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By 2018-05-09 09:20:43
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By 2018-05-09 09:23:32
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 09:27:39
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Not confused at all, you've made multiple posts on this thread that are all about 'isnt X great for Y'. Every time you were told something along the lines of 'X can work for Y if thats what you can manage, but Z iz better' and dragged out several pages to try to get someone to agree 'X is great for Y'.

In this case, X is SAM, Y is Kei, and Z is BLM. In the last case, X was MNK, Y was Fu, Z was RNG. It's trolling because you're dragging the same topic out forever when you've already gotten an answer.

Obviously time can vary due to benediction, but if you thought I was saying 'every kill will be exactly 3:00 with no variation'.. I don't know what to tell you. That's borderline HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. Most are under 3 minutes for me, and benediction is surprisingly consistant with a strong MB setup. It will almost always go off on the second SC, which takes Kei from roughly 80% to (would be 60% if no bene).

Straight calculations based on skillchain damage are always a bit low; you lose about 1/3 a SC when ditching luopan for fullers between first and second volley, which typically happens 2-3x in a fight. Occasionally SCH needs to throw a cure on the RUN before starting next SC. You also may have 5% rule resists tossed in there(though it only takes approx 26-30 nukes so seeing multiple is unlucky).
Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 09:30:27
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
DirectX said: »
Surely a claim of 3mins is under the assumption that it uses Bene at 75% every time? The fact it can use it later would add variance there. I am sure I have seen it as low as 25% which would of course make this time longer. I would appreciate a video if you are going to do it any time, not to go out of your way to prove it.
The issue isn't doing it or recording it, it's attaching a video of all my characters to this forum when I openly acknowledge cheating and selling gil. I wouldn't only have 5 present either, because the only point of killing Kei would be to get an Ou set. Then I get autists saying I filtered out my additional mules or whatever, even though they're just sitting in alliance. You don't need a video, it really isn't that complicated.

Just disable your name, turn on screen dmg display and make an overlay image that blocks the hp bar and chat. He can still see the kill speed and dmg per mb that way.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 09:33:33
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Afania said: »
Just disable your name, turn on screen dmg display and make an overlay image that blocks the hp bar and chat. He can still see the kill speed and dmg per mb that way.

I could do that next time I'm going through base cats, but I'd have to also block the entire alliance since I'd be running 18 to hold Ou pops. I'm sure someone would have something to whine about with that. It just seems excessive for what seems, to me, to be an obvious result. It's not like I'm claiming to have soloed T4 on THF, or done odin master trial with only MNKs.
Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 09:45:08
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Afania said: »
Just disable your name, turn on screen dmg display and make an overlay image that blocks the hp bar and chat. He can still see the kill speed and dmg per mb that way.

I could do that next time I'm going through base cats, but I'd have to also block the entire alliance since I'd be running 18 to hold Ou pops. I'm sure someone would have something to whine about with that. It just seems excessive for what seems, to me, to be an obvious result. It's not like I'm claiming to have soloed T4 on THF, or done odin master trial with only MNKs.

I agree, kei is extremely simplistic compare with many other Endgame fight such as ambuscade VD or 150 contents. I don't know why people make it sounds harder than it seems.

Also there's a YouTube video shows mb strategy kill in 3 min, and it says that in the title. Search function is your friend. With the exception of extremely new players that has 0 clue, I would just ignore people that wants to spoon feed every info since info exist on internet.
By 2018-05-09 10:00:11
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By 2018-05-09 10:02:45
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By 2018-05-09 10:05:49
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Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 10:08:49
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DirectX said: »
Asking for a video to see how you do it in 3mins isn't trolling.

That would make sense if
1) 3 min video doesn't already exist on internet.
2) Kei has a lot of "devil hide in the details" traps that affects kill speed like ambuscade.

But really you just sc mb(you don't need a video for this right?), Pop buffs (it's already written out in text by people), run away from fullers.

There are no secret tricks that suddenly make blm pt kill faster on kei, except the power of nukers. Like other mage setup, You either nuke hard and kill fast, or you don't.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-05-09 10:11:08
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
That color scheme isn't something natively in the game. No idea where you could find the mod.
It's not. What are you even on about?

It was switched by SE on accident with the regular blurred model. However, it's only that way for Hume Males.

You can verify this via Altana Viewer.

