Random Question Thread (FFXI Related)

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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: echohawk
Posts: 91
By Cerberus.Echohawk 2022-08-07 23:00:33
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Is it better to farm empyrean NM pop KI through the good ol red proc system or should I just aoe everything with capped amber lights? I don't have the costume weapons to get away from having a NIN and WAR and I don't have either leveled, but with quad box it wouldn't take long to do. From what I can tell Carabosse, Ciren croin, and Isgebind can all be farmed from amber lights.
Posts: 208
By Spoiled 2022-08-07 23:56:48
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Cerberus.Echohawk said: »
Is it better to farm empyrean NM pop KI through the good ol red proc system or should I just aoe everything with capped amber lights? I don't have the costume weapons to get away from having a NIN and WAR and I don't have either leveled, but with quad box it wouldn't take long to do. From what I can tell Carabosse, Ciren croin, and Isgebind can all be farmed from amber lights.
THF sub WAR can cover most procs. Wont have :Ei, Jinpu or Koki.(plus others if you cant get your hands on a gswd or pole, but ambu provides the one Yagudo polearm) If you can level NIN and get your hands on a GSWD & the Pole from ambu and youll have all procs covered. Amber farming is nice for Chloris/Glavoid where theres a ton of pops/nm’s. But for the NM’s you listed its pretty straight forward. Isgebind, amber farm in between Dragon timer(15mins just aoe the raptors for bonus KI’s). CC- Aoe Crabs in between poroggo pops and if you get a Frog KI go pop Orobon for KI then kill CC, rinse & repeat. Carabosse is the only one I’d say dont bother amber farming, set 2 chars on flies 2 chars on pixies farm 4 pops then just kill them. Get proc if you can, if not just get TH on the mob and KI has a decent droprate, worst case scenario you just have to farm another pop.

tl;dr a hybrid approach would be your best bet.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: echohawk
Posts: 91
By Cerberus.Echohawk 2022-08-08 01:13:37
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Awesome I appreciate it! My thf may actually have the polearm
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2022-08-08 04:22:25
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Afania said: »
Wait what??? Your number is death due to obesity but not death due to eating McDonald's. What kind of comparison is that?????

Eating McDonald's doesn't cause Obesity 100%, and Obesity has multiple cause more than McDonald's.

I eat McDonald's all the time, I'm not Obese. So you can't argue that X number of people die because of Obesity, there for the same X number of people die due to McDonald's?

How the hell do you get the conclusion that McDonald is worse than alcohol and cigarette only based on obesity death numbers?

I hope you are joking now or you are completely unaware of what you just said.

McDonald is not the only fast food that can cause opportunities for people addicted to fast foods to get obese, same as Final Fantasy XI is not the only game that creates opportunities of addition for people with game addiction. Someone used McDonald example, same way you used FFXI example. I would argue that McDonald is far better example of fast food industry causing obesity opportunities, than FFXI causing opportunities to game addiction.

Afania said: »
Edit 2: Google WHO Obesity and WHO Alcohol, according to WHO Alcohol caused 3m death but only 2.8m death from overweight. So yes, alcohol is more harmful according to WHO data.

You have said it's minor in comparison. 2.8m is not minor to 3.0m
unless we are talking about FFXI dps ;) So stop defending this statement, because you was simply wrong.

Also comparison to alcohol and smoking is your narrative, which is not even related tbh. Lets go back to game addiction. How many people died because of game addition compered to obesity?

Afania said: »
Edit: I think there are more people eat McDonald's than people who smoke too, at least from what I've seen. So larger base number=potentially higher number of people. It doesn't mean the actual death rate is comparable this way.

Another shot in your own foot. How much people play video games in the world? 3 billions according to statistics? How many people died from game addiction? What's the rate then? I will guess incredible low in comparison to alcohol, obesity or smoking.

Afania said: »
I eat McDonald's all the time

I encourage you not to do it :) Obesity is not the only health problem you can get by eating McDonald all the time. I'm kinda joking here, but your double standards are super visible here :)
By Afania 2022-08-08 04:54:17
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SimonSes said: »

Wow ***, Baniak still arguing (in a wrong thread too). You really enjoy it at work, isn't it?

