Which Atmas Do You Use?*WHM*

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Which atmas do you use?*WHM*
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Posts: 31
By Kodii 2012-02-17 01:20:46
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Lakshmi.Konvict said: »
MM Allure Apoc, best combo
I second this, because quickmagic procs enough sometimes where you can back to back cure V/VI and haste or any other spell, very useful. Plus not having to cast RR3 or worry about it, and in lowman situations, zombie.
Server: Asura
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user: Xenophire
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By Asura.Xenophire 2012-02-17 01:21:29
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Kodii said: »
Lakshmi.Konvict said: »
MM Allure Apoc, best combo
I second this, because quickmagic procs enough sometimes where you can back to back cure V/VI and haste or any other spell, very useful. Plus not having to cast RR3 or worry about it, and in lowman situations, zombie.
I honestly don't get what's to zombie anymore...
Server: Fenrir
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user: Frobos
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-02-17 01:54:12
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Using Apoc isn't making or breaking WHM. Relax y'all lol.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Pauladeen 2012-02-17 02:05:46
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Hexa Strike, Y'all.
Server: Siren
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user: Shinshi
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By Siren.Shinshi 2012-02-17 02:19:27
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Ragnarok.Ghishlain said: »
In the end, I think the general consensus is:

1) Minikin Monstrosity
2) w/e you want that matches your play style
3) w/e you want that matches your play style


Pretty much that ^^ Give me my Minikin and i'm good :3

More refresh for curespam, more fastcast for something like esuna spam, the ele resitance atmas and future fabulous for elemental specific enemies and apoc generally if i expect to die in aoe range like shinryuu for example if you proc something a regain atma can be good too.

It's what the situation requires and what buffs you want for yourself.
Server: Alexander
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user: Crazyvipa
Posts: 8
By Alexander.Crazyvipa 2012-02-17 08:45:15
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Shiva.Sleih said: »
Alexander.Crazyvipa said: »
Shiva.Sleih said: »
Alexander.Crazyvipa said: »
Shiva.Gib said: »
why do people use apoc? being able to cast 3 version of RR isn't enough?

also if you're WHM and you find yourself having to spam RR... uhhh you might be doing it wrong

Ok, maybe you roll into Abyssea with an alliance and have people to cover you. Sure, with enough healing power & back up, you don't need RR. -- or maybe you do? idk.

That being said, we low-man everything. I am the one and only WHM. Not having to worry about casting RR on myself is a huge benefit. MM keeps my MP up pretty well, but a Cure VI only does so much when a MNK has 5k+ HP w/o breaking a sweat. If I spent that MP on casting RR on myself, it'd be foolish. Not to mention the added bonus of a instant Cure VI followed by another instant Cure VI.

All in all, the WHM's job is to concern him/herself with everyone else, not their own well-being. Do you really think SE gave WHMs Benediction to keep themselves alive? Highly doubt it, lol.

Shiva.Sleih said: »
If you need apoc on WHM at 99, then you don't need to be playing WHM. Sorry, but it kind of says how much confidence you have in yourself on WHM.
First, see above. Second, you obviously stick with the easy +1 paper mobs. Ever try to fight Dragua without RR? His AoE goes 30+, RR into that and you, and your party, is a goner. And why? You didn't have RR up. Unless, of course, as I stated above, you have multiple backups.

Seriously, all the WHMs out there. Don't ever, ever, ever run around with out forms of RR, and an extra scroll of RR for those moments when you can't spend the MP -- or the time. Keep your tank alive. Focus on people other than yourself. That is what makes a good WHM, not the gear, not the MP Pool, but the ability to support the tank & dd to do their job.

I get the jist of what you're saying. I usually solo cure on the high tier NMs. We typically do low-man things or just choose more fire power. I always make sure I have Reraise up, and even then I don't die. I don't know if it's because I actually take the job seriously and use my buffs like a proper whm should, or am just somehow luckier than others and not die. SE gave whm Stoneskin, Blink, proshell, and bar spells for a reason. Hell, they even gave them Sancronicity which makes magic damage laughable. If you sub rdm you also have access to Phalanx which helps in damage reduction. I don't even use apoc for shinryu anymore, because that's how often I die on whm in anything involving abyssea. And before you say it's because you don't have to worry about it with a brew, that thing is a waste of a brew anymore. Thing only mob I'd even consider using apoc on is Apademik due to blms sucking and not stunning. THAT is the reason for my argument on not using apoc on whm. Yes, it's personal preference and all, but I'm just saying that you could make use of the hundred other atma at your disposal, and not have to make a crutch for yourself. Now, if you're going all battle mage and such, then have at it. You can keep your party members well alive and buffed, and also do yourself at the same time. Taking care of yourself in the end takes care of others. Paralyna yourself before the tank for example will make it a hell of a lot easier to heal them.