You've got reading issues for sure. I suggested MNK might be good for Fu and I was told SAM WAR DRK are fine and I accepted that. I still don't believe that THF NIN DNC would be as ideal, specifically for me as WHM, as MNK due to lower max HP. Not agreeing with you doesn't make me a troll. I also never said anything was wrong with using RNG, which is how I killed it 50% of the time (other 50% was SMNs).

NIN HP isn't too bad compared to MNK. Keep in mind Mantra isn't super helpful for Fu so MNK doesn't have that going for it.
Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 10:14:52
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DirectX said: »
Afania said: »
Also there's a YouTube video shows mb strategy kill in 3 min, and it says that in the title. Search function is your friend. =
Do you mean the one where they have 9 chars including at least 2 BLM and 1 SMN? Hardly comparable to 2 BLM 1 SCH in 6 man is it?

I wouldn't say so unless I see their gears. There's a very very very wide dps gap between top end dps job and avg dps job. There's also a very wide dps gap between well organized pt with top end support and not so good support.

So it's entirely possible to have 2 dps kill just as fast or even faster than 3 dps in ffxi.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hiraishin
Posts: 91
By Asura.Hiraishinsenna 2018-05-09 10:17:56
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there you go, 6 ppl kill,3 min ish.
Setup seems to be 2 blm 2 sch geo run
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 10:18:47
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DirectX said: »
You are coming across like a paranoid schizo in your response to being asked for a video.

You don't have to be a paranoid schizo to turn down even a slight unnecessary risk that offers you no benefit. The only thing I get out of posting a video is getting to say 'lol I told you so', which is not worth even a 0.00001% chance of getting a character banned.

I have not posted any videos of anything, because they make plugins very obvious and I've pissed off enough people here that I have no interest in providing any sort of evidence of cheating.

If I thought it was something complicated or difficult enough to require a video, I would be more willing to do it. You just repeatedly ask for one after being told no, and my impression is that it adds nothing to the discussion. Turns out, one already exists, and I was right to not go out of my way.

DirectX said: »
Do you mean the one where they have 9 chars including at least 2 BLM and 1 SMN? Hardly comparable to 2 BLM 1 SCH in 6 man is it?
In addition to the JP video just posted, there's another here:

They had RUN GEO BLM BLM SCH SCH, then a BRD and WHM in second party for Ou triggers. BRD and WHM add next to nothing to BLM damage. But, this isn't about whether you can kill it in 3 minutes any more, you obviously know it can be done. You're just being stubborn about it because I didn't give you a video of my own.
By 2018-05-09 10:36:31
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 10:38:19
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The scholar wasn't nuking. Tabula rasa makes stratagems a non-issue. What is wrong with you?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-09 10:38:40
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Tabula Rasa makes 1 sch = 2 sch. unlimited strats, no need for multiple sch.

edit, beat, lol
By 2018-05-09 10:42:02
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 10:43:44
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DirectX said: »
You wouldn't Tabula Rasa until after it has used Bene though.
Why? The fight lasts 3 minutes. Tabula lasts 3.5. What do you have to gain by saving it? I tabula before pull, so BLMs have embrava for recasts.

DirectX said: »
Assume I'm trolling if you like.
By 2018-05-09 10:45:36
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Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 10:49:07
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I can't/don't know how to do it so you must be trolling.

Wait, I swear I've seen this in 2016. #kistrage

DirectX said: »
Do you think being scripted is required for the 3min kill?

Omg lol. I see who's trolling now.

DirectX said: »
The video you post is the one which has a SMN there also. Hirai's is a 3min 30sec kill which is good but let us not forget your claim was;
"SCH GEO BLM BLM RUN can do it in 3."
A second SCH adds massively to that claim. I am still in doubt that it can be done with 1 SCH in 3mins.

So jp video shows 3.5 min run ONE YEAR AGO isn't enough to convince you, seriously? With the power creep from relic and su3 if someone made 2.5 min kill claim I'd still believe it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2976
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-09 10:50:34
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
That color scheme isn't something natively in the game. No idea where you could find the mod.
It's not. What are you even on about?

It was switched by SE on accident with the regular blurred model. However, it's only that way for Hume Males.

You can verify this via Altana Viewer.
My FFXI is fully updated and I'm currently logged in.

