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Posts: 25
By zithro 2023-01-10 07:05:29
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It said no problems were found
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-10 07:06:39
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You did that awfully fast, you likely checked pol files and not ffxi files.

There's a drop down menu inside set on pol as default, you have to change it.
Posts: 4892
By RadialArcana 2023-01-10 07:06:58
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zithro said: »
FFXI crashes when I log into my character who is in Sand'Oria; however, I have no problem logging into my mules in other nations. Has anyone ever had this issue? Not sure what to do about it so any advice is much appreciated!

Disable addons, rule all those out first.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-10 07:07:35
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RadialArcana said: »
zithro said: »
FFXI crashes when I log into my character who is in Sand'Oria; however, I have no problem logging into my mules in other nations. Has anyone ever had this issue? Not sure what to do about it so any advice is much appreciated!

Disable addons, rule all those out first.

That's step 2, check shades of vanilla state.
Posts: 25
By zithro 2023-01-10 07:09:51
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SE just announced a bug that causes the system to crash in Sandy; that's the issue. Will wait for them to fix. Thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-10 07:14:07
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zithro said: »
SE just announced a bug that causes the system to crash in Sandy; that's the issue. Will wait for them to fix. Thanks!

Oh that's unfortunate, but there you go

Something is corrupt, on their end, lol
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-01-10 14:58:04
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I only use Kamu as a SC linker (Ten > Kamu or Kamu > Shun > Shun (MB)), but I don't have Nagi so it could be competitive.

Without Nagi, Kamu is almost never worth using unless it's the only possible way you can pull off a desired SC.

WITH Nagi R15 (huge caveat, since there are not many of those out there lol), Kamu is much more solid and will get regular use. I do have a fully upgraded Nagi and I use Kamu a lot as my bread and butter self-SC (Kamu > Shun for light), and of course to apply Mythic AM. Damage isn't quite at the top, but it's fairly competitive with other physical katana WS and can get some nice damage spikes when Mythic AM3 procs (though, that happens on other WS too). If spamming a single WS though, I usually stick to one of Ten (usually if using TP Bonus offhand and well buffed), Shun, or a hybrid (which are very nice when Mythic AM procs).
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-01-10 15:41:13
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Need to pick one of a handful of remaining Aeonics for a next run, interested in advice. None of these have been huge priorities to me due to the other options I already have for these jobs, but now that I've obtained all of my more prioritized Aeonics I'm down to ones that would be more situational.

Any thoughts on picking from the below? My current ranking is roughly in the below order, but definitely tentative and open to reconsidering based on suggestions.

1) Dojikiri Yasutsuna - I already have a R15 Masamune, so haven't prioritized this. But I do play SAM a lot, and may be leaning toward picking Doji as a fun toy for some long SC shenanigans and hybrid WS. Worth it, considering I already have Masa?

2) Anguta - I have a R15 Apoc and the relevant non-REMA weapons, also sloooowly chipping away on a Caladbolg that I'll finish some day. Anguta looks... fine. But my main issue is that I just don't play a lot of DRK (it's prob my least used DD job) and if I did start playing it more I'd buckle down and finish the Calad. So would that realistically leave any significant niche for Anguta (aside from serving as a placeholder until I'm done with the Caladbolg)?

3) Lionheart - I have R15 Epeolatry, so I generally just use that for all things RUN including dealing damage. I get the sense Lionheart is a bit outdated now as compared to the pre-REMA augment era (and actual DDs are a lot sturdier now too, somewhat reducing the need to use a RUN playing like a hybrid DD when you can just use something like a DT-50% WAR or DRK). But do others think it's still worth it?

4) Tri-Edge - I like playing BST! That and SAM are my two most frequently played jobs that use weapons on this list. But it's really hard for me to see much of a realistic use for this axe. Already have Doli and R15 Guttler (and Naegling...), which serve similar physical damage roles. Will also wrap up R15 Aymur in the next month. Anyone actually have a good practical case for using Tri-Edge over those?

5) Srivatsa - I don't play a ton of PLD, but have Aegis, Duban, Priwen as my current tanking shield options. Based on the strength of the stage 1-2 Prime Shield already, I'm kinda thinking it may make other stuff (like Srivatsa) completely irrelevant soon, so I'm a little reluctant to pull the trigger on this one.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-01-10 15:50:44
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I find myself using Doji over Masamune fairly often these days. Heightened white dmg from aftermath tends to matter less if you're just one shotting everything with an 80k~99k jinpu/kagero/goten every few swings anyway. I only put on Masa if I know I'm going to be taking advantage of AM and I know Fudo will be my primary (or only) weaponskill.

