Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-12 09:53:19
Havent played XI in over 2 years and XIV in over 6 months.
Is it possible to come back to what seems to be a dying population and enjoy the game in XI?
Ive always liked being at optimum output and am competitive, can someone who quit at the start of Seekers come back and make his way towards being 1337 ***or is it now impossible?
It's easy as hell to gear up nowadays, as long as you don't mind gearing mage jobs like GEO to get invite to gear up main jobs. Most of the gears from older content can be skipped, and you can just go straight to the newest content on mage/support jobs. Legendary weapons are so much easier to make nowadays too, due to shorter down time. But ergon weapons are exception.
If you insist to play DD job only it will take a bit longer to climb the gear ladder though.
By Luminohelix 2015-12-12 10:15:18
@Jeanpaul Thanks for encouraging me to pick up COR. Here is what I have collected so far since It was level 18 3 days ago (about 3 days probably less) I wanted to ask if I was ready to join shout groups? with this.
Also any improvements I can do solo. Thanks again for feedback.
Hi Lumi,
Most of the shout groups that shout for a COR build party in a way to do enough damage even if the COR only do rolls, so you don't really need to worry about getting pt invite for now, because you're most likely to get it. But if you want to push your performance better, consider expanding the amounts of sets that you have.
Right now you only listed leaden and last stand sets as WS sets, you can put together a Requiscat/savage blade/wildfire/evi/Aeolian edge sets to increase your versatility in terms of WS choice. Req is awesome for Escha T1 Caturae NM, 1 req+ 1~2 QD can remove it's shield from my experience. Savage blade is a better alternative physical WS choice if geared right, and wildfire is useful for NM that's weak against fire damage. Evi and Aeolian Edge can be lower on the priority list though, since evi is only useful for physical WS SC and crit to break Oryx's horn, and Aeolian Edge is only good for cleaving adds.
You didn't list any QD sets, which you can work on. You can start with MAB/recast set(which is listed in COR job guide on forum) and macc/recast set for light/dark shot. If you want to push QD sets further you can build a QD stp set when you need fast tp gain, or max mab set with no recast when doing QDx2 > random deal QD x2 chaining. Or max macc if you absolutely need macc to land light/dark shots.
Finally, you may want to expand the amount of tp sets that you have. Right now you didn't list /ra sets such as preshot/mid shot, and different acc tier/hit build for /ra Tp sets. You can also create more melee Tp sets with even more acc tiers, or different DW value sets depending on how much haste you're getting.
If you melee a lot, you may also want a full pdt-/mdt- set.
Finally, phantom roll+pdt- hybrid listed on the forum are useful for RNG pt. But for most of the melee situations, I tend to do phantom roll+ melee hybrid set so don't lose as much dps when swapping to roll gears to do rolls. The difference are quit small though, since it only takes 1 sec to roll in phantom roll sets. But I'm a dps min-maxer so.... :)
Finally, if your pt want you to be a support only COR instead of DD COR, cure potency/fast cast/refresh/mp sets can be useful as well.
I know it may sound a little bit overwhelming with THIS MANY sets, but you don't need to worry about not getting invite even without 400 million gear sets, you're getting 50% of your job done with just a roll set anyways.
Hope that helps :) Hi :3 Nice to meet you.
I want to let you know I'm a freshly 99 corsair. I am also about 3 weeks in almost a month back from being away from a long break. I have gathered all of that in just 3 days. I am trying to gather other equips. I will post the other sets in a bit so you can help assist with more ^^ thank you for reading!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-12 10:31:09
@Jeanpaul Thanks for encouraging me to pick up COR. Here is what I have collected so far since It was level 18 3 days ago (about 3 days probably less) I wanted to ask if I was ready to join shout groups? with this.
Also any improvements I can do solo. Thanks again for feedback.
Hi Lumi,
Most of the shout groups that shout for a COR build party in a way to do enough damage even if the COR only do rolls, so you don't really need to worry about getting pt invite for now, because you're most likely to get it. But if you want to push your performance better, consider expanding the amounts of sets that you have.
