Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2012-09-04 14:04:48
Does Blitzer Poleyn movement speed stack with Danzo Sune-ate?
By Artemicion 2012-09-04 14:09:15
Does Blitzer Poleyn movement speed stack with Danzo Sune-ate?
Equipment movement speed only works for the piece with the highest %. Sadly movement speed does not stack when it comes to gear, only with status effects, and even then there are few that will conflict with each other.
So stick with Danzo as 12%>8%
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2012-09-04 15:21:55
Been a loooooooong time since I played BST...
Can you make a pet engage a mob without dropping SNK/INV?
I've never tried BST in Dyna, but been thinking about it and was wondering for getting TE's while jigged.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Sylph.Gaspard 2012-09-04 15:23:40
You can issue Fight command and not drop sneak invisi yeah. Heel, leave and other commands do make you lose these statuses though, iirc.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2012-09-04 15:25:26
Thank you :D
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2012-09-04 15:56:52
Roughly how "pimped out" does a BST need to be in order to be productive in dynamis? I see some pretty ghetto BSTs but not sure how win/fail they are.
I have 2 PDT axes, can get near the 50% reward gear, but some of my other gear is ghetto (like have AF3+1 body... aurore/perle booties.
Is there a general consensus as far as Dipper vs Falcor or does that come down to personal preference?
By Siren.Mosin 2012-09-04 16:01:45
Phoenix.Lillicarnage said: »Roughly how "pimped out" does a BST need to be in order to be productive in dynamis? I see some pretty ghetto BSTs but not sure how win/fail they are. I have 2 PDT axes, can get near the 50% reward gear, but some of my other gear is ghetto (like have AF3+1 body... aurore/perle booties. Is there a general consensus as far as Dipper vs Falcor or does that come down to personal preference?
you'll be fine with that gear, there's a lot you could do, but ya, you'll be fine.
falcorr hits harder, so I personally don't see why someone would take dipper if thier goal is currency
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2012-09-04 16:07:43
If you have available room, meriting Ruinator and building a basic ws set will help improve your yield.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2012-09-04 16:07:45
Sounds good then, I was just sitting in class looking at my item history on GW thinking... wow I have a good bit of BST gear sitting around, and haven't been going into Dyna on non-event days... might as well start doing that.
Alright, will look into ruinator as well, I have a free spot as far as WS merits go, might as well use it for this.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Shiva.Shaidalyn 2012-09-05 04:26:52
For solo/duoing purposes ONLY!
What's the value for each Empy?
I'm 100% getting Almace for my Blu and Pld but beyond that I'm a little stuck. :(
I figured "Twashtar!" but people said it's not worth it for Dnc. So on Thf it is? Even without SA/TA being available? If so I'll totally jump on it.
After that the only other Empy I'd really consider is H2H for Mnk but I rarely use it since Thf out-performs it due to TH on anything I want drops from and Dnc just rocks at tanking anyhow too.
Kannagi I thought about but, to be honest, I don't like Nin >.>;
Problem I had was originally Masamune was the thing I would have jumped on. Sam was one of the jobs lacking a crit WS so had little dmg value compared to others. I recall people mocking Sams by saying WHM's could out DD them in Aby due to Hexa.
Now it seems a Kanto99 (which I have) Sam is fine enough.
Is there any job currently that an Empy would break wide open? Total game changer? Preferably one that is good in AND out of Aby...
I'm all over the place I know ._.; so excited about leaving in a few days that my brain won't sit still.
Regardless, any advice or people willing to ramble back and forth with me about this would be massively appreciated.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-05 04:46:36
Almace is really the only game changer. Obvious ones are good Ukon Vere Kannagi Masamune Armageddon. With twashtar i think as long as you are use rudras with climatic flourish its quite good. Mandau is better than twashtar for thf. Id stick gandiva with the good ones but that is mainly a good way to die fast.
In terms of how easy it is to make ukon vere twashtar are all annoying. Rest are very easy and shouldnt take long.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-09-05 05:01:46
An Almace owner without Ukon said: Almace is really the only game changer Typical.