Definitely worth having it even if you don't plan to use it as often.

Lionheart is niche. Epeo isnt far behind for dmg (often it can even be better) and it offers no defensive benefits whatsoever. Situations where I even bring RUN to deal dmg at all have decreased bigly due to odyssey and emp+3 gear.

Srivasta is fun but also niche. I used to advocate for using it with a block rate build before but there's no point anymore with Duban out there. Only time I'd really use this now is if I know my back is facing the enemy for extended periods of time or in a place where I won't be able to line everything up to block. Probably a hot take but I find it compelling for pulling Sheol for example since a lot of your time is spent facing away from the enemy and more often than not lining ***up to block wastes DD time or you aren't even tanking ***anyway since you're just rounding things up to get slept then moving back out.

Can't speak on the others. Anguta looks like tons of fun tho and I think tri edge got a bit shafted by ikenga axe.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2023-01-10 16:05:34
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agreed on the rankings above, doji isnt that far behind masa, still has its hybrid niche, and anywhere you can multistep it should win out there too. Lionheart's really not worth the trouble as again epeo does just fine especially post nyame giving run a strong WSD set that also doubles as a strong defensive set while a reso set is comparatively squishy, especially if you go all in.

Anguta isn't a bad scythe specially if you simply dont want to bother with lib or redemption, would be my tie with doji tbh. Shields lost its value with duban as stated, it's 1 remaining niche is the highest def and having a good spread of stats on it, which could all get rendered moot depending on what a stage 3 looks like.

Tri-edge... i mean it's not bad, but it just doesnt really offer much beyond the tp bonus for mistral, and it shares the same fate as aeneas of having a pretty trash WS tied to its AM for whenever you wanted to make use of that, and ikenga even at r25 is going to provide more overall benefit imo.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-10 17:07:29
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Hmm question about Magic Damage Aborption. Does the values from Carol II, Empy Barspell, Shadow ring and Warder's Charm stack additively or multiplicativity?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-10 17:10:20
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Need to pick one of a handful of remaining Aeonics for a next run, interested in advice. None of these have been huge priorities to me due to the other options I already have for these jobs, but now that I've obtained all of my more prioritized Aeonics I'm down to ones that would be more situational.

Any thoughts on picking from the below? My current ranking is roughly in the below order, but definitely tentative and open to reconsidering based on suggestions.

1) Dojikiri Yasutsuna - I already have a R15 Masamune, so haven't prioritized this. But I do play SAM a lot, and may be leaning toward picking Doji as a fun toy for some long SC shenanigans and hybrid WS. Worth it, considering I already have Masa?

2) Anguta - I have a R15 Apoc and the relevant non-REMA weapons, also sloooowly chipping away on a Caladbolg that I'll finish some day. Anguta looks... fine. But my main issue is that I just don't play a lot of DRK (it's prob my least used DD job) and if I did start playing it more I'd buckle down and finish the Calad. So would that realistically leave any significant niche for Anguta (aside from serving as a placeholder until I'm done with the Caladbolg)?

3) Lionheart - I have R15 Epeolatry, so I generally just use that for all things RUN including dealing damage. I get the sense Lionheart is a bit outdated now as compared to the pre-REMA augment era (and actual DDs are a lot sturdier now too, somewhat reducing the need to use a RUN playing like a hybrid DD when you can just use something like a DT-50% WAR or DRK). But do others think it's still worth it?

4) Tri-Edge - I like playing BST! That and SAM are my two most frequently played jobs that use weapons on this list. But it's really hard for me to see much of a realistic use for this axe. Already have Doli and R15 Guttler (and Naegling...), which serve similar physical damage roles. Will also wrap up R15 Aymur in the next month. Anyone actually have a good practical case for using Tri-Edge over those?

5) Srivatsa - I don't play a ton of PLD, but have Aegis, Duban, Priwen as my current tanking shield options. Based on the strength of the stage 1-2 Prime Shield already, I'm kinda thinking it may make other stuff (like Srivatsa) completely irrelevant soon, so I'm a little reluctant to pull the trigger on this one.

