Random Question thread (FFXI related)
By SimonSes 2023-03-17 05:04:01
How exactly does Rupsix's plate cooldown work? I was under the impression that you only gained time twards charging it while your shiny plate was ready, however noticed last night that the ruspix plate cooldown was going down even when my shiny plate was on cooldown.
Does it work off of a similar cooldown as shiny plate on top of the stored time mechanic that simply reduces it further? It does only charge when your normal plate is ready. When your normal plate is off cooldown, then the time before you can use your Ruspix plate is going down not because your Ruspix plate is charging, but because your normal plate is becoming closer to full, meaning it takes less of a charge on your Ruspix to fill it up. Think of the Ruspix Plate like a time battery that you are only able to use when it will charge your normal plate to 100%.
For example, if you have 1000 seconds on your Ruspix plate, and your normal plate is 2000 seconds away from full, you'll be told that you're 1000 seconds away from being able to use your Ruspix plate to instantly charge your normal plate. If you wait 500 seconds, your Ruspix plate is still at 1000 seconds, but because your normal plate is now 1500 seconds from full, you'll be told you are 500 seconds away from being able to use your Ruspix plate.
I don't know why SE made this system so much more complicated than any of the other KI systems.
I mean I like that you can use Ruspix partially. Like for example go at 8AM and 10PM 3 days in a row, using 6h from Ruspix each time.
By Tarage 2023-03-17 08:08:57
This is going to be a stupid question but I am stupid and trying to do this on Summoner so... yeah...
I'm trying to farm Carabosse's Gems but getting full Amber lights isn't the easiest for SMN. What trusts build amber quicky? What trusts are good at staggering?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2023-03-17 08:10:53
Did you try subbing war, mnk, whm, pld, or geo and using cataclysm?
Need to switch to garland of bliss to actually build the amber, but when it comes time to cleave that seems like an easy option.
By Tarage 2023-03-17 08:22:11
I'm not really cut out for cleaving. I know about Garland but it takes too long to level up the light that way, hence why I'm trying to figure out an alternative. I realize the obvious answer is "Don't go SMN" but I'm stubborn like that.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-03-17 08:27:06
What you do is find the random carbies that spawn and amber them. 2 (can) cap you.
Trusts are unreliable. I can't even honestly think of one that does elemental ws except aldo... Maybe shantotto II
They'll just not use that ws and you'll get ruby.
Oh, I guess you could force Ayame to amber with kagero or koki but she'll go long before it's in killing range. Seriously just don't go smn make it difficult for no reason.
(does valaineral do amber? You can cheese him into ambering everything if he does)
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-03-17 08:38:27
Other than Lilith for Malignance set, what's some other HTBF that give something good and are easy to faceroll in welfare i119 sets?
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-03-17 09:11:24
Most of its been obsoleted. Or niche.
Which job you want stuff for will aid in identifying battles. Like a voltsurge from ramuh.
Alex Odin cait shinryu have stuff you can ve/e
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 15963
By Asura.Vyre 2023-03-17 09:27:38
Most of its been obsoleted. Or niche.
Which job you want stuff for will aid in identifying battles. Like a voltsurge from ramuh.
Alex Odin cait shinryu have stuff you can ve/e WAR, DRG, SAM, RDM, and COR as big focuses (With mild interest in PUP).
But just curious if there's anything I'm not seeing/oddities that are somehow must haves etc.
By Tarage 2023-03-17 09:51:55
What you do is find the random carbies that spawn and amber them. 2 (can) cap you.
Trusts are unreliable. I can't even honestly think of one that does elemental ws except aldo... Maybe shantotto II
They'll just not use that ws and you'll get ruby.
Oh, I guess you could force Ayame to amber with kagero or koki but she'll go long before it's in killing range. Seriously just don't go smn make it difficult for no reason.
(does valaineral do amber? You can cheese him into ambering everything if he does)
I play SMN because I enjoy SMN. I don't play other jobs because I don't enjoy them. I don't find much point in doing things I don't enjoy. Hence no, I will not go a different job.