SimonSes said: »
I will guess incredible low in comparison to alcohol, obesity or smoking.

Straw man argument.

Just because it's lower, doesn't mean it's not a social problem......

Are you trying to say that alcohol, obesity or smoking caused more death, therefore white knighting MMO addiction is valid? That's flawed logic lol.

Something causing many deaths doesn't make other social problems no longer a problem.

SimonSes said: »
Lets go back to game addiction. How many people died because of game addition compered to obesity?

Does it matter even if they caused more death? Cigarette, alcohol, McDonald's calories is already being regulated by law here because everyone know how harmful they are. So even if your argument is "all of these are more harmful", at least nobody is white knighting these things in the discussion.

SimonSes said: »
but your double standards are super visible here

I don't have double standard, because I didn't white knight McDonald's. I only said I eat them and they cause less health problems than alcohol and cigarette(which is fact according to WHO), but that's not the same as white knighting by saying fast food cause zero problems. McDonald's calories is already being regulated in a way, at least in some countries. So who has double standard???

So just gtfo with your straw man argument on everything already.
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2022-08-08 05:16:05
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Afania said: »
Wow ***, Baniak still arguing. You really enjoy it, isn't it?

This is super funny coming from you :)

Afania said: »
McDonald's calories is already being regulated by law here

If this is true, then it's really stupid :D

Afania said: »
therefore white knighting MMO addiction is valid?

I'm not white knighting game addiction. I simply think that helping people with game addiction should be selective and targeted on them, not entire playerbase. Help people who really need it, don't limit opportunities for majority.

Also looking at this from different pov. Imagine how many people can only play one day a week or one week a month, because of work/family obligation. There is probably lots of people like that. Why would you not reward them for their continuous 6h play as much as someone else who plays 1h a day/6days a week?


Afania said: »
(in a wrong thread too).

Meh, you can move it to more suitable thread if you like it. I don't think we have Random discussion thread (FFXI related), so I moved it here.

Afania said: »
I don't have double standard, because I didn't white knight McDonald's.

Ofc you have. Otherwise you would argue that McDonald shouldn't have pricing strongly focused on buying more than you should eat (everything cheaper in sets). Same as FFXI shouldn't encourage for grind :)
By Afania 2022-08-08 05:37:16
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
Wow ***, Baniak still arguing. You really enjoy it, isn't it?

This is super funny coming from you :)

Afania said: »
McDonald's calories is already being regulated by law here

If this is true, then it's really stupid :D

In what way?

You seem to have a negative idea of regulation means something is completely banned like McDonald's aren't allowed to have calories in their food at all, or MMO will automatically disconnect players if they play for 10 hrs a day.

When in fact, it's more like McDonald's needs to label calories per meal and aren't allowed to use certain term like "healthy" in their advertisement if calories is above certain amount.

That's still regulation, but it reduce the problem. And doesn't really take away your freedom at least not that much.

I personally don't understand why do you feel you need to call other people stupid because of such rules. I see 0 problems with it.

SimonSes said: »
Why would you not reward them for their continuous 6h play as much as someone else who plays 1h a day/6days a week?

FFXI already did reward players with continuous play by letting players pt more efficiently with long hours.

You aren't going to do dynamics D at all if you play 1hr a day everyday. Even Odyssey farming won't be efficient unless you organize pt on discord and enter immediately when you log on.

So what's the big deal with tag limitation exactly? Even if you only play once a week, you can still do 2 seg runs and 20k+ seg worth of NM. You aren't running out of things to do if you play 6hr on weekends. Because using 2 tags and killing 20k seg worth of NM would probably take 5-6 hrs counting gathering time and SP reset time.

So what's the big deal exactly?

SimonSes said: »
Ofc you have. Otherwise you would argue that McDonald shouldn't have pricing strongly focused on buying more than you should eat (everything cheaper in sets).

Did you just say I have double standard for McDonald's only because I didn't post 3 essays about what it should or shouldn't do on a FFXI forum? Give me a break.

