Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Datass 2016-07-14 23:07:27
Phoenix.Demonjustin said: »I recall there being a plugin a couple years ago that showed the exact level of an enemy when you /checked them, as well as showing the NQ/HQ results of crafts from the moment you begin the craft. Whatever happened to this plugin/am I imagining things? :o
I'm thinking you mean Battlemods
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 661
By Phoenix.Demonjustin 2016-07-14 23:54:28
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 661
By Phoenix.Demonjustin 2016-07-15 00:30:05
Well, now Battlemod is giving me an error. D:
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Carbuncle.Ricekid 2016-07-15 00:48:26
Hey guys just finished intermediate RoE, I'm wondering what alluvion skirmish weapon I should get from kupon? Thf main have 119-1 mandau and iizkioh. If not dagger anything else planning to dust off blu soon too
By Afania 2016-07-15 03:59:46
Is it a glitch that RDM can't equip blurred knife +1 even though it listed RDM as one of the equippable jobs?
Edit: Answer this for myself, just noticed I need JPs to equip it :(
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-07-16 01:47:39
Phoenix.Demonjustin said: »Well, now Battlemod is giving me an error. D:

Sounds like you're running an incredibly old version...filehelper shouldn't exist/be used anymore. If your launcher isn't updating everything correctly, you may want to download the correct files directly from the Windower Github.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 291
By Shiva.Kasaioni 2016-07-16 02:38:05
Guildwork is currently unable to update completed missions and character titles right? I was recently able to finally get it to flush properly again, but that stuff hasn't updated.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2016-07-16 04:12:15
So how do you spawn Plouton again?
By Pantafernando 2016-07-16 04:17:18
And whats the lowest man setup for that?
thanks in advance
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-07-16 07:59:05
So how do you spawn Plouton again?
:X Whoever takes you into the zone needs a Prototype Pearl of the False King KI (from beating Perfidien). Everyone does Duskbrood Gate because it's safe and well-understood. 3 pop conditions must be met in any order, and on top of that, nobody (excluding trusts and pets) can die or he won't pop, or will Warp out if you're mid-fight.
Perform a 6-step SC of any kind. A lot of people seem to use a single person using weak multihit weapons, but I've never had problems using two people to ensure there aren't TP issues. Scission <> Detonation/Liquefaction on a Fire Elemental works. Note that a 4-step SC is a trigger for Perfidien.
Deal more than 50% of an enemy's HP using a Magic Burst without killing them, 5 times total (thus, using at least 5 enemies). Recommended to make a weak SC and burst a II or III spell of an element the enemy isn't primarily weak to (ie: don't use Water on a Fire Elemental), as a MB kill of the strong element triggers Perfidien. You might need several tries to ensure your nuker (I use GEO) gets the right spell/gear/buffs/whatever. Duskbrood elementals require you do at least 5k damage on the burst to count. No confirm message until you've done all 5.
Kill like, 10 enemies using non-bursted magic damage. This can be through cleaving, even aoe magic WSs like Aeolian Edge. Be careful if you cleave. Note that killing 5 enemies this way is also a trigger for Perfidien.
Plouton pops on whoever took you into the zone and uses their KI.
And whats the lowest man setup for that?
thanks in advance At the very least, you have to have at least 3 just to enter, though there's no HP scaling and you can use trusts.
You'll want either a resilient melee or a tank to hold Plouton. I used to use RUN/SAM for this since he wouldn't do much damage and didn't require Geo-Vex, but now I use THF/RUN with Vex. If this person has enough accuracy and attack speed and can reliably SC, use that to your advantage (you'll want a SCH otherwise for Immanence).
Magic damage is (seemingly) essential for this fight, as Plouton puts up a heavy PDT at certain points (though I've noticed it's actually more a damage-type weakness shift, almost like Jailer of Temperance). Anyway, bringing an elemental damage source of some kind (GEO, SCH, BLM, SMN, or even BLU) is highly recommended and virtually required. It is possible to kill him without any magic, though!
Trusts can fill out certain slots, though I wouldn't recommend relying on them for anything other than support/healing, as Plouton punishes using the wrong elemental damage, and tanks won't reposition for support trusts like RDMs.
I personally run it with THF, BLU, BRD, GEO, Kupipi, and Koru-Moru. Getting regularly high TH (10+) regularly earns two bonus drops (potentially, 1 extra material and 1 extra gear, which can be the Platemail). In the fight, we use Vex/Frailty or Malaise based on how much DT he has, and only me (THF) and the GEO are in range.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-17 00:41:52
Haven't run Dynamis in an absurdly long time. Does going in without a subjob allow your trusts to also possibly proc white or solely you?
In that same vein, would the DNC trusts on JA mobs be the best currency or trusts where their auto attacks are considered WSs on WS mobs?
