Homer Simpson in the nuke plant definitely became 1000x more hilarious to me after working in one while in the Navy. Very much not far from the truth.
Also easily no mobile devices. Screw cell phones!
Get beaten up learning martial arts by practicing in extremely practical manner of actually performing the full on techniques on one another
Learn martial arts in a highly restrained manner, such that you never really get hit, but also never really know what your techniques will do when employed for real?
As someone who isnt fond of feeling pain, I would go with second option.
I really dont have the body foundation for physical confront, so I would decide to train only the bare minimum without compromising my integrity, and when the violence is necessary, I would resort to your other advice:
You cheer for a team. Soccer/football in my case, but you can think about your favorite one here.
That sport promotes championships with knock-out phase leading to the champion.
The team you cheer for was defeated early in the knock-out phase. The one team who did it went to the final match.
So what would you prefer?
Cheering for the team that eliminated your own
Cheering for the opposite team that eliminated your own?