Random Question thread (FFXI related)
By Kaffy 2024-09-10 04:51:27
Anyone else having issues logging in? East coast.
Changing to google DNS may have fixed the problem? After maintenance I was unable to stay connected for more than a minute or two even though logging in wasn't slow or anything and I could even change zones.
By zeta 2024-09-11 13:45:06
Do you think SE will ever expand inventory again? I talk about it all the time but at this point i would be willing to pay so much to double or triple the wardrobe space....
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2024-09-11 13:55:08
I seem to recall there was a craftable body that had the same exact model as Kyujutsugi and Nisroch Jerkin but I can't find it.
Did I dream about it or does it exist for real?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-09-11 13:56:32
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2024-09-11 14:25:34
That's it! Thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-09-11 14:28:23
Do you think SE will ever expand inventory again? I talk about it all the time but at this point i would be willing to pay so much to double or triple the wardrobe space....
The sub price for FFXI with all 8 wardrobes is already kind of ridiculous compared to MMOs that are way more modern and updated regularly (cough FFXIV cough). I ain't trying to play like 40 bucks a month to play ffxi...
By zeta 2024-09-11 16:31:45
Do you think SE will ever expand inventory again? I talk about it all the time but at this point i would be willing to pay so much to double or triple the wardrobe space....
The sub price for FFXI with all 8 wardrobes is already kind of ridiculous compared to MMOs that are way more modern and updated regularly (cough FFXIV cough). I ain't trying to play like 40 bucks a month to play ffxi...
Meh i pay 60~ so might as well pay more...
Really though i wish/hope they add more space....
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3004
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-11 17:10:31
Crazy that people need more than 640 wardrobe spaces. You have be to playing 12+ jobs at extremely highly levels to even fill that, assuming you use absolutely no storage or slips at all.
I refuse to believe that anyone is routinely swapping between that many jobs AND needs the tiny minutia of gear for every one of them and needs it all to be available without a visit to any vendor.
Audit your wardrobes, find the useless crap you don't use anymore. Trim down the glass cannon nonsense builds that don't make any sense anymore. Figure out which jobs you actually play regularly and keep those available, not the 17th job you haven't played in months/years and don't even have a good lua for. Start using porter moogle and other storage methods. Put items you use once every 2 years in satchel/sack/case.
There's no reason you should ever need 16 wardrobes to play FFXI. You're doing it wrong
By SimonSes 2024-09-11 17:41:21
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Crazy that people need more than 640 wardrobe spaces. You have be to playing 12+ jobs at extremely highly levels to even fill that, assuming you use absolutely no storage or slips at all.
I refuse to believe that anyone is routinely swapping between that many jobs AND needs the tiny minutia of gear for every one of them and needs it all to be available without a visit to any vendor.
Audit your wardrobes, find the useless crap you don't use anymore. Trim down the glass cannon nonsense builds that don't make any sense anymore. Figure out which jobs you actually play regularly and keep those available, not the 17th job you haven't played in months/years and don't even have a good lua for. Start using porter moogle and other storage methods. Put items you use once every 2 years in satchel/sack/case.
There's no reason you should ever need 16 wardrobes to play FFXI. You're doing it wrong
Idk. I was using porter moogle for everything and still had no room. I could probably throw something but not much, but I was actively playing: BLU, WAR, DRG, DRK, NIN, DNC, THF, GEO, RDM, BST, PUP, MNK, RNG, COR, BRD, SMN and also had gear for SAM and SCH
By zeta 2024-09-11 17:44:11
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Crazy that people need more than 640 wardrobe spaces. You have be to playing 12+ jobs at extremely highly levels to even fill that, assuming you use absolutely no storage or slips at all.
I refuse to believe that anyone is routinely swapping between that many jobs AND needs the tiny minutia of gear for every one of them and needs it all to be available without a visit to any vendor.
