Synergy HQ Rate Question

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Synergy HQ rate question
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2011-11-08 07:30:35
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What's the rate on getting a HQ on recipes that are 70+ if you get a perfect elemental alignment?
Server: Cerberus
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user: Wojo
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By Cerberus.Wojo 2011-11-08 10:08:59
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Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2011-11-08 10:28:23
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I'm not sure really, but I would say it depends on how many HQ tiers the recipe in question has.

Take for instance: pythia sash / pythia sash +1

I would say it is close to 50/50 if you get the alignment right. If it isn't, then my guess wouldn't be that far off. Maybe even 75% NQ / 25% HQ, but HQ is still easy to reach if you have enough supplies.

Now lets say you're doing something where you augment an item. I think in this case there is NQ / HQ1 / HQ2 / HQ3.. maybe HQ4 not sure. In this case the chances of you getting a HQ are in fact what Wojo said, 90%, but is most likely going to be in the HQ1-HQ2 range.

You can tell if you HQ'ed, or the level of HQ, by the amount of cinder you earn after finishing the synergy process.

You can't look up what values the cinder you receive on what HQ will be, as I'm sure that information hasn't been collected and probably varies depending on your level and so on. So just go from personal experience basically and keep a mental note of what values you get, or keep track on paper w/e. The higher the value the higher up the HQ tier you are.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Wojo
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By Cerberus.Wojo 2011-11-08 10:38:38
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Ok speaking from my own experience:

So I made about 20 synths of these:

Synergy (52)
Skills: Alchemy (85), Goldsmithing (38)
Elemental Balance: 40 23
1 x ingot of Oberon's gold
1 x jar of firesand

Yield: Oberon's bullet x99
HQ 1: Oberon's bullet x198
HQ 2: Oberon's bullet x297

At level 80 synergy. I realize that this isn't a 70+ recipe. I was able to HQ about 18/20 of them. HQ2 was RARE (1-2/20), even with exact values (probably because other values like pressure or impurity where off).

I have also made countless +7 stat rings (lvl 79 recipe). If I got the values 'close' I would always HQ1. But that's rare because higher level recipes are hard for me solo (maybe I suck at synergy). For the +7 rings I barely get close enough to succeed - resulting in the NQ.

Like Kalilla said, you get the message "Smooth Synergizing" means you got HQ, the amount of cinder awarded will indicate whether it was HQ1, HQ2 or HQ3.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-11-08 11:16:36
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I honestly don't believe that pressure/impurity has anything to do with HQ rate. Pressure determines damage dealt by an explosion, and impurity determines chance of an explosion.
Server: Asura
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user: Toxeus
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By Asura.Toxleh 2011-11-08 11:27:29
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I've done a few thousand augment synths, and from my experience lowering impurity ratio HAS an impact on # of Hq you receive. While it is obvious you still will get nq even with a perfect synergy, the fact just is synergy hq is too random. To get the perfect augments you have to be incredibly lucky, farm endlessly for tatters/scraps, or shell out millions for countless synths.

I'm sure it was mentioned, but because I didn't read through, normally I get alignment perfect or 1 off, lower impurities to 0, then end. If it's leaking I don't end, I stop leak, adjust levels, relower impurities, then end. In my experience if you end while leaking, has lower chance to HQ. I also have had some luck, switching between synths. Augmenting 1 piece of gear until I get HQ3 then switch it to something else. Appears to me that my rate of HQ3 is higher like that, just an appearance though.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-11-08 11:44:08
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I always keep impurities below 25%, and I have never seen an explosion while doing so.
Server: Asura
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user: Toxeus
Posts: 550
By Asura.Toxleh 2011-11-08 15:24:41
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yeah that's a little trick to the trade, if you keep impurities below 30%, your furnace will never explode, if it goes even 1% over it can explode
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2011-11-10 00:05:33
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it's all luck. I just 2/2 oce +1 hats while leaking, with perfect alignment. I'm 3/8 or so on HQ hats. It's no where near 50% hq rate perfect align.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-11-10 00:08:11
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semi-off topic but I made someone else a +4 acc/+4 STP/+3 crit seiryu's kote today with 9 scraps. Wish I could do that with my own...
Server: Bahamut
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user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2011-11-12 08:14:04
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Does it make a difference if another element (besides the required ones) is above 0?
Server: Bahamut
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user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2011-11-12 18:46:56
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Server: Bismarck
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user: Billzey
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By Bismarck.Helel 2011-11-12 18:57:10
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Bahamut.Bojack said: »
Does it make a difference if another element (besides the required ones) is above 0?

