Random Question Thread (FFXI Related)

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By Dodik 2024-04-24 07:46:54
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Annihilator - relic gun - is absolutely still relevant for any fight where getting hate as Rng is an issue. Eg Arebati.

The prime gun WS does not have the enmity mechanics the relic WS does which is the only reason you'd use relic gun in the first place.
Server: Shiva
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user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-04-24 07:48:37
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I haven't tossed mine, and I get where you're coming from. Ultimately, neither of us know what the asker had in mind by 'worth it', but for the cost I wouldn't consider it a practical choice for most people. Unless you're on DRK all the time and doing a lot of low end content with suboptimal groups, it's just plain not going to get used. To get that value, you need to be in a suboptimal group, something has to go wrong, and everything else has to line up so that you being able to stay alive actually changes something.

If you enjoy DRK and want to solo on DRK, that'd be the best case for getting your gil's worth. But, if you just want a strong solo job.. not the easiest or the strongest option for that either.

Dodik said: »
The prime gun WS does not have the enmity mechanics the relic WS does which is the only reason you'd use relic gun in the first place.
Has someone actually tested this? Searching terminus in the prime thread has a lot of people speculating about it, but I can't find anyone testifying that it clearly does or doesn't, much less testing under controlled conditions. Enmity-50 on the bullet is also pretty considerable (you don't need to stay at extremely low enmity unless hate resets are involved, you just have to stay below VE cap).
By Dodik 2024-04-24 07:51:44
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No controlled testing afaik but what testing has been done shows the enmity gain from WS is not static and it acts like a typical physical WS.

The -enmity comes from the ammo which is rare/ex and needs scavenge to get back.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-24 07:53:02
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The classic distinction between usable, and useful

or Need vs Want
or Hard vs Annoying

Always qualifiers
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-04-24 07:53:26
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Oh gross, I completely missed that it was rare marked.

Can you link any 'testing'? I haven't even seen a post of someone saying they pulled hate with it. Not saying there's any reason to believe it doesn't have enm-, but it's weird to not have a clear answer somewhere with the other parallels between prime and relics.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-24 07:57:07
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No one expressly tested the gun to find exact values, only that it does not mimic Coronoch's enmity, nor the bow Namas's
By Dodik 2024-04-24 08:17:33
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From https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/57318/prime-ws-information-testing-discussion/18/#3670251

Odin.Demhar said: ยป
Updated my previous post.
Enmity is not fixed on Sarv.
If the enmity was fixed on Sarv, I wouldn't pull hate from EV on the first 99k WS with HS25 which puts me at -50 enmity on Abject Obdella.

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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-04-24 21:48:53
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
Depends on your progression/what you have available. Aegis is still BIS for a lot of things. Mandau and Excalibur have some niche uses to avoid WS wall. Annihilator can have some utility if you don't have prime gun, but is useless if you do. Gjallarhorn is good to have unless you have a S5 prime, and very few people do.

The rest are largely outdated, though some might still be decent stepping stone weapons if you're at an early stage of progress and can't get the better EMAP option.

Kikoku probably goes on the list. Most people would consider Heishi Shorinken the best non-prime katana, but if Aeonic is out of reach for someone (prioritizing other Aeonics first, don't have a group for HELMs and/or not wanting to pay mercs), it's generally viewed as the next best choice. (no, Naegling NIN does not exist)
By K123 2024-04-28 06:11:31
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Are there any trusts which will caste Haste2 on WHM and/or BRD and also use Dia3?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-28 06:13:24
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KoH Haste2 and Dia3 no matter the job

But only the caster. Won't refresh other mages or haste other dd. Runs out of mp in 5 minutes and will get himself killed with aga if you make fire/light sc.
Trust AI is dogturds.
By K123 2024-04-28 06:54:15
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
KoH Haste2 and Dia3 no matter the job