Doji is nice for Hybrids and is close to Masa in damage. Anguta is also good but only if your doing a multistep SC on DRK with Umbra. Tri-Edge had a kinda sorta position but Ikenga just crush's it now. Lionheart was good before Nyame, now Epeo + Dimi +Nyame is better most of the time.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-01-10 19:38:51
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Hmm question about Magic Damage Aborption. Does the values from Carol II, Empy Barspell, Shadow ring and Warder's Charm stack additively or multiplicativity?
The WHM empy effect and Shadow Ring are nullification, not absorption. So there's pretty much zero chance that they stack additively, cause they aren't the same term, or even type of effect. It's probably multiple consecutive checks, in the case that they stack at all.

While I've tested how some types of magic damage absorption work, Caroll II was not one of them. But absorb gear in general doesn't stack at all. Like Warder's + Engulfer's and you just get 5%, with the second item having no effect at all. (Thought there are exceptions like RUN empyrean set bonus which does stack additively with other gear.)

It shouldn't be too hard to test Caroll II + warder's, or Shadow ring + Empy barspell. Not sure when/if I'd get around to it though.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2023-01-10 21:00:31
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Which Aeonic should I get?

None of the ones you're considering are both good and used by jobs that matter at the moment.

Get Srivatsa because it's good for casting Protect and in enmity builds. They may give Duban a ton of enmity, but otherwise Srivatsa will always have a purpose.

Also, Carol II is Annuls too, possibly capping at 40%. I don't know whether various sources of Annuls stack.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-01-10 21:32:29
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Also, Carol II is Annuls too, possibly capping at 40%. I don't know whether various sources of Annuls stack.
Ahhh. My lack of BRD knowledge is showing. I double checked WHM emoy set effect to be sure even though I play WHM. Didn't check Carol II.

In that case Warder's was the only absorb effect in that list. I'm not sure how nullification effects interact either... More things to test if I ever get around to it. If they all stack additively you could actually get a pretty high nullification rate.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Dekar1
Posts: 249
By Cerberus.Dekar 2023-01-10 22:07:58
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Also, Carol II is Annuls too, possibly capping at 40%. I don't know whether various sources of Annuls stack.

If they do then we'd be able to cap nullification with non-SV/Marcato Carol II and Shadow Ring. Carol II (27%) and Barspell (8~10% since relic legs > empyrean) from a WHM would be 35~37%. That'd be amazing for single elemental monsters.

Ragnarok.Martel said: »
In that case Warder's was the only absorb effect in that list. I'm not sure how nullification effects interact either... More things to test if I ever get around to it. If they all stack additively you could actually get a pretty high nullification rate.

I've been playing around with this since you mentioned the RUN Empyrean stacking with the Engulfer's Cape. I tried Srivatsa (Annuls damage +5%), Shadow Ring (Annuls Magic Damage +13%), and Warder's Charm +1 (Absorb +5%) on the Hecteyes' Blaze Spikes in KRT.

Annulled (0 damage): 392 (16.4%)
1 or more damage: 1861 (78%)
Absorb: 132 (5.5%)
Total: 2385
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-01-10 22:26:44
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Srivasta is a weird sort of annuls damage though. irrc, It gives you no effect messages on spells and such rather than just taking 0 dmg. This doesn't invalidate the test, but make me inclined to think the effect would be a separate check rather than additive.

That said... Should be 18% null rate if additive. And this is the part where my shitty math skills break down... 17.35% if separate checks? I'm really not sure I've calculating that right. Probability math is the devil.

The difference is so small that I think it could still be either way. With this sample size 18% is like just barely within the margin of error. I definitely lean towards separate checks though.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-01-10 22:41:19
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
None of the ones you're considering are both good and used by jobs that matter at the moment.

They're the only Aeonics I don't already have for jobs that I play, I know I'm getting down to stuff that isn't necessarily super useful. I also don't particularly care about the popular meta, but even so... Jinpu/hybrid SAM is far from irrelevant these days.

Doji does still seem to have some good situational use for a job I play often though, so prob gonna go with that next. Really appreciate all the helpful input from everyone. Kinda confirmed what I was thinking that, in particular, Lionheart and Tri-Edge just aren't very useful these days.

Get Srivatsa because it's good for casting Protect and in enmity builds. They may give Duban a ton of enmity, but otherwise Srivatsa will always have a purpose.