) Esuna.
) Instant-cast & Instant-RR is hardly a crutch.
Implying Misery doesn't get paralyzed, same with esuna. This also requires you to get close to your tank/anyone else. Yes, esuna makes things a hell of a lot easier, but that's a major risk to take, and can cost you some crucial time.

) Bottle of Catholicon -- best update SE ever made, items don't go away if you get paralyzed.
) Thats why Apoc is important. WHM isn't a pure 20+ yalm job. Sometimes you need to be next to the mob, ex: Glavoid. Yes, I know. Stun. But, lol, sometimes your stun is down/don't have it available. Very common when low manning "bosses."
) Most of all, (and someone already mentioned this) -- no more "damn, my RR wore..."

Paralysis is hardly a worry of a WHM. The only one that should honestly catch anyone off guard is an AoE silence -- whether a spell or a TP move. All WHMs should be carrying around echo drops. If not, I guess I'm just too much of an old WHM.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2012-02-17 10:34:29
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Cerberus.Drayco said: »
Why is allure rubbish? Mnd+mp+emnity-... how is that not perfect for whm?
MND+30 is weak sauce, get Undying for MND.

MP is useless. When was the last time you dipped into the bottom 23% of your MP? That was the last time the MP+30% from Allure helped you.

Enmity down should be almost capped with just Minikin alone, and you don't even need enmity down in Abyssea to begin with because people are doing so much damage.

So basically, it's a MND+30 atma and nothing else. Use Undying.

I see Allure as more of a stepping stone atma for WHM. If you don't have Minikin and other good atmas, Allure does great to give you a boost. However, if you have decent options, it's almost completely useless.
By 2012-02-17 10:47:47
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Shiva.Sleih 2012-02-17 10:59:27
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Alexander.Crazyvipa said: »
Shiva.Sleih said: »
Alexander.Crazyvipa said: »
Shiva.Sleih said: »
Alexander.Crazyvipa said: »
Shiva.Gib said: »
why do people use apoc? being able to cast 3 version of RR isn't enough?

also if you're WHM and you find yourself having to spam RR... uhhh you might be doing it wrong

Ok, maybe you roll into Abyssea with an alliance and have people to cover you. Sure, with enough healing power & back up, you don't need RR. -- or maybe you do? idk.

That being said, we low-man everything. I am the one and only WHM. Not having to worry about casting RR on myself is a huge benefit. MM keeps my MP up pretty well, but a Cure VI only does so much when a MNK has 5k+ HP w/o breaking a sweat. If I spent that MP on casting RR on myself, it'd be foolish. Not to mention the added bonus of a instant Cure VI followed by another instant Cure VI.

All in all, the WHM's job is to concern him/herself with everyone else, not their own well-being. Do you really think SE gave WHMs Benediction to keep themselves alive? Highly doubt it, lol.

Shiva.Sleih said: »
If you need apoc on WHM at 99, then you don't need to be playing WHM. Sorry, but it kind of says how much confidence you have in yourself on WHM.
First, see above. Second, you obviously stick with the easy +1 paper mobs. Ever try to fight Dragua without RR? His AoE goes 30+, RR into that and you, and your party, is a goner. And why? You didn't have RR up. Unless, of course, as I stated above, you have multiple backups.

Seriously, all the WHMs out there. Don't ever, ever, ever run around with out forms of RR, and an extra scroll of RR for those moments when you can't spend the MP -- or the time. Keep your tank alive. Focus on people other than yourself. That is what makes a good WHM, not the gear, not the MP Pool, but the ability to support the tank & dd to do their job.