Server: Asura
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user: Bitesized
Posts: 157
By Asura.Bitesized 2011-12-01 23:13:26
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What about other elements aligned negatively? I've had 4 perfect alignments on alcide's harnesses with no HQ. I never bothered aligning any other elements other than the required ones. I make sure its not leaking but i don't lower the pressure. Anything I should be doing other than possibly lowering pressure?
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-12-01 23:22:30
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Asura.Bitesized said: »
What about other elements aligned negatively? I've had 4 perfect alignments on alcide's harnesses with no HQ. I never bothered aligning any other elements other than the required ones. I make sure its not leaking but i don't lower the pressure. Anything I should be doing other than possibly lowering pressure?
Using a lot of pops and making sure you don't hit submit unless your absolutely sure you're ready to.

No sense in rushing after all since you don't loose anything. That's really all the advice I can give you :x

Also I don't think the - stats have anything to do with it as they aren't part of the required elements.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-12-01 23:23:14
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Elements other than those that are required for the synth do not matter at all.

Also Toxleh eyeballs too much.
Posts: 9
By Roshima 2011-12-06 17:42:13
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I'm a bit new to armor augs. Anyone know if augment quality on armor is affected by moon phase and day of the week. i.e. Byakko's get better augs on new moon and earthsday?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-12-06 17:46:06
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Roshima said: »
I'm a bit new to armor augs. Anyone know if augment quality on armor is affected by moon phase and day of the week. i.e. Byakko's get better augs on new moon and earthsday?
I guess it's possible, but you can get a good augment anytime really.
Posts: 9
By Roshima 2011-12-06 17:55:18
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i asked because i got lame aug 5 time in a row on seiryu's on windsay, only 1 HQ1 :(. However jus tried 2 more on iceday and got SS and HQ1 crit rate and stp, so maybe, i'll try byakko's next earthsday and update.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2011-12-07 18:54:18
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I capped my synergy a while ago. Friends have been unlocking synergy and have me try to augment their armors. Did about 20 or so synths and only saw maybe 3 with 3 stats on it. Almost all were able to get "smooth" results.

My question is can you only get a higher tier HQ if the person starting the synthesis has synergy skill as well? For example would someone with 80 synergy have better results augmenting armor for themselves than a person with 0 skill getting someone to feed fewell for them.

Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 486
By Carbuncle.Wulfshadow 2011-12-07 18:56:41
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Cerberus.Maeldiar said: »
I capped my synergy a while ago. Friends have been unlocking synergy and have me try to augment their armors. Did about 20 or so synths and only saw maybe 3 with 3 stats on it. Almost all were able to get "smooth" results.

My question is can you only get a higher tier HQ if the person starting the synthesis has synergy skill as well? For example would someone with 80 synergy have better results augmenting armor for themselves than a person with 0 skill getting someone to feed fewell for them.

Again, it boils down to superstition, however if you're asking concerning whether or not it's even possible, I can say I've successfully netted near perfect/perfect augments on multiple synths, with each initializing patron having at or near 0 synergy skill.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-12-07 19:03:28
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Cerberus.Maeldiar said: »
I capped my synergy a while ago. Friends have been unlocking synergy and have me try to augment their armors. Did about 20 or so synths and only saw maybe 3 with 3 stats on it. Almost all were able to get "smooth" results.

My question is can you only get a higher tier HQ if the person starting the synthesis has synergy skill as well? For example would someone with 80 synergy have better results augmenting armor for themselves than a person with 0 skill getting someone to feed fewell for them.

Synergy success works off of the party member with the highest skill. I'm unsure if other crafting skills contribute to success rates, or if they simply unlock the recipes. "Smooth Synergizing" message is displayed for ANY HQ. You are not going to get amazing augments on anything without getting an HQ3. You can tell which HQ level you got by comparing the amount of cinders you receive. For augments, the progressions are 100-110-120-130 or 50-55-60-65 iirc.
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Posts: 162
By Luthiene 2012-07-29 02:33:30
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Asura.Toxleh said: »
I've done a few thousand augment synths, and from my experience lowering impurity ratio HAS an impact on # of Hq you receive. While it is obvious you still will get nq even with a perfect synergy, the fact just is synergy hq is too random. To get the perfect augments you have to be incredibly lucky, farm endlessly for tatters/scraps, or shell out millions for countless synths.