Audit your wardrobes, find the useless crap you don't use anymore. Trim down the glass cannon nonsense builds that don't make any sense anymore. Figure out which jobs you actually play regularly and keep those available, not the 17th job you haven't played in months/years and don't even have a good lua for. Start using porter moogle and other storage methods. Put items you use once every 2 years in satchel/sack/case.
There's no reason you should ever need 16 wardrobes to play FFXI. You're doing it wrong
Yes.. but actually no..
I do play a lot of jobs but it isnt just about using slips or other storage methods. You cant store ambu capes for example. Having more storage would mean I could be free to make even more capes to play the jobs better. Glass cannon I actually also do though can see why isnt needed but at this point in the game why not if i want to.
I know many people that dont play certain jobs regularly because it would take 30 min to move things off mules/etc.(i know might be a lazy argument but it is what it is)
I get if you dont like the idea but would still love the option to be there for others that would want it. I know just by talking to others i am not the only one that wants this.
I would love to see 2x-3x storage(and of course improved load times to balance) for people that would love to just change to that random NIN job they dont play often but want to for whatever reason(ambu this month)
Game is old and may or may not be dying but i personally think if SE announced new storage or a system that would at least peak some interest.
EDIT: Here is another thing to think about, the space constraints also might scare people off from wanting to pick up a new job for fear it would hurt their inventory even more. For example I used to lolPUP lolDRG all the time because in 2004~ era i tried them out and didnt like at all. So never picked them up. Recently I played both more and can absolutely understand the appeal of both. However I am bit worried to try and gear either with ambu capes and other items you cant store for fear I might not use them alot. Because of that i dont gear them fully, thus dont see full potential which makes me not want to gear them more for fear of less bag space... Not sure if that makes sense but that is my twisted logic.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4576
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-11 17:46:00
Theres no way you're needing to play 16 jobs on a weekly basis. You're playing 16 jobs because you want variety, or your group forced you into it because they dont want to play more than 3. You're not filling the role of COR, GEO and BRD, the 3 prime buffers, on one character on a regular basis.
By zeta 2024-09-11 17:51:08
Theres no way you're needing to play 16 jobs on a weekly basis. You're playing 16 jobs because you want variety, or your group forced you into it because they dont want to play more than 3.
Of course i dont jump between all 22 jobs weekly but for a game as unique as FFXIs job system is I want to have the option to.. Which of course i have but would love more space for less mule trips or fumbling with porter mog.
The random question wasnt about if you think it is needed or such but if SE might one day want to expand it more.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4576
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-11 18:01:16
You have 920 inventory to work with (8 wardrobe, sack, satch, case, 40 inventory used, 40 free). Yes, I'm considering sack, satch and case active inventory. organizer exists, its a very easy to use addon that pairs nicely with gearswap.
Even if you must have all 15 pieces of JSE +3'd (arti, relic, emp) * 22 jobs = 330 slots. Thats presuming they're all useful (theyre not), but that still leaves 590 slots of equipment to work with, most of which will be usable by multiple jobs.
If you are struggling, you are min-maxing way too much and/or you are hoarding ***to raise your dps by 0.1% in that very niche situation that never happens.
By zeta 2024-09-11 18:26:39
So i fail to understand why it matters to you why i want more space... the question wasnt if how i gear makes you happy it was If SE might ever expand.
I assume it is a useless question since no one knows but was borerd looking at spreadsheets at work and wanted to throw the question out there.
Play and gear how you want. I will do the same.. For me what would be very neat is if SE suddenly said they were going to either intro a new inventory system or expand the wardrobes even more.
I will also min/max since it makes me happy to write the code for those situations and to be best i can in the only game i play and have ton of love for :)
By SimonSes 2024-09-11 18:28:50
Theres no way you're needing to play 16 jobs on a weekly basis. You're playing 16 jobs because you want variety, or your group forced you into it because they dont want to play more than 3. You're not filling the role of COR, GEO and BRD, the 3 prime buffers, on one character on a regular basis.
