Random Question Thread (FFXI Related)

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Posts: 377
By Solrain 2012-07-28 15:58:01
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I'm not sure how much Thundaja does, honestly, but they have pretty low HP (1300-1500).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2012-07-28 16:10:59
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On a single target, more than that. I just don't know how much the damage will be cut across 7 targets.
Posts: 377
By Solrain 2012-07-28 16:26:16
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I did all of my Blobs THF+RDM if you want to go that route instead.
Server: Odin
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user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-07-28 16:27:29
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I assume you could kill them but they aren't that big of a deal. At 95 they had floored acc on my war and hit for like 30~. I seem to remember cleave 2 shotting them, I'm sure a blm nuking could 1 shot if you decided to kill them.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: koumei
Posts: 1052
By Ragnarok.Kongming 2012-07-28 18:40:50
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Have the prism staff/HQ been tested for an effect on Charm accuracy?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-07-28 18:42:07
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Well the light staff was good for charm. And the prism staff does still hold the same m.acc as the apollo's, so why wouldn't it?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: koumei
Posts: 1052
By Ragnarok.Kongming 2012-07-28 18:56:46
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Because there's reason to believe m.acc as a stat itself has no effect on charm success rate, rather that was simply a special property of light/apollo's staff. I suppose that's another issue entirely that I don't wish to get into, I just figured someone might know.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Narshee
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By Bismarck.Cicada 2012-07-28 18:58:59
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Wiki says it (HQ) has a hidden effect of Charm Success +15%.. not sure if this info is accurate or helps you though. :/
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-28 19:00:16
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Wiki hasn't been accurate about the staff (15% Macc! Aw yea.) however there's no reason to believe that it doesn't affect charm success rate
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Meatster
Posts: 85
By Cerberus.Meatster 2012-07-28 22:14:59
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Ragnarok.Ashman said: »
Cerberus.Meatster said: »
Ebon_Visor Does anyone know the snapshot on this piece? Was hoping it would be more then the 3% of Aurore or Zha'Go's. So much stuff about these pieces seem so blank.

It's 3%. I remember getting one made and hoping it would be superior to the (at the time) hard to get Zha'Go. I was dissapointed. I still use this on RNG because it's like my 9th string job and I never got anything to replace it :x

Post from awhile back but thanks for the info. Saved me alot of time trying to get the item.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 476
By Asura.Ashleh 2012-07-30 02:57:51
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I just came back after a long break and everything is changed, with all the book burn parties and whatnot... Where is a good place to duo or party around 25 or 30?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2012-07-30 03:11:11
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Normally its gusgen mines for book burn until 30-35. Then crawler's nest til 60ish.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 183
By Quetzalcoatl.Absolutezero 2012-07-30 03:34:35
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What is the quickest/easiest way to earn imperial standing? I tried killing stuff outside al zhabi, but mobs only give like 1-3 points a kill.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Seha
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By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-07-30 03:37:17
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Besieged. Even just one will earn you a good chunk.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-07-30 03:37:30
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besiegeds when they happen. 5k/run basically.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 183
By Quetzalcoatl.Absolutezero 2012-07-30 03:44:53
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Awesome, thanks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2012-07-30 11:57:10
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Is WoE wonky atm? Everyone that just did flux 7 got the title for flux 6 instead.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2012-07-30 12:52:08
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For Rudra's I'm working on Hecatomb Subligar +1 atm but until I get them I'm just using THF AF3+2 pants for the DEX. Would losing 2 DEX for 18 attack be worth it on the Tumbler Trunks for now?
Posts: 853
By Avitori 2012-07-30 18:45:56
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Lm-11 = temp ban yea? One of my mules got hit last night...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 2446
By Asura.Fondue 2012-07-30 18:52:19
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Avitori said: »
Lm-11 = temp ban yea? One of my mules got hit last night...

warp cheater!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-07-30 18:55:30
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I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they used to have LM-11 and LM-17, and now they've migrated everything to LM-11.