By Pantafernando 2016-07-17 04:40:55
I just found a CCB polymer in my mule, so wondering if that can be effective against Omega/Ultima II?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Asura.Leoheika 2016-07-17 04:46:26
Haven't run Dynamis in an absurdly long time. Does going in without a subjob allow your trusts to also possibly proc white or solely you?
In that same vein, would the DNC trusts on JA mobs be the best currency or trusts where their auto attacks are considered WSs on WS mobs?
Edit: Misread!
By Zeak 2016-07-17 07:15:37
Haven't run Dynamis in an absurdly long time. Does going in without a subjob allow your trusts to also possibly proc white or solely you?
In that same vein, would the DNC trusts on JA mobs be the best currency or trusts where their auto attacks are considered WSs on WS mobs?
Yes, Trust CAN proc White, as Trust also lose their subjobs when you lock yours. Keep in mind, though, some Trust lose utility without their subjob (Sylvie can't Cure/Haste, for example), but it doesn't affect the DNC Trust, nor anyone straightforward like Koru or Kupipi.
Unfortunately, no, Trust like August, Balamor, Rosulatia, etc. do not proc WS on Nightmare mobs. Per usual, it's best to stick to JA timers.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-17 18:51:40
Haven't run Dynamis in an absurdly long time. Does going in without a subjob allow your trusts to also possibly proc white or solely you?
In that same vein, would the DNC trusts on JA mobs be the best currency or trusts where their auto attacks are considered WSs on WS mobs?
Yes, Trust CAN proc White, as Trust also lose their subjobs when you lock yours. Keep in mind, though, some Trust lose utility without their subjob (Sylvie can't Cure/Haste, for example), but it doesn't affect the DNC Trust, nor anyone straightforward like Koru or Kupipi.
Unfortunately, no, Trust like August, Balamor, Rosulatia, etc. do not proc WS on Nightmare mobs. Per usual, it's best to stick to JA timers.
Very much appreciated, thanks for the information.
By Pantafernando 2016-07-17 21:48:02
How much pdt in gear do i need to cap in pets (pets and automatons).
Thanks in advance.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 91
By Quetzalcoatl.Javarr 2016-07-18 05:07:58
Okay, time for a random Brain teaser (Answer is more then likely obvious except it's almost 5 in the morning and half asleep)
Skill chaining and "Radiance and Umbra"
So was doing some heavy theory crafting about a possible (Not really content usable 6-7 step for DRG) Skillchain and found a way to make both Light and Darkness:
Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Sonic Thrust > Drakesbane > Stardiver > Camlann's Torment > Drakesbane= Light
Start > Transfixion > Distortion > Fusion > Gravitation > Fragmentation > Light
Stardiver > Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Sonic Thrust > Impulse Drive = Darkness
Start > Compression > Transfixion > Compression > Transfixion > Distortion > Darkness
Now the questions become:
A) what would the mod be for a follow up Double Light or Double Darkness (IE: CDC off Light or Rudra's off Darkness) BG only goes up to 6 chains and not 7+.
B) How would Radiance and Umbra react at this point? Would they have to be the one that replaces the Light or Darkness or can you chain L3 > L4? Either case, what would the damage mod look like? Once again, BG has a notation, but pretty sure not that high on the chain count.
Like I said, sorry if obvious. ^.^;;
By Zeak 2016-07-18 07:58:28
How much pdt in gear do i need to cap in pets (pets and automatons).
It's dependent on the pet job, but pet DT/PDT/MDT caps at ~87% from all sources. However, BST, PUP and SMN get a trait called Stout Servant that gives your pet an innate 9% DT (SMN is less, at about 6%, I believe). This means you need about 78% further damage reduction to achieve cap, but that's not usually exclusively from gear. For example, the Automaton's Armor Plate Attachments offer further -PDT that fluctuate depending on your current maneuvers. As a result, a typical AP attachment set-up can offer an additional ~35%+ PDT reduction before gear is even factored. Similarly, Avatars have a built in 50% -PDT before Stout Servant is even factored, changing the gear required for PDT caps to an even lower threshold.
There are other examples and scenarios, so it's pretty case specific on how much Pet PDT you need in gear in order to reach cap. On the more practical side, there tends to be far more straight "Pet -DT" than "Pet -PDT" on gear nowadays, so it's often best to aim to get as much of that as possible. It's highly improbable to cap -MDT for Pets anyway, so you can pretty much stack all available Pet -DT gear (Assuming reducing pet damage is your only concern), and not worry about hitting the cap outright. As for hitting specific numbers or hybrid gear, we'd have to specify a particular job or scenario.
Hope that make sense; in short, there's no limit to pet damage reduction gear like there is for players, so you need to do a lot of job-related math/research to find the additional values you need to hit the universal 87% -DT cap.
