there a way to copy macros from one character to another in vanilla XI (ones on the same pc)
like me, my other character and my gf's character all have smn, similar gear, instead of rewriting it twice persay, I could copy and edit it.
is this possible or are the files encrypted?
It's possible. Modify your macros, log out, then go into POL > SE > FFXI > USER.
Those folders are your folders for your characters. I don't recall the easy way to match each to a character. I believe the .mrk files are map markers and mcr#.dat files are macro files. It's been many years since I fooled with it. Having logged into ~20 characters on 4 different accounts makes it difficult for me to tell what is what offhand.
Edit: Opening the file with notepad will give you a lot of junk for anything in auto-translate, but you can tell which macros are what from the other text.