Right now you only listed leaden and last stand sets as WS sets, you can put together a Requiscat/savage blade/wildfire/evi/Aeolian edge sets to increase your versatility in terms of WS choice. Req is awesome for Escha T1 Caturae NM, 1 req+ 1~2 QD can remove it's shield from my experience. Savage blade is a better alternative physical WS choice if geared right, and wildfire is useful for NM that's weak against fire damage. Evi and Aeolian Edge can be lower on the priority list though, since evi is only useful for physical WS SC and crit to break Oryx's horn, and Aeolian Edge is only good for cleaving adds.
You didn't list any QD sets, which you can work on. You can start with MAB/recast set(which is listed in COR job guide on forum) and macc/recast set for light/dark shot. If you want to push QD sets further you can build a QD stp set when you need fast tp gain, or max mab set with no recast when doing QDx2 > random deal QD x2 chaining. Or max macc if you absolutely need macc to land light/dark shots.
Finally, you may want to expand the amount of tp sets that you have. Right now you didn't list /ra sets such as preshot/mid shot, and different acc tier/hit build for /ra Tp sets. You can also create more melee Tp sets with even more acc tiers, or different DW value sets depending on how much haste you're getting.
If you melee a lot, you may also want a full pdt-/mdt- set.
Finally, phantom roll+pdt- hybrid listed on the forum are useful for RNG pt. But for most of the melee situations, I tend to do phantom roll+ melee hybrid set so don't lose as much dps when swapping to roll gears to do rolls. The difference are quit small though, since it only takes 1 sec to roll in phantom roll sets. But I'm a dps min-maxer so.... :)
Finally, if your pt want you to be a support only COR instead of DD COR, cure potency/fast cast/refresh/mp sets can be useful as well.
I know it may sound a little bit overwhelming with THIS MANY sets, but you don't need to worry about not getting invite even without 400 million gear sets, you're getting 50% of your job done with just a roll set anyways.
Hope that helps :) Hi :3 Nice to meet you.
I want to let you know I'm a freshly 99 corsair. I am also about 3 weeks in almost a month back from being away from a long break. I have gathered all of that in just 3 days. I am trying to gather other equips. I will post the other sets in a bit so you can help assist with more ^^ thank you for reading!
Yeah I know that you are new to the job, and I didn't say you are doing wrong or anything. I just listed sets that you could work on in the future, since that's what you asked for:"what can I do to improve".
By Luminohelix 2015-12-12 10:58:07
@Jeanpaul Thanks for encouraging me to pick up COR. Here is what I have collected so far since It was level 18 3 days ago (about 3 days probably less) I wanted to ask if I was ready to join shout groups? with this.
Also any improvements I can do solo. Thanks again for feedback.
Hi Lumi,
Most of the shout groups that shout for a COR build party in a way to do enough damage even if the COR only do rolls, so you don't really need to worry about getting pt invite for now, because you're most likely to get it. But if you want to push your performance better, consider expanding the amounts of sets that you have.
Right now you only listed leaden and last stand sets as WS sets, you can put together a Requiscat/savage blade/wildfire/evi/Aeolian edge sets to increase your versatility in terms of WS choice. Req is awesome for Escha T1 Caturae NM, 1 req+ 1~2 QD can remove it's shield from my experience. Savage blade is a better alternative physical WS choice if geared right, and wildfire is useful for NM that's weak against fire damage. Evi and Aeolian Edge can be lower on the priority list though, since evi is only useful for physical WS SC and crit to break Oryx's horn, and Aeolian Edge is only good for cleaving adds.
You didn't list any QD sets, which you can work on. You can start with MAB/recast set(which is listed in COR job guide on forum) and macc/recast set for light/dark shot. If you want to push QD sets further you can build a QD stp set when you need fast tp gain, or max mab set with no recast when doing QDx2 > random deal QD x2 chaining. Or max macc if you absolutely need macc to land light/dark shots.
Finally, you may want to expand the amount of tp sets that you have. Right now you didn't list /ra sets such as preshot/mid shot, and different acc tier/hit build for /ra Tp sets. You can also create more melee Tp sets with even more acc tiers, or different DW value sets depending on how much haste you're getting.
