Random Question thread (FFXI related)
By clearlyamule 2018-01-16 13:48:37
They aren't sendable. Can you use them for regular synths?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2018-01-16 13:58:55
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »Can't turn if you swing and kill yourself after he casts it but before your brain registers what he cast because it was a split second; it's the same reason pre-nerf Glassy Thinker was such a horrible ***. It’s not complicated; You turn to face a mob only if it’s safe. So if he is casting *anything* you don’t turn to face him until your brain registered it as safe, that way even if you turn to face for a milisecond and 8 attacks proc, they will all execute while you are facing away and there is no risk to be animation locked. You can also weaponskill facing away. Me thinks ws facing away is not "available" to all, just those not on vanilla me thinks
By clearlyamule 2018-01-16 14:37:45
That's still performing facing you just see the animation after. I think that distance axe one is fully backward useable though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-01-17 09:55:42
Which chat type (for the purposes of assigning color in the Font Colors option) does enfeeble effects wearing off fall under? Bump.
By clearlyamule 2018-01-17 10:54:37
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »That's still performing facing you just see the animation after. I think that distance axe one is fully backward useable though. You’re right and according to the game you technically weaponskilled in the milisecond you spun to face the mob, this just removes any animation lock risks. I just blink! Screw you healers
By fonewear 2018-01-17 11:02:46
Quick question Herc pants for true flight:
WS DMG 5% MAG ATT 20 vs WS DMG 3% MAG ATT 34
By clearlyamule 2018-01-17 11:04:01
By fonewear 2018-01-17 11:07:37
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-01-17 11:26:26
There's definitely some kind of system where Domain Invasion dragons are weakened if they despawn instead of dying. When going out to fight Azi Dahaka today, he popped with 70% HP, had only 19.4% PDT, and was hitting relatively weaker than normal. After I killed it, the next one had 41.5% PDT, and was hitting like normal.
Does anyone happen to know any details on the conditions for this? Do they need to be fought and failed to kill, or does them just spawning and despawning with no one fighting them count?
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-01-19 21:50:03
Anyone ever done UO with pup(s)?
Ive done it a thousand times with blu/nin/rdm but that's semi labor intensive 3boxing so I'm curious can I take 3 pups and just attack and afk.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2018-01-21 12:22:05
Ok so this has been on my mind awhile, where can you farm ethereal squama from? I know verthandi and I've heard real low chance from celaeno but the amounts I'm seeing go through AH is insane
By clearlyamule 2018-01-21 12:34:07
Ok so this has been on my mind awhile, where can you farm ethereal squama from? I know verthandi and I've heard real low chance from celaeno but the amounts I'm seeing go through AH is insane http://ffxidb.com/items/2875
Good luck. iirc drops from the stronghold invasion things don't show up on there and they do get new drops so maybe that? Been awhile since I did those so forget the drops cause they were pretty meh
By Morihei 2018-01-21 19:18:29
Help! I'm trying to 3D print my character!
I recently made a Bastok emblem wall scroll, and now I'm trying to create a mini Morihei. I know you can make 3D renders in Altana viewer. I know you can 3D print things. Is there any way to put the two together? Or is there some other way to make 3D prints of FFXI characters?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-01-21 19:36:52
Help! I'm trying to 3D print my character!
I recently made a Bastok emblem wall scroll, and now I'm trying to create a mini Morihei. I know you can make 3D renders in Altana viewer. I know you can 3D print things. Is there any way to put the two together? Or is there some other way to make 3D prints of FFXI characters? It's definitely possible as all the data is there, it's a matter of exporting it to a usable format. Warpy might know, and I seem to recall there being a thread about it on BG at some point. Can't personally outline the process though, sorry.
By Pantafernando 2018-01-22 04:45:52
I managed to raise my dragon to its final stage and got his cheering. So is there anything else i need from it or can i dismiss him and start a new one (thought that sounds quite cruel)?
Another question from monster rearing, my king behemoth is taking ages to get new stars. I just feed him daily, dont use any of the interaction as he doesnt like anything there. So whats the optimal way to speed up king behemoth growth rate?
Thanks in advance.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-01-22 07:57:38
Be warned that behemoth takes several months of daily interactions, literally, to unlock everything.
To speed up start multiple ones at the same time, feed them daily with the best food, did the right interaction every time, get item every day if you need ki from current form (avoid if you don't) and maximize the benefits from campaigns
By Morihei 2018-01-22 08:05:41
Does anyone else have input about 3D printing an FFXI character? I know there was a method posted in 2007, but surely something has changed since then.
By zaxtiss 2018-01-22 08:51:57
Does anyone else have input about 3D printing an FFXI character? I know there was a method posted in 2007, but surely something has changed since then. https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/118264-FFXI-amp-3D-printing
this is what i was able to find via google hope it helps.
