Hello. I just finished leveling ninja and I suppose it's a pretty good class to solo things(or hope so). What would you suggest I could do on my own that is relatively new? If there's anything..
When I say solo I mean with trusts at best as I don't have mules. While for new I intend pretty much anything released after Yorcia Skirmish since that's the last time I ever acquired gear :x
Can do Unity NMs (since they dropped the minimum to 1), many of which would put up a good fight. There have been a number of new merit BCs since Yorcia came out too. They did also add those Jailer NMs as random pops in Escha Sky, but I don't know how fun grinding on sea crap sounds to you.
Are you deliberately playing alone, or just that you don't know anyone? A lot of higher level content is barred by the "3-person minimum" thing so you would (unfairly) not get a chance to try without finding two random goobers.