Random Question thread (FFXI related)
By fonewear 2017-12-19 11:19:05
Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »The issues aren't of critical importance. That is why they are on a video game forum. But, apart from finding ways to improve our performance (clear the same, tired content faster), what do you recommend we discuss? You are missing the big picture it's a video game you don't need to analyze it to death. It really doesn't matter if someone can beat a NM 3% faster than someone else. Or if they use summoner and you don't use summoner. A win is a win.
By clearlyamule 2017-12-19 11:22:55
It really doesn't matter if someone can beat a NM 3% faster than someone else.
By fonewear 2017-12-19 11:23:54
It really doesn't matter if someone can beat a NM 3% faster than someone else.

That is what it is really about. It isn't just enough to win. It's a win quicker than you. Like that somehow means I beat the NM and you didn't.
By fonewear 2017-12-19 11:25:46
FFXI really doesn't have any competition beside people bringing up a spreadsheet and comparing numbers. Everyone is defeating the same content. It is just a matter of my spreadsheet is better than yours.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2017-12-19 11:57:52
Well, this all started with someone having trouble beating a NM. A 3% better set-up may well be the difference between a win or a loss.
By fonewear 2017-12-19 12:22:59
Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »Well, this all started with someone having trouble beating a NM. A 3% better set-up may well be the difference between a win or a loss.
Well if a 3% better thing helps you God bless. But most people are just happy to win fights. And aren't worried about number discussions. Just the general idea how to win. Not a discussion of numbers.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2017-12-19 12:32:29
A set-up that provides a 3% gain for an experienced group (most of us here), may well offer higher gains to an inexperienced group.
For example, someone with just enough knowledge to be dangerous may approach content on the face value of its supposed difficulty and the ilvl of their equipment.
There is a very wide range of improvements available before fussing about minimal gains. But finding and making minimal gains is still valuable.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-12-19 12:38:44
The thread exists for people to ask questions and other people to answer them. Surely if the questions are here, people care about their answers. You've never said anything worthwhile or helpful regarding FFXI, every single post you make is a different flavor of 'lol i dont care so neither should u guys'. Why are you still even allowed to post?
(Directed at fonewear, obviously.)
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-12-19 12:46:44
He's never insulting and the mods don't know what being a mod means. Pretty simple answer lol.
By fonewear 2017-12-19 13:18:15
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »The thread exists for people to ask questions and other people to answer them. Surely if the questions are here, people care about their answers. You've never said anything worthwhile or helpful regarding FFXI, every single post you make is a different flavor of 'lol i dont care so neither should u guys'. Why are you still even allowed to post?
(Directed at fonewear, obviously.)
I guess having a different an opinion isn't allowed here because people can't take it. The point in case you missed it was. The game is meant to be played in multiple ways. It isn't Comeatmebro says to do this. So you do it. You act like you are an expert in FFXI on every single topic. And if anyone varies from your opinion they are automatically wrong. Have you ever considered you are wrong ? Everyone is guilty of this. I"m just trying to say at the end of the day it's a game. How you play doesn't necessarily translate to different play style or skill levels. And it isn't just a bunch of spreadsheet numbers determining who is right and who is wrong.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2017-12-19 16:56:29
Is Magic Burst Bonus from gear, from job points, and from gifts additive with each other, or multiplicative?
By Cua 2017-12-19 18:03:23
I don't really have a question, but more of a request for guidance.
I have limited play time these days. I am a THF main with an Ipetam / Sandung daggers (both augmented) and some Ambu gear. I'm working on gearing it, and I'm loving THF, but I'm constantly battling the game to get better gear and do more Ambu.
My problem is that I can really only do E / Normal at best with a lucky pick up group.
My LS advised me to gear up a support job or hop on the SMN train to get things done. Apparently with a Nirvana I can make a static group and do VD Ambu, among other things, with LS mates or even make a static.
I'm willing to put the time in on SMN and farm Dynamis / Salvage to work towards the mythic, but my question is, should I?
If I can gear another job and use that job to get other things done, I guess that'll be worth it, but it may take me up to a year.
Any advice is welcomed.
By cuddlyhamster 2017-12-19 18:20:42
Is Magic Burst Bonus from gear, from job points, and from gifts additive with each other, or multiplicative?
I believe MBB from gear is additive and specified either MBB1 or MBB2
JP/Gifts are additive and are MBB2
By Cua 2017-12-19 18:21:06
Oh really? Wow.
I don't even have Summoner unlocked yet. And I haven't downed any avatars.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-12-19 18:24:30
Is Odyssean breastplate ever useful?
WSD 5% for Torcleaver?
or just try FC5% for total 10% for PLD and DRK? Yes its for those two purposes mostly for the magic side of it and the ability to be a strong wsd piece for single hits and more so torc. That being said af+3 body on drk is a stronger piece. I use my ody body(DM aug) QA2 and decent acc/atk plus its natural 5stp. I also have one that is 6% fc I think? Its needed for getting as close to cap fc as you can on drk.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-12-19 18:26:03
Is Magic Burst Bonus from gear, from job points, and from gifts additive with each other, or multiplicative?