The question was explicitly "How do I do this on SMN", not "Tell me what job to go as". Again, I realize it's a very stupid question, but it's one I would like an answer to from the folks who do know, not sass from those who don't.
Thanks for the carby idea though, I'll have to try that.
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-03-17 10:21:28
Also do HTBF drop everything listed on Normal and lower? Are there any drops strictly tied to D/VD?
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-03-17 11:21:04
Everything drops on every tier. Nothing is locked to higher tier (though drop rate will be ***, of course)
Other than Alex (body) Odin Cait (pet ring) and Shinryu, you got Ouryu's pet earring.... that's it. Maybe shiva's pet earring. Engraved belt has uses.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-03-17 11:57:52
I wouldn't count on trusts to get you Amber, that's really unreliable. SMN can get amber very easily, just Garland of Bliss and you'll 1shot most enemies in Abyssea with a good set. Use Shiva for MAB Avatar's Favor, or Ifrit for some DA to get TP faster. It should go very quickly. You can't cleave for lights in the first place, so just single target them all down, should take like 10 seconds per kill, you'll be done in a few minutes.
Once you have capped lights, just use Ramuh to Thunderspark all the enemies down.
It's still an extremely bad idea but you do you boo.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-03-17 12:07:37
What you do is find the random carbies that spawn and amber them. 2 (can) cap you.
Trusts are unreliable. I can't even honestly think of one that does elemental ws except aldo... Maybe shantotto II
They'll just not use that ws and you'll get ruby.
Oh, I guess you could force Ayame to amber with kagero or koki but she'll go long before it's in killing range. Seriously just don't go smn make it difficult for no reason.
(does valaineral do amber? You can cheese him into ambering everything if he does)
I play SMN because I enjoy SMN. I don't play other jobs because I don't enjoy them. I don't find much point in doing things I don't enjoy. Hence no, I will not go a different job.
The question was explicitly "How do I do this on SMN", not "Tell me what job to go as". Again, I realize it's a very stupid question, but it's one I would like an answer to from the folks who do know, not sass from those who don't.
Thanks for the carby idea though, I'll have to try that.
Everything is wrong with your proposition though. You're making things exponentially more difficult just because "I <3 smn".
Unless you're multiboxing, Carabosse is the poster child for "dont cleave for pops", and even if you are multiboxing, you'd probably still be better off targeting the Fly/Yaga instead of cleaving unless you're banging out Helm's too. You're gonna be sitting on either a fly eye or pixie pinion, get 4 more of the one you have in a row, get a couple gigas KI's, and succumb to frustration before you see the fly/pixie KI you actually need to finish the pair.
If there was a tier list of how to farm Carabosse solo, it would probably look like this:
S - nin/war for KI, warp and swap to thf for kill. pre-farm another fly/pixie NM pop while on thf.
A - nin/war with TH+4 in gear (egg, white rabbit hat, chaac are all easy to get and gives +3, get +1 from dark matter campaign, dont waste your adoulin ring on gorney)
B - nin/thf for KI and kills, pray to rnjesus for red procs
B - war/thf for KI and kills, pray to rnjesus for red procs
B - thf/nin for KI and kills, not many red procs, so just hope for KI's
AbsoluteWorstTierPossible - anything else, why would you willingly punish yourself?
And to be honest, A tier looks better than S tier. How much does the extra TH+5 impact the second drop compared to all the time spent zoning and changing jobs?
warp, zone, run to MH, zone, change job, change gear, exit mh, zone, run to abyssea warp npc, zone, enter abyssea, zone, get visitant, get atma, get buffs, warp back to 4. Each "zone" is like 15 seconds, thats like a 5 minute trip. In that time, a nin/war with TH+4 could have killed one of the KI NM's, maybe even both and be back on Carabosse.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2023-03-17 12:19:59
If there was a tier list of how to farm Carabosse solo, it would probably look like this:
S - nin/war for KI, warp and swap to thf for kill. pre-farm another fly/pixie NM pop while on thf.
