<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- This is an autocreated AutoExec file. the next line is commented out and not going to be ran, its to show an example on how to add commands to this file. -->
<!--register event="login" silent="true" runonce="true">load expwatch</register-->
<register silent="true" event="jobchange_rdm/*">input /macro Book 4; wait .5; input /macro Set 2;</register>
<register silent="true" event="jobchange_drk/*">input /macro Book 5; wait .5; input /macro Set 2;</register>
<register silent="true" event="jobchange_pld/*">input /macro Book 3; wait .5; input /macro Set 2;</register>
<register silent="true" event="jobchange_blm/*">input /macro Book 2; wait .5; input /macro Set 2;</register>
<register event="chat_linkshell_Xeth_fol">input /follow Ludoggy</register>
<register event="chat_linkshell_Ludoggy_fol">input /follow Ludoggy</register>
<register event="chat_party_Xeth_fol">input /follow Ludoggy</register>
<register event="chat_party_Fondue_children">input /follow Fondue</register>
thats the code you guys gave me for it but I couldnt ever get it to work
also I've not seriously played bard ever before but this is correct in that langeleik+3 and af3+2 hands marchesx2 without mercato + haste spell caps your magic haste? assuming over 600 combined skill, you could be naked with that instrument and gloves to cap magical haste?