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By 2018-05-09 11:16:17
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-09 11:18:59
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Then you're picking the wrong debate.

If you're so concerned that a 3 minute kill isn't EXACTLY 180 seconds. That's what this sounds like.
Posts: 8362
By Afania 2018-05-09 11:23:23
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DirectX said: »
I'm shocked at the lack of reading ability or intentional manipulation here. I've nowhere said that doing it the BLM way is not generally the best. Saying that I was/am dubious about a 3min kill with 1 SCH does not mean that I don't think using BLM is still generally the fastest. I have nowhere stated this.
I am curious about trying SAM and RUN Light strats as something new. Nowhere have I said they are the best. Please learn to read and/or stop making straw man arguments.

People already explained 1 sch and 2 makes no difference with 1hr, don't save it post bene.

Why don't you try it yourself? If you failed at least you would have a base to claim others are wrong.
By 2018-05-09 11:24:10
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Posts: 8362
By Afania 2018-05-09 11:34:12
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DirectX said: »
Well, my original question was simply:
DirectX said: »
I was told you can do Kei with SMNs and not BLMs. How does that work?

Thorny made this about BLM and kill speed and I simply was curios to see a video. Ensuing paranoia about people wanting to get him banned and somehow reading a question I asked about the use of SMN as "U WANT US TO ACCEPT SAM IS TEH BEST" is not really a debate I intended to waste my time on.

I am still dubious that you could consistently kill it in 3mins with 1 SCH, but I really don't care that much. Hence saying the conversation is over a while ago. Thorny and Afania (who seems to just be here to rimjob him) are the ones seemingly more concerned about debating it further.

You get it wrong. You asked for advice, us(and don't pretend I didn't give you any) gave you advice, instead of saying "thank you I'll try it out", you spend 3 pages of posts demanding a video. Then when you don't get the video you just say insulting things like "I don't believe you" or even "paranoid".

Then when several people posted 3 min video thats one year old with outdated gears you continued with "need 2 sch" "need scripts", when plenty of people explained sch could 1hr which you seem to ignore.

It is not his responsibility to hand out a video regardless of his reasons. It's basic etiquette, when someone who gave you advice refuse to give more for whatever reason, you don't insult them with "I don't believe you" openly. Unless his claim is way too unbelievable which isn't the case in this discussion.

It's your right not to believe the advice, it is rude to say "I don't believe you" in their face. Mentioning the use of script was essentially saying "your advice is useless unless we automate everything like you" when his advice clearly applies to normal human players.

And yeah I'm on his side, not because he is my friend or I worship him or anything. You are the one being unreasonably demanding here and I'm just being blunt.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2018-05-09 11:39:29
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I'm not sure a PUG could do the SAM method, either. Requires buffs and attentive support to reapply buffs as they are dispelled. It is super fun, though.

BLM is 100% the way to go. It is the most fool proof. And whether it takes 2min, 3min or 5min, as long as you win you are better off than you were before.

So take the advice, watch the videos, learn and execute.
You are doubting without trying. It is insulting to anyone that might consider answering your questions in the future.
Posts: 8362
By Afania 2018-05-09 11:41:59
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Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
I'm not sure a PUG could do the SAM method, either. Requires buffs and attentive support to reapply buffs as they are dispelled. It is super fun, though.

This is what I said in very first post too, and I even suggested using cor and rng as rep for sch if he can't find one.

And for some reason I'm here generating useless posts like OP said because my advice are ignored.

Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
So take the advice, watch the videos, learn and execute.
You are doubting without trying. It is insulting to anyone that might consider answering your questions in the future.


Why don't you try Kei with 2 blm 1 sch 1hr with up to date gear sets that can double burst before making claims about 3 min kill impossible to do.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2931
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-09 12:11:42
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Siren.Kyte said: »
I mean, I know people that play vanilla that can see it and I've never downloaded a map .dat swap.

No offense to Nyarlko as he's just doing the community a favor, but his translations can often be off.
So, I did a little experiment. I renamed the Sarissa DAT in my FFXI install, then did a check files and file repair.

MMmm. Tastes like Crow.

So the servers are currently sending out the blue Sarissa dat rather than the standard one. I assume my install still had the old one cause it's an old install, and hasn't had to change that dat in years.

