Did SE severely screw something up giving 100% cottons to old salvage NM's and/or double drop rate along with the double plans?
Or is XI DB just beyond screwed up. Or is it people duping cottons?
Powderkeg Yanadahn 6796 out of 6521 104.2%
Gyroscopic Gears 10410 out of 10023 103.9%
Hammerblow Majanun 10614 out of 10240 103.7%
Citadel Chelonian 9268 out of 8950 103.6%
Gate Widow 1863 out of 1831 101.7%
Peryton 1228 out of 1212 101.3%
Zebra Zachary 1720 out of 1706 100.8%
Skirmish Pephredo 2347 out of 2333 100.6%
Also, how the hell;
Khrysokhimaira Elder 36411 out of 29105 125.1%
If it's still possible to dup the ***, that's quite a few that have been dupped without any bannings. Unless it's just whatever program catches DB stats being really messed up.