So LM-11 can be perma or temp ban.
Posts: 853
By Avitori 2012-07-30 19:01:59
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Asura.Fondue said: »
Avitori said: »
Lm-11 = temp ban yea? One of my mules got hit last night...

warp cheater!


But I spoke with SE and they said it was 72 hour ban, and that I would be able log back in after. I don't really trust them though. *suspicious*
By 2012-07-31 09:08:23
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kokonoe
Posts: 45
By Asura.Koconoe 2012-07-31 21:12:00
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DRG is the only heavy DD job I've used on FFXI, and although I am experienced with the game, I still am not entirely sure what separates it from the crowd (WAR SAM DRK MNK), so to speak. (In other words, why it's the weakest of the heavy dd)

Is it due to the power of the weapon skills? Ukko's Fury is pretty potent damage, Great Sword has some good weapon skills as well.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2012-07-31 21:21:13
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Asura.Koconoe said: »
DRG is the only heavy DD job I've used on FFXI, and although I am experienced with the game, I still am not entirely sure what separates it from the crowd (WAR SAM DRK MNK), so to speak. (In other words, why it's the weakest of the heavy dd)

Is it due to the power of the weapon skills? Ukko's Fury is pretty potent damage, Great Sword has some good weapon skills as well.
WAR and SAM get both Berserk and Hasso along with high multiattack rates (DA trait, Hassozanshins). MNK gets Impetus and Berserk along with the DoT advantages of a DW-style weapon, and decent TP gain to boot now that their delay per hand is down in the 180 range. DRK gets Berserk or a reduced x-hit along with their own Hasso-Berserk hybrid, plus the ability to use a stronger TP set when fully buffed, and potentially some amount of gain from Scarlet Delirium and/or Souleater. DRG gets Hasso plus... jumps and a pet, which are increasingly marginalized as buffs increase and further marginalized by the impracticalities of keeping a wyvern alive due to SE's cluelessness. Their WS aren't exceptional, but their power compared to other jobs depends on buffs and target. If other jobs can push higher pDIF values than DRG with their attack bonuses, it will suffer. If pDIF is somehow high enough to enable use of Drakesbane then DRG starts to catch up, but it still lacks in many ways.

DRG was built to be a moderate-output DD who could shed enmity to improve their output relative to other DDs who might have to hold back against stronger targets, along with some utility perks. In an era where everyone is loaded with buffs and caps enmity in under a minute, their perks have become irrelevant.
Posts: 977
By Peldin 2012-08-01 21:18:05
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How do you know if your attack is capped or not?

Please excuse this noob question but I haven't been around as long as most of you. I try to do as much research as I can when it comes to playing games and I've seen a lot of posts like this:
Assuming capped attack...
If your attack is capped, use this...

And I'm thinking to myself, "how do I know if my attack is capped?"

I've been trying to build WS sets for my jobs and I sometimes I don't know whether I'm macroing in DOWNgrades instead of upgrades for my weaponskills.

I have some gear that has +str on it and other gear that has +attack on it and I don't know which would be better for a weapon skill like Victory Smite. Obviously the +str gear is better when my attack is capped, but I have no clue when that is.

Thank you for your time
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Renavi
Posts: 138
By Siren.Renavi 2012-08-01 23:38:34
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Can Garden of Antiquity and beyond in CoP be duo'd by a NIN and a WHM?
By 2012-08-01 23:42:29
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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Renavi
Posts: 138
By Siren.Renavi 2012-08-01 23:43:17
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
Siren.Renavi said: »
Can Garden of Antiquity and beyond in CoP be duo'd by a NIN and a WHM?
whm/blm ele seal sleeping the blm pots and both of them zerging down the rdm pots might be able to do it

nin + sch much better or changing to bst in there somewhere

I'll probably just shout because my alt only has /sch and she is definitely not gonna be able to melee anything ;x Ty for the info though :D
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-08-02 07:59:49
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What (and how do you get) are the earrings that give PDT again? I know they're augmented and iirc it may have been a KI from one of the mini-expansions.

summary: pdt option for ear-help
edit: nvm found it - abyssea quest scattered shells
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