Random Question Thread (FFXI Related)

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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: StanDarsh
By Quetzalcoatl.Darsha 2018-03-21 19:51:57
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Another private server related question, between Byakko's Haidate and Enkidu's subligar for Coronach. Which would be better?
By clearlyamule 2018-03-21 20:15:51
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Haidate especially if it's been augmented
By Draylo 2018-03-22 00:09:01
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Best place to farm Ancient beast coins? Been a while.
Posts: 1449
By fillerbunny9 2018-03-22 00:29:25
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my computer has been acting up, and it is approaching that every 5-6 year period where I do a rebuild. with that in mind, I will likely be forced to stop using Windows 7 and switching to Windows 10. how difficult is it to actually get XI running on a Win10 machine at this point?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2018-03-22 00:38:06
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Draylo said: »
Best place to farm Ancient beast coins? Been a while.

The limbus zone with behemoth on the final floor is probably the best bet for farming abc, can prob just go thf these days and mow through all the mobs/floors in no time.

fillerbunny9 said: »
my computer has been acting up, and it is approaching that every 5-6 year period where I do a rebuild. with that in mind, I will likely be forced to stop using Windows 7 and switching to Windows 10. how difficult is it to actually get XI running on a Win10 machine at this point?

I haven't had a single hurdle getting it to run on Windows 10 for the last couple years so I can't think of anything that would be an issue.
By clearlyamule 2018-03-22 01:25:09
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I personally like Eastern Temenos. Slightly less coins than NW appolloyon but it takes all of about 10 minutes start to finish
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: StanDarsh
By Quetzalcoatl.Darsha 2018-03-22 01:43:04
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clearlyamule said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Darsha said: »
So this will probably be an odd question that doesn't get asked too often around here, but I'm playing on a private server in 75 cap era. My question is, I know back then that Senjuinrikio main hand / Perdu Blade offhand was as good as it got until relic in those days. In this particular server's case though, the crit rate stat on weapons regardless of slot - MH or OH - is applied to all physical attack sources alike, so both MH/OH slots, Ranged attacks, etc. That being said if I had Kikoku I would mainhand obviously, and typically in retail 75 era you'd still use perdu blade off hand, but knowing the crit rate works differently on this private server would Senjuinrikio's crit rate applying to both MH and OH offset the lower delay and att/acc of Perdu? Not good enough at FFXI math to figure this out.
Are there any other things that would be considered odd about this server? Like other things that have never existed or currently don't besides the obvious things that have changed post 75? Like if this still has the tp floor...

What do you mean by TP floor? There was one thing I noticed that was off when I first joined regarding TP, and that was that TP went up to 3000 now instead of just a flat 300 like it used to. I guess that update happened after I stopped playing at some point and they have it applied to the server I play on currently, but in 75 cap.

A couple more questions, but for Ninja would I still use HQ/NQ Ninja Chainmail over Hachiryu body in capped accuracy situations? And would Hachi body win out over Hauby+1 when not capped though?

And separately would Samurai take Hachi body for TP over Hauby+1? Acc capped or uncapped. Obviously the answer to these questions hinge on many variables, but just a good general rule to follow. Assuming mostly ideal TP set for the 75 era minus salvage gear.
By clearlyamule 2018-03-22 02:19:53
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Originally no matter how low you got your delay there was a minimum tp per hit you would get. iirc it was 4. Needless to say once you reached that point lowering your delay greatly increased your ws frequency. I believe it was changed early to mid aht urghan as I remember seeing a vid of a hornetneedle/Beestinger rdm getting non stop attacks solo on a colibri I think. Think that was before they implemented a cap on total delay reduction too which is also another thing that can make a difference in considering gearing

The 3k thing was them wanting to display those invisible 1/10ths of a tp you could get but they said something about not being able to use decimal points so voila just multiple everything by 10 and it works.
Posts: 14852
By Pantafernando 2018-03-22 03:34:04
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fillerbunny9 said: »
my computer has been acting up, and it is approaching that every 5-6 year period where I do a rebuild. with that in mind, I will likely be forced to stop using Windows 7 and switching to Windows 10. how difficult is it to actually get XI running on a Win10 machine at this point?