But only the caster. Won't refresh other mages or haste other dd. Runs out of mp in 5 minutes and will get himself killed with aga if you make fire/light sc.
Trust AI is dogturds.
Yeah I never use KoH, I know he is junk and annoying. I know Arcelia uses Haste2 on RNG and COR where others do Flurry, but not sure about whm or brd and then no dia3, maybe I need to use Arcelia and something else for dia3.
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2024-04-28 07:42:38
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Your dia 3 options are KoH(immediate/almost immediate) and Koru(gets to it eventually), i dont think the other rdms even have Dia2, let alone 3

Arc1 will iirc cast haste2 on others, but she's very slow to do so with the whole mode switch thing she does, 2 same deal except add SC/MBing to the list.

Kings biggest problem is if you're making light, otherwise he's pretty much as close to ideal as you can be, keeps you buffed and does dia3, wish he had distract II but loltrusts
By 2024-04-28 08:57:06
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By Dodik 2024-04-28 09:06:49
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You have two sets of WS gear, one for PDL/attack cap and one without.

Bind toggling one to the other to a button.

Use button.
By 2024-04-28 09:13:55
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By Dodik 2024-04-28 10:31:28
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YMMV how you do it in your GS, this is not a GS question.

You can do it with macros, equipsets, weaponskill toggles, whatever.

If you're looking for an automated way for something to /check a mob determine if you are at attack cap or not then automatically switch your gear then you are discussing botting which is against rules of this forum.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-28 10:43:39
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You should have 4 or 5 of those sets though.

No cap
Extra cap for more PDL
Buffed out the *** all the PDL
and holy ***I can't hit this god damn thing full acc (Though rare use these days)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: echohawk
Posts: 91
By Cerberus.Echohawk 2024-04-29 18:44:41
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I'm trying to get partybuffs and superwarp (on lines 12/13) to autoload but it never has. What am I doing wrong?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2024-04-29 20:55:34
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Cerberus.Echohawk said: »
I'm trying to get partybuffs and superwarp (on lines 12/13) to autoload but it never has. What am I doing wrong?

Try editing the init.txt file. Here is the usual directory link (based on windower folder)

And then inside the Init.Txt you can edit it to look similar to the following:

You just want the addons you want loaded to look like those in the screenshot, r or l works for reload/load. Addons that don't load automatically in windower can be added to auto load from here.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: echohawk
Posts: 91
By Cerberus.Echohawk 2024-04-29 23:22:52
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Amazing, thank you
Posts: 4894
By RadialArcana 2024-04-30 03:58:16
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What's the deal with this change in XI accounts, with the addresses? Does it stop you adding crysta or stop you using crysta to activate?
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15966
By Asura.Vyre 2024-04-30 05:42:03
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They added in location verification and cut some credit cards and other payment card options to streamline and secure stuff.

Not sure how it affects Crysta, never use the stuff.
By K123 2024-04-30 06:28:30
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I still use windower scripts for some things (don't ask) but I am really lazy.

Is there any way to change it from
/console exec xxx.txt


/ce xxx.txt
Posts: 15225
By Pantafernando 2024-04-30 06:32:45
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By K123 2024-04-30 09:44:48
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Pantafernando said: »
Please expand.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3003
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-30 10:18:35
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K123 said: »
Pantafernando said: »
Please expand.

I assume he's talking about Shortcuts? Not sure how you make a new alias, probably some configuration file?

Input text: /ce xxx.txt
Output text: /console exec xxx.txt

Again, not really sure exactly how it all works, but I believe you can make these substitutions with Shortcuts, since it can turn /c4 into /ma "cure iv" <t> and whatnot.
By K123 2024-04-30 10:31:08
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I had wondered if shortcuts would work, to have /ce input /console exec, but I wasn't sure. I will try and let you know.
Posts: 327
By jubes 2024-04-30 15:30:39
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which does more damage from a subjob, runes or enspells? are runes able to be resisted?
Posts: 15225
By Pantafernando 2024-04-30 15:55:44
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K123 said: »
Pantafernando said: »
Please expand.

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