By minikomby 2016-07-18 10:06:06
Is real that +1 / +2 songs augments on chironic gears using dark matter or was just ppl trolling ? Can anyone confirm
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-07-18 14:21:43
If it hasn't been seen in 1 and a half Dark Matter campaigns along with all the normal Dark Matters people have used normally, it's safe to say it was shopped. It was probably a reference to the Linos All Songs +3 shop a while before DM Augs.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-07-18 16:17:20
Quetzalcoatl.Javarr said: »Okay, time for a random Brain teaser (Answer is more then likely obvious except it's almost 5 in the morning and half asleep)
Skill chaining and "Radiance and Umbra"
So was doing some heavy theory crafting about a possible (Not really content usable 6-7 step for DRG) Skillchain and found a way to make both Light and Darkness:
Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Sonic Thrust > Drakesbane > Stardiver > Camlann's Torment > Drakesbane= Light
Start > Transfixion > Distortion > Fusion > Gravitation > Fragmentation > Light
Stardiver > Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Sonic Thrust > Impulse Drive = Darkness
Start > Compression > Transfixion > Compression > Transfixion > Distortion > Darkness
Now the questions become:
A) what would the mod be for a follow up Double Light or Double Darkness (IE: CDC off Light or Rudra's off Darkness) BG only goes up to 6 chains and not 7+.
B) How would Radiance and Umbra react at this point? Would they have to be the one that replaces the Light or Darkness or can you chain L3 > L4? Either case, what would the damage mod look like? Once again, BG has a notation, but pretty sure not that high on the chain count.
Like I said, sorry if obvious. ^.^;;
Don't think there's any hard info on 7+ step chain damage or specific numbers on Radiance/Umbra, but it should be pretty easy to test on a Fortification or some such if you're curious.
As for the chains themselves, unless you're using AM3 and going from Light/Darkness WS > Stardiver/Camlann's, you'll have to close Radiance and Umbra off of a Light or Darkness chain. In your examples:
Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Sonic Thrust > Drakesbane > Stardiver > Camlann's Torment > Drakesbane > Camlann's Torment
Start > Transfixion > Distortion > Fusion > Gravitation > Fragmentation > Light > Radiance
Stardiver > Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Penta Thrust > Stardiver > Sonic Thrust > Impulse Drive > Stardiver
Start > Compression > Transfixion > Compression > Transfixion > Distortion > Darkness > Umbra
Also you won't need to use Impulse Drive over Stardiver in your scenario. Matter of fact, it should only be needed if you're trying to make a Gravitation > Distortion Darkness and NOT L3 Darkness > L3 Darkness with Rudra's Storm or another Darkness primary WS while your Aeonic Aftermath is up.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 91
By Quetzalcoatl.Javarr 2016-07-18 20:18:43
Yeah, I'd seen that it could be pushed up further with polearm, just TP became an issue after the 7th WS. Was noting the 8th for someone else to finish the close (and maybe have an Aeonic cause I sure don't. lol) Thanks for the info though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Asura.Longsnake 2016-07-19 15:34:07
What is better at reducing magic damage: a capped Carol II or a lucky/11 roll of Magus?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-07-19 15:46:30
Difficult question to answer conclusively because it depends on a billion factors, but Magus's Roll is the most reliable damage reduction in any case.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Asura.Longsnake 2016-07-19 15:57:31
Assuming we're in a one elemental cast situation, ie a Sarama or high tier avatar fight?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-07-19 16:14:03
still multiple variables, magus roll reduces straight damage while carol has potential to reduce much more if your m.eva:m.acc is at a certain point
if floored m.eva after carol, or capped before it, it'll do literally nothing though
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-20 13:08:53
Are any of the spreadsheets fully functional with OpenOffice or Google Docs? I've tried a few and the gear-select boxes are either blank or don't respond to clicks.
Looking for pld, blu, dnc mainly.
By Afania 2016-07-20 13:39:34
Does phalanx + gears work if someone else cast phalanx on you via accession?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-20 21:41:16
Are any of the spreadsheets fully functional with OpenOffice or Google Docs? I've tried a few and the gear-select boxes are either blank or don't respond to clicks.
Looking for pld, blu, dnc mainly. BLU sheet definitely works with Google Sheets, and the others should too. OpenOffice doesn't seem to like the DPS sheets though, not sure why.
Does phalanx + gears work if someone else cast phalanx on you via accession? Yes. Same for Phalanx II, the recipient is the one that has to wear Phalanx+ gear.
By Pantafernando 2016-07-22 06:28:40
Is there a cap to weaponskill damage+ stat?
Thanks in advance.
For those of you that visit Bg you already know the premise of this thread but for those that don't, it's simple.
Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
General Guidelines.
Any questions goes be it FFXI related or not this community has a plethora of people surely one will be able to assist you.
Please don't bash people for asking questions hating someone for seeking knowledge even if you deem it a stupid thing to ask makes you look like an even bigger tool.
If your answer is on the large side either providing a link or spoilering the answer might be a good idea to help reduce the thread size.
Have fun!