[Suggestion] A Few Ideas To Enhance This Site

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[Suggestion] A few ideas to enhance this site
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Posts: 6304
By Ackeron 2016-05-03 09:48:05
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Fixed maybe? Sorry, some times stuff slips through.
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-05-19 12:59:28
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Do you think we could get an Escha section for the forums? Like with Adoulin before it had a section, a lot of discussions get lost in the General FFXI section.
Server: Bismarck
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user: misacat
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By Bismarck.Misao 2016-05-19 13:55:36
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how a bout a "favorite thread" or something list, only you can check/see on your profile?
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2016-05-19 14:02:18
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I forgot who mentioned it, but the section block is sounding better and better. Is that still on the table?
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-05-19 17:52:37
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Bahamut.Krizz said: »
Can nodes be updated to allow the embedding of more than one node?

Not as currently constructed, no.

Bahamut.Krizz said: »
Edit: How about a "close spoiler" link at the bottom of an expanded spoiler? It would be helpful for long posts like in the Pics that make you LOL thread. Perhaps a conditional where if it's height is greater than X pixels the link is set to visible.

Could work. I'll see how feasible the size check is.

Bahamut.Krizz said: »
I know this has been addressed more than once in the past, but what is the current feasibility of updated crafting recipes?

It's not something I can scrape from the XI dats, so it's probably not likely to show up. Sorry.

Bahamut.Krizz said: »
I posted this in the LCS thread as well, but for the sake of it being in the right thread, can we get a trust checklist? (automated or not with the wiki links like Abyssite / Atma)

Feasible. I'll add it to the list.

Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Since it happens somewhat frequently that people post screenshots that contain however spoiler content, would it be possible for these pics to only be visible if you click on them? Like when you scroll through screenshots it comes out as "it contains spoilers click to view" and it's only revealed if you do.

Idk if it's feasible, but it would fix the issue of "I don't wanna be spoilered while watching the latest shots" vs "I don't wanna remove my cool shots from my profile".

Maybe. Is this really a big problem? RoV's been done for a while now, are there really a lot of people who are going to get to it someday but haven't already?

Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Do you think we could get an Escha section for the forums? Like with Adoulin before it had a section, a lot of discussions get lost in the General FFXI section.


Bismarck.Misao said: »
how a bout a "favorite thread" or something list, only you can check/see on your profile?

Shouldn't be too hard to do. I've added it to my issue tracker.

Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
I forgot who mentioned it, but the section block is sounding better and better. Is that still on the table?

Section block? There are section bans, currently. Is that what you mean?
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-05-20 01:11:42
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Rooks said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
I forgot who mentioned it, but the section block is sounding better and better. Is that still on the table?

Section block? There are section bans, currently. Is that what you mean?
I figured the idea was to hide sections you don't want to see popping up in the Latest Topics. I can imagine people may want to ignore stuff like P&R, the many "thing for sale" threads, or even threads from other servers or jobs they don't play.
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-05-20 09:26:07
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Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
I figured the idea was to hide sections you don't want to see popping up in the Latest Topics. I can imagine people may want to ignore stuff like P&R, the many "thing for sale" threads, or even threads from other servers or jobs they don't play.

Ah. That's actually more complicated. It would essentially eliminate the caching of that box on the front page, which would have a pretty noticeable performance impact.

I'll try and think of an answer, but as the site is presently constructed that one's pretty tricky.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-05-20 09:36:38
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I want my edit button back Rooks!

Either that, or my BBCode!
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-06-15 09:05:41
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Would it be possible to have a small text box with the report system so we can maybe better explain why we hit it? Sometimes there is an ongoing convo or things that are more backhanded that maybe a mod just looking at the post or trying to sort it out might not pick up on without a ton of backreading or following up with the person who reported it anyway.
Server: Bismarck
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user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2016-06-15 09:41:38
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how about some cheesecake?
Server: Bahamut
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user: Scizor
Posts: 403
By Bahamut.Scizor 2016-06-15 10:21:26
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Was the functionality to hide threads ever implemented?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-06-15 10:49:39
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Up-to-date recipes on new items~
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [37 days between previous and next post]
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-22 11:11:42
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Idea: Auto-block other users if you report them a certain number of times and implement a minimum block period when this triggers.

