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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Phex
Posts: 1
By Cerberus.Phex 2024-01-31 16:40:07
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Using K.club offhand: Do i really have to avoid any DA TA on gear because it lowers the club-performance if DA TA triggers or does it checks the multi-attack 1 by 1 beginning with 8hit-chance from club and so on down to gear TA/DAs?
And how much helps Store-TP here? Or i better focus on acc, meva and DT-?
Probably old questions... thx for help tho.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-01-31 16:47:46
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It will check the Da/Ta first, but it's not as big of a deal as people will make you believe.

You aren't losing 1000 dps by having 5 da or something.

STP works, of course, but prioritize staying alive, then make sure you can hit it, then stack on stp
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-01-31 16:53:26
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Cerberus.Phex said: »
Using K.club offhand: Do i really have to avoid any DA TA on gear because it lowers the club-performance if DA TA triggers or does it checks the multi-attack 1 by 1 beginning with 8hit-chance from club and so on down to gear TA/DAs?
And how much helps Store-TP here? Or i better focus on acc, meva and DT-?
Probably old questions... thx for help tho.

Multiattack works on an order of priority. It'll roll your chance to multiattack X times based on your % to QA/TA/DA/etc. For the purposes of Kraken Club, the priority is as follows:

QA > TA > DA > OAX

This means your Kraken Club will only have a chance to attack 2 to 8 times if you fail to QA, TA, or DA first. That's why people suggest you have as little other multiattack as possible. It isn't necessarily a problem to have some though because:

A) Kraken Club doesn't make your main hand swing more times. Something like an SU5 weapon or a Mythic in the main hand counteracts this and makes Double Attack even less valuable though.

B) Realistically, while it reduces your chance to get that KC 2-8, it isn't by tons unless you're stacking loads of multiattack. You could very well still be in the positive since you want to multiattack with your main hand too (example: Temper II on RDM. You still want this.)

If you're fighting something high level, always build for survivability with other stats on top and you should obviously be aiming to cap accuracy, should really go without saying. If you are missing all 8 of your 2-8 KC hits what are you wearing it for?

Magic Evasion and Capped DT are very important. You lose more damage by failing to resist a paralyze or sleep than you gain by having 3 extra store TP. Store TP itself though would be very beneficial here since it is important to have a good mix of Store TP and Multiattack; with kraken club, your multiattack is already very high.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-01-31 16:58:15
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Read here. Any DA or TA means an attack where you didn't roll the KC at all. KC has ~4 average attacks per round, meaning (on average) the DA or TA will give you fewer TP than if you didn't have DA/TA at all.

This is complicated a bit by the fact that DA/TA on gear applies to both weapons, meaning you're also gaining TP by proccing that MA on your mainhand.

Let's say you have 10% DA and it's free (not competing with any other equipment); this isn't realistic or practical, but for simplicity, also assume you have no other MA.

Your average attacks/round are 5, 1 from MH, 4 from KC. 10% DA puts this up to 1.1 (MH) and 3.8 (KC). Overall, you lost .1 attacks per round. If you turn this into TA, you'll see that you have 1.2 (MH) and 3.9, for .1 increase in attacks per round.

I'd say TA/QA are an increase in overall TP, but DA is an impediment, white damage aside. This also assumes acc is capped for both weapons, if MH is capped but KC is not, those ratios will change.

STP helps and is usually recommended because it doesn't suffer this problem. Normally 1 STP is more-or-less equivalent to 1 DA and 2 STP is close-enough to 1 TA, again ignoring white damage. With a KC, STP helps every hit and has no down-side.

How any of these things compare to acc, meva, and DT that's a whole 'nother beast. There are way too many factors to determine whether you need to add DT or meva, and acc needs vary dramatically and the amount of DPS stats you'll lose to gain that acc varies by slot...Is it worth dropping 12 STP to gain 10 accuracy? Probably not. Is it worth dropping 200 acc to gain 5 STP?
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15955
By Asura.Vyre 2024-01-31 21:36:50
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These have all been asked before, I'm sure, but I'm lazy and dumb so here goes:

1. Can you steal the Impish Box with thief sub?

2. Do you have to actually wait for a Tantara to go out to hit steal, or is it just any time after it whips out the horn?