Windows 10 never had much issues while i playing ffxi but i supose i should mention 2 problems that took me a while to fix. First one was related to directx 8, what i could solve by following this steps:


Second one was making the game be recognized by dedicated gpu, what happened with me when i play in notebook. I fixed this with dgvoodoo


Finally recently i had the issue, not directly related to ffxi but the notebook thats the system always running with disk at 100% which can make your pc lag. That one is tricky to do because there is a huge list of attempts to fix, better just look on internet.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2018-03-23 13:42:12
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Any tips for establishing and building AOE hate in Vagary? In fomor and leech zone I've tried pulling with diaga then foil but they'll still run for back-line. This is using RUN, most recently I tried /rdm and it was fine on single targets but when it came to crowd control it was rough.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-03-23 15:12:27
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fillerbunny9 said: »
my computer has been acting up, and it is approaching that every 5-6 year period where I do a rebuild. with that in mind, I will likely be forced to stop using Windows 7 and switching to Windows 10. how difficult is it to actually get XI running on a Win10 machine at this point?

If doing a full/fresh install of Win10, you'll need to install old DirectX8.1, and turn the screen dimming function of UAC off. Don't think there's much else you would need to worry about. And if you are going to use Ashita/Windower, I personally recommend installing them in a non-system folder (like C:/Games/) because UAC will kick in for C:/Program Files. Yes, that means you will see a UAC prompt when trying to open a screenshot.. -_-;;
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-03-23 15:15:53
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Shiva.Berzerk said: »
Any tips for establishing and building AOE hate in Vagary? In fomor and leech zone I've tried pulling with diaga then foil but they'll still run for back-line. This is using RUN, most recently I tried /rdm and it was fine on single targets but when it came to crowd control it was rough.

Supertank them. Don't Diaga, just agro and have the backline pick them off one at a time. It's not possible to hold agro on a non-main-target when you have 10k+ AOEs being spammed, so don't worry about it, or let it bother you, if you're not holding hate while doing that portion of the fight. Also helps a lot in leech zone if you have a couple BLUs popping off Entomb regularly.

A good portion of success and survivability is DONT BE AN IDIOT. If your BLM likes to blow up targets he is told not to, it's his fault, not yours. ^^
Posts: 14852
By Pantafernando 2018-03-23 15:18:53
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Shiva.Berzerk said: »
Any tips for establishing and building AOE hate in Vagary? In fomor and leech zone I've tried pulling with diaga then foil but they'll still run for back-line. This is using RUN, most recently I tried /rdm and it was fine on single targets but when it came to crowd control it was rough.

/blu with foil plus 1 or 2 blu spells (geist wall, sheep song, etc) should be enough to nuke their entire hp. It would require fast cast set, enmity set and aquaveil as the biggest problem is casting a blu spell without being interrupted.

Another trick you can use if something goes wrong is shockwave. Sleep effect seems pretty reliable for me, even against omen fodders.
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2018-03-23 17:06:02
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fillerbunny9 said: »
my computer has been acting up, and it is approaching that every 5-6 year period where I do a rebuild. with that in mind, I will likely be forced to stop using Windows 7 and switching to Windows 10. how difficult is it to actually get XI running on a Win10 machine at this point?
it took me about a day minus a few kinks with windower files i forgot to copy over.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2018-03-23 19:08:35
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Pantafernando said: »
Shiva.Berzerk said: »
Any tips for establishing and building AOE hate in Vagary? In fomor and leech zone I've tried pulling with diaga then foil but they'll still run for back-line. This is using RUN, most recently I tried /rdm and it was fine on single targets but when it came to crowd control it was rough.

/blu with foil plus 1 or 2 blu spells (geist wall, sheep song, etc) should be enough to nuke their entire hp. It would require fast cast set, enmity set and aquaveil as the biggest problem is casting a blu spell without being interrupted.

Another trick you can use if something goes wrong is shockwave. Sleep effect seems pretty reliable for me, even against omen fodders.

I'll give /blu a shot, not usually a fan of it but if it helps me keep hate might as well. I've tried shockwave -> foil on top of diaga and it's still iffy if they're glued to me or run elsewhere.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Brahk
Posts: 29
By Asura.Brahk 2018-03-24 23:38:31
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So conquered other Omen bosses and looking into doing some Kei for the first time. Want to go RNG with Trueflight route. What's my best bet for party setup?

RNG, SCH, GEO, COR, RDM, PLD(or RUN)? Do I need to add BLM and/or any other job as 7th+?

What's the best way to handle the Glassy Craver if getting that mid-boss? Still doing the SC -> MB route? Appreciate any input anyone can graciously provide. Thanks!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2018-03-24 23:57:13
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Asura.Brahk said: »
So conquered other Omen bosses and looking into doing some Kei for the first time. Want to go RNG with Trueflight route. What's my best bet for party setup?

RNG, SCH, GEO, COR, RDM, PLD(or RUN)? Do I need to add BLM and/or any other job as 7th+?