A - nin/war with TH+4 in gear (egg, white rabbit hat, chaac are all easy to get and gives +3, get +1 from dark matter campaign, dont waste your adoulin ring on gorney)
B - nin/thf for KI and kills, pray to rnjesus for red procs
B - war/thf for KI and kills, pray to rnjesus for red procs
B - thf/nin for KI and kills, not many red procs, so just hope for KI's
AbsoluteWorstTierPossible - anything else, why would you willingly punish yourself?
A minus - thf/war gets all but Blade: Ei, Tachi: Koki, and Tachi: Jinpu.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-03-17 12:44:48
thf has come a long way
tbh I didnt go in depth to look what job combos have how many red procs available, though as you can see, I clearly overlooked thf/war in general.
At the end of the day, "I want to do it on smn cuz I <3 smn" is making a mid task exponentially infinitely more annoying and frustrating and difficult.
By Tarage 2023-03-17 17:08:00
You assume incorrectly that I have those jobs. I explicitly stated I do not. Gearing them would take longer than just doing it on SMN. Again, please answer my question how I asked, not "do this instead". That isn't answering my question and it isn't helpful.
By Nariont 2023-03-17 17:11:17
You fall into anything else tier then, want to say any job /war with level 1 cosmetic weapons, merits, and potentially that skill+ neck and/or headband can hit all but katana/gkt, just hope you have a nice supply of said weapons because natively smn only has access to staves and clubs, and some daggers
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Boposhopo 2023-03-17 18:13:25
You assume incorrectly that I have those jobs. I explicitly stated I do not. Gearing them would take longer than just doing it on SMN. Again, please answer my question how I asked, not "do this instead". That isn't answering my question and it isn't helpful.
Buy a brew, diaga some ***, spam garland of bliss, congrats you have amber lights. You can get to 100+ in like 2 brews at most taking you roughly 6-8 minutes. This would be infinitely faster than using trusts.
Gearing jobs also wouldn't take longer, considering you have marksmanship weapons made on your FFXIAH profile I'd assume you have a COR to use them. Throw your CORs TP set on THF and you're done. It's Abyssea, you don't need good gear to do the content.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2023-03-17 18:33:25
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »If there was a tier list of how to farm Carabosse solo, it would probably look like this:
S - nin/war for KI, warp and swap to thf for kill. pre-farm another fly/pixie NM pop while on thf.
A - nin/war with TH+4 in gear (egg, white rabbit hat, chaac are all easy to get and gives +3, get +1 from dark matter campaign, dont waste your adoulin ring on gorney)
B - nin/thf for KI and kills, pray to rnjesus for red procs
B - war/thf for KI and kills, pray to rnjesus for red procs
B - thf/nin for KI and kills, not many red procs, so just hope for KI's
AbsoluteWorstTierPossible - anything else, why would you willingly punish yourself?
A minus - thf/war gets all but Blade: Ei, Tachi: Koki, and Tachi: Jinpu.
I remember doing it this way, lol. THF/WAR rocks. And yes, farming empyrean items on a job without access to red procs and some Treasure Hunter is painful. You want 50 of these things... it will take at least twice as long to do this on SMN than it would to throw some gear together on THF. Even Sparks/Bayld gear would be sufficient, and then you can get back to playing SMN on something it excels at.
My main is DRK and if I could, I'd only play it 24/7, but I learned back in 2005 that this game sucks pretty hard when you can't use Thief as your main jobs farming ***. Get that Thief to work, she will make your SMN even better. You might even learn to enjoy having this at your disposal.
By Dodik 2023-03-17 19:31:53
As someone that started farming Carabosse only on Sam because.. Sam main and doing Sam empy so of course do it on Sam.. gave up after the umpteenth time dragging that damn NM to the warp so can reset its red proc.
Just level Ninja. Save you more time than you spend, which means more time playing Smn instead of farming Carabosse. Up to you.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-03-17 20:26:41
You assume incorrectly that I have those jobs. I explicitly stated I do not. Gearing them would take longer than just doing it on SMN. Again, please answer my question how I asked, not "do this instead". That isn't answering my question and it isn't helpful.
Your question was answered multiple times. You not liking the answer doesnt mean no one answered it. You even got the answers to your question about how to get amber lights. I'm not sure how telling you how incredibly inefficient you're trying to make this "isnt helpful".