I suppose that's a good point, maybe I'll bump the shield up a bit in my order. Given that I play PLD relatively infrequently, I sure as heck am not going to start working on it now with further stages of the Prime shield just around the corner. But maybe it's one to circle back around to on a future run for its niche utility.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-11 00:49:57
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
1) Dojikiri Yasutsuna - I already have a R15 Masamune, so haven't prioritized this. But I do play SAM a lot, and may be leaning toward picking Doji as a fun toy for some long SC shenanigans and hybrid WS. Worth it, considering I already have Masa?
If you didn't have R15 Masa then we could say different things about Doji, but you do, so...

One thing to consider though, about SC damage. If you use a few R25 Nyame pieces in your WS sets (you probably do?) then you are likely already capped on SC damage bonus and the bonus on Doji will add nothing.

R15 Doji (arguably R0 too? I dunno) is a nice toy for when you want to spam Hybrid WSs, SAM has 4 with 4 different elements and they're all pretty nice.
Think about for instance Sheol C.
It's a really nice toy for stuff like that.
And... that's it I'm afraid.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-11 07:38:23
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Also, Carol II is Annuls too, possibly capping at 40%. I don't know whether various sources of Annuls stack.
Ahhh. My lack of BRD knowledge is showing. I double checked WHM emoy set effect to be sure even though I play WHM. Didn't check Carol II.

In that case Warder's was the only absorb effect in that list. I'm not sure how nullification effects interact either... More things to test if I ever get around to it. If they all stack additively you could actually get a pretty high nullification rate.

Well last night we switched from stacking pure fire resist to stacking annuls on Kalunga V25 and the difference was dramatic. SV Carol II + 4/5 Empy WHM Barspell + Shadow Ring (on those who had it) and the log was full of 0's and the fight seemed almost easy. Couldn't find much information on wiki about how these different "make magic damage disappear" systems interacted with each other.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-01-12 00:48:23
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Get Srivatsa because it's good for casting Protect and in enmity builds. They may give Duban a ton of enmity, but otherwise Srivatsa will always have a purpose

Thought about this some more and stage 1 and 2 Prime shield are already at 140 DEF, just 10 less than Srivatsa (and hell, Priwen's at 130). Even if it the Prime doesn't get more DEF at later stages, 10 extra defense on your Protects is such a tiny difference as to be nearly irrelevant to me. TBH, I'd rather have Inventory +1.

And if you really wanted to (I don't), can also get DEF:145 on Skirmish shield with 130 base + 15 from Snow augment.

So maybe an enmity shield only.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-01-12 00:55:25
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Not sure I understand Doji not being both good and on a job that matters. SAM is one of the most powerful DDs in the game right now regardless of how much people glorify WAR and DRK and Doji amplifies one of the main reasons that SAM can absolutely ***on both of them. There's more to the game than just Odyssey NMs, and in just about every single event besides Gaol (and some of Sortie) a hybrid SAM dominates. Only job I'd put above it without questioning it is DRG, and that wouldnt even be always.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-12 01:33:10
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Not sure I understand Doji not being both good
Please allow me to further expand what I meant, in case you were referring to me.
I consider Doji a very good weapon, but I think it's less relevant for a player who already has R15 Masa, than it is for a player who has no RMEA GKT for SAM.

For an R15 Masa owner, Doji is very good "only" for situations where you can make large use of Hybrid WSs. Sheol C comes to mind as a currently relevant content where Hybrid really work well. I wouldn't say it's "necessary", SAM performs very well there even with just Masa, and on some runs you're gonna be unlucky with mob families to fully exploit hybrids, but that's beyond the point I guess, Doji is really good there.
Of course having both allows you to swap/choose according to the family, and hence min-maxing even further.

Doji used to have another really good use where it shined and that was for lowmen/solo multistep SCing.
Currently that's no longer very relevant because there's a cap to SC damage and with a few Nyame pieces + Mpaca head you're already at the SC bonus cap even without Doji's aftermath.

I'm not biased against Doji btw. It's my primary GKT when I'm on SAM since I have no other RMEA for SAM.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-01-12 02:01:24
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Wasn't in response to you, that said out of the list of weapons given I stand by Doji being the best and most useful of them besides maybe Angusa. Even then I doubt you'd get close to as much use out of the scythe.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bjggi
Posts: 15
By Asura.Cluste 2023-01-12 02:11:19
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Using Izanamis FFXI DMG Simulator. Doji actually comes out ahead in terms of raw WS DMG when u release Fudo between 1000~1750 TP, after 1750~ Masa takes the lead.

