Anyone know the best way to farm Lycopodium Sash? Never done Moblin Maze Mongers and wiki was not very clear.
The old wiki (not BG) has some solid info in the 'guides' section. BG forums have a TON of useful information, but it's strewn across 200+ pages.
Basically voucher 7 can spawn a bunch of different NM's, dependent on what runes you set. A specific set-up should result in the NM that has the sash in the loot pool, you just have to figure out which one and set it up.
I've been getting all the vouchers and runes and dickin' around with them lately. the only useful information I can give you that the above resources can't is, with Ilvl119 gear the best set-up (that I've found) for marble farming is voucher 9. they were super tough NMs back in the day, but you can whoop em' solo now and get 250 marbles a run with 6 CC points.
that's all I can tell ya.