I get the jist of what you're saying. I usually solo cure on the high tier NMs. We typically do low-man things or just choose more fire power. I always make sure I have Reraise up, and even then I don't die. I don't know if it's because I actually take the job seriously and use my buffs like a proper whm should, or am just somehow luckier than others and not die. SE gave whm Stoneskin, Blink, proshell, and bar spells for a reason. Hell, they even gave them Sancronicity which makes magic damage laughable. If you sub rdm you also have access to Phalanx which helps in damage reduction. I don't even use apoc for shinryu anymore, because that's how often I die on whm in anything involving abyssea. And before you say it's because you don't have to worry about it with a brew, that thing is a waste of a brew anymore. Thing only mob I'd even consider using apoc on is Apademik due to blms sucking and not stunning. THAT is the reason for my argument on not using apoc on whm. Yes, it's personal preference and all, but I'm just saying that you could make use of the hundred other atma at your disposal, and not have to make a crutch for yourself. Now, if you're going all battle mage and such, then have at it. You can keep your party members well alive and buffed, and also do yourself at the same time. Taking care of yourself in the end takes care of others. Paralyna yourself before the tank for example will make it a hell of a lot easier to heal them.

) Esuna.
) Instant-cast & Instant-RR is hardly a crutch.
Implying Misery doesn't get paralyzed, same with esuna. This also requires you to get close to your tank/anyone else. Yes, esuna makes things a hell of a lot easier, but that's a major risk to take, and can cost you some crucial time.

) Bottle of Catholicon -- best update SE ever made, items don't go away if you get paralyzed.
) Thats why Apoc is important. WHM isn't a pure 20+ yalm job. Sometimes you need to be next to the mob, ex: Glavoid. Yes, I know. Stun. But, lol, sometimes your stun is down/don't have it available. Very common when low manning "bosses."
) Most of all, (and someone already mentioned this) -- no more "damn, my RR wore..."

Paralysis is hardly a worry of a WHM. The only one that should honestly catch anyone off guard is an AoE silence -- whether a spell or a TP move. All WHMs should be carrying around echo drops. If not, I guess I'm just too much of an old WHM.
My mind is blown...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2012-02-17 13:41:28
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Josiahkf said: »
allure is far from useless. boosting slow paralyze potency, cure potency when you've capped and makes all enmity resets that much easier (there are a lot of them in abyssea)
If you want to boost Slow/Para/Cure potency, Undying is the best. It offers 20 more MND than Allure. Honestly if Undying isn't enough, you're probably better off adding Merciless Matriarch for more magic accuracy rather than doubling up on MND atmas (Undying+Allure) and of course Minikin for the third. Matriarch also has the added benefit of a significant fast cast boost.

As far as enmity... you're joking right? I hope you're joking... This is Abyssea we're talking about, where I could be mid-cast on Curaga III when the mob resets hate and I won't even think about aborting the cast. Even being so reckless, I don't pull hate unless the DDs all die and often the BLMs still go down before me. In fact, sometimes I wish I had MORE hate! In my opinion, the WHM should be between the other mages and the DDs on the hate list. I'd rather hate go to me than a BLM, even considering Mana Wall's strength, because it would let the BLM keep doing their job rather than damage soaking up their MP.
By 2012-02-17 15:45:33
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kogenta
Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2012-02-17 16:18:17
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I use MM rescuer and allure, but i'm capped on cure potency and i'm wondering if the fastcast on the rescuer is worth the atma slot (obviously subbing rdm).

Server: Odin
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user: Minefield
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By Odin.Minefield 2012-02-17 16:20:32
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If capped potency, and want Fast Cast, can switch to Merciless Matriarch. That has the most Fast Cast iirc. It's only Minor, but if you have ASA finished and have Ambition, that is also a very good alternative for Fast Cast. It also adds 5tic/refresh and 12% Movement all the time, I like using it because I feel like my WHM has -12% movement speed all the time D:<
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kogenta
Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2012-02-17 16:27:23
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Hmm probably ambition is the best option. thank you! Time to change my "last set used" option D:
Server: Asura
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user: Dish
Posts: 27
By Asura.Chaparrita 2012-02-17 17:20:49
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Leviathan.Webjester said: »

+30% MP
-50 Enmity
15/tick refresh
+30 MND
+50 INT (shrug)
Fast Cast ~10%
Movement Speed +12%

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2012-02-17 17:30:45
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Josiahkf said: »
you're talking about large groups Pergatory, which make every single nm in abyssea a complete joke even with no atma

I'm talking a duo or trio max. but no I'm not dissing Undying it's a great atma for mages
No I'm talking about any size group. Even duo. Allure is simply pointless if you have some of the other superior options.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-02-17 17:31:56
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Ambition, Apoc and MM. Allure is useless.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Krizz
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By Ramuh.Krizz 2012-02-17 17:40:36
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Posts: 164
By Spookyfish89 2012-02-18 04:47:36
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Ambition, Apoc and MM because my "Select previous atma's" is overflowing with my everyday DNC/WAR/MNK atmas. Aka pure laziness.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Yuriki
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2012-03-15 10:26:13
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My atmas for WHM change depending on what I'm doing and if I'm using with my main character or mule.

