Let's Talk Fishing!

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Let's Talk Fishing!
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2011-10-03 19:11:18
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Leviathan.Hohenheim said: »
So you hakuryu fishers, how's your guys line break rates been? for a while now I've been clocking it in around 40% line break rate using regular minnows (obv. higher than the 30% on wiki). It's kind of frustrating..

coupled with a 50% increase in the price of alexandrite, my mythic dreams are being crushed ;; less gil and higher prices~ sounds like the last 40 years of american society~
50/50 is my normal rate
I was touched by an angel last time and got a 10% break.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2011-10-03 19:12:50
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Asura.Ludoggy said: »
Leviathan.Hohenheim said: »
So you hakuryu fishers, how's your guys line break rates been? for a while now I've been clocking it in around 40% line break rate using regular minnows (obv. higher than the 30% on wiki). It's kind of frustrating..

coupled with a 50% increase in the price of alexandrite, my mythic dreams are being crushed ;; less gil and higher prices~ sounds like the last 40 years of american society~
50/50 is my normal rate
I was touched by an angel last time and got a 10% break.

wow 50% break rate on regular minnows?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-03 19:36:36
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My personal averages are of course the 30% on wiki, but they range from 25% - 40% usually for me.
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-03 19:52:02
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Valefor.Krishpy said: »
Love that picture lol, so great
Posts: 1285
By mortontony1 2011-10-03 20:10:08
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Valefor.Krishpy said: »

Hyperbole and a half?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2011-10-03 20:10:49
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Leviathan.Hohenheim said: »
wow 50% break rate on regular minnows?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-03 20:19:04
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I need to reach 30+ lik tonight or I fail :(........ @18 ; ;
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-04 01:25:55
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Ended up with 48 lik tonight, hope he gets the silk tomorrow
Posts: 845
By Powerslave 2011-10-04 01:50:21
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Been averaging about a ~30% break rate on minnows as of late. I like to think my brand new Fisher's Torque helps a bit! /Flex

Really though, I think it would be so much better if I hadn't stopped collecting gp (got really lazy with school/work etc) so I still need....waders, net and lure, fishing hole map etc.

Megamoglification with just stall+the big one and +6 skill in gear seems to be doing me a decent job for now, though.
Server: Phoenix
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user: MiavPigen
Posts: 1245
By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2011-10-04 02:45:52
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Phoenix.Fondue said: »
if youre just targeting black sole in qufim how long does it take to get 200? compared to fishing 200 dil/mercanbaligi/ahtapots in talacca

here are som bitrate stats

port jeuno - sinking minnow
136/745 (18.5%)
49/403 (12.2%)

qufim - sinkin minnow

Moat caprs is like 95% bitrate in knightswell now ( it used to be arodun 50%
so i would say it takes more than dbl the time to fish 200 blacksole comapred to moat carps from kw looking at the biterate
Posts: 991
By Drjones 2011-10-04 08:44:55
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Leviathan.Hohenheim said: »
Siren.Kalilla said: »
Ragnarok.Ganukay said: »
i always skill up with 2 of those rings, the enchantment effects stack, so even more skill up chances. seen a few double skill ups, but never a triple skill up
ah it stacks? good to know

o.0 Are you sure they stack? With only one ring active, you can get double skillups. The ring doesn't improve skillup rate, but rather gives a second slot for a possible skillup. That's why you will rarely see double skillups. You would need to see a triple skillup to prove that two rings stack.
I don't have a screenshot of it, but I've had the triple skillup happen. They also give two separate enchantment icons, so it isn't one effect simply overwriting the other. Double Pelican Rings are pretty boss.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Arriole
Posts: 304
By Fenrir.Savoree 2011-10-04 08:54:01
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Any thoughts on the Heron Ring and Seagull Ring obtained from MMM? I havent spent any time on this event. How long would it take 2 dual boxers to get to these rings? And are the rings worth the time for a complete MMM noob?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-04 09:01:14
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Asura.Bluespoons said: »
I know lik and gugs will break a lu rod... how many lu rods would you suggest I have when going fishing for them? I have two currently, is that enough or am I going to have to buy another and then kiss my ww friend's ***?

Any reason not to level up woodworking to 72ish? That's what I did and it only took me about 3 or 4 days, a few hours at a time. I think I spent a grand total of about 200k after all the arrows sold (which didn't take that long)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-04 09:01:50
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Valefor.Krishpy said: »
91k guild points! D:<
So close to rumors KI! Hoping tomorrow/next few days aren't all 1k point days. ~.~

Edit: Also, my doodle seems appropriate here!

Sinking Minnow or GTFO.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-04 09:03:53
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Leviathan.Hohenheim said: »
So you hakuryu fishers, how's your guys line break rates been?

I almost always catch about twice as many fish as the number of bait that I bring (using sinking minnows). So I guess my line snap rate is around 33%.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-04 09:06:28
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Fenrir.Savoree said: »
Any thoughs on the Heron Ring and Seagull Ring obtained from MMM? I havent spent any time on this event. How long would it take 2 dual boxers to get to these rings? And are the rings worth the time for a complete MMM noob?

I think the general consensus is to use the noddy/puffin combo if you're targeting big fish. However, if you're having difficulties reeling the fish in, Heron and Seagull would be a better option for you.

