You're on Pro. Pro isn't the best of collecting all the people who beat Darkhold, but it's better than pads being that you actually don't need to sign up for it to collect information on your character. It just updates more slowly for those who haven't signed up.
Also, it doesn't matter how many in the LS got the kill. That doesn't say anything. It's when the kill took place that represents the skill level of the shell. Even then it's not entirely a good representation being that time has a lot to do with it as well. If you don't have the time to partake in it you will progress more slowly versus others, but I digress.
Obviously, congrats on your successes, but I will have to point something out you might not like. You were always the last to complete these challenges out of all Linkshells on the server who focus on end game content. Also, offering up strategies that were actually given to you by other players in other linkshells does not an Elite make.
Again, no disrespect. There are some nice members in Elite. I just think in order to be loud about something, if that includes your success in an MMO, I'd expect that it would be a server first or something no one has thought of yet in terms of strategy or party builds.