Next time you need to correct a mistake of mine, I'd ask that you explain the how/why of it rather than just saying I'm half wrong. I mean, I saw the screenshot you posted, but there was just a soviet russia joke rather than a statement that you didn't have said map pack. I assumed, and I think the guy who originally asked about it also assumed, that you were also using the same map pack. I may be a stubborn git, but I will listen to reason and evidence.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2018-05-09 12:18:27
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You downloaded and swapped in the HD weapon pack- which I can only assume that you're aware of- and used that as "evidence" that I was wrong.
By 2018-05-09 12:28:49
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Posts: 8362
By Afania 2018-05-09 12:42:23
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DirectX said: »
I really can't be bothered to waste time trying to get you to stop being emotional and manipulative Arafia.

That is quite an assumption to say I'm emotional about this topic or even think I assume his feeling are hurt. I honestly don't give a damn if his feeling is hurt or not, nor I really care about your attitude. I think you are overly demanding towards people giving advice and stubborn for not believing in it, and I'm blunt enough to point it out if you are not aware. I also think it's important to have a humble attitude when asking for advice.

That's not equal to being emotional, or even....Manipulative??? As if I'm sitting here telling you about the setup for personal gain, lol.

Whether I know him in game or not is completely irrelevant to the discussion, the fact is that you don't believe 3 min kill is possible on forums, and I addressed it directly toward this fact.

but if you insist to be the way you are it's not my position to change you. whatever.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-05-09 13:01:46
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...this debate on Kei methodology has honestly degraded into a war of semantics? Who the *** cares if its 3minutes or 3:26? In my mind, the people telling you to do BLM method as the "easiest" method are saying it not just because its the fastest, but also has the fewest possible "oops". A single melee method, whether SAM, WAR, whatever, always runs the possibility of chains getting broken up with Amnesia. RNG+SCH method runs the risk of pulling hate away from the tank right at a Fullers, resulting in wiping your entire support sector. SCH+BLM is just so damn foolproof. Who the hell cares about time.

Ease of a fight isn't just about beating it in record time. Its doing it with complete control where the mob has zero chance of winning and you have 100%. That to me, and many, is infinitely more important than shaving a quick 30 seconds off a fight. And its of particular importance for groups starting out content and looking for WINS. After that, have some fun with the fights and try setups that you enjoy, sure.

Anyone on Leviathan knows that my shells do RNG+SCH strat on Kei because we enjoy it and have the people to pull it off. No, its not the most efficient for time, but its a lot of fun. When we just want a quick win and have extra bodies we augment with BLMs.

So just....stop....with the complaints that the time might be slightly off. Is that honestly important? Its like complaining at your dad when he said "oh we're going on a 30 minute drive" and it takes 35 minutes to get to Grandma's house.
By clearlyamule 2018-05-09 13:06:22
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So about those random questions...
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 13:09:07
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Just because I'm not offended doesn't mean this discussion isn't a colossal waste of time. It was a single comment saying that the setup can do it in 3 minutes, in response to mention of SAM taking 7. You're fixated on it for god knows why, it doesn't matter. I have numerous logs of 3 min or less kills, there are videos in that range, but even if that weren't the case.. it's as Cele said, that wasn't the point to begin with.

You decided long ago you wanted to go for the SAM setup, and that's fine. I hope you have the best of luck with it, it's certainly viable and with some experience I am sure you will get the results you want. But, this discussion doesn't matter to you, you're just arguing over the 3 minute line to be obstinate. How that doesn't equate to trolling is beyond me, what benefit to you does a 3:00 video have that a 3:26 video doesn't?
By 2018-05-09 13:09:16
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By 2018-05-09 13:12:12
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-09 13:12:33
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The GEO is usually the ice/water caster (in any setup)
By 2018-05-09 13:14:36
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-09 13:16:01
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You could potentially do a script to ice water ice water ice water, I think that'd be fine.
Posts: 8362
By Afania 2018-05-09 13:16:19
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DirectX said: »
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
You decided long ago you wanted to go for the SAM setup, and that's fine.
I hadn't, or I wouldn't have even bothered trying it with SMNs. I was curious how people actually do it with SMNs because I couldn't see how it is possible from the try I had which was terrible to say the least.
A 3.30 with 2 SCH is very different to 3min with 1 SCH IMO. I don't really care though, as I stated, I would just like to see it.

There are also plenty of video(of other targets) with SCH using Tabula Rasa if you just want to see how fast they can sc with it.

It's not hard to tell 1 sch with Tabula Rasa = 2 sch without.

