Bismarck.Snprphnx said:
»How long does it take to level up a mog garden from nothing to CP bonus +5?
You can get CP bonus in the form of a key item from Monster Rearing in your Mog Garden. I can't say how many total days it would take you but you need to:
-Achive rank 4 on all gathering activities.
-Complete this quest: Jingly Dangler
-Complete the quest line that starts with this one: Release the Fleece
-Interact with your pet for 14 days (according to ffxiclopedia article).
-Get this key-item from Zenica or Skipper Moogle: Sakura and the Magic Spoon
-Complete this quest: Chacharoon's Cheer
-Interact with your pet for 12 days (according to ffxiclopedia article).
-Get this key-item from Zenica or Skipper Moogle: Sakura and the Fountain
-Complete this quest: Trial of the Chacharoon
-At this point, Rank 3 pets will be unlocked. Start rearing an uragnite.
-Keep feeding your baby uragnite any meat and yelling at it once every day until its growth level reaches one and a half stars (takes a few days).
-Keep trading it Three-eyed Fish until it turns into the alternative adult uragnite (limascabra).
-Keep feeding your limascabra any meat and being angry at it once every day and hope it gives you the limascabra cheer (Capacity Points +5%, Experience Points +3%) one day. The chance appears to go higher as long as you keep looking after it, so you are likely to get it sooner if you interact with it every day to keep its growth level and mood high.
Edit: I forgot to mention that you need to talk to Chacharoon (the qiqirn in the garden) and activate the limascabra cheer once you get it from the limascabra. You can have only one cheer active.