Let's Talk Fishing!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-18 00:30:48
I guess I'll stop lurking and post. ^^
The boyfriend and I were talking a lot about fishing today. I lent him my lu to skill up with while I camped AH like a madman for Gugrusaurus and Lik. Looking at all the different types of fish on the list, we got to wondering: What do some of these colorful and interesting fish taste like? Sure they go into our sushi dishes, tacos, kabobs,(and for you mithras out there, straight from the fishtanks).. but which ones do you think would be your favorite if you were to actually eat them for flavor instead of accuracy and other stats? :3 Legendary fish I think would taste...disgusting.
I could be wrong, I'm really not that knowledgeable about fish though.
This is an interesting read though!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Carbuncle.Sluggo 2011-10-18 00:57:47
I don't think you can find sole much, but it's pretty tasty from what I've heard. I'm fond of squid sushi, octopus sushi, crab sushi, sweet shrimp sushi (raw) and all forms of tuna. I love salmon as sushi but moreso cooked. mahi (dorado) is great. I can't imagine bream sushi being too tasty and I don't like urchin sushi so much. I think my favorite sushi is probably eel. I go sea fishing sometimes and i'll catch rockfish which makes amazing fish and chips and yellowfin tuna which we will cut up on the boat and eat raw, which is also amazing. I get just as mad when i catch a sculpin instead of rockfish as i do when soles bite instead of haks ><.
By Greever 2011-10-18 07:41:06
I Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan said: »Ugh 473/10000 moat carp. I'm seriously considering just paying the damn 4 mil Lu's is going for... I would, I regret dumping 6k moats and never finishing it and just buying the lu out of frustration, so half a lu wasted, lol
Good to hear from an actual fisherman. Then it is decided. I will get a crap ton of gil and purchase the most expensive single item I will ever buy. /sigh Back when I was a 65 WHM, I stopped leveling so I could earn enough gil to buy a noble's tunic.
I finished fishing, and started to make gil. It was going good, earning quite a bit off of sole (AH price was crazy, like 40k a stack or something), but as I made gil the price kept rising. I refused to join a linkshell just to have them give me the body for being a member (a few of my friends back then were doing that, felt it was cheap). I wanted to earn that body.
I eventually bought it for 14,360,000 gil. It is to this day the most expensive item that I have purchased.
And I sold that body for 350k gil after I bought my aristocrats for 1.8 mil.
/endboringstory I got a war story like that lol.
Back during the great inflation (god that makes me sound old >.>), I was making a great amount of gil doing shihei. At the time it was about 50k a stack (single stack lol) on Unicorn. So i stoped everything i was doing and became a Shihei factory.
About a month in and i was just shy of 15 mil. Just about this time the price of items started to go back down. i was sticking to my plan to save all my gil an not buy anything cause ***was getting cheap again.
Then one day i was running through lower jeuno and i see a shout.
"Eurytos' Bow, 12 mil". here i was, a rng w/o the best non-relic bow in the game with an actual chance to get it. My heart skips a beat since the bow was going for 20 mil at the time. Send the dude a tell, and beat him down to 10.5 mil.
Im happy as a pig in a blanket, tellin all my friends i got the bow for almost half of what the ah is going for. Then about 3 weeks later, a buddy on my ls tells me he got the bow for 5 mil off the ah like 3 days earlier. I run to the ah to check the price history cause i think he's full of ***. But there was his name, with a sale tag of 5 mil....and 3 other sales after him, price droping under 4 mil.
Recently ended up selling the bow for 700k since i have a Gandiva now.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-10-18 07:51:19
I'll top you on that one Greever.
*sits down and sips coffee*
It was a long time ago.. I had just finished harvesting an amazing elemental ore crop. I was up to 45 mil. I walked out to Rolanmart to do some browsing and I saw a Peacockcharm for 29.5 mil.
Shocked at this, I bought it without hesitation. Gloating to my LS about it. 3 months later.. SE adds the Under Observation BCNM.. and the price of the P.charm plummets from 30million to 1million.
Of course I didn't sell it like a moron.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Asura.Kazaki 2011-10-18 11:17:09
What's the lowest level you can start to catch Lik without getting the "Your skill is too low to catch this blah blah" ?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-18 12:33:25
Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »I'll top you on that one Greever.
*sits down and sips coffee*
It was a long time ago.. I had just finished harvesting an amazing elemental ore crop. I was up to 45 mil. I walked out to Rolanmart to do some browsing and I saw a Peacockcharm for 29.5 mil.
