and just trying to minimize them.

Unfortunately if your primary DD is doing too much of the damage (as a %) they will cap enmity before Kalunga V25 dies.

We solved this by having our other DDs (notably BRD) do more damage (as a %). This manifested by the BRD not re-casting songs on the PLD and instead focusing on damage instead. This was a major breakthrough for us and allowed us to win much more frequently.

We tried lots of other things (giving ballads for Schere Earring procs), but ultimately having the other DDs step up is what caused us to win more often.

We actually just swapped to DRK and SAM (plus COR and BRD) and its going smoother. Auras are have been horrible which isn't helping

Interesting, never tried with multiple dedicated DDs. I don't think those are the DDs I would choose if I could, but group dynamics are what they are.

My setups have always been BRD COR PLD WHM WAR GEO or BRD COR PLD WHM WAR BLU. We tried DRK for a bit, but Mighty Strikes & Warcry are just so much better than Soul Enslavement and DRK's personal damage otherwise.

I just checked the video for my most recent win, we had attack aura for the sub-40% and won with a bit over 3 minutes on the clock. IMO damage isn't really a concern so a safer option like GEO (Barrier or Fend) or BLU (Mighty Guard) is more helpful than piling on more damage.
Posts: 3654
By Taint 2024-10-16 10:18:23
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WAR with axe? Or how are you avoiding the WS wall?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3015
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 10:20:03
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Taint said: »
WAR with axe? Or how are you avoiding the WS wall?

Yeah WAR with Axe (Ikenga's is great, Farsha is also fine), though we've used Gaxe as well (Laphria and Ukon, maybe Chango but probably not).

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-16 12:22:50
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
but Mighty Strikes & Warcry are just so much better than Soul Enslavement and DRK's personal damage otherwise.

It depends how you use Soul Enslavement. We used both WAR + DRK in our initial V25 clear setups a long time ago. Geriond had the ingenius idea that when the second add pops at 40%, pop soul enslavement and hit the first-popped Matamata 2-3 times to drain all of the TP he's gained in the fight up to that point, then resume on Kalunga. A major bad luck issue we kept running into was that the first add would get so much TP from wailing on us the entire fight that he would sometimes use Debilitating Spout (full conal dispel), which always resulted in a fail since it will be hard to reapply songs with knockback plus counter regen for that brief period of time you are buff-less. Since we started doing that method <40%, we started seeing easier clears. I think Soul Enslavement is a very good SP2 to have around, personally.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3015
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-16 12:29:04
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
but Mighty Strikes & Warcry are just so much better than Soul Enslavement and DRK's personal damage otherwise.

It depends how you use Soul Enslavement. We used both WAR + DRK in our initial V25 clear setups a long time ago. Geriond had the ingenius idea that when the second add pops at 40%, pop soul enslavement and hit the first-popped Matamata 2-3 times to drain all of the TP he's gained in the fight up to that point, then resume on Kalunga. A major bad luck issue we kept running into was that the first add would get so much TP from wailing on us the entire fight that he would sometimes use Debilitating Spout (full conal dispel), which always resulted in a fail since it will be hard to reapply songs with knockback plus counter regen for that brief period of time you are buff-less. Since we started doing that method <40%, we started seeing easier clears. I think Soul Enslavement is a very good SP2 to have around, personally.

Neat idea, definitely not one we ever thought of. I was referring to single DD setups where WAR and DRK are competing for the same slot, not having both.

I'd still say that, given this strategy, I would still take WAR over DRK in single DD strats (like mine). The dispel is conal which means with good positioning it will hit at worst 1 person, it's one of 5 TP moves they can do, and they're not even guaranteed to even use TP the entire fight. Compare this to all the things WAR brings to the table and I still think that WAR is significantly better for this fight than DRK. If you have both, go for it; if you have to pick one, I'd take WAR over DRK (given the option to have either) all day, every day.

edit: also, WAR gets its useful ability back twice as often (5 and 6) where DRK gets theirs back only on a 6. Warcry is, of course, guaranteed to come back from WC and could be used 4~5 times in a fight.
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