Carbuncle.Doctorweird said:
»I got a used laptop that looks like it should be able to run FFXI fairly well, so thinking about creating a second account to dual box with. And should that fail, I think there was some special windower plugins to make dual boxing easier like multisend, switchmon, and sandbox. Anything else?
Already have the software and stuff installed and updated on the machine, so really just need a new account key. What's the best way to go about this? Steam? Amazon?
Anything else I should be aware of when making a second account? Like getting the gold worldpass set up and destrier beret and such.
you can farm them fame items early like boyahda moss or the gil to buy the moss etc, and be sure to choose a city that will help along the lvling process like bastok (only a 10 second run to zeruthn which can burn it to 50 easily compared to a lot more running (or aggroing zones) if it was a sandy mule or windurst mule. Zinc ore drops a lot down there which you use for norg fame to get utsusemi ichi for the mule or to sell for decent gil too. Also save all zeruthn soot you find. 4 stacks gives enough fame to a bastok npc like 200 feet away, to quest warp on that or any new char so you can sell em on ah or use for a mule /blm
gold pass is handy yeah, worthwhile. at the 40 day mark you can both grab an all jobs GK or Polearm and at 75 days the all jobs gk+1 or polearm +1 which can be handy for movement+ since destrier gives costume at any time plus destrier lets you zone around with your costume on
other than those two, that's about it. I'd farm Minikin trigs when bored as well so as soon as the mule gets 30 and unlocks maws you can get it MM and have it cure exp groups etc to burn to 99 faster than grounds of valor