*story time*
It was months ago... I set out to get the torque for fishing...
It pissed me off every minute.
I was there for weeks.
Four entire weeks actually. All 7 days straight til I couldn't take it anymore then left. Tried it again weeks later. Same result.
I hate Grounds of Valor.
I hate it even more now...

Yea, my resolution was horrible. I was dual boxing on
this crappy laptop so I couldn't have a nice screenshot >.>
First. Chest.
I hate you Grounds of Valor.
What kind of combination is that. You give me greater than 81 at the start. Who the hell gives greater than 81 at the start.
5 chances
>81... guess 91 (4 remain)
>91... guess 95 (3 remain)
>95... guess 97. Opens. Torque.
GoV why must you tease me.
This can't be real.
I guess it is~
Dameion got home when I was opening this chest, kinda funny since he's been gone for the past few days at comic con and gets back when I get it.
He'll get on and get his ebisu soon. Great day /o/
Still hate you GoV~~~~