I don't personally have heron/seagull, but last I remember reading on the wiki, the droprate was around 5% or so.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Arriole
Posts: 304
By Fenrir.Savoree 2011-10-04 09:57:36
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It sounds like it's not worth spending any time in MMM for these particular 2 rings. I'll get the Noddy and Puffin instead.
Thx, Kaht.
Posts: 232
By Greever 2011-10-04 10:05:37
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ive been stuck on lvl 96 for almost two a weeks now and all ive been fishing are these damn fish....i even burnt up a whole pelican ring just for 3 lvls off of these fish T.T

i finally hit 97 like 2 days ago but i havent gotten even 1 skill up since then and ive probably cought about 300 of these *** since then T.T

i so wish i had the rumors KI...but i seem to be plauged with a short attention span for fishing guild points only >.> lol. I would go catch my target fish...after i have the desired amount i would usually afk for food/wc/random tv show and forget i did guild points...wake up the next day to do them and TA-DA! realize i forgot to hand in the damn fish from the day before...

Ive never had this derpness with woodworking gp and its starting to get frustrating lol. maybe its cause i hate running to windy and i hate windy even more (me being from sandy)

/end rant
Posts: 991
By Drjones 2011-10-04 10:16:18
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How hard are those to reel in? I saw someone fishing them up in Nashmau the other night and realized they NPC for more than Ahtapots so it might be worth targeting.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2011-10-04 10:18:17
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Don't try those silly Pterygotus! Armored Pisces, go, go, go!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-04 10:21:43
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I just skipped Pterygotus and Armored Pisces altogether and started fishing gugrus and lik started at 96. The amount of +0.3 skillups you'll get from them alone will have you 100 in no time. FWIW, I never used a pelican ring on them either.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-04 10:24:21
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Cerberus.Kaht said: »
Asura.Bluespoons said: »
I know lik and gugs will break a lu rod... how many lu rods would you suggest I have when going fishing for them? I have two currently, is that enough or am I going to have to buy another and then kiss my ww friend's ***?

Any reason not to level up woodworking to 72ish? That's what I did and it only took me about 3 or 4 days, a few hours at a time. I think I spent a grand total of about 200k after all the arrows sold (which didn't take that long)

Well I am only 65.8 fishing atm so I guess when I just can't drag myself out to fish, I could give WW a shot. I think mine is like 2 atm so at least I got a start already!
Posts: 232
By Greever 2011-10-04 10:29:24
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the problem for me with the armored pisces is inventory space. at max i can probably only have 80 free inventory at a time (thats with max inventory in safe/storage/locker/satchel/sack). Coupled with the fact that oldton was a zone i hated and never really learned lol + the freakin run to bastok made me go to nashmau. I may give it a try though...since i only have 1 more charge on my nash earring lol
Posts: 232
By Greever 2011-10-04 10:42:44
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.........I dident know there was a windy earring...wiki here i come!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-04 10:46:55
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Greever said: »
the problem for me with the armored pisces is inventory space. at max i can probably only have 80 free inventory at a time (thats with max inventory in safe/storage/locker/satchel/sack). Coupled with the fact that oldton was a zone i hated and never really learned lol + the freakin run to bastok made me go to nashmau. I may give it a try though...since i only have 1 more charge on my nash earring lol

The path to Oldton isn't too bad these days. Just use the abyssea warp to Grauberg and it's a short walk to the west entrance in Oldton (which isn't very far from the pond). There might be better warping options with voidwatch, but I haven't done any of it yet so I couldn't say.
Posts: 232
By Greever 2011-10-04 10:53:40
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u know...i always forget about that second entrance to oldton...think ill def give it a try tomorrow...since theres some ***about a maintainence today. thanks for all the info

Id like to give special thanks to kililla for starting this thread. Because w/o it i would not have known about the city warp earrings and i would still be /wristing everytime i make shihei or arrows! (freakin traveling circus...id like to get my hands on who every came up with that idea....)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Tibz
Posts: 79
By Sylph.Tibze 2011-10-04 11:09:18
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
btw, how does everyone feel about the new Angler's Discernment/Senses system?

When your skilling up do you see it a lot? I never get to really experience these great new additions because I've been capped for so long ; ;.

I'm 34 fishing and I only see the discernment kick in every once in a while when it tells me what is on the line.

I just got the "Fisher's Rope" the other day. Unfortunately I have not yet went out fishing with it, but I seriously need to. ^_^

For those wondering I spent 3 evenings doing Grounds of Valor (about 7.5 hours total) before I got my Fisher's Rope. I only had lvl 2 casket finder when I got it, and I think in that 7.5 hours I only had 4 brown caskets drop. Keep in mind I was ONLY killing the high level bats & leeches for the Grounds of Valor so my kill rate was kinda of slow.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-04 11:16:06
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Greever said: »
u know...i always forget about that second entrance to oldton...think ill def give it a try tomorrow...since theres some ***about a maintainence today. thanks for all the info

Id like to give special thanks to kililla for starting this thread. Because w/o it i would not have known about the city warp earrings and i would still be /wristing everytime i make shihei or arrows! (freakin traveling circus...id like to get my hands on who every came up with that idea....)

Greever said: »
Id like to give special thanks to kililla for starting this thread. Because w/o it i would not have known about the city warp earrings and i would still be /wristing everytime i make shihei or arrows! (freakin traveling circus...id like to get my hands on who every came up with that idea....)

Greever said: »
Id like to give special thanks to kililla for starting this thread.

Greever said: »

<3 just playin
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