No, I didn't white knight McDonald's with double standard. Just because I didn't do something you expect me to, doesn't mean I have double standard for it. Gtfo with this ridiculous claim.

Your ad hominem attack and strawman argument is beyond tolerable. Calling people "double standard" over stances they never have doesn't make you win.

SimonSes said: »
Meh, you can move it to more suitable thread if you like it.

Hey, I have a better idea. How about just *** stop ***posting personal attacks over things I never say so nobody needs to waste time on this meaningless BS.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-08 06:11:14
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I miss pchan
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2022-08-08 06:19:18
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Afania said: »
Calling people "double standard" over stances they never have doesn't make you win.

Im not trying to win anything :D Not sure why you think it's some battle :D Maybe we should start throwing k20 dice :)

Afania said: »
You seem to have a negative idea of regulation means something is completely banned like McDonald's aren't allowed to have calories in their food at all, or MMO will automatically disconnect players if they play for 10 hrs a day.

You keep mentioning various things, like China regulation who basically does exactly that, so if I'm confused that's on you :)
I don't think about such regulations tho. I have already wrote what regulations that are comparable to not encourage grind in FFXI would apply to McDonald. I understand you skipped that part of my post, because it was harder to answer? :)
Afania said: »
So what's the big deal with tag limitation exactly? Even if you only play once a week, you can still do 2 seg runs and 20k+ seg worth of NM. You aren't running out of things to do if you play 6hr on weekends. Because using 2 tags and killing 20k seg worth of NM would probably take 5-6 hrs counting gathering time.

Haha this is such a bs :) It would take 3-4h max and thats assuming you would time out on every NM and have enough segments for 2 runs with triple NM with boosted amp (so 21k). Also you took my 6h as fixed number. What if someone have 12h once a week to play? Lets say in 3x 4 hour sessions (8-12, 14-18 and 20-24) to not make it unhealthy ;) He/she would max out on Odyssey in first session and would be force to do something else.
By Afania 2022-08-08 06:53:00
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SimonSes said: »
You keep mentioning various things, like China regulation who basically does exactly that, so if I'm confused that's on you :)

If you are confused, pretty sure it isn't my fault.

This the original post:

Afania said: »
For example, in 2010 a Korean couple had their 3 months old daughter starve to death at home due to their online video game addiction. Forcing the government to act and start regulating online games in Korea, by implementing mechanics to punish players if they play for too long in a day.

Likewise China also has similar regulation for online games, that players can only play certain amount of time per week so addiction is less of a social problem.

1) I said Korea THEN mentioned China, not just China. How the hell did you missed the first part?

2) I said mechanics that "punish" player if they play for too long in one day. That's gameplay based, which can be interpreted in many way to begin with.

How do you read that as "same as China only and forced disconnect in China way" is beyond me.

SimonSes said: »
because it was harder to answer

No, because I think "discussing" the core issue about this with you is nigh impossible, you already have a stance, you keep changing the core discussion with strawman argument because of it. and you aren't going to change. So I stopped bothering.

SimonSes said: »
Haha this is such a bs :) It would take 3-4h

Good for you??? Not I though. I regularly log on for Odyssey on Thursday, the event start at 6:30 PM. By the time we finish 2 seg run it's about 8:30-9 PM because of gathering time and SP reset in between, or people leaving and replacing. Then I'd stay and spend 20k seg on NM and log off at 11-12am or so. That's already around 5hr gone in a day with 2 segs spent.

If I want to do a few more random farming for an hour in the same day it would exceed 6hr a day playtime.

I'm not running out of things to do with 2 tag spent per week even if I play for 6hr on that day. Not sure what's the big deal. I'm not bothered by tag limitation in any way at all.

Also, I don't like how you call people "BS" only because they have different playing experience from you. You keep doing such attack when you post, what would that even do?
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2022-08-08 07:50:09
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Afania said: »
Good for you??? Not I though. I regularly log on for Odyssey on Thursday, the event start at 6:30 PM. By the time we finish 2 seg run it's about 8:30-9 PM because of gathering time and SP reset in between, or people leaving and replacing. Then I'd stay and spend 20k seg on NM and log off at 11-12am or so. That's already around 5hr a day.