What's the best way to handle the Glassy Craver if getting that mid-boss? Still doing the SC -> MB route? Appreciate any input anyone can graciously provide. Thanks!

BLM would help to speed things up. I've only done Trueflight method for Kei once and I think had some problems with keeping hate on tank. This was in the earlier days of Omen before our tank had more appropriate gear and the support available now. Should be no issue to fusion -> trueflight especially with COR support, should be able to bring it down pretty quickly especially if you can pop tabula and double shot around the same time will go down very fast. As far as glassy craver you could just do last stand spam for that or a similar strategy as Kei and just fusion->trueflight it down, might be kind of slow waiting for strats though so could have SCH following with nukes as well. Keep in mind Fragmentation -> Light Stand (With aeonic AM up) will make light also which might be useful for craver.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-25 08:26:44
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Trueflight method is gimmicky garbage.

RUN GEO SCH SCH BLM BLM drops it in under 3 minutes, just make sure GEO isn't doing anything besides watching to full circle at fullers %s. Even if RUN eats it, can tank weakened without a WHM healer.. it's by far the weakest caturae aside from fullers. Thunder SC and burst it, can take over 20% off each SC while RUN JA are up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inuyushi
Posts: 196
By Asura.Inuyushi 2018-03-25 13:13:00
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Trueflight method is gimmicky garbage.

RUN GEO SCH SCH BLM BLM drops it in under 3 minutes, just make sure GEO isn't doing anything besides watching to full circle at fullers %s. Even if RUN eats it, can tank weakened without a WHM healer.. it's by far the weakest caturae aside from fullers. Thunder SC and burst it, can take over 20% off each SC while RUN JA are up.

This or just outrun Fullers. But beware that you don't outrun the wrong move. I've seen many a tank run away from Stygian Sphere and get pulled in only to eat Fullers after and die. But yeah, like said above it's easy to tank weakened.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Watusa
Posts: 702
By Lakshmi.Watusa 2018-03-29 18:22:36
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How does the blue proc system work on Unity NMs? I've been fighting Vedrfolnir tonight and random GKT weaponskills would proc him and then keep randomly changing throughout the fight. I can't find any information on weakness triggers regarding Unity fights.

If it's tied to Voidwatch triggers, then why would Kaiten and Shoha be procing? I'm lost.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-03-29 18:28:26
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There's no set way to proc all mobs, each one (some not all?) have different conditions.

I believe proc for Vedrfolnir is WS when he TP's, there may or may not be a damage amount threshold.

THF being the only way I've ever done it, Rudras always procs
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3655
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-03-29 18:46:31
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With the NNI campaign on, quick question... what exactly drops the appraise-able item for Alzadaal Table - 20/40/60/80/100 bosses only? Is it more likely on higher level bosses?

EDIT: nvm seem to have found my answer, any +2 boxes. I assume that there's no difference from which floor it comes from, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong!
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2018-03-29 19:36:31
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Yeah, if you just want the table can do quick 20 runs for it, or 40s.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Valkyrie
Posts: 560
By Lakshmi.Cesil 2018-03-29 19:49:59
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I am a super newb as I just recently returned..but wondering, what is the best magic casting Trust? Thanks!
By clearlyamule 2018-03-29 20:00:15
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What kind of magic? If you mean nuking Shantotoo II 100%. For other stuff it really depends on a lot
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-03-29 20:10:04
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There really is no other options, shantotto2 is the only good magic trust unless you like 5 minutes downtime for every mob killed

Fun fact, unrelated but if anyone was ever curious; Sparks NPC will only hold a max of 999 copper vouchers.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2018-03-30 22:58:26
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What would be the best currency to cash out copper vouchers for? Sparks?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-03-30 23:17:46
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No simple answer for that.

The best gil:voucher would be accolades, but that's if you use them to spam unity. Or bot unity. Because time = money.

Straight fastest money is sparks, best money:voucher is accolades, accolades could also get you SP keys, which could equal kraken club, if you're a gambler.

100k sparks = 1m but,

100k Accolades ~= 3m (unity) 10m (Sp Key pulls VoidFoot: Cor)

Personally, right now, turn that ***into keys, pull some Dynamis Voids, sell it to the idiots, ???, Profit.
By clearlyamule 2018-03-31 01:03:52
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I feel that calling people idiots for buying something you literally gambled and ran a decent risk of literally throwing away millions kind of amusing
Posts: 283
By Quizzy 2018-03-31 01:20:59
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The conversion rate to voids/shards also dropped off steeply after the first few days.

EDIT: Same thing happened when the su3 gear came out.
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