3. How come you haven't come and PL'd me yet Proth? Q,Q

4. Romaa Mihgo isn't stealing at all, what gives?

5. Was Guimauve meat fight once a day or once a tally?

6. For Relish augmenting without Dyna D, that's 10k Job Points per REMA, right?

7. And was it one box per participant?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 542
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-01-31 21:45:04
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Asura.Vyre said: »
These have all been asked before, I'm sure, but I'm lazy and dumb so here goes:

1. Can you steal the Impish Box with thief sub?
Yes, I'd bring my THF and 2 COR/THF alts, and the alts successfully stole. Its noticeably less common though. My THF ran Steal + more than 25, and /THF gets very little or 0 Steal+

2. Do you have to actually wait for a Tantara to go out to hit steal, or is it just any time after it whips out the horn?
At just about 20% exactly, if the Imp has used EITHER tantara already, it will do an animation and pull out the horn. Having done this for months it's pretty consistant.

3. How come you haven't come and PL'd me yet Proth? Q,Q
Who? If you want a PL (not ML's) and play at night EST hours I can do it NP, I've been meaning to cleave for some alts

4. Romaa Mihgo isn't stealing at all, what gives?
I saw some reports and screenshots confirming her stealing... She has to notice blaze spikes up, attempt to Despoil, and also successfully steal the Box. In my experience 90% of the time she'd never even attempt it, and you'd have to disengage/re-engage multiple times to trigger her. Using Romaa simply isnt worth the effort.

5. Was Guimauve meat fight once a day or once a tally?
I'm under the impression it's once a day, but that'd need confirmation as I'm simply speculating based on how often people would claim a drop. In my experience the drop rate is horrendous. You can get it from each individual Flan (6 per fight) and it took me just over 60 runs to get the drop.
EDIT: Misread. Yes the FIGHT is once per day. It resets at exactly JP midnight. If a party member in your group has ran already it will give you a message telling you that you're unable to enter. You're only able to see the message, as well as the fight @the Cutter IF you have a box in your inventory.
Worth Noting: If you enter the fight with less than 6 (checking who has already ran that day), you don't lose the box OR access for that day UNTIL you pop the box. You can enter, warp out, and re-enter the same day to 'check' who the dude who forgot is.

6. For Relish augmenting without Dyna D, that's 10k Job Points per REMA, right?
Not doing that math, but a couple years back when I didnt have the masks I recall looking up how long it'd take to do and it seemed like a waste of time vs joining a linkshell
EDIT: Rema Augments
Correct, it's 10k per REMA... but that's 10k Job points, not exemplar points. Each job caps at 500 capacity before being forced to spend, so you'd need to cap a job's tank of JP's, then spend them 20 times for 1 REMA. Seems unnecessarily long even w/ Peach Power ever day but to each their own.

7. And was it one box per participant?
SE patched it recently so that each Imp can only yield 1 Box, so if you have someone in your party successfully steal then pull a new imp.

Sorry for the edits, ended up looking up stuff anyway.
By 2024-02-01 07:11:47
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By K123 2024-02-01 18:52:00
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What is bis DT/sird/cure potency in one set for whm now?
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2024-02-01 18:54:40
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I think trying to mash all those together will leave you lacking in some area, could be wrong. Generally better to just ride aquaveil unless there's multiple mobs on you and having that hold your sird/DT. 7~ blocked interrupts a cast
By K123 2024-02-01 20:55:06
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Just thinking for WHM on Kalunga and Ngai, and Xevioso? Can't remember, did that clear already.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 542
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-02-01 20:58:53
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For some of those fights it pays to just have the COR give a Choral roll separately to the WHM, especially Ngai where they're simply proc'ing anyway and can afford to multi-buff
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-01 21:27:43
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Gaol fights are the best example where Aquaveil greatly outperforms SIRD gear and I definitely wouldn't bother putting SIRD in.

This is my cure DT set which quite frankly I use all the time now, because it's really only missing some CMP from my maxed out cure set and with MP not really being an issue anymore, I think the safety is just better.

ItemSet 393695
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: NoScrying
Posts: 70
By Bahamut.Noscrying 2024-02-02 01:51:07
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Does anyone who uses XIVHotbar, know if you can force it to use a specific file instead of default "Jobname.lua"?

I'd like to make a GS command, that switches my Bluemage hotbar file.
Since I have 4-5 Azuresets, I'd like to do like.

send_command ("bind ^Numpad7 //xivhotbar load BLU_Mage")
send_command ("bind ^Numpad8 //xivhotbar load BLU_Acc")
send_command ("bind ^Numpad9 //xivhotbar load BLU_Tank")
Or set them to a toggle to cycle through.

Currently I just have all my XIVHotbars commented out, except the one I'm using, then have to switch back and comment in/out if I switch.
By K123 2024-02-02 03:45:12
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Gaol fights are the best example where Aquaveil greatly outperforms SIRD gear and I definitely wouldn't bother putting SIRD in.