Idk what to tell you. I went through my gear many times and couldn't really throw much or send to mules anymore. That being said I probably have like maybe 80 room taken by some rema materials, sortie drops, food, tools, etc. but thats usually in case.
BLU: Sortie when boxing, Segments when boxing, some Ambu, Gaol, DynamisD AoE, old content, HTMB
WAR: Gaol, Ambu
DRG: Segments, Gaol
DRK: Sortie, Gaol, Ambu
NIN: Rarely used, mostly for specific Ambu, but share most non Slipable gear with MNK, so couldn't really send it anyway
DNC: Sortie, Gaol
THF: Omen, Gaol
GEO: Gaol
RDM: Sortie, Gaol, Ambu, HTMB
BST: Gaol
PUP: Gaol, Ambu, Omen
MNK: Sortie, Gaol, Ambu, HTMB
RNG: Lately haven't used much, but share gear with COR
COR: Ambu, Gaol, Segments
BRD: Sortie, Segments
SMN: Havent used much, most of the tradable gear on other char.
By zeta 2024-09-11 18:36:59
Another thing i got into recently was the lockstyle stuff. I have maybe 50-70 slots in safe/storage/etc used for that. I like it now and want to enjoy it. So less space. I also have a lot of food/meds/tools/pop items/etc that take up more space.
Also been on a quest to get all REMA even if i dont need them I want them. This is how i play and enjoy the game. But less space...
So all i really wanted was to ask about possible space...
But let me go down more fantasy rabbit holes...
Wouldn't it be grand if SE announced new(old FFXIV) server infrastructure/code revamp that would bring FFXI up to least 1meg up/down speeds and improve all loading to an extreme degree... With that they also have far more bag space or inv solutions. Pipe dreams i know but gosh a boy can dream!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4576
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-11 18:41:36
6 different jobs for Sortie
4 Segment jobs
12 Gaol jobs (I get the nature of Gaol fights with certain job requirements, but 12 is still excessive, see quoted part below)
8 Ambu jobs
3 HTMB jobs
your group forced you into it because they dont want to play more than 3
By zeta 2024-09-11 18:48:35
6 different jobs for Sortie
4 Segment jobs
12 Gaol jobs (I get the nature of Gaol fights with certain job requirements, but 12 is still excessive, see quoted part below)
8 Ambu jobs
3 HTMB jobs
your group forced you into it because they dont want to play more than 3
Game has 22 jobs...
6 Sortie jobs - Never get bored some and want to change it up? If you do change it up dont you want to play at the best level you can reach?
Seems you are more annoyed people play either by choice or to help group many jobs and not just a few. Also annoyed that people want to min/max etc said jobs. Not everyone wants to stick to 1-3 or event 5-6 jobs forever. Lot of people want to try out new jobs and try to make them the best. I am not trying to be a *** here but dang man. For a game that is this old with a small community would be nice to see people want to take an interest to stay motivated. Just saying.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3004
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-11 19:25:16
I'm sure if someone said they want to carry around every sword from level 1-99 just in case they need a level 62 sword with 5 AGI on it, you'd tell them they should enjoy their gameplay experience and have no criticisms...
IDK, you're free to play the game however you want, it's your $30. I still think your wardrobes are a mess though. Also that you're heavily over-estimating the number of jobs that you need to be on.
Maybe you're doing 3-KI attempts of every one of the Ody bosses every week and you absolutely have to be on a different job for every single one and you have to go on 8 different jobs to segment farms every other day, and change jobs for Sortie every night, IDK. Doubt it though.
One of my characters has 10 jobs, all well-geared. I have 47 open spaces in my wardrobes, I don't have wardrobe 7 or 8 even unlocked, and absolutely none of my gear is on any kind of storage.
By zeta 2024-09-11 20:19:49
lol thanks for taking the example to the extreme. In the end could have just replied with: SE most likely won’t but would be nice for anyone that wants it.
Decided to critique others housekeeping instead lol.