I believe MBB from gear is additive and specified either MBB1 or MBB2
JP/Gifts are additive and are MBB2 Geri I are surprised you didn't know that but that's a huge reason for how blm gears to burst
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-12-19 18:33:33
I don't really have a question, but more of a request for guidance.
I have limited play time these days. I am a THF main with an Ipetam / Sandung daggers (both augmented) and some Ambu gear. I'm working on gearing it, and I'm loving THF, but I'm constantly battling the game to get better gear and do more Ambu.
My problem is that I can really only do E / Normal at best with a lucky pick up group.
My LS advised me to gear up a support job or hop on the SMN train to get things done. Apparently with a Nirvana I can make a static group and do VD Ambu, among other things, with LS mates or even make a static.
I'm willing to put the time in on SMN and farm Dynamis / Salvage to work towards the mythic, but my question is, should I?
If I can gear another job and use that job to get other things done, I guess that'll be worth it, but it may take me up to a year.
Any advice is welcomed. Play the game your way, look to have fun. Understand smn is probably gonna be adjusted or other jobs will be (hopefully) brought up or advanced with gear (like how blu was with recent gear changes)
That being said, having a mage job/a tank job/support job and a melee will help you move through content faster and fit in more strategies. Can always make thf your main toy but make sure you haves tools in the toolbox right?
By Pantafernando 2017-12-19 18:34:32
Oh really? Wow.
I don't even have Summoner unlocked yet. And I haven't downed any avatars.
Nirvana is just an item of a large amount of gear necessary to deal dmg, plus job points.
Aside that Nirvana is a long way road to consider for a job you hardly started.
If you want things done, i would recommend some job not so much dependant on gear/job points, like geo, cor and whm.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-12-19 18:39:01
Here's a question now, maybe wars/runs/some Drks can answer,
How do physical AoE ws's work like does wsdmg act on all mobs it hits, just the targeted? How does the math behind it work
Mostly looking for:
Shockwave( improving damage not sleep effect)
Fell cleave (gearing for damage)
Spinning Scythe( improving damage)
By Afania 2017-12-19 19:38:57
I don't really have a question, but more of a request for guidance.
I have limited play time these days. I am a THF main with an Ipetam / Sandung daggers (both augmented) and some Ambu gear. I'm working on gearing it, and I'm loving THF, but I'm constantly battling the game to get better gear and do more Ambu.
My problem is that I can really only do E / Normal at best with a lucky pick up group.
My LS advised me to gear up a support job or hop on the SMN train to get things done. Apparently with a Nirvana I can make a static group and do VD Ambu, among other things, with LS mates or even make a static.
I'm willing to put the time in on SMN and farm Dynamis / Salvage to work towards the mythic, but my question is, should I?
If I can gear another job and use that job to get other things done, I guess that'll be worth it, but it may take me up to a year.
Any advice is welcomed.
If you are going to invest that much gil on a job, may as well invest them on a job that you like. Many SMN zerg strat relies on passing the dps check so there are no room for error if SMN dps doesn't meet the requirement.
In other words, Nirvana may get you pt invite. But if your pt failed a zerg and you parse 50% of another Nirvana in pt you will quickly get on "never invite this guy" list in PUG community. And you need more than a Nirvana to be top end.
Play what you enjoy, thats the whole point of playing a video game. Even if your favorite job is DD. I bring my Montante NQ DD with 400 JP in ambuscade D+ all the time just because I like melee jobs, things still get done and Nirvana isn't required.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2017-12-19 20:20:13
What are the odds of finding the NPC that gives you progress towards getting the Chocobo stories on Chocobo walks? I've done about 20 regular walks and haven't seen the guy I need yet.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2017-12-19 20:47:32
I'm trying to find Story of an Impatient Chocobo using regular walks from Bastok.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2323
By Bahamut.Negan 2017-12-19 20:52:31
I'm trying to find Story of an Impatient Chocobo using regular walks from Bastok.
Think Impatient is from Sandy/Short Walks?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2017-12-19 20:55:30
According to this, it's Sandy/Short, Bastok/Regular, and Windy/Regular.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2323
By Bahamut.Negan 2017-12-19 20:59:25
Hmmm :/ I only raised in Sandy. That's kinda weird that it's regular in Bastok and Windy, and Short in Sandy.
By aeonova 2017-12-20 11:31:56
Anyone know off-hand which weapons have those neat blur effects? I recall only Sagasinger, but I think some daggers may have had the same effect. Also, when using lockstyle, does it retain the blur?
By clearlyamule 2017-12-20 11:37:41
A lot are all over spread across meebles, vw, and legion
Basically any of the 25k weapons from https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Emporox.
For those of you that visit Bg you already know the premise of this thread but for those that don't, it's simple.
Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
General Guidelines.
Any questions goes be it FFXI related or not this community has a plethora of people surely one will be able to assist you.
Please don't bash people for asking questions hating someone for seeking knowledge even if you deem it a stupid thing to ask makes you look like an even bigger tool.
If your answer is on the large side either providing a link or spoilering the answer might be a good idea to help reduce the thread size.
Have fun!