This is my cure DT set which quite frankly I use all the time now, because it's really only missing some CMP from my maxed out cure set and with MP not really being an issue anymore, I think the safety is just better.

ItemSet 393695
That means you have to rest recast aquaveil every few cures though, is that safe? Do you cast aquaveil in sird set?
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2024-02-02 03:49:32
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Gaol fights are the best example where Aquaveil greatly outperforms SIRD gear and I definitely wouldn't bother putting SIRD in.

This is my cure DT set which quite frankly I use all the time now, because it's really only missing some CMP from my maxed out cure set and with MP not really being an issue anymore, I think the safety is just better.

ItemSet 393695

Personally I plan to go even further. Just wear Empy +3 feet and head too. I don't feel like 3% Cure potency II (assuming Naji's band), conserve mp +7 and Healing magic skill +16 is worth losing 100 meva, 98HP, ~100DEF, 7MDB and 6MND (assuming +12MND paths on Kaykaus).
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2024-02-02 05:05:12
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K123 said: »
That means you have to rest recast aquaveil every few cures though, is that safe? Do you cast aquaveil in sird set?

Between unity body, relic artifact boots, bunzi legs, staunch+1 and the veil rope, with merits youre about 107% SIRD with some 17DT with plenty of open slots to cover the rest. Ideally you cure inbetween attack rounds but i can see ody latency impeding that occasionally
By K123 2024-02-02 06:03:07
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Nariont said: »
K123 said: »
That means you have to rest recast aquaveil every few cures though, is that safe? Do you cast aquaveil in sird set?

Between unity body, relic artifact boots, bunzi legs, staunch+1 and the veil rope, with merits youre about 107% SIRD with some 17DT with plenty of open slots to cover the rest. Ideally you cure inbetween attack rounds but i can see ody latency impeding that occasionally
Yeah even with packetflow it scares me being on WHM in Ody or Sortie. Every other job feels fine.
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2024-02-02 06:23:26
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Well as you can see, 2 out of 3 of your 20%+ sird slots are in key cure pieces(emp legs/body) feet are a good loss too. You can try to shift it elsewhere but everything else is largely in the 5~10%, culminus, freke ring, the sird earrings, ambu back with sird(losing 10 pdt)

Its just difficult to cram those into a cure set with also capped DT, youre gonna be really short on one aspect of the set

So if the ody latency exp is hindering you too much, dex's suggestion is probably best, even at its worst its something around 60~70 sird, just personally not a fan of relying on a dispellable buff that also has a potency variance to it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Maze
Posts: 10
By Ragnarok.Maze 2024-02-02 07:20:24
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For WHM SIRD sets I reserve them for certain Gaol fights where I'm expected to tank the adds pretty much on WHM full time. You have to sacrifice some potency pieces to maintain 102% SIRD and max DT but honestly with Raetic Rod +1 and empy legs +3 MP is a non-issue so it's not as bad as it seems and cures tend to overheal anyway with raetic rod +1. I try to keep high def pieces on where I can as well.

Chironic hands is a good option with 31% SIRD (20% base and 11% from augments), add in AF+3 feet for another 29%, Staunch+1 (11%), magnetic earring (8%), Loricate Torque +1(augments 5% SIRD), and any of the waist options with 10-12% SIRD, plus 10% SIRD from merits and you're golden. This allows me to maintain AF+3/Emp+3 chest for curaga/cures, and empy legs. I also use Empy+3 head for defensive stats since the Kaykaus set is broken anyway and to allows for maintaining cure potency even if I have to drop reatic rod for low MP (for whatever reason you run out of MP though never happened to me with empy legs), and keep SoA ring for cure2 potency along with defending ring for capped -DT.
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2024-02-02 07:24:18
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Dont know how i missed chironic gloves. Good call
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-02 08:28:57
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Aquaveil is 7~9 interruptions per Aquaveil and you won't be interrupted every cast, so really you're talking about 10+ spells before it wears off, possibly much longer. I wouldn't say it's casting Aquaveil every cure, or even remotely close to that.

YMMV, at least you have options now but IDK about SIRD in the cure set. Here's the set Maze recommended, you need to put cure potency on the cape to cap cure potency I, you also lose 8% cure potency II. This set also doesn't have anywhere near capped -enmity.