You may also refer to the following post. Link
Nyarlko;7050385 said:
First pass on Freshly Picked 39! \0/

* "Over Picked Vana'diel" XD (the 16th anniversary section)
** After laughing about the segment name for a while, they went straight into talking about a bright blue lance (that's also been talked about on FFXIAH recently.) If I caught enough of the story...: They started getting a bunch of GM calls about Blurred Spear appearing with a bright blue appearance. They figured out that this was caused by a dat mod that was slipped into 3rd party map pack. They chatted about this for quite a while, but I did not catch what, if any, punishments are going out to those who reported the issue (since doing so is essentially equivalent to telling SE "I'm cheating". XD On my list of segments to go over more carefully after the livecast is archived.)
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-05-09 10:51:40
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By 2018-05-09 10:53:12
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2976
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-09 10:56:39
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Siren.Kyte said: »
So is my Altana viewer broken? And Nyarlko's translation of the freshly pickled was completely off?

I should be able to duplicate that model in altana viewer if the current version of the game dats have that model in place of Sarissa's model. But that doesn't appear to be the case.
Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 10:58:28
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DirectX said: »
Afania said: »
I can't/don't know how to do it so you must be trolling.

Wait, I swear I've seen this in 2016. #kistrage

DirectX said: »
Do you think being scripted is required for the 3min kill?

Omg lol. I see who's trolling now.
You're making repeated posts which are absolutely pointless and add nothing to the discussion. Irony much.
Asking a legit question is not trolling ffs. Being able to automate MBs to get 4 off (2BLM x2) each time perfectly would be beneficial time wise. Humans have human error, get distracted, lag, etc.

The posted you quoted was the only "useless" post in this entire thread, certainly not repeated. I told you to Google YouTube video , I explained why it's possible to kill faster with less people. I was trying to convince you that 3 min kill is possible since there are plenty of evidence to support it.

But you repeatedly said "no I don't believe you VOIDH" or even "you need a script to do it". And it's downright insulting to people that gave you advice. Why do you ask for advice if you don't believe in everything people said? Or even resort to "need scripts" sort of reply. Why don't you go back and watch both 3 min videos posted and See if they script?

Also 9 years of playing ffxi, first time heard that script is required to double burst.

And yeah I was being an *** in last post, because reasons above.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-05-09 11:00:04
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Martel said:
So is my Altana viewer broken? And Nyarlko's translation of the freshly pickled was completely off?

I should be able to duplicate that model in altana viewer if the current version of the game dats have that model in place of Sarissa's model. But that doesn't appear to be the case.

I mean, I know people that play vanilla that can see it and I've never downloaded a map .dat swap.

Also, your Blurred weapons are .dat swapped. So lol.

No offense to Nyarlko as he's just doing the community a favor, but his translations can often be off.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-05-09 11:01:53
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No, a trash shout group who can't even double MB probably won't kill in 3 minutes. A non scripted group with proper gear will.

A trash shout group won't SAM SC in 7 minutes either. A trash shout group using SMN will probably not win at all.

However, the MB method has a ton more room for error. Even if the RUN eats fullers, Kei is weak enough to be tanked weakened by an average RUN. The GEO can full circle when fullers is readied if RUN isn't confident in ranging it. Bringing a second SCH allows you essentially nonstop skillchains, and there's very little room to mess up the damage flow. It's a simple and effective strategy, which is what you were asking for in the first place.

You do the same thing in every thread you ask questions. You don't want answers, you want support for the thing you said originally. If I tell you that SAM SC is your best bet, will you shut up and go away ... ?
Posts: 9125
By Afania 2018-05-09 11:05:39
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
However, the MB method has a ton more room for error. Even if the RUN eats fullers, Kei is weak enough to be tanked weakened by an average RUN. The GEO can full circle when fullers is readied if RUN isn't confident in ranging it. Bringing a second SCH allows you essentially nonstop skillchains, and there's very little room to mess up the damage flow. It's a simple and effective strategy, which is what you were asking for in the first place.

This is basically what I said 3 pages ago about blm setup being easier. 3 pages later we are still saying the same thing because the one who asked for advice doesn't believe it.

If you want to use sam then use sam. No one will stop you. Sounds like someone just has difficulty making a blm Kei setup and want the community to recognize blm is not the best setup.
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