You have no thf gear and it'll take longer to gear it instead of farming 50 Gem's on smn? How long will it take you to buy the full outrider or espial set? Cause that'd all you need. Its abyssea, lv80 content with all the broken abyssea buffs.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-03-17 20:40:37
You assume incorrectly that I have those jobs. I explicitly stated I do not. Gearing them would take longer than just doing it on SMN.
Taking 47 seconds to snag sparks gear or w/e the *** AH crap you can will not take longer than doing it on Summoner. Are you just trolling at this point though? I just can't wrap my head around why someone would want to do it on SMN aside from being some kind of masochist.
By Tarage 2023-03-18 04:26:22
Lotta not answers. I'll keep this in mind when you ask questions.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-03-18 05:17:15
If I had to guess they only need like 5 to reforge empyrean armor. They'd have no need of 50 gems since they only play smn anyway
Otherwise yea idk doing a whole 50 gems on smn sounds awful. Not really sure what tips you're expecting aside from bring lv1 weapons to proc with and pray it isn't one of the ones that smn/war can't use. There's no secret cheat code
By Dodik 2023-03-18 09:03:18
Like I said, red procs can be reset by dragging the NM to nearest Aby warp point, warping away and back again, letting it heal to full and re-claiming it.
Red proc will be different after you reclaim it assuming no one stole it in the mean time.
You can try all the red procs you can do then reset it like that until you get one you can do.
It takes forever, much longer than leveling ninja would.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-03-18 09:52:24
FWIW you don't need to let it heal to full to reset procs, if it goes yellow and unclaimed the procs will reset. Still worth letting it regen to give you more HP to play with, but not necessary.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-03-18 10:40:12
Valefor.Prothescar said: »If I had to guess they only need like 5 to reforge empyrean armor. They'd have no need of 50 gems since they only play smn anyway
Otherwise yea idk doing a whole 50 gems on smn sounds awful. Not really sure what tips you're expecting aside from bring lv1 weapons to proc with and pray it isn't one of the ones that smn/war can't use. There's no secret cheat code He's not killing Fly/Baba though, he wants amber lights, he's cleaving for KI's solo.
I'd be willing to bet that a war/thf/nin doing fly>Baba>Cara could get 50 gem's before a cleaving smn gets 5 unless they get incredibly lucky.
Lotta not answers. I'll keep this in mind when you ask questions. Most of us dont ask questions akin do "how do I do this easy but annoying task in the most inefficient and difficult manner".
Once again, you literally got your answers. You didnt like them.
You got the suggestion of using an applicable SJ to have access to Cataclysm.
You got the suggestion to ele ws kill the Carbies to cap amber quickly.
You got your answer for why using trusts to proc mobs would be somewhere between unreliable and wont work at all.
You had your questions answered and you didnt like any of them.
Quote: I play SMN because I enjoy SMN. I don't play other jobs because I don't enjoy them. I don't find much point in doing things I don't enjoy. Hence no, I will not go a different job. You're acting like a stubborn child.
Go to LTP and see how much you enjoy farming 5 gem's in the absolutely most inefficient manner possible because "I <3 smn".
FFXI is a game built around having multiple jobs and the ability to change jobs at will. Some jobs are more efficient at certain things than others. Farming empyrean mats falls under the nin/thf/war niche.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2023-03-18 11:02:48
Is there a way to keyBind Macro pallete 2 ALt 4 for example ? ALt#2>Alt4?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-03-18 21:45:01
Did they ninja nerf casting distance or some ***? I was always able to cast from 24._ yalms, now I need to be like 22 yalms. wtf? Am I just losing my mind here?
For those of you that visit Bg you already know the premise of this thread but for those that don't, it's simple.
Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
General Guidelines.
Any questions goes be it FFXI related or not this community has a plethora of people surely one will be able to assist you.
Please don't bash people for asking questions hating someone for seeking knowledge even if you deem it a stupid thing to ask makes you look like an even bigger tool.
If your answer is on the large side either providing a link or spoilering the answer might be a good idea to help reduce the thread size.
Have fun!