Unbiased info~
Ochain blocks an obscene amount of physical damage. If you want to solo/duo more difficult things, it's going to enable you to do much more. It's not particularly useful for abyssea or old content, but it does enable you to solo/duo quite a few things you'd otherwise have trouble with.
Daurdaubla is probably the most useful empyrean atm, and is always going to be in demand for higher tier voidwatch and legion. You said solo/duo, which will remove a large portion of its usefulness. If you ever get into endgame, you'll be glad you have it though.
Weapons are weapons. The exact degree by which they'll increase your damage varies, but you'll most likely be happiest upgrading for the job you like best in this case, not the most useful empyrean.
Ukonvasara is, in all likelihood, the greatest increase in damage over the alternatives.
Almace won't provide the DD increase ukon will, but the jobs are less impressive than WAR to begin with so it's pretty noticable anyway.
Verethragna are one of the weaker emps outside of voidwatch/Abyssea, but MNK is an extremely versatile and powerful job to begin with. Inside voidwatch/abyssea, they're a more noticable upgrade.
Armageddon isn't practical for solo/duo. It's nice for brewing and desirable for voidwatch on COR. It's also really easy to make. Gandiva is not practical for solo/duo either, and not that desirable for much in general. It's not a horrible weapon, RNG just sucks.
Last I checked, 90 Masamune was inferior to 99 Kanto with TP Bonus unless you can keep 300 TP aftermath up(voidwatch). That was a while ago and it's entirely possible I'm wrong, but it isn't an impressive weapon unless you have the resources to 95/99 it.
Just to stress this, you're most likely going to be happiest going for the weapon for the job you like playing already.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Shiva.Shaidalyn 2012-09-05 05:14:17
Huge thanks to both of you for the replies!
I really don't play Rng or Cor, at all, so that's definitely out for me lol.
I fully intend to get an Ochain to go with Almace for my soon-to-be fun PLD. I love the job and it might be my favorite to play for sheer "This is fun!" purposes. It brings me back I guess.
I've considered Ukon since I already have 5/5 +2's on War (my only job to have this somehow) and I have every weapon War uses 300+. But I just don't get the same :D! out of War smashing stuff as I do on Sam. 2h jobs I go Sam > Drg > Drk in terms of fun.
Daurdabla is the most tempting thing that "doesn't make sense" to get for me but I want... but after doing an Ochain, will I have the energy to do this? XD We'll see how much Azdaja makes me want to quit lol. I figured going with friend's Kannagi Nin and going Brd/Thf with my Whm/Sch. Join, sing, disband. Wait. Repeat. Horrible fight D:
Again, thank you so much for the advice. :) Got enough for 20 brews if I really get sick of stuff so I'll go from there too lol. Just wish I did endgame stuff so I'd have more direction.
Guess I should get thinking though... two weeks and I begin the hunts :D
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-05 05:19:21
Ive got Aegis so i dont really look at ochain at all. Almace is the main game changer since it increases your kill speed by quite a bit. CDC > Aspikes can one shot a lot of stuff especially in dyna and takes a nice chunk out of NMs in NNI. Plus you go from spells being your main damage source to CDC. All the others, apart from cor and armageddon, just enhance what the other jobs can already do.
Edit: farm dyna and make aegis instead of ochain then make the harp.
Edit2: ive said this on another thread. How do you know i dont have a ukon? Because it says i dont on my ffxiah profile? Well i have a few weapons not on there because i went from 75>85 without the LSC site not scanning the 80 version.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2518
By Asura.Dominate 2012-09-05 06:18:57
Ive got Aegis so i dont really look at ochain at all. <.< You should.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-09-05 06:25:59
I assumed you didn't have ukon because you called almace a game changer and implied ukon wasn't. Also, while paladin in general is useless atm, aegis can't even come close to ochain's physical mitigation. A good paladin has both, and ochain probably gets more use.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-05 06:39:54
This isnt the aegis vs ochain thread made the shield i want dont regret and left ochain about halfway through the trials. And no a good pld doesnt need both shields. Ive seen ochain plds die to w/e ive been tanking or have tanked and i havent. You are right i havent got a ukon but there are ukon wars out there that do less damage than my almace blu. Ive seen some doing 1.5k ukkos and less to qilin can you honestly say that weapon was a game changer to those wars?