If you melee a lot, you may also want a full pdt-/mdt- set.
Finally, phantom roll+pdt- hybrid listed on the forum are useful for RNG pt. But for most of the melee situations, I tend to do phantom roll+ melee hybrid set so don't lose as much dps when swapping to roll gears to do rolls. The difference are quit small though, since it only takes 1 sec to roll in phantom roll sets. But I'm a dps min-maxer so.... :)
Finally, if your pt want you to be a support only COR instead of DD COR, cure potency/fast cast/refresh/mp sets can be useful as well.
I know it may sound a little bit overwhelming with THIS MANY sets, but you don't need to worry about not getting invite even without 400 million gear sets, you're getting 50% of your job done with just a roll set anyways.
Hope that helps :) Hi :3 Nice to meet you.
I want to let you know I'm a freshly 99 corsair. I am also about 3 weeks in almost a month back from being away from a long break. I have gathered all of that in just 3 days. I am trying to gather other equips. I will post the other sets in a bit so you can help assist with more ^^ thank you for reading!
Yeah I know that you are new to the job, and I didn't say you are doing wrong or anything. I just listed sets that you could work on in the future, since that's what you asked for:"what can I do to improve". I know :3 I said thank you! Sorry I didn't post my other sets either, I will in a moment! ._. don't hurt me!
By Luminohelix 2015-12-12 11:26:47
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Sylph.Staleyx 2015-12-14 05:11:59
So did they change the Hippogryph camp in Reisenjima? I can only see 2 that pop in the normal spot and the rest pop in a swarm of porxie's.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2015-12-14 08:34:21
So did they change the Hippogryph camp in Reisenjima? I can only see 2 that pop in the normal spot and the rest pop in a swarm of porxie's.
I haven't checked myself but in the last update, they reduced the number of monsters at ??? pop locations in Reisenjima because some people QQed about being disturbed by monsters while trying to pop a NM (as if it was too hard to kill a few fodder mobs). There is a ??? at the hippogryph camp (the one without pixies) so no wonder that camp got hit by this change too. And that is a big shame because that camp was so great for cleaving... /sigh.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2015-12-14 12:39:11
They said new drops from the Ascended NMs, anyone know what?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-12-14 12:40:51
I believe they just added more stone sacks to ascended. Killed at least 20 so far, nothing but stones and 2-3 sacks, just like T1 NMs.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2015-12-14 12:42:05
I believe they just added more stone sacks to ascended. Killed at least 20 so far, nothing but stones and 2-3 sacks, just like T1 NMs.
Cool thanks, guess Reisen's a good place to farm silt+stones while at it then.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2015-12-16 10:26:01
0/75 now (edit: on KB).
Can Sovereign Behemoth really drop it?
A bitter paladin
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2015-12-16 10:27:35
Sorry, I have been. 0/75 on him.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-12-16 12:43:51
I believe they just added more stone sacks to ascended. Killed at least 20 so far, nothing but stones and 2-3 sacks, just like T1 NMs. So they don't drop Void- items anymore? That's a shame if they don't.
As for other camps in Reisenjima, probably the least utilized camp I've observed would be between 5 and 6, which has a lot of ladybugs, mantises, and a stream with frogs. I don't think there's a ??? in there so it might be worth checking out.
edit: Killed an Ascended Tiger and Poroggo and both dropped Voidsnappers, so no worries
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2015-12-17 03:53:31
How does Geas Fete HP scaling work with party size bigger than 6? Say if my party only has 7 people, does NM have as much HP as a party of 12?
By geigei 2015-12-17 05:19:22
No, we did one woc with 7 instead of 6 and didnt notice lots of extra hp, 12 is quite a big increase tho.
Forum Moderator
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2015-12-17 14:32:12
I guess i'll finally ask a question:
What does the Unity shirts do. on PoL website they're said to improve trusts right? But how would they improve them if your not casting the summon in i119 equipment...? Unless just buying them adds this new Bonus.