Mule is always MM/Alure/Apoc. After reading through this thread I might replace Allure with Ambition (after completing ASA) mainly for the fast cast and movement speed. My main always has movement speed and the mule doesn't which gets pretty annoying. The extra refresh is a minor bonus and not needed at all. Mostly anything could be done with just MM so getting where I need to go faster is a big thing for me.

On my main I generally use MM/RR/Apoc. I carry a DD set (needs improvement) and I'll either help kill NQ mobs for pop items or help proc staff and club. Less weapon changing for the DD = faster kills. Plus it's fun and I do an ok amount of damage. Nothing compared to the other DD, not by a long shot, but it's better than hanging in the back. There's not much that is going to 1 shot a properly buffed whm so 9/10 I'm meleeing with the DD.

I'm thinking of switching out Apoc for another atma just to switch it up a bit but OQS is just too sexy. If anything I'd swap Apoc for a fast cast atma.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Munky
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By Bismarck.Angeleus 2012-03-15 10:45:39
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No wonder people don't play white-mage anymore or don't feel motivated leveling the job, because post like this and people who thinks they are superior among each other.

Again, I blame Oprah Winfrey for making people think their opinions are important...
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2012-03-15 11:21:39
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MM/Future Fab/Apoc
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Yogurt 2012-03-15 11:41:15
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I just use mm/full moon/allure I suppose I could find something to replace allure, but its not even a huge issue to me. I used aoa few weeks ago when my buddy was helping me get my last merit abyssite that I have been slacking on. because of death and en-doom on xibalba we had to zombie it a couple times, but could kill it with out deaths with some luck. I will also use aoa if I go blm/brd since survivability is pretty low with that combo.
Server: Shiva
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user: galbir
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By Shiva.Galbir 2012-03-15 11:44:10
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I'm really not a big fan of Apoc. The insta cast messes up my cures since I use precast and i don't die enough for the RR to matter.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Yuriki
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2012-03-15 13:46:57
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Bismarck.Angeleus said: »
No wonder people don't play white-mage anymore or don't feel motivated leveling the job, because post like this and people who thinks they are superior among each other.

Again, I blame Oprah Winfrey for making people think their opinions are important...

In a thread asking for the opinion of others. Cool story bro.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Munky
Posts: 2614
By Bismarck.Angeleus 2012-03-15 15:06:24
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Fenrir.Yuriki said: »
Cool story bro.

I petty the fool for not investing a dollar for every time this word it is use.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 6
By Phoenix.Phrostbyte 2012-03-15 15:26:09
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MM VV and Apoc. triple attack and regain to help find procs, MM for...that other thing.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2012-03-16 08:31:16
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MM, MM, Apoc usually. I've always found max MP enhancements somewhat redundant on WHM in every end game event. It's not how much MP you have that matters, it's how you use it, and how fast you can get it back. The two go hand-in-hand.

Minikin Monstrosity alone is ridiculously over-powered just by itself as long as you know how to manage your MP. If you have a 7 MP/tick idle set it just becomes stupid.

I only use Apoc for the OQS proc rate, (the auto RR3 is just a side bonus). I don't *** with spellcast on WHM, my spells work just fine without it. My single target cure set sits at 49% Cure potentcy and 72% Cure cast and my curaga set sits at 50% Cure potentcy and 80% Cure cast.

With that in mind I started using Merciless Matriarch as my 3rd atma, not much else matters much and at least I can cap my Cure cast on single targets and have a little extra fast cast for stuff like haste. It works fine for me.

I wouldn't use the movement speed atma, that's why the SE gods invented Herald's Gaiters.

If for any reason I need to help a friend proc staff or club, I just swap to MM, VV, SD. 2 regain atmas get my TP up just fine. And the slow doesn't really bother me all too much. Abyssea is way to easy now.

That's the set up I feel most comfortable with. But yours may be different. Just use whatever atmas you feel helps you perform better.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 4012
By Odin.Godofgods 2012-03-16 08:56:46
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depends entirely whats on my recent history list...

Have nearly every atma makes going though page by page a pain.
By 2012-03-16 09:33:45
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