Let's Talk Fishing!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-29 19:31:34
I really want to know what Zaldon keeps doing with all the shoots he keeps stealing from me! 0/800 gugs now... If I hit 1k, I'm gonna give up for a while lol
But on a happier note, I got 81 fishing tonight.
are u buying them all... ? :S
I am :\ But I keep getting lucky with sellers and haven't had to pay regular price for them. Only like... idk 14m so far... I hate myself for making Ebisu a goal lol
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-29 20:34:08
Hey greever im sorta on same page as you. istarted building aegis i want to say 20 days ago maybe less but either way im now 8 away of each type to turn in the stage 4 shield. what im doing is duo'ing dynamis with a friend we're building 2 relics at once, me the shield and him the scythe. once i have stage 4 done hes gonna take anything thats not M silvers for his while i use M silver for my last stage. and i fish only so that i have money in my pockets to buy things i need and stuff. so u can just solo dynamis and use WW and fishing to have pocket change or to buy more currency. either way GL with shield and dynamis is only 2 hrs of your day.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-29 20:55:09
HOLY ***!!
My bf just bought me 25 gugs off a mule and on the 13th one I FINALLY GOT IT!
1/101 Lik
1/813 Gugs!
And it's Saturday! Woo!
Thanks to everyone that sold me cheap fish and cheered me on ^^
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-29 20:59:27
nice congrats bluespoons! now you can sell lu's and be all like whose bad? im bad, yea thats right im bad.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-29 21:22:47
I'm gonna end up giving my Lu to my bf so that he can skill up w/o breaking all his halcyon rods lol. Gonna be way easier to get him an Ebisu now too!
Just turned in my items, I can't wait! Idk if I'm more excited about finally getting the shoot or about getting to pick it up so fast. More than likely just getting the shoot cuz 813 is stupid lol
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-29 21:42:24
yea my record wasnt so bad and lol it went so fast too. KI on friday morning bad luck on guts. saturday got both items sunday got rod. lol i was so happy at the speed i got it and that SE was kind enough to give me both items in 1 day
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-29 22:10:17
That is damn lucky, I'd yell at you out of jealousy but I'm pretty content right now lol
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-29 22:32:40
i think its SE paying me back for my reign of bad luck with things ive wanted since US release(when i started playing) til that day when i got ebisu. countless BCNM60 and LoO camping to never see a KC and even now id like one just to have for fun.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6179
By Bahamut.Serj 2011-10-29 22:59:04
That is damn lucky, I'd yell at you out of jealousy but I'm pretty content right now lol
Yell at Colo anyway!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-29 23:18:31
Grats again blue, and great timing to get it :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-30 10:29:21
That is damn lucky, I'd yell at you out of jealousy but I'm pretty content right now lol
Yell at Colo anyway!
Colo, WTH?!
Omg it's so shiny... and pretty... and freaking expensive. I thought I got lucky on mine, a LS mate got his last item at 8am this morning lol
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-30 10:42:24
D: but am good guy....
on another note that ls member must have sh*t his pants lol i might have maybe i think lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-30 11:07:28
Serj told me to!
The guy was pretty excited about it. He hadn't gone 0/ as many as I did, but he has 96 fishing and he watched me and Fondue get our items before he did lol
I can't get gw to find it either, it's kind of annoying.
By Greever 2011-10-30 20:19:33
Bahamut.Colonelace said: »Hey greever im sorta on same page as you. istarted building aegis i want to say 20 days ago maybe less but either way im now 8 away of each type to turn in the stage 4 shield. what im doing is duo'ing dynamis with a friend we're building 2 relics at once, me the shield and him the scythe. once i have stage 4 done hes gonna take anything thats not M silvers for his while i use M silver for my last stage. and i fish only so that i have money in my pockets to buy things i need and stuff. so u can just solo dynamis and use WW and fishing to have pocket change or to buy more currency. either way GL with shield and dynamis is only 2 hrs of your day.
wow really? thats actually kinda fast. id do it but id have to study up on dyanmis. I have 2 characters i can play so id probably be able to farm up all my currency by myself. biggest problem being that my second character dosent have outland access and im enjoying fishing too much right now lol.
But that will def help me out instead of fishing/crafting up all the gil ill need for the shield.
By mortontony1 2011-10-30 20:23:17
So after having a terrible streak of logging on and fishing at ~50% moon phase, I finally get on tonight and surprise it's like 95%! Got 3 skill ups back to back. Cheval Salmon and Shining Trout are awesome!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-30 20:29:01
Yay for skillups \o\
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-10-30 20:35:25
Speaking of skillups.. I need to stop playing Battlefield 3 and fish some ~.~ To Jeuno!
By Greever 2011-10-30 21:59:39
holy hell...haku's are being a pain right now. first time im getting to fish since thursday (sucks trying wot re-wire an entire basement in one day, friday, and no power since yesterday, thanks mother nature)
in about 2 hours ive only gotten 4 hakus and lost like 6 lures already T.T
By Tata 2011-10-30 22:05:10
<30min, 7 Haku's pull, 3 line break, 3 reel in, 1 rod break! Yay Lu Shang... -.-' But at least I finally got 100 Fishing this morning after 7 years!
By Greever 2011-10-30 22:18:14
<30min, 7 Haku's pull, 3 line break, 3 reel in, 1 rod break! Yay Lu Shang... -.-' But at least I finally got 100 Fishing this morning after 7 years!