Are you describing our LS runs, where Lex needs to do tremendous job to fill in few parties with various people for segments, then do the same again for NMs?

That's not really an avg pug run. Not even close.

Most people who can play only one day per week and plan to do Odyssey, will do two pug shout runs and get probably around 15-16k segments total and make one triple run and save rest of the segments for next time, so every other time he can do double triple run.
By Afania 2022-08-08 09:05:47
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
Good for you??? Not I though. I regularly log on for Odyssey on Thursday, the event start at 6:30 PM. By the time we finish 2 seg run it's about 8:30-9 PM because of gathering time and SP reset in between, or people leaving and replacing. Then I'd stay and spend 20k seg on NM and log off at 11-12am or so. That's already around 5hr a day.

Are you describing our LS runs, where Lex needs to do tremendous job to fill in few parties with various people for segments, then do the same again for NMs?

That's not really an avg pug run.

Right, not many people do Odyssey in a big LS way but my point is that there can be lot of time wasted between gathering people, SP reset, people afk, finding rep for segs/NM, communicating etc. To the point that using 2 segs per week can ended up taking a lot of more time than it sounds depending on how efficient your group is.

Since most people probably do more than Odyssey in FFXI, like ML/ambu/missions/omen/HTBC/dyna D etc, they still have plenty to do after they use their tags.

I just don't see how it can be a serious problem...minor inconvenience for some people maybe. But exactly how many people are affected in a very serious way? If you play more than one day per week you won't be affected. If you do more content than Odyssey you won't be affected. If you play less than 6 hr in one day you won't be affected. That's a LOT of people won't need to worry about tag limitations.

And even if you belong to that super niche crowd that's affected by tag limitation, so what? Just log off and go outside already, not the end of the world.

Realistically, it's not anywhere close to a serious problem to argue for several pages and name calling over it.

Anyways. I'm done with this discussion and not really interested in continuing. I already voiced my opinion about tags and so did you. I still don't think it's bad considering all the pros and cons that's being brought up in the discussion.

But if you are not happy about it, post on SE forums and ask them to change. Calling me "selfish" for saying it isn't that bad on FFXIAH.com probably isn't going to change anything fyi.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Asura.Spiceryan 2022-08-08 09:24:21
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I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do Odyssey segment farms because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have bard and, uh, I believe that our seg farmers, like such as in Asura and, uh, the Carbuncle, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should— segment farm over here in the Asura should help the Asura., uh, or, should help the Carbuncle and should help the Asura, and the other noobs, so we will be able to build up our future, elitist gamers.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-08-08 10:57:17
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These don't seem like random questions
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-09 13:12:33
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I'm on this mission but nothing happens when I run to F-7 of Chateau. Any solutions?
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2022-08-09 13:22:37
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A guess- Halver triggers a bunch of missions/quests. Try talking to him multiple times, then head over to the garden again.

Also- verify "Claidie's Concern" appears in your log. If not then you're not triggering it and may want to verify you completed the last VR mission fully.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-09 13:27:41
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Tathamet said: »
A guess- Halver triggers a bunch of missions/quests. Try talking to him multiple times, then head over to the garden again.

Also- verify "Claidie's Concern" appears in your log. If not then you're not triggering it and may want to verify you completed the last VR mission fully.
Yeah, I had to speak to Rahal again. Thanks!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: echohawk
Posts: 91
By Cerberus.Echohawk 2022-08-09 18:51:48
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I have a good amount of downtime at work in front of a company computer and with my phone. Is there a way I can edit my macros from either of these? I'm wondering if there's a file I can pull from my PC with my macros, send it to my email and edit it with something like the default notepad or word?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-08-09 20:19:36
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Cerberus.Echohawk said: »
I have a good amount of downtime at work in front of a company computer and with my phone. Is there a way I can edit my macros from either of these? I'm wondering if there's a file I can pull from my PC with my macros, send it to my email and edit it with something like the default notepad or word?