Edit: i was implying almace was the only game changer because it actually changes the way you play blu. Like i said in a previous post the others enhance what the jobs already do. Please tell me if wars did somethong other than melee and spam ws macros and jas before getting ukon.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-09-05 06:54:01
Almace makes you use a different skillchain on blu.
Ukon lets you self-skillchain on WAR without JAs on things you can retaliate.
Pretty sure ukon changes more there.
Quote: And no a good pld doesnt need both shields. Ive seen ochain plds die to w/e ive been tanking or have tanked and i havent. That means absolutely nothing. Aside from you not citing a mob, random luck, poor players, and damage variation.. aegis is still better on some mobs. Ochain is better on some mobs too. Some mobs you should use ochain and macro aegis for magic moves. Some mobs you should use aegis and macro ochain for physical moves. If you're already macroing shields on a mob, you should also macro adamas for any cures. If you're happy with what you have that's cool, but ochain is still the better shield in general and a perfectionist PLD should have both.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-09-05 06:54:12
Yeah, but Almace doesn't change what you use BLU for. Almace BLU in Voidwatch? People still want you to set all proc spells and stick you in the mage party.
lol85 Ukon WAR? People invite you to DD.
Aegis or Ochain PLD? Sometimes you'll get invited specifically for having one or the other and only rarely will you see someone invite a PLD that doesn't have one of the two.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-05 07:01:06
lol85 Ukon WAR? People invite you to DD.
Even though, in a sadly large number of cases, they really shouldn't have.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-05 07:16:00
No almace just doesnt change your SC it chnages the whole way you fight any blu w/o almace will use a lot more spells for damage. With an almace you practically stop casting unless its a weapons skill restricted floor in NNI or to put buffs back up. Make the VW pt yourself and you can stick yourself in the dd party even in the mage pt w/o buffs can still do a lot of damage een just setting half the spells in that element. Though comeatmebro i wouldnt expect you to understand since you dont have almace and dont have blu levled.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-05 07:30:14
No almace just doesnt change your SC it chnages the whole way you fight any blu w/o almace will use a lot more spells for damage. With an almace you practically stop casting unless its a weapons skill restricted floor in NNI or to put buffs back up. Make the VW pt yourself and you can stick yourself in the dd party even in the mage pt w/o buffs can still do a lot of damage een just setting half the spells in that element. Though comeatmebro i wouldnt expect you to understand since you dont have almace and dont have blu levled.
This post is wrong in so many ways I just don't know.
In NNI you should be at least zerging the crap out of things with delta thrust and using the melee tics between swings and embrace to CDC when available, as well as making liberal use of sudden lunge where beneficial in addition to destroying things with your solo SC when CA is up.
Blu can function extremely well in the melee party in Voidwatch; but, then again, so can dancers, puppet masters, and even melee white mages, among other things, because of the inclusive and temp-item/atmacite and high-buff environment that makes Voidwatch what is is. This doesn't mean it's the best option nor is it always the worst option depending on what is available. That aside, it's asinine to suggest that having an Almace in any way alters your *main* function in Voidwatch which is most often done from the Mage party as a proc-*** (Almace is more or less required for BLU to be viable in BLU's other main event, and I'm not counting abyssea as an event at this point in time and Almace isn't exactly required to do Your job there anyway).
I don't know where you get the audacity to pull out the absolutely inexcusable "you don't have this job / item so you don't know" non argument while making an extremely inaccurate post when you DO have said job / item, but it's just ...