Anyone done any pondering on this?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Shiva.Trixan 2015-12-17 21:58:14
Does pingzapper work with windower?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Ragnarok.Anina 2015-12-19 09:35:41
My group just killed Brittlis in Zitah and when he died he spawned Alphuachra, Bucca, and Puca. Is this a glitch or is this supposed to happen? Caught me completely off guard
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-12-19 10:26:25
There's a very low chance that when you kill a NM in Escha, a higher tier will pop randomly. Aside from the fact that you're not expecting it at all, you also have the same timer from the previous NM still going, so if you're not capable, you might time out. I've only seen it like once myself and it was in Zi'Tah, don't know if it happens in sky or Reisenjima.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2015-12-19 10:45:50
How does Geas Fete HP scaling work with party size bigger than 6? Say if my party only has 7 people, does NM have as much HP as a party of 12? Worked it out to be for each additional player you add beyond the sixth to be a 1/6th gain of its max hp. So with 12 it would double. Though we never tested beyond maybe 14 or so, might not be linear.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2015-12-19 11:01:43
I guess i'll finally ask a question:
What does the Unity shirts do. on PoL website they're said to improve trusts right? But how would they improve them if your not casting the summon in i119 equipment...? Unless just buying them adds this new Bonus.
Anyone done any pondering on this?
You don't need to summon them in ilvl 119 armor. Trust level is based on your main hand weapon's ilvl (or your main job level if you aren't using an ilvl weapon). They said wearing a unity shirt while summoning the corresponding trust gives them stat boost but they didn't specify which stats.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Sylph.Staleyx 2015-12-21 14:28:09
Trying to pick SCH back up and get some CP flowing on it.
Where do people go for apex mobs in a manaburn style party?
If I were to solo on SCH where would you recommend?
By Colossusx 2015-12-21 15:29:09
Seems all my toon that are in west adoulin are stuck in the loading screen. any advice how to "fix" or do i need to reinstall something.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 314
By Phoenix.Libbien 2015-12-21 15:36:33
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »I guess i'll finally ask a question:
What does the Unity shirts do. on PoL website they're said to improve trusts right? But how would they improve them if your not casting the summon in i119 equipment...? Unless just buying them adds this new Bonus.
Anyone done any pondering on this?
You don't need to summon them in ilvl 119 armor. Trust level is based on your main hand weapon's ilvl (or your main job level if you aren't using an ilvl weapon). They said wearing a unity shirt while summoning the corresponding trust gives them stat boost but they didn't specify which stats.
Unless they changed it (or maybe it was a bug or something), trusts correspond to active OVERALL ilvl, not just main hand ilvl. I haven't bothered paying attention for awhile, and most of my stuff is 119 now anyways, but I did notice a month or 2 ago that my trusts' hp/mp would take a dive swapping into my precast (ilvl 117 at the time, maybe 118 idr) set. So it makes no difference what lvl you are when you cast because they will adjust on the fly as your ilvl changes. Bst pets are based on main hand lvl only, but trusts are (or were) different. I will confirm when i get on again though to be sure.
By Colossusx 2015-12-21 15:49:24
Seems all my toon that are in west adoulin are stuck in the loading screen. any advice how to "fix" or do i need to reinstall something.
By geigei 2015-12-21 16:26:17
By Luminohelix 2015-12-21 17:36:44
I am having the same problem with my CHARACTERS I can't seem to log in 3rd because it keeps me on the "loading" screen. Anyone else having this issue?
By Colossusx 2015-12-21 17:44:19
For those of you that visit Bg you already know the premise of this thread but for those that don't, it's simple.
Quote: This thread is for off-the-cuff questions that don't merit a full topic to answer. 'What should I wear for my level 65 pup?' 'What's the best way to learn the Qutrub Blu spell?'
General Guidelines.
Any questions goes be it FFXI related or not this community has a plethora of people surely one will be able to assist you.
Please don't bash people for asking questions hating someone for seeking knowledge even if you deem it a stupid thing to ask makes you look like an even bigger tool.
If your answer is on the large side either providing a link or spoilering the answer might be a good idea to help reduce the thread size.
Have fun!