I'm sure it was mentioned, but because I didn't read through, normally I get alignment perfect or 1 off, lower impurities to 0, then end. If it's leaking I don't end, I stop leak, adjust levels, relower impurities, then end. In my experience if you end while leaking, has lower chance to HQ. I also have had some luck, switching between synths. Augmenting 1 piece of gear until I get HQ3 then switch it to something else. Appears to me that my rate of HQ3 is higher like that, just an appearance though.

I would have to agree with the impurities comment. I've only done around 100-150 synths, but from what I've noticed, lowering impurities does help. How do you make it stop leaking? just wait?
Posts: 151
By Ashandarei 2012-07-29 02:44:05
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Use the element below the one that's leaking.
Server: Odin
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user: Eike
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By Odin.Eikechi 2012-07-29 02:56:15
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Luthiene said: »
Asura.Toxleh said: »
I've done a few thousand augment synths, and from my experience lowering impurity ratio HAS an impact on # of Hq you receive. While it is obvious you still will get nq even with a perfect synergy, the fact just is synergy hq is too random. To get the perfect augments you have to be incredibly lucky, farm endlessly for tatters/scraps, or shell out millions for countless synths.

I'm sure it was mentioned, but because I didn't read through, normally I get alignment perfect or 1 off, lower impurities to 0, then end. If it's leaking I don't end, I stop leak, adjust levels, relower impurities, then end. In my experience if you end while leaking, has lower chance to HQ. I also have had some luck, switching between synths. Augmenting 1 piece of gear until I get HQ3 then switch it to something else. Appears to me that my rate of HQ3 is higher like that, just an appearance though.

I would have to agree with the impurities comment. I've only done around 100-150 synths, but from what I've noticed, lowering impurities does help. How do you make it stop leaking? just wait?

huge necro but I think all of what you quoted is just hearsay and eyeballing. getting your elements close enough to be able to end a synth and being at cap skill i think are really the only things that can help your HQ rate.
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Server: Asura
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user: drewxi
Posts: 248
By Asura.Werdxi 2012-09-17 12:24:14
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OK, a few questions about HQ synergy stuff, because no matter how many people in game i ask, nobody can give me a moderately straight answer.

1st - does it make a difference on the quality of the synth if its close enough to synth where the furnace tells you you're done, or do you need to make exact alignment. ie: elemental alignment is 20 earth and you get 22 and the furnace says you're done. Should you just stop asap or feed it one wind to reduce it to 20 and then end

which brings me to the next question

2nd - does taking lesser time to finish the synth grant higher results or does that not matter at all

3rd - does your synergy skill even matter. is it based on tiers similar to traditional crafting or is it completely based on a combination of elemental alignment and luck. I specifically waited til 50 before trying to augment my genbu shield, but i could easily get to 70. would it make any difference?

I'd really appreciate some decent answers from veteran synergists. I'm sure i have easily 20 more questions, but if i can get these answered, i'd be on my way to a good start.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2012-09-17 12:45:05
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Asura.Werdxi said: »
1st - does it make a difference on the quality of the synth if its close enough to synth where the furnace tells you you're done, or do you need to make exact alignment. ie: elemental alignment is 20 earth and you get 22 and the furnace says you're done. Should you just stop asap or feed it one wind to reduce it to 20 and then end

To complete a synth, you need to be within 3 points (either above or below) the given number. Using your example, 17~23 would be acceptable for the furnace. However, as you said, the closer you are to the perfect alignment number, the higher the HQ chance. In the case of you being at 22/20 Earth, I would go ahead and use one wind fewell to lower earth to 20 (or 21 depending on if an elemental surge takes place.)
2nd - does taking lesser time to finish the synth grant higher results or does that not matter at all

While I do believe that the more HP left on the furnace does help increase HQ rate, I can not say for certain. Mainly because I have had HQs at lower HP%s remaining.

3rd - does your synergy skill even matter. is it based on tiers similar to traditional crafting or is it completely based on a combination of elemental alignment and luck. I specifically waited til 50 before trying to augment my genbu shield, but i could easily get to 70. would it make any difference?

Because 70 is so easy to get, since you can get to it without having leveled another craft, I highly recommend leveling up to this point regardless. Despite that, Synergy does have tiers. The higher the skill, the more likely of getting a high-tier HQ synth. Granted it is mostly luck based after that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: drewxi
Posts: 248
By Asura.Werdxi 2012-09-17 12:47:25
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good enough answers for me. Guess i'll continue to work on my synergy. needs that perfect shield.

ty much