I don't know. I guess posts like this shouldn't continue to blow me away like they do. Perhaps I set my expectations of people too high.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-05 07:45:04
I pretty much got told i dont have a ukon so i shouldnt comment on it from comeatmebro so why cant i do the same at him? I said i dont expect him to understand not that he doesnt know but almace offers more to blu than a simple SC change. There are the obvious spells that all blus should have set like the two you mentioned i generally open with delta to get plague on the target then rape it with CD and melee hits, stunning if needed and heavy srike if i want it down quicker. W/o that cdc the only way to make up that damage is with another spell like QC or gob rush if people still set it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-09-05 07:47:24
Yeah, I just have a 99 Terpsichore / 99 Twashtar DNC that DDs from the mage party. There are a lot of jobs that can DD if you gear for it properly and aren't HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE, BLU included, but that doesn't change what people invite you for.
So far my experience has been that if I go DNC to Voidwatch and don't make the alliance myself, there is a 100% chance I'll be in the mage party. Does it matter that the kill speed visibly drops when the VWNM manages to kill me because it attacks me while petrified without any cures? Nope. Still in the mage party.
The last group I made on DNC (Morta) had me parsing second to a Ragnarok 99 spamming Resolution (him 22%, me 18%). Considering how disproportionately 1H jobs suffer from Ratio correction and how I was using a non-crit WS, that really just shouldn't happen.
Anni/Gandiva RNG - 6.4%
Me - 17.7% :: 136 WSs
WF COR - 3%
Ukko WAR- 10.2%
Masa SAM - 6%
BLM - 1%
OAT DRG - 13.1%
Kannagi NIN - 1.3%
WF COR - 5.5%
BLM - 4.8%
Vereth MNK - 7.2%
Ragna DRK - 21.8% :: 90 WSs
Everything else < 1%
Anyway, the point is that Almace doesn't change BLU's social situation at all. No one shouts for an Almace BLU or asks you if you have Almace when you say you'll come BLU, because they just don't care. No one asks me if I have Terpsichore or Twashtar when I come DNC to things, and it's because they don't care. People ask if you have a Ukon or Aegis/Ochain because they DO care. If you want an investment that's going to change your role in shout parties, Almace (or Terpsichore or Twashtar) is not what you should get. Ukon (or Aegis or Ochain) is.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-05 07:51:03
Like I said, in NNI Almace is basically required to function well. Tha doesn't make it a are changer, it makes it a prerequisite.
75 content aside, you can perform all other required functions of a Blue Mage with a trainee sword and a Moogle rod. Almace just gives you extra stuff to do that no one really cares whether you're doing or not.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-09-05 07:53:06
I have had BLU99, with Almace, and presumably better gear than you skimming your equip history.
Believe it or not, a byte of data on SE's servers storing someone's job level does not change their ability to comprehend basic concepts.
You're practically foaming at the mouth over how amazing Almace is, while lacking any good gear. I'm guessing you don't parse much.. because I really doubt it's doing as well as you think it is.
Changing the frequency at which you cast spells comparitive to melee is not a 'game changer', sorry. A game changer is something that makes a drastic difference. If anything, that's Ochain or Daurdaubla. Period.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-05 07:57:56
I agree with that but i still think it changes the play style blu.my main beef was with him saying almace only offers a SC change. Maybe i should just shut up lol mega bored at work though i think its getting to me.
Edit: thaumas isnt good gear? That doesnt show up in equip history.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-05 07:58:59
Daurdabla isn't really a game changer as it just greatly increases your effectiveness at the role you're already performing. So much I'd almost call it a game- breaker, lol.
You could argue that Ochain is doing the same thing, but it really does fundamentally alter the way you play and your capabilities as a Paladin.
Regardless, derpderpderp is really the only Empyrean that's actually WORTH the investment of plates etc. at this point.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2012-09-05 08:02:57
If he can call the change in casting from Almace a game-changer, I'm sure I could come up with something about switching gjall and derpaderp!
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-09-05 08:04:08
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
oh god. sylowpiechart.jpg
For those of you that visit Bg you already know the premise of this thread but for those that don't, it's simple.
Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
General Guidelines.
Any questions goes be it FFXI related or not this community has a plethora of people surely one will be able to assist you.
Please don't bash people for asking questions hating someone for seeking knowledge even if you deem it a stupid thing to ask makes you look like an even bigger tool.
If your answer is on the large side either providing a link or spoilering the answer might be a good idea to help reduce the thread size.
Have fun!