By Morihei 2018-01-22 11:15:48
This will kinda work, but the output is a little sloppy, too. Plus, it's from 2013. I was hoping someone had an updated method.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 371
By Shiva.Spynx 2018-01-26 22:01:48
Anybody has any tips for VD Diabolos II solo/duo? Tried it tonight on BLU and managed to win only once in VD but all the other tries nightmare is basically a death sentence even with capped DT set + cocoon and all procs. Even RUN with triple lux pflug + barsleep doesn't resist the effect and in general kills much slower
By Pantafernando 2018-01-27 01:18:38
In the past i remember i could server transfer diferent chars within the same account in different moments if during the week of the purchase. For example, i needed an item in another server, so i had a char A created in that server, i purchase server transfer and send char B with the money to buy the item, then char B gives the item to char A (that was just created) then using same server transfer service, i bring char A to my server together with the item. I remember doing that before.
But now, it seems the FFXI doesnt allow you to transfer a char you hadnt transfer in the first moment (the transfer option is unavailble during the 3 days cooldown).
So the question is if its really impossible to transfer that char A (that was just created and never transfered before) back to my server before the 3 days cooldown.
Thanks in advance.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Ragnarok.Lockfort 2018-01-27 01:37:45
Anybody has any tips for VD Diabolos II solo/duo? Tried it tonight on BLU and managed to win only once in VD but all the other tries nightmare is basically a death sentence even with capped DT set + cocoon and all procs. Even RUN with triple lux pflug + barsleep doesn't resist the effect and in general kills much slower
Nightmare is a 20' aoe centered on target with hate. Just position someone who can cure at 20.1+ from the tank/hate target
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 371
By Shiva.Spynx 2018-01-27 13:38:35
Ragnarok.Lockfort said: »Anybody has any tips for VD Diabolos II solo/duo? Tried it tonight on BLU and managed to win only once in VD but all the other tries nightmare is basically a death sentence even with capped DT set + cocoon and all procs. Even RUN with triple lux pflug + barsleep doesn't resist the effect and in general kills much slower
Nightmare is a 20' aoe centered on target with hate. Just position someone who can cure at 20.1+ from the tank/hate target Oh, I assumed it was centered on Diabolos and didn't get why my whm mule was getting hit. I'll give it a try later, thanks!
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-01-27 14:54:27
Is einherjar 60 minutes from entrance, or exit
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Lakshmi.Ashtopcat 2018-01-27 15:59:16
it's 60 mins from completing it and the chest popping
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-01-27 16:34:47
In the past i remember i could server transfer diferent chars within the same account in different moments if during the week of the purchase. For example, i needed an item in another server, so i had a char A created in that server, i purchase server transfer and send char B with the money to buy the item, then char B gives the item to char A (that was just created) then using same server transfer service, i bring char A to my server together with the item. I remember doing that before.
But now, it seems the FFXI doesnt allow you to transfer a char you hadnt transfer in the first moment (the transfer option is unavailble during the 3 days cooldown).
So the question is if its really impossible to transfer that char A (that was just created and never transfered before) back to my server before the 3 days cooldown.
Thanks in advance. The 3 day cooldown is tied to SE account, not POL account. So, you can transfer a new character that hasn't existed for 3 days. However, you can't do it within 3 days of doing the transfer to deliver gil. GMs may allow additional character movement if you call and complain you made a mistake shortly after the transfer, is it possible that's how you retrieved Char A in your example before?
By Pantafernando 2018-01-27 17:08:16
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »Hi.
In the past i remember i could server transfer diferent chars within the same account in different moments if during the week of the purchase. For example, i needed an item in another server, so i had a char A created in that server, i purchase server transfer and send char B with the money to buy the item, then char B gives the item to char A (that was just created) then using same server transfer service, i bring char A to my server together with the item. I remember doing that before.
But now, it seems the FFXI doesnt allow you to transfer a char you hadnt transfer in the first moment (the transfer option is unavailble during the 3 days cooldown).
So the question is if its really impossible to transfer that char A (that was just created and never transfered before) back to my server before the 3 days cooldown.
Thanks in advance. The 3 day cooldown is tied to SE account, not POL account. So, you can transfer a new character that hasn't existed for 3 days. However, you can't do it within 3 days of doing the transfer to deliver gil. GMs may allow additional character movement if you call and complain you made a mistake shortly after the transfer, is it possible that's how you retrieved Char A in your example before?
I think when i did that maneuver it was old account page, and iirc you could change if within the interval after purchase. Since then the account page changed (it was after they started to accept paypal as payment) and that option is gone now. After i made the question i reread the SE FAQ, and its clear that in case of "mistake" they would first judge if "necessary" they would transfer without another purchase and within the 3 days.
In the end, i had to pay another server transfer to bring the item back to me (i created a new char in another account in the server i bought the item, got the item from the original mule and transfered it back home - the first mule is forever trapped in asura lol).
For those of you that visit Bg you already know the premise of this thread but for those that don't, it's simple.
Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
General Guidelines.
Any questions goes be it FFXI related or not this community has a plethora of people surely one will be able to assist you.
Please don't bash people for asking questions hating someone for seeking knowledge even if you deem it a stupid thing to ask makes you look like an even bigger tool.
If your answer is on the large side either providing a link or spoilering the answer might be a good idea to help reduce the thread size.
Have fun!