By mortontony1 2011-10-30 22:37:26
Fished to cap today, never done that before. Got a 1 1/3 ratio of salmon to trout, which doesn't seem bad. Oh yeah, and ~3 full levels. I feel accomplished. At 18 now, should I go with Nebs or stay here? Nebs and Salmon both cap at 21 right? Nebs sell for quite a bit on Fenrir, but the trout cap at 30-something. Opinions?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-30 23:00:04
Depends if you want to work on gil, skillups, or just taking your time and enjoying every fishing spot. I personally did the last and just mixed it up.
By mortontony1 2011-10-30 23:08:20
Skill ups are all I care about atm.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 410
By Carbuncle.Snoochybooch 2011-10-30 23:27:21
0/508 gugs, I have a feeling I'll get my shoot before 600!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-31 10:26:00
Fished to cap today, never done that before. Got a 1 1/3 ratio of salmon to trout, which doesn't seem bad. Oh yeah, and ~3 full levels. I feel accomplished. At 18 now, should I go with Nebs or stay here? Nebs and Salmon both cap at 21 right? Nebs sell for quite a bit on Fenrir, but the trout cap at 30-something. Opinions?
Nebs cap at 27. You should be fishing them.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Kelyn 2011-10-31 12:13:27
My fishing is at 98, and I have an Ebisu, so I decided to go try my hand catching some Hakuryu in Beaucedine. I have read these should be easy to pull in, even though they are level 120. I used a Noddy ring, but did not use my Penguin yet. When I got one on the line, I was unable to reel it in, and I lost my catch because I could not reduce them past 40%. However, when I used the Penguin ring, I can catch them all day long.
It has been suggested to me by a LS friend not to use my Xbox 360 controller to fish Hakuryu, and stick to the keyboard for faster response times. (which I now can see the difference, but I wish I could use my xbox controller)
I was hoping to just use Puffin and Noddy rings. Has anybody else had to use ring enchantments or keyboards to be able catch these fish?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-31 13:36:45
Bahamut.Colonelace said: »Hey greever im sorta on same page as you. istarted building aegis i want to say 20 days ago maybe less but either way im now 8 away of each type to turn in the stage 4 shield. what im doing is duo'ing dynamis with a friend we're building 2 relics at once, me the shield and him the scythe. once i have stage 4 done hes gonna take anything thats not M silvers for his while i use M silver for my last stage. and i fish only so that i have money in my pockets to buy things i need and stuff. so u can just solo dynamis and use WW and fishing to have pocket change or to buy more currency. either way GL with shield and dynamis is only 2 hrs of your day.
wow really? thats actually kinda fast. id do it but id have to study up on dyanmis. I have 2 characters i can play so id probably be able to farm up all my currency by myself. biggest problem being that my second character dosent have outland access and im enjoying fishing too much right now lol.
But that will def help me out instead of fishing/crafting up all the gil ill need for the shield.
well two characters its best you dont use both at once because you will only cheat yourself out of potential 300 a day (each can get 150 give or take). dont need outlands to do CoP just have to have defeated diabolos CoP mission 3-5 and thats it. have both toons bst/dnc go in with one then do it with other. fish for money to buy pet food and jugs and other things you might want and @3 100's a day it takes you 49-59 days (depending if you got the final 30 coin loan) to finish your relic. If thats not win in your eyes idk what is lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 256
By Asura.Backstab 2011-10-31 13:44:10
woot 2/2 on ebisu items and got my rain hat today.
now i just need another 60k guild points and 23 lvl,s of fishing skill.
1/2 saber shoot
about 1/80+ on opal silk (but never really botherd counting em)
happy i got lucky with items cause i bought em all and dont know anyone who would have caught em for me.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-31 13:45:26
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1270
By Bahamut.Nixak 2011-10-31 15:05:47
Skill ups are all I care about atm.
Jump to Shall Shells and fish to cap each day. You can either NPC or use wind crystals on them to make a little gilz.
There are fishing topics that come up now and then but mainly are asking a question for a single answer. I know there are many fishers that visit these forums so this is an attempt to get people involved and have a little fun discussing one and only one thing, fishing!
I know Blue Gartr has a Fishing topic already, but I would like to see this community get involved a little bit and talk, since not everyone visits BG. I would love to have a topic just for fishers including veteran fishers, casual fishers, and even players just starting out and want to ask a few questions without being embarrassed about starting a whole topic for a simple answer they could not find.
I only ask that you keep any bot talk to a minimum, preferably none. [Moderator edit: No bot talk] I want this to be a place where we can discuss anything from GP items of the day to what lure/bait to use or what area is best. A quick mention of how you're doing on the lu shang/ebisu quest, how you're doing getting your fishing items from Grounds of Valor, that item you're saving your GP up for, or how much you wish you could hurt Zaldon for not finding anything in your fish for the 10,000th time. Your lucky moment streaks and the moments when you have nothing come your way and question why you started fishing in the first place. Anything that comes to mind, think of it as the random thoughts thread for fishing.
I will list a few resources that I find to be useful when it comes to fishing: BG Fishing Topic
Great Blue (Amazing Site <3, is out dated since 2008 but an amazing resource regardless)
Final Fishing (Another great resource with one of the most in-depth guides made. Out of date though.)
Fish Size Chart [ GE][ Wikia]
Chenon Diary (The site seems to be down for good though, it was a site made for Fish Ranking)
I shall add more if people provide good resources.