Shocked at this, I bought it without hesitation. Gloating to my LS about it. 3 months later.. SE adds the Under Observation BCNM.. and the price of the P.charm plummets from 30million to 1million.
Of course I didn't sell it like a moron. I have a story to top that actually believe it or not.
A friend of mine, always was known as a hard worker in making gil, bought a kraken club for some ridiculous price. I want to say 150-200 mil but idk. He then traded that for a Thief Knife plus gave some other gear to cover the cost.
A week later they announced Thief Knife will be 100%.
By Greever 2011-10-18 13:32:00
Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »I'll top you on that one Greever.
*sits down and sips coffee*
It was a long time ago.. I had just finished harvesting an amazing elemental ore crop. I was up to 45 mil. I walked out to Rolanmart to do some browsing and I saw a Peacockcharm for 29.5 mil.
Shocked at this, I bought it without hesitation. Gloating to my LS about it. 3 months later.. SE adds the Under Observation BCNM.. and the price of the P.charm plummets from 30million to 1million.
Of course I didn't sell it like a moron. I have a story to top that actually believe it or not.
A friend of mine, always was known as a hard worker in making gil, bought a kraken club for some ridiculous price. I want to say 150-200 mil but idk. He then traded that for a Thief Knife plus gave some other gear to cover the cost.
A week later they announced Thief Knife will be 100%.
ouch lol.
Super happy right now, just bought my serpent rumors KI!!!!
sucks i have to do work around the house today otherwise id start fishing for my ebisu right now!
I have a question about lik's though, how often dose it usually break ur line and are minnow's/sinking minnows the only buyable bait i can use?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-18 13:38:41
Grats on the KI!
and yes on the bait, I'd use minnows.
Also I'd say 1 rod break every 4-6 fish. If you can get an ebisu friend to help you it is 100 times easier.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Carbuncle.Sluggo 2011-10-18 13:46:09
Grats on the KI!
and yes on the bait, I'd use minnows.
Also I'd say 1 rod break every 4-6 fish. If you can get an ebisu friend to help you it is 100 times easier.
Indeed. iirc sinkers work better though, seem to catch less goby and bass. You will catch a few liks then you will snap like 3 rods in a row and probably be hawking for an ebisuperson real quick. Try to figure out if the time/effort is better suited toward farming the gil to buy or fishing yourself.
By Greever 2011-10-18 13:59:35
well, the best thing about fishing for my ebisu is that im 100 woodworking!!! so i dont have to worry about rod breaks, yea it would probably be frustrating, but thats y i asked about bait. I have to weigh my inventory options by how many lures/crystals to take with me.
By Greever 2011-10-18 15:11:37
just tried pullin up my first lik...and it broke my line lol...now i gotta go back cause i only brought 1 with me just to test the waters lol
edit: just lost my regular minnow and still havent pulled up a lik yet. seems like ill have to bring 20+ lures T.T
By Greever 2011-10-18 16:15:42
jeez these lik's are hard to pull up.....u guys got any tips for reeling them in? think ive lost 3 or 4 lures already w/o pulling any up
By Odin.Upbeat 2011-10-18 17:02:13
For Lik I usually take around 60+ Minnows, I only use Sinking on Hakuryu, and for them I buy all I can get from the NPC.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 142
By Sylph.Deathknight 2011-10-18 17:05:21
3-4 lures is nothing special. Expect to go through a great many lures as well as light crystals. Just keep at it and stock up. Have a mule make a run from the guild while you fish if you need more.
Most importantly, buy any fish you can get access to.
By Greever 2011-10-18 18:39:49
well...u guys wont believe this lol
i bought 15 sinking minnows + the 1 i had in my inventory and 1 minnow for a total of 17 lures.
Cought 7 lik's with those lures.
Trade my first lik and got silk lol....man am i feeling lucky right now. hope my luck runs over to my lottery ticket lol.
that would probably put me at like 1/30 or something, cause i bought some before but never kept count.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Carbuncle.Sluggo 2011-10-19 00:38:18
I went 1/13 on liks, and 1/79 on gugs... wound up spending more for my lu than the ebisu. Go figure
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-19 01:28:28
Very lucky Greever, and congrats.
Gugs are a whole different beast tho, you'll want the two rings and meatballs. And as always don't forget to check if the boat is about to zone or not, don't want to loose 4 mil for a simple mistake ; ;
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Carbuncle.Sluggo 2011-10-19 01:53:18
I've been craving fish tacos all day...