By Nariont 2024-09-11 21:21:22
Theyd sooner make a wardrobe camp or tie it into free login. Free 2 weeks - a month of aaaaall the space, then lock it all away so you have to pay to get your gear back, its free money!
As far as organizing space, getting rid of all but vital pet gear saved soooo much space, really wish they had made more universal capes, or just let you store them or even dbox them like the augmented reis gear
By Seun 2024-09-11 21:48:57
No more wardrobes, please. Just increase the size of current inventory from 80 -> 99
By Nariont 2024-09-12 01:20:36
That would require time/investment, which i dont think they have much of anymore, wardrobes atleast have some kind of cost incentive but for all i know they hit the cap on those too.
By Drayco 2024-09-12 06:12:39
I want to build a new mythic since I'm abandoning Nirvana. I never wanted to play SMN, I just wanted it to be more relevant in Aeonic runs.
I'd love to hear some input from owners about my candidates. I'm doing Yagrush and Carn on my other chars.
Burtgang makes the most sense. I have Aegis and Ochain already.
Tizona makes sense too, but my blu is mostly for HTBF or some other easy thing... Probably don't need it.
Murgelis, Laevateinn, Nagi, and Varja I know are not top tier, but have a very high cool factor for me.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Valefor.Kriz 2024-09-12 06:44:54
I made a Nirvana and never even finished doing trials for it, as if all you are doing is AFAC, Gridarvor and Grioavolr are all you need. This is also even more true over the last few years with Master Levels.
As you noted you have other chars, the obvious choices of Yagrush and Carn are obvious choices for WHM and BRD, but I wouldn't double up on your main.
Burtgang is definitely what I would make if your main is going to be your tank. You'd basically never not use it.
Death Penalty, to me, is not as critical as it used to be so long ago. You can one shot statues in Dyna-D without it, and many COR fights have you on Savage Blade. However, if you wanted a second or third Mythic, I'd do DP.
Tizona (and to a lesser extent the rest of the Mythics) require you to love a job that either has way better options (e.g. Varja) or isn't a job you see much in endgame meta (e.g. Tizona, Kenkonken) or is something you build for a single use-case (e.g. Laevateinn on mage strats, Gastraphetes for KC TF spam).
By SimonSes 2024-09-12 08:00:39
6 different jobs for Sortie
4 Segment jobs
12 Gaol jobs (I get the nature of Gaol fights with certain job requirements, but 12 is still excessive, see quoted part below)
8 Ambu jobs
3 HTMB jobs
your group forced you into it because they dont want to play more than 3
I was doing Sortie with group of people who liked playing DDs, so we were switching between support duty and dd jobs, so we can enjoy the grind more. I was using BRD, RDM and COR or DRK and MNK. BLU I was using when I was going solo or lowman boxing.
Gaol: Between jobs I needed for V25 (BST, BLU, DNC, GEO, RDM, DRK) I also use jobs like WAR, DRG, THF, COR, MNK and PUP for solo/lowman farming 3xKI runs. I don't consider that an overkill at all.
There is huge variety of jobs best suitable for different Ambus, so not sure what is surprising in tagging many jobs for that event. Even for Qutrub, depends on strategy, there is at least 12 jobs I can use: BLU, BRD, WAR, DNC, THF, NIN, SMN, RNG, COR, MNK, RDM, GEO
By Dodik 2024-09-12 08:03:34
Tizona is a no.1 choice if your main job is blu. If you play a lot of Pld the burt is a no.1 choice instead.
Blm mythic is only beat by stage4+ Prime iirc so still very relevant if you play a lot of blm in Sortie.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4576
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-12 09:11:34
Tizona is also a sexy weapon to lockstyle.
By zeta 2024-09-12 09:33:31
Tizona is also a sexy weapon to lockstyle.
Even a better weapon to actually use.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4576
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-12 09:43:51
I cant use Tizona on my WAR RDM PLD BRD COR
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Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
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