ItemSet 394649
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Maze
Posts: 10
By Ragnarok.Maze 2024-02-02 09:18:17
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The circumstances where you want SIRD you dont care as much about -enmity since you're tanking anyway and want the adds on you and to generate enough hate to keep them. This is specific for Ngai, Xev, and some other v25 Gaol fights. You're spamming curaga pretty much non stop and stopping to recast aquaveil will likely risk a wipe.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2024-02-02 09:52:48
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Ragnarok.Maze said: »
You're spamming curaga pretty much non stop and stopping to recast aquaveil will likely risk a wipe.

If only thing that you can do is spamming curagas and tanking, why don't just play PLD? I think you are being overdramatic though. There is also no reason to simply use better set with Aquaveil and toggle to sird if Aquaveil wears off and you can't put it back.

Also WHM doesn't need to tank anything on Ngai, just use PUP.
By K123 2024-02-02 10:11:57
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SimonSes said: »
Ragnarok.Maze said: »
You're spamming curaga pretty much non stop and stopping to recast aquaveil will likely risk a wipe.

If only thing that you can do is spamming curagas and tanking, why don't just play PLD? I think you are being overdramatic though. There is also no reason to simply use better set with Aquaveil and toggle to sird if Aquaveil wears off and you can't put it back.

Also WHM doesn't need to tank anything on Ngai, just use PUP.
You mean use a RUN tank for main NM and also take PLD to spam aoe cures and tank the pet? On Ngai/Kalunga/Xev?

I am following Maze's view - spamming curaga without ability to do much else so sird set with DT and cure pot is useful.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1431
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-02-02 10:25:01
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SimonSes said: »
Also WHM doesn't need to tank anything on Ngai, just use PUP.

Even if you do have 1-2 adds banging on you (like for Xevioso), it's trivial to time your casts so that you barely touch your Aquaveil.

I've cleared all V25s (always playing as the WHM whenever we used one) with no SIRD in my cure midcast. I don't think I was ever interrupted except where knockback was involved.

I'm not saying don't use one, everyone has their own style, just chipping in with my experience showing you definitely don't need one.

P.S. Don't use packetflow
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2995
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-02-02 10:31:11
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
P.S. Don't use packetflow

Do you have any evidence-based data to back up this statement? It objectively reduces the average time between hitting an action and the action reaching the server, and has been measured in instances to reduce lost packets.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-02 10:48:41
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
Asura.Pergatory said: »
P.S. Don't use packetflow

Do you have any evidence-based data to back up this statement? It objectively reduces the average time between hitting an action and the action reaching the server, and has been measured in instances to reduce lost packets.

He may not have been saying Don't use packetflow because it doesn't work, but rather because it could get your account banned.

Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
So it works and that's the theory, but is it safe?
This is a major concern. As with all 3P tools, but perhaps even more here, you risk your account when you use this plugin. Packetflow is unambiguously detectable and increases the outgoing bandwidth costs for FFXI. Thus, for Windower it is in the Konami code section of the launcher.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1431
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-02-02 10:56:54
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
Do you have any evidence-based data to back up this statement? It objectively reduces the average time between hitting an action and the action reaching the server, and has been measured in instances to reduce lost packets.
Nope only anecdotes. Overall the effect seems to cancel itself out with some things being better and some being worse. In fact it seems to make the entire instance unstable.

I've had groups I regularly did seg farms with who swore by packetflow and they would be teleporting forward instead of smoothly running forward, spells/JAs for the whole party (including people not running packetflow) would frequently not go off at all. Not just dropping the completion packet but they just never go off like the command was never sent, etc. Packetflow users recommended others install packetflow to solve these problems and it just got worse. I asked them to stop using packetflow and wouldn't you know it, all those problems vanished and we went back to the worst consequences of lag being sometimes you don't see your spell finish (but it did finish you just have to trust that it went off, meaning you could still function just fine). None of them use packetflow anymore and our runs have been a lot better because of it.

Edit: Think of it this way: Force-feeding your kid with a funnel in their mouth is objectively going to reduce the amount of time it takes them to finish dinner. Sometimes you need to look at more than just one aspect of the problem to understand the full consequences. I'd posit that ramming more packets down the server's throat faster than it was designed to take them clearly comes with its own issues.

Plus yeah, like Male alluded to, it's 100% detectable at the server and if they wanted to ban people for it they could easily do so.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-02-02 11:00:21
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Everything you use is "easily detectable" and "if they wanted to" lets not do that whole pointless thing.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-02 11:04:26
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Everything you use is "easily detectable" and "if they wanted to" lets not do that whole pointless thing.

There's a difference between "If a GM is watching you, they can notice it" and "Can obviously notice a difference in packets being sent by a player"

There could be a dashboard that any idiot with two eyes could identify a packetflow user, try doing that for dressup.
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