It's also not hard to see blm in 2018 with updated gears kills 30 sec faster than blm in 2017.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 13:16:32
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So, the real takeaway here is that SE is working on blue/red reskins. What does that mean for the new dynamis weapons? Will they all be this ugly? I'd assume a reskin means it's probably not going to be anything RMEA tier and it'll just be another crafted line with minimal use.
By 2018-05-09 13:18:43
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-09 13:20:43
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You cast the (correct) one every 30 seconds (or so) to keep the regen off. Casting the wrong one has no effect (other than a small heal which is negligible) so if you just did water ice water ice water ice, you'd keep the regen off. (I think)
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2018-05-09 13:23:36
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
So, the real takeaway here is that SE is working on blue/red reskins. What does that mean for the new dynamis weapons? Will they all be this ugly? I'd assume a reskin means it's probably not going to be anything RMEA tier and it'll just be another crafted line with minimal use.

I actually like the model myself, but that seems likely. It was either going to be that, a Login reward, or a Bonanza weapon- and before today my money would have been on the latter.
By 2018-05-09 13:24:59
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-05-09 13:26:11
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DirectX said: »
With SCH and RNG do you MB the Light or just kill it with the Light damage? Who takes off the regen?
Also when multiboxing if I am nuking Ice or Water on one char it does damage, but on another char it shows it as healing. If I wasn't on multiple accounts, how would I know when to switch?

For the sake of clarity:

standard SCH+RNG setup requires this:


SCH gives RNG animus mineo/aurorastorm II.

RDM gives RNG Flurry2 and maintains Inundation on Kei. And is in charge of fighting regen. If Kei is casting ANY Fire-based spell (Nukes, Virus, Addle), you cast Water. If he's casting Wind based (Nukes, Gravity), you cast Blizzard. Primary healing duties are with the RDM as well. If this is too much for your RDM, give regen-fighter job to the GEO.

GEO does GEO-Acumen/Indi-AGI on the RNG (no bubble on Kei itself for ease of Fullers, but if you want, can Malaise Kei and drop bubble every Fullers)

COR gives SAM/WIZARD'S Rolls.

RNG is /dnc for extra skillchain damage and the ability to dual wield Malevolences/Trilling Dagger. Solid Trueflight Build necessary, Gastra not necessary but exceedingly nice.

SCH makes Fusion, RNG closes with Trueflight to make Light. Inundation and /DNC giving skillchain damage boosts.

When we have extra bodies that can come BLM, they burst on the subsequent LIGHT, not the FUSION. Kei takes really crappy Fire damage compared to Thunder, so it makes more sense to have your BLMs burst x2 on the light than wasting MP during the Fusion. If you have a BLM, the following usually changes in job roles:

RDM or GEO no longer handles the regen fighting. That is now given to the BLM.

Do not underestimate the power of Animus Mineo. Decoy Shot only transfers hate from standard ranged attacks, not weaponskills (it will work cross party btw). And this fight is probably in the neighborhood of 5% TP dmg/95% WS/SC dmg. Use it but know its limits. SCH can also use their second 1hour, "Caper Emisarrius" if hate gets horrid during the fight. For those not familiar, that transfers ALL ENMITY from ALL PARTY MEMBERS to the target of your choice.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-09 13:26:56
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I don't know the time frame, didn't look, thought it was longer than 5 seconds but even the script will cast ice water ice water well enough to keep it from regening
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-05-09 13:32:23
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
I don't know the time frame, didn't look, thought it was longer than 5 seconds but even the script will cast ice water ice water well enough to keep it from regening

its a lot more than every 30 seconds. We utilize discord/skype, and will typically have the tank call "ice mode" or "water mode" in call as he swaps modes. Be aware that if he swaps modes and starts casting an Aero V, wait until that spell lands to cast a Blizzard, otherwise it will heal Kei. That is often where confusion lies if people get worked up over fighting the regen. They cast a spell slightly early, and then think it didn't switch modes, so they go back to the "other" spell, and heal it again.
By 2018-05-09 13:46:17
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2931
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-09 13:55:49
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Siren.Kyte said: »
You downloaded and swapped in the HD weapon pack- which I can only assume that you're aware of- and used that as "evidence" that I was wrong.
I do have the HD wep pack installed. But no, it did not occur to me that Sarissa was a part of that pack. I added the pack as an after thought while I was adding the HD RMEA mods.

If I'd thought of that, then it would have explained why my FFXI install differed, and I'd have either been satisfied at that point, or I'd have done the file repair test. I certainly wouldn't have posted it as evidence.

But you know. You could have just asked me if I used said pack, and noted Sarissa was part of it. Which would have prompted an "Oh ***!, I do use that. That explains why my dat differs" from me. Rather than implicitly accusing me of duplicity.
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