Maybe someone can double check this, but that's what I get.
Posts: 43
By Blackhalo714 2023-01-12 02:46:03
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Anyone having issues with random job abilities not showing up in menu? Sometimes my characters are missing 1-3 abilities that do not show up in menu. They are still accessible via macro but not selectable. Having blank selections (like not yet accessible weapon skills) in weapon menu also. I do not know if this is same issue. Seems to have started around a a patch ago but not exactly certain.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-12 02:47:04
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Asura.Cluste said: »
Using Izanamis FFXI DMG Simulator. Doji actually comes out ahead in terms of raw WS DMG when u release Fudo between 1000~1750 TP, after 1750~ Masa takes the lead.

Maybe someone can double check this, but that's what I get.
If that's the result you get then on a hunch I'd say there's some minor mistake in Izanami's simulator, or that it's one of those situations where theoretical simulations fail to account to some practical (and very common) implication.

Because I really don't see Doji beating Masa in a situation with fudo-spam only, even below 1750 Real TP (i.e. excluding bonus from Mpaca head and Moonshade).

Whenever I have to rely on Fudo spam in Sheol C because of bad elemental affinities, I see a pretty noticeable WSAVG difference between me (Doji) and Masa SAMs.
For instance more often than not I cannot oneshot monsters with a single Fudo regardless of my TP, instead I see Masa SAMs often doing that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bjggi
Posts: 15
By Asura.Cluste 2023-01-12 03:55:55
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Thats what i thought too and i asked him a week ago, he replayd "I'm seeing Doji beat Masa for high-buff Tachi Fudo at 1000-1300 TP, but I can't recreate Doji winning at 2000 TP."

Maybe have to bring this to his attenion again, just to be sure.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-12 04:17:29
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Or maybe in that simulation you have way more buffs than I do in real situations? I dunno, /shrug

In the majority of Sheol C runs I do I normally get HM, VM, 3x Minuets, sometimes 2x Minuet and Herc Etude.
Most of the time I get SV songs at start.
Then Chaos Roll and Sam Roll.
I've gone with Grape+1 seldomly but must of the time I just go lazy and use NQ Red Curry Bun.

With this setup, and my gear (good but not BiS. I don't have my fudo WSset in front of me right now but I think it's R25 Mpaca head and 4x R25 Nyame) more often than not I cannot oneshot stuff with a single Fudo regardless of the TP, even taking into account Overwhelm.
It does occasionally happen on floor1, especially if I have SV and Etude up, but most of the time (especially on higher floors) a single Fudo doesn't oneshot from 100% HP or close to that.

As I mentioned I see Masa SAMs oneshotting stuff with Fudo not always but quite often, and as a matter of fact their Fudo WSAVG at the end of the run is much higher than mine.
I dunno if there's some other key factor that I'm forgetting to consider right now, if you can think of something please do say!

Oh btw I'm talking specifically about Fudo only. My overall DPS damage at the end of the run is usually pretty nice and I've often outdpsed Masa SAMs and even other DPS, but that's thanks to hybrids, not thanks to Fudo.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2023-01-12 04:44:40
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Whenever I have to rely on Fudo spam in Sheol C because of bad elemental affinities, I see a pretty noticeable WSAVG difference between me (Doji) and Masa SAMs.
For instance more often than not I cannot oneshot monsters with a single Fudo regardless of my TP, instead I see Masa SAMs often doing that.

This is super weird argument. To one shot mobs with Fudo, you need to use it on higher TP threshold and Masa wins on higher TP thresholds, so how would that be an evidence for low TP Fudo discussion?

At exactly 1000TP (+450 from gear) Masa with high buff WS fudo set is around 470STR, which gives roughly:
Doji is:
so Doji wins by ~3.3%

This goes down to 0% at around 1800, then Masa starts marginally winning.

Above assume capped fSTR and capped attack. First usually wont be true against harder stuff and second can be true, but +70 attack from Masa can easily beat that 3.3% if attack is uncapped.

Lastly AM1-3 proc would also most likely push Masa to higher overall DPS even with being 3% behind on WS.
That being said +10sTP on Doji and being 450delay too is also a factor and will add like another 50TP bonus in most cases.

@Sechs In segments farming Masa helps with both uncapped attack and fSTR, which makes Masa winning.
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