Something like if you report the same person 3 times, you block them automatically and they show up on your block list with X days remaining I would suggest a minimum of 1 month. After that you can manually unblock them, but before that it is not possible.
By 2016-07-22 11:17:52
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Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-07-22 11:50:47
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Grumpy Cat said: »
Idea: Auto-block other users if you report them a certain number of times and implement a minimum block period when this triggers.

Something like if you report the same person 3 times, you block them automatically and they show up on your block list with X days remaining I would suggest a minimum of 1 month. After that you can manually unblock them, but before that it is not possible.

I'm really tired of writing code to try and police people's actions. The endless cat herding is a big part of why I've been slow to get back up to speed after my RL has calmed a little. It's just exhausting to deal with and think about, and no matter what gets put into place, people will find new ways to get under each others' skin. Everyone here is supposed to be an adult.

Candlejack said: »
Another thing would be blocked user's posts not showing up in quotes from other users. Such as I block Grumpy, Grumpy makes a post, someone quotes Grumpy's post and I don't see it in the quote, for an example.

This isn't really feasible due to how quoting works here. I'd have to rewrite a sizable chunk/maybe all of the forum post code (and it wouldn't work with older posts in any case).
Posts: 42722
By Jetackuu 2016-07-22 11:54:43
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Would it be possible to add a favorite threads feature on the sticky menu? I mean if it's too much, never mind but it would be nice.
Forum Moderator
Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-22 11:54:52
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Rooks said: »
This isn't really feasible due to how quoting works here. I'd have to rewrite a sizable chunk/maybe all of the forum post code (and it wouldn't work with older posts in any case).

"No." - Scragg, on blocking quotes
By 2016-07-22 12:05:54
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Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-22 12:10:07
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
People will always find a way to be petty yes, but your efforts to discourage it do make a difference; Even minor changes towards a good balanced community.

you have any more new badge ideas brought up Rooks?
I bet if there was one for "all jobs 2100 JP" you wouldn't have to give it out often, lol.
That's game-related, not community-related.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-22 12:13:33
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How feasible is a night mode (dark background) option?
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-07-22 12:17:11
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
How feasible is a night mode (dark background) option?
Better yet, have a "FFXIAH At Night" logo on the top.
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-07-22 12:21:09
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
How feasible is a night mode (dark background) option?

It's a new CSS file. Not crazy. I'll have a look. The only possible hangup would be that the CSS definitions tend to be scattered through a couple of different files. I've also thought about a compact/mobile mode that would cut out a lot of the excess data on a page (avatars, etc). I'm pretty leery to change the layout too much, thought, since it's ancient and familiar.

Jetackuu said: »
Would it be possible to add a favorite threads feature on the sticky menu? I mean if it's too much, never mind but it would be nice.

The concern with it on the sticky menu/sidebar is that thread titles tend to be long. I'll see how it looks.

Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I bet if there was one for "all jobs 2100 JP" you wouldn't have to give it out often, lol.

My achievement revamp gives bonus points for that, but I need to finish it first. (My fixes for the old system still haven't been deployed yet, either).
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2016-07-22 12:25:29
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Burn the servers that host this terrible site.

Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-07-22 12:32:56
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Quick hackery in the element inspector gives me:
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2016-07-22 12:34:14
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looks possible, just needs tinkering
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-07-22 12:44:24
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Sylph.Funkworkz said: »

looks possible, just needs tinkering

Already rolling it out to production, can't stop progress mannnnn

(I actually will enlist some help from more graphically-minded people if this is a thing people really want).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2016-07-22 12:46:45
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Rooks said: »
Quick hackery in the element inspector gives me:

No thanks.
By 2016-07-22 12:48:19
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Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-07-22 12:48:48
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Rooks said: »
Sylph.Funkworkz said: »

looks possible, just needs tinkering

Already rolling it out to production, can't stop progress mannnnn

(I actually will enlist some help from more graphically-minded people if this is a thing people really want).
This might look better:

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-22 13:18:35
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It's a start. The stark black around the text is probably a bit too dark, but the deep grey around it looks good. Cleaning up the leftover white and toning down the text to a light grey would help a bit as well, no more bright spots jumping out at your eyes.

I'll send you a few screenshots of some sites/skins that I like. Maybe have a look at BG's dark skin, it's a pretty simple/clean implementation but it works really well.
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