If you want to edit something like your gearswaps you can use a symbolic link:

Then you can login to the OneDrive on your phone, or your work pc depending on work's computer use rules, and edit things such as windower scripts or gearswaps.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: echohawk
Posts: 91
By Cerberus.Echohawk 2022-08-09 22:33:18
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Thanks this is actually more helpful than what I was looking for. Is there a way to edit macros without being logged in?
By 2022-08-09 23:06:58
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Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-10 11:43:27
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How far along aeonic path do you think I could 2box as MNK and RMEA BRD now? I have all the aeonics I need but have a KI on each char I fancy finishing if it doesn't take too much effort.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-08-10 11:57:52
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Starbucks said: »
How far along aeonic path do you think I could 2box as MNK and RMEA BRD now? I have all the aeonics I need but have a KI on each char I fancy finishing if it doesn't take too much effort.

Having just done this with a veres mnk and a ghorn 3 song brd... I changed jobs for genbu, and cats because of the bubble, kirin and woc I am waiting for some additional support (buff n drop) before attempting.

As for reisenjima probably able to clear most of it until helms, depending on your skill level.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-10 13:32:33
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Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Starbucks said: »
How far along aeonic path do you think I could 2box as MNK and RMEA BRD now? I have all the aeonics I need but have a KI on each char I fancy finishing if it doesn't take too much effort.

Having just done this with a veres mnk and a ghorn 3 song brd... I changed jobs for genbu, and cats because of the bubble, kirin and woc I am waiting for some additional support (buff n drop) before attempting.

As for reisenjima probably able to clear most of it until helms, depending on your skill level.
Thanks, let me know how you get on.
Did rabbit pose no problems? How did you do fairies?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Disclai
By Asura.Disclai 2022-08-10 13:36:54
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Starbucks said: »
Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Starbucks said: »
How far along aeonic path do you think I could 2box as MNK and RMEA BRD now? I have all the aeonics I need but have a KI on each char I fancy finishing if it doesn't take too much effort.

Having just done this with a veres mnk and a ghorn 3 song brd... I changed jobs for genbu, and cats because of the bubble, kirin and woc I am waiting for some additional support (buff n drop) before attempting.

As for reisenjima probably able to clear most of it until helms, depending on your skill level.
Thanks, let me know how you get on.
Did rabbit pose no problems? How did you do fairies?

Neither of those should be problematic at all. They're both soloable. For rabbit, just be /NIN. For faeries, zerg & proc but have fun with constant dispels. Oh, and don't kill yourself on Dread Spikes.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-08-10 13:38:17
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Starbucks said: »
Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Starbucks said: »
How far along aeonic path do you think I could 2box as MNK and RMEA BRD now? I have all the aeonics I need but have a KI on each char I fancy finishing if it doesn't take too much effort.

Having just done this with a veres mnk and a ghorn 3 song brd... I changed jobs for genbu, and cats because of the bubble, kirin and woc I am waiting for some additional support (buff n drop) before attempting.

As for reisenjima probably able to clear most of it until helms, depending on your skill level.
Thanks, let me know how you get on.
Did rabbit pose no problems? How did you do fairies?

Counter stance and pray, can also sub nin.
Switch constantly, watch out for dreadspikes and have finale loaded for the dreadspikes. I usually swap anytime I see it.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-11 03:41:05
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So what about Seiryu and Suzaku? Btw I don't have the cabbage or monberaux, are you reliant upon them? I usually use yoran to heal.

I also have NIN, should I just NIN for the rabbit?
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2022-08-11 05:31:50
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Blu is best for rabbit, but NIN is ok too. Blu is generally best for almost anything beside helms too, because Sudden lunge just makes everything just stand there until it's dead.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-11 05:37:50
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SimonSes said: »
Blu is best for rabbit, but NIN is ok too. Blu is generally best for almost anything beside helms too, because Sudden lunge just makes everything just stand there until it's dead.
I don't really have BLU. MNK and NIN are geared, as is SAM (COR THF probably wouldn't work?).
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2022-08-11 06:43:43
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Thf would for sure work assuming you could kill it during perfect dodge :) NIN should be enough tho, but I don't remember how fast it attacks, because I always stun it and it doesn't move :)
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