By Greever 2011-10-19 06:07:13
TY all for the info and help ive found on this thread!
yea i know gug's are gonna suck...kinda feel like fishing up sole's each week, then use that gil to buy gugs instead of riskin my rod lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Asura.Kazaki 2011-10-19 07:49:40
Any tips on skilling up from ~90? I keep getting the "Your skill is too low" message when I try to catch Liks...
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-10-19 08:18:16
I'm doing blacksole to 93 (if I can find the time to fish..)
Pisces to 95.
Then Gugs until I get my last item.
Then I'll head back for pisces to 100 if i didn't cap it on gugs.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-10-19 08:42:58
Just barely topped 100k gp after turning in emperor fish last night. Only half way to my signboard... orz
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-19 09:13:37
Any tips on skilling up from ~90? I keep getting the "Your skill is too low" message when I try to catch Liks... i'm not sure!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 437
By Asura.Baroma 2011-10-19 12:37:50
Any tips on skilling up from ~90? I keep getting the "Your skill is too low" message when I try to catch Liks... i'm not sure!
Im 88 now and i been in Qufim fishing Black Soles. with pelican ring. getting good bite rate and good skill ups.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Carbuncle.Flionheart 2011-10-19 12:47:25
I'm just about 70 fishing, going to do 200 Black Sole, Guild points and Woodworking concurrently. Luckily you can stagger fishing and woodworking. And I only need my mule or main to have WW as long as I have them follow me. It saves me space too.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20
By Shiva.Maahes 2011-10-19 13:00:05
Speaking of gp ...
Can I collect gp in fishing at the same time as ww ?
Kind of a newbie fisher. About 50 ish after a long break in skilling to get m lu's which I just got and promptly running about everywhere throwing my line in to see what I catch ;)
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-19 13:02:50
Speaking of gp ...
Can I collect gp in fishing at the same time as ww ?
Kind of a newbie fisher. About 50 ish after a long break in skilling to get m lu's which I just got and promptly running about everywhere throwing my line in to see what I catch ;) They are two different guilds, and you would have to leave the fishing guild to do ww gp, loosing all your fishing gp in the process.
So no D:
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20
By Shiva.Maahes 2011-10-19 13:06:07
Aww ok I knew you could have both 100 etc. I'll have to finish up my ww items then quick so I can work on those fishing ones :) least I can already fix lu's which it sounds like I'll be doing alot (reason this thread makes me glad I can!)
Ty for fast answer :)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Ragnarok.Estrellita 2011-10-19 14:39:25
hey everyone :D i have a quick question about GP item today for me. it's apparently "Veydal Wrasse" and looking up on wiki, there's no information about how many you need for the maximum GP you can get from that fish. anyone know anything about this stupid fishy? :>
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Carbuncle.Sluggo 2011-10-19 15:49:23
Ragnarok.Estrellita said: »hey everyone :D i have a quick question about GP item today for me. it's apparently "Veydal Wrasse" and looking up on wiki, there's no information about how many you need for the maximum GP you can get from that fish. anyone know anything about this stupid fishy? :>
Looking on wiki - says 3.7. so 4 for cap.
There are fishing topics that come up now and then but mainly are asking a question for a single answer. I know there are many fishers that visit these forums so this is an attempt to get people involved and have a little fun discussing one and only one thing, fishing!
I know Blue Gartr has a Fishing topic already, but I would like to see this community get involved a little bit and talk, since not everyone visits BG. I would love to have a topic just for fishers including veteran fishers, casual fishers, and even players just starting out and want to ask a few questions without being embarrassed about starting a whole topic for a simple answer they could not find.
I only ask that you keep any bot talk to a minimum, preferably none. [Moderator edit: No bot talk] I want this to be a place where we can discuss anything from GP items of the day to what lure/bait to use or what area is best. A quick mention of how you're doing on the lu shang/ebisu quest, how you're doing getting your fishing items from Grounds of Valor, that item you're saving your GP up for, or how much you wish you could hurt Zaldon for not finding anything in your fish for the 10,000th time. Your lucky moment streaks and the moments when you have nothing come your way and question why you started fishing in the first place. Anything that comes to mind, think of it as the random thoughts thread for fishing.
I will list a few resources that I find to be useful when it comes to fishing: BG Fishing Topic
Great Blue (Amazing Site <3, is out dated since 2008 but an amazing resource regardless)
Final Fishing (Another great resource with one of the most in-depth guides made. Out of date though.)
Fish Size Chart [ GE][ Wikia]
Chenon Diary (The site seems to be down for good though, it was a site made for